How to wake yourself up when tired at work

The 19 best ways and tips

Here are some tips to help stay awake at work if a person finds themselves feeling tired and sleepy:

1. Have some caffeine

Share on PinterestHaving drinks with caffeine may help to provide energy to stay awake at work, although some types of caffeine may cause an energy crash.

Caffeine is a very popular stimulant in coffee that helps the body to stay awake. The issue many people have with coffee is that it seems to cause an energy crash after the effects wear off.

Some people choose to replace coffee with other drinks with less caffeine, such as black or green tea, in these cases.

Tea may have a gentler stimulating effect, which may help reduce the dips and peaks in energy someone experiences throughout the day.

2. Keep a consistent sleep schedule

The need for stimulants like caffeine may be due to a poor sleep schedule or erratic sleep pattern. Most adults need between 7 and 9 hours of sleep each night.

This can vary, but getting around the same amount of sleep each night may help the body balance its energy levels.

It may also help to go to bed and wake up around the same time each day. Having a regular schedule may help the body get more rest, which could help the mind stay alert and active throughout the day.

3. Go outside

The circadian rhythms of the body that help regulate the sleep and wakefulness cycles take their cues from the levels of daylight.

It may help to spend some time outside in the daylight each day when trying to reset circadian rhythms to find a balance in the sleep cycle,.

Some people find that the blue early morning light is best, but if this is not possible, simply spending a bit of time outdoors each day may be a helpful start.

4. Have a conversation

An engaging conversation often leaves little room to feel tired, and people who regularly converse with a colleague or friend may be more alert than others.

Choosing conversations over emails whenever possible may also be more engaging and could help improve workplace monotony.

5. Listen to music

Playing music at work or in headphones may also help the brain stay active. The type of music is personal preference, though very calming or relaxing music may simply make a person more tired. In comparisons, choosing something lively could be stimulating instead of sleep-inducing.

6. Try to exercise

It may seem like exercising when already tired is counterintuitive, but physical exercise may help increase the flow of oxygen-rich blood throughout the body. Improving blood flow could have a revitalizing effect on the mind. A few squats or a quick jog around the block may be enough to get the blood flowing.

7. Stay active

If exercise is impossible at work, it may be enough to simply take active breaks throughout the day instead of sitting in the break room. Walking around the building during a break may be enough to keep the blood flowing.

8. Stretch

Some basic stretching at the desk or workstation may help if getting up and moving around is not an option.

Stretching the arms over the head, rolling the neck side to side, or doing some torso twists may be simple ways to loosen up tight muscles and keep blood flowing and the body energized.

9. Stay hydrated

Drinking extra water during the day can help avoid dehydration, which could make it hard to focus and stay alert throughout the day.

Extra water may also increase the need to urinate, which may also help keep the body awake as the person walks to the bathroom.

10. Snack on healthful foods

Share on PinterestSnacking on nuts or trail mix will provide long-lasting energy throughout the day.

The types of food eaten throughout the day may also play a part in staying alert or feeling sluggish.

Healthful snacks may use less energy to digest or help keep blood sugar more balanced than eating junk food or sugar-sweetened beverages.

Snack ideas to keep the body satisfied and energized throughout the day include:

  • nuts or trail mix
  • granola
  • a hard-boiled egg
  • natural yogurt
  • vegetable slices and hummus
  • fresh fruit, such as bananas, grapes, or apples


Do deep breathing

It can be difficult to fully inflate the lungs when sitting for long periods of time. Taking time to practice deep breathing each day may increase the amount of oxygen in the body and help reduce fatigue.

Even taking a few slow, deep breaths into the abdomen may be enough for a person to feel temporarily rejuvenated and alert.

12. Take a nap

A quick nap during lunch or before a late work shift may also help reset the brain and keep the body energized throughout the work shift.

For people working in the morning to afternoon, this could be as simple as taking a quick 10 to 20 minute nap in the car.

People working an evening or night shift may want to take a nap before they head to work.

13. Keep the workspace bright

Keeping the workspace brightly-lit may also help keep the mind awake and alert. Adding a brighter light bulb to the desk or opening extra windows to let light in may do the trick.

During night shifts, it may be helpful to turn on extra lights.

14. Keep cool

Splashing very cold water on the face and hands may help wake the body and brain up, as the body must then work to replace the lost heat.

Removing a jacket or other outer clothing that is keeping someone warm or turning the air-conditioning on a little stronger may also cool down the body and keep the mind more alert.

15. Inhale sharp smells

Share on PinterestSharp smells, such as peppermint, may help to stimulate the senses and improve alertness.

Sharp or pungent smells may help wake up the senses and make a person feel more alert. Inhaling essential oils may help, including the scents of:

  • eucalyptus
  • peppermint
  • bergamot
  • lemon
  • camphor

The scent of brewing coffee may also be enough to make a person feel alert. Even if no one is planning on drinking it, brewing some extra coffee just to have the scent in the air may help people feel alert.

16. Lifestyle changes

While the mentioned solutions are good in a pinch, the ideal solution may be for a person to make some long-term changes in their lifestyle to avoid symptoms of fatigue and sluggishness.

Lifestyle changes might include having a more healthful diet, exercising more, getting more quality sleep, or any other suggestions that become long-term changes.

17. Avoid stimulants before bed

The stimulating effects of tea, coffee, and chocolate may be great during the day, but they could make it harder to get to sleep or stay asleep. So, it is best to avoid having stimulating or energizing foods and drinks later in the day to allow the body to wind down naturally.

18. Make napping a habit

A small nap during the day may help reset the body and keep it from feeling sleepy. If naps are helpful, try scheduling a nap each day to keep the body in a consistent pattern and help regulate sleep habits.

19. Avoid blue light near bedtime

As mentioned, blue light helps the body adjust its circadian rhythms to stay awake. This is good during the day, but getting too much blue light at night may work against the body and mind. It may keep the body and mind awake and alert during a time when a person is trying to rest and recuperate.

Reducing exposure to blue light at night involves cutting how much time is spent in front of a computer, television, or smartphone screen. It may also be helpful to avoid bright lamps in the home or have a spare lamp with softer light in the bedroom.

Feeling tired or sluggish at work is common, but it does not have to be permanent. There are some habits to add to the daily routine that could help someone stay awake at work.

Supportive lifestyle changes may be more long-term solutions to help keep fatigue away, as well.

How to Stay Awake at Work: 17 Tips

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Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could take a quick break from work to nap every time you felt you needed it? Unfortunately, this is not the reality for most people.

Tiredness at work is common whether you work part time or full time, day shift or night shift. It can harm your work performance and make work less enjoyable. And in some careers, it can be downright dangerous.

If you’re struggling to stay awake at work and the coffee’s just not cutting it, try some of these tips:

1. Go for a walk before work

Getting some fresh air and moving your body before work can help keep you awake. A walk is especially effective at increasing your alertness if you take one when the sun’s up.

2. Take a nap before work

While it’s often impossible to take a nap on the job, taking a nap before work can help increase your alertness. This is an especially important tip for shift workers, who may be required to work odd or alternating hours. Napping for as little as 15 to 20 minutes before work can help improve your alertness throughout your shift.

3. Take activity breaks

Sitting or standing still for too long, such as at a desk or cash register, can make you feel tired. Staying active can help you feel more alert and think more clearly. Get up and take activity breaks every few hours if possible. For example, try walking around your office or workplace while you take that phone call.You can also try these exercises you can do at your desk.

4. Keep your workspace bright

If you work during the day, keep your workplace window shades open to let in sunlight. If you’re working when it’s dark or dim, turn the lights on to help keep you awake and alert.

5. Drink water

Sipping caffeine can give you a temporary energy boost, but drinking water throughout your shift is much healthier and is also effective in keeping you alert. That’s because dehydration can make it more difficult for you to concentrate on your work.

6. Drink caffeine early in your shift

Consuming some caffeine early in your shift can boost your alertness early in your day. Be sure to consume it only at the start of your shift, though. Caffeinating too late can interfere with your ability to sleep after work.


Keep snacks handy

Eating healthy snacks during the day can help keep your blood sugar — and attention — steady all day long. Look for foods with a mix of protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats. Good snack options include:

  • peanut butter and whole wheat crackers
  • granola and yogurt
  • nuts and fruit
  • baby carrots and cheese

Avoid consuming foods and beverages with added sugar, such as candies, energy bars, and soda.

8. Get the easy stuff out of the way

It can be hard to focus on complex tasks when you’re tired. If possible, complete the easiest tasks when you’re tired, such as replying to emails, filing documents, or reorganizing your computer’s desktop. Usually your energy will return as you complete these simpler tasks.

9. Use energizing scents to wake you up

Keep scented candles or an essential oil diffuser at your desk. Look for scents that are strong and energizing, such as jasmine, citrus, or peppermint. You can also rub essential oil on your hands and temples to help keep you energized.

Shop for an essential oil diffuser and essential oils now.

10. Turn on some tunes

Listening to loud, energizing music such as rock or pop can sometimes help increase your energy level. If you work in a shared space, make sure to wear headphones so you don’t disturb your coworkers.

The above tips are great short-term fixes to staying awake at work. But to help stay alert at work in the long term, you need to make some adjustments to your daily life.

Here are seven lifestyle changes that can help increase the quality of your sleep, making it easier for you to stay awake at work.

1. Avoid light before bed

Your body’s production of melatonin, which helps you sleep, is influenced by light and dark. It can be challenging, especially for shift workers, to avoid light before bed. Sunlight can make your body feel more energized when you’re trying to wind down.

Reduce your exposure to light before bed by limiting your screen time from your TV or cell phone. In addition, try wearing an eye mask or hanging darkening shades on your windows if sunlight keeps you up when you’re trying to sleep.

2. Avoid consuming stimulants before bed

Don’t consume caffeine or other stimulants during the second half of your shift. Doing so can make it much more difficult for you to fall and stay asleep at bedtime.

3. Make your bedroom quiet

Turn off all electronic devices, such as your TV, and use earplugs to keep your bedroom quiet. Use a white noise machine to drown out loud or distracting noises if necessary.

4. Make napping part of your routine

Setting up a nap schedule can help regulate your sleep.

5. Limit your shift changes

Changing shifts often makes it harder for your body to adjust. Limit these changes when possible.

6. Pay attention to your body when it comes to exercise

Exercise is helpful in promoting sleep. However, for some people, exercising right before bed can make it harder to fall asleep. For others, exercise may not affect their sleep patterns at all. Get to know your body and what feels best.

7. Avoid smoking and drinking before bed

These habits can make it more difficult for you to fall and stay asleep.

Feeling tired at work can make your workday less productive and less enjoyable. Luckily, there are things you can do today to help make you feel less sleepy and more alert at work. Making certain lifestyle changes to promote sleep after work will help you stay alert at work in the long term, as well.

How to deal with fatigue in the workplace?

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Sometimes it happens that you come to work, but you are already tired, and you don’t want to do anything, just to sleep. We will tell you how to overcome sleep and spend the working day with benefit.

It probably happens to everyone: you come to work/university/school, and you realize that you can't do anything, your eyes get stuck together, you get sleepy. You understand that even if they let you go home now, you still won’t crawl to the bed and fall asleep on the nearest bench. So what is it? Why do you sleep peacefully all night in bed, do not sit at the computer at night, but calmly catch dreams. In the morning, all the hours that you overslept magically disappear and it seems that you have not slept all night? What to do with fatigue, if you do not want to oversleep the whole working day, and at the same time not spend a lot of time on bringing yourself in good shape?
So: if you wake up and feel that the bed is luring you back under the covers, and there is a long and hard working day ahead, then you don’t need to panic, but take action right away. Let's start from the very beginning, namely from the moment you go to bed. Of course, as soon as you come tired from work, you want no one to touch you, but just have a quick dinner and immediately go to bed. But this will not help, because if you lie down tired, then in the morning you will wake up the same, and in the evening everything will be repeated all over again. Therefore, before going to bed, you need to take measures to somehow cheer yourself up, and then in the morning you will wake up well-rested. To do this, you can do a little gymnastics, a short walk or take a cold shower, and when you are cleansed of fatigue and anxious thoughts, you can safely go to bed, before that, do not forget to open the windows so that the room is ventilated at night. Let's move on: the night has come and naturally, if you want to get up cheerful, then you need to forget about nightly computer games and watching TV shows. Only a dream.

Well, morning has come, time to wake up and go to work. You followed all the rules: you went to bed awake, slept peacefully all night, and woke up as if you had been carrying bricks all night. No, you are not doomed, you can still feel sleepy. First, it is worth checking if you always get up at the same time, if not, then you should make a habit of getting up always at the same hour. Also, to wake yourself up in the morning, try to do exercises, but do not overdo it, because heavy exercises will only exhaust you worse. Try just stretching your neck, waving your arms, squatting, bending over, and most likely this will be enough. Also to help you - a cold shower, it perfectly invigorates in the morning. If you have a short walk to work, you can get to it in a sporty way: by bicycle, rollerblading, skateboarding, or simply by running to the place of work.

But then you came to your work, and fatigue again "attacked" you. In this case, try to answer her with invigorating coffee, and even better - tea. Try doing short calisthenics again to cheer yourself up. Directly during working hours, do not overwork yourself and make sure that parts of your body do not become numb. To do this, sometimes get up from your workplace, do a short warm-up for the neck, legs and arms. During your lunch break, try not to spend all your time eating, but spend part of the time walking, exercising, or just sitting around doing nothing.

Well, we've had another hard day at work! Take care of yourself, exercise and go to bed on time. Spend the night on sleep, not on TV shows and the Internet. If you follow all these norms, then you can say goodbye to fatigue, and always come to your favorite job cheerful.

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10 tips on how to wake up the body if you want to sleep all the time

Komsomolskaya Pravda

Healthy Medicine Health: Help yourself

Anna Gerasimenko

December 5, 2014 6:00

What will help us to wake up and be active during the day


photos: Global look Press

at 8 am at the morning of the morning still dark. Every morning you think, probably, the alarm clock is broken - in the middle of the night it rings. Getting used to the dark winter rise is difficult, because our body “wakes up” from the light, from the sun. In addition, we sleep little, do not get enough sleep, we want to do everything in the world, but there is not enough time for rest. How to wake yourself up if you feel tired and sleepy during the day?

1. The magic of daylight

Natural lighting is a great help to the body that cannot wake up. After all, in daylight, melatonin, the hormone that causes sleep, ceases to be produced. Natural light wakes up and improves mood. So open the curtains, go out during the day from the office, from the house to the street - just walk in the daylight. If the sun is shining, catch every ray. In winter, we are especially deficient in vitamin D, and only sunlight in contact with our skin can help produce it.

2. More water

When we lack fluids, we become dehydrated, which makes us feel tired and lose energy. So if you fall asleep on the go, drink more water. But not coffee and sweet sodas, namely simple drinking cool water.

3. Proper food

Food can also put us to sleep and wake us up. To wake up, do not skip breakfast. And for lunch, do not eat fatty foods. Eat often and in small portions, the best option is foods rich in proteins. But it is better to avoid energy drinks and caffeine, they will not only not help, but can only harm, accelerating the work of a sleepy heart.

4. Movement is life

If you sit in one position, you will want to sleep even more. Walk. Get moving. If possible, do exercises, stretch all parts of the body - twist your neck, do side bends, squats, straighten your shoulders. If there is nowhere to do exercises, go for water or walk up the stairs to colleagues on other floors.

5. Inhale-exhale

Breathing in the stomach will help you wake up and cheer up. Inhale and exhale through the nose, "inflating" the air, and then "deflate" the stomach. Gradually speed up the inhalations, exhalations and movements of the stomach.

6. Music

Do not listen to calm relaxing music - you will fall asleep completely. You will be shaken by a rhythmic melody, to which you want to dance, and your foot stomps to the beat. Turn up the volume - Latin rhythms, pop music - what is usually played in discos and fitness classes.

7. Breaks

Find an excuse to take a break every 30 minutes. Clean up the desk, go to other rooms (if you are in the office). Get up and stretch your legs and arms. This will help the blood circulation to "keep up", the blood will run faster, and the body will become active.

8. Fresh air

The sleepy brain needs oxygen to be active. If you can, take a walk or just open the window and take a deep breath. If you fall asleep in the car, put on a hat and open the window for a while.

9. Wash your face

Take a shower in the morning. If you can stand under contrast, you are a hero. If not, then pour cold water over at least your legs and arms. Wow! And wake up immediately. During the day, you can simply wash your face with cold water several times - this will wake you up and improve your complexion.

10. Stirlitz's dream

Sometimes you want to sleep so much that you can't fight yourself. Well, don't fight. Find an opportunity and close your eyes - at least for 10-15 minutes. Such a short break will give you a lot of energy!

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