I love you because I will never get tired of spending time with you.
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This is our day to shine and do what we like. This is our day to have fun and enjoy. This is our day to have no problems and no stress.
For HimTimeTop 100
I love your personality so much and I want to spend the rest of my life with you.
For HimI Love YouTime
No matter how much time I spend with you, I can never ever get enough of you. Your love is forever mine and I need you everyday.
For HimTimeTop 100
When I'm with you hours feel like seconds. When we're apart days feel like years.
For HerTimeTop 100
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I'm in love with every moment I spend with you.
I Love YouTimeTop 100
Out of all of the moments in my life, the ones I have spent with you are my most favorite.
TimeTop 100With You
Even if I spend the entire day with you, I will miss you the second you leave.
I Love YouMiss YouTime
Spending time with you is so precious and I love every minute that we are together.
For HimIn LoveSweet
Talking to you, laughing with you, being with you, changes my whole mood.
For HerTimeWith You
I wish time could just stop when I'm in your arms because it's the best feeling ever.
For HerTimeTrue Love
My perfect day has nothing to do with the weather or what I'm doing. My perfect day is whenever I'm with you.
For HerTimeWith You
Sitting next to you doing absolutely nothing means absolutely everything to me.
TimeTrue LoveWith You
I just want to lay on your chest and listen to your heart beat.
For HimSweetTime
Anywhere with you is better than anywhere without you.
TimeWeddingWith You
The best part of the day is when you and me become "we."
TimeWeddingWith You
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The few hours I spend with you are worth the thousand hours I spend without you.
For HerTimeWith You
I never want to stop making memories with you.
For HerTimeWith You
You're my favorite. My favorite pair of eyes to look into. My favorite name to see appear on my phone. My favorite way to spend an afternoon. You're my favorite everything.
For HimTimeWith You
List of top 60 famous quotes and sayings about i'll never get tired of you to read and share with friends on your Facebook, Twitter, blogs.
#1. Franny gave her sister a tired smile."Oh, my love," she said. "What do the only children do?"
"We'll never have to know," Caroline said. - Author: Ann Patchett
#2. No matter how tired the body gets, one must never let the exhaustion enter one's thoughts. - Author: Haruki Murakami
#3. If you are sitting there waiting for someone to tell you how wonderful you are, you'll never get anything done. Women need to get over being women. I'm tired of that socialization of women; that we are always supposed to be sitting around pleasing somebody. - Author: Nikki Giovanni
#4. I'll never get tired of fucking you. - Author: Leta Blake
#5. I almost never like people, even in tiny doses. But I never get tired of being with you. - Author: Laini Taylor
#6. I sort of get tired of myself sometimes.When you're busy, your life becomes relatively small. But I never get tired of talking to other people. - Author: Marc Maron
#7. God always forgives when you are totally repentant and you desire to change. He forgives ... and He never gets tired of forgiving. Never. You may get tired asking. I hope not. He never, never tires of forgiving. Never. - Author: Mother Angelica
#8. And now I'm really, really, really tired and I want to fall asleep listening to someone tell me how much they like me and how pretty I am and stuff. That's all I want. And when I wake up, I'll be full of energy and I'll never make these kinds of selfish demands again. I swear. I'll be a good girl. - Author: Haruki Murakami
#9. You'll never get tired of seeing all of God's exhibits in His great Fairground of the Heavenly City on Earth where you can really learn the facts and the truth about everything the way it really was.How's that for a great Heavenly Fair in Heaven so fair? - Author: David Berg
#10. I am pretty weird - as weird as in my videos. The only difference is Lilly is not a performer, and Superwoman is. So Superwoman is very fearless. You'll never see her nervous. You'll never see her sad. But Lilly is a human. She is the person behind Superwoman, who gets sad and tired sometimes. - Author: Lilly Singh
#11. I was heading for the city in the south, of which they used to say in our village:
'There are people for you! Just think - they never go to sleep!'
'And why don't they?'
'Because they're fools.'
'Don't fools get tired, then?'
'How could fools get tired? - Author: Franz Kafka
#12. I'm a person who has a lot of energy. So, yes, I don't really stop to rest or de-stress. I just keep going. I figure that if you don't stop, then you'll never notice how tired you are.- Author: Zooey Deschanel
#13. You don't get tired of looking at her. You never worry if she is smarter than you: You know she is. She is funny without ever being mean. I love her. I am so lucky to lover her. - Author: John Green
#14. I'll never get tired of looking at her. Or kissing her. Pussy whipped, thy name is Drew. Yeah I know. It's okay. I don't mind. 'Caue if this is the Dark Side? Sign me up. Seriously. Don't be surprised if I start skipping down the street singing, "Zip-a-Dee-fucking-Doo-Dah." I'm that happy. - Author: Emma Chase
#15. Very often, you know, you stop walking because you say, 'Well, I'm tired of climbing this hill. I'm never going to get to the top.' And you're only two steps from the top. - Author: Morgan Freeman
#16. That night,I lay on my side,staring out the window into the invisible world outside.I kept trying to fall asleep,but then my eyes would dart open,just to check.I couldn't help but hope that Margo Roth Spiegelman would return to my window and drag my tired ass through one more night I'd never forget. - Author: John Green
#17. She is so beautiful. You don't get tired of looking at her. You never worry if she is smarter than you: You know she is. She is funny without ever being mean. I love her. I am so lucky to love her. - Author: John Green
#18. You like sequences," Fuka-Eri asked, without a question mark. "To me, they're like Bach's Well-Tempered Clavier. I never get tired of them. - Author: Haruki Murakami
#19. Let's say you need a perfectly obedient servant who never gets tired, never needs to be paid, and is virtually indestructible. If you're in a galaxy a long time ago and far, far away, you'll just fly off to the local droid auction and pick up one of those shiny gold models with lovely manners.- Author: Kage Baker
#20. Money and corruption are ruining the land, crooked politicians betray the working man, pocketing the profits and treating us like sheep, and we're tired of hearing promises that we know they'll never keep. - Author: Ray Davies
#21. I never get tired of 'It Was A Good Day' references or jokes or anything like that. It's just, you know, keeping my biggest hit alive. Nothing wrong with that. - Author: Ice Cube
#22. But you'll never get a new ending if you keep starting with the same tired beginning. - Author: Lisa Daily
#23. Feeling tired should almost never be an excuse, because your body has huge reserves of energy. But if you eat badly, stay out late, drink too much, and so on, you'll pay a price on the course. - Author: Hale Irwin
#24.You'll never get tired of loving when you enjoy the feeling of being in love.. - Author: Jinnul Jr.
#25. I'll never wake up in a good mood again.
I'm tired of these stinky boots - Author: Jim Morrison
#26. I only wanted to get married once, so when I felt I was ready to handle it, I looked at my relationships and noticed that boyfriends get tired of girlfriends, and vice versa, but you never get tired of your friends. - Author: Jason Bateman
#27. I get so tired of people acting like, you know, black men and women never help each other, never support each other. - Author: Bell Hooks
#28. feeling of when you think you can never stop laughing and you think if you don't stop, you'll burst in half and that makes you laugh even more, thinking about bursting and then when you stop, you are so tired but it is such a happy tired.- Author: Cecily Anne Paterson
#29. I'll stay until I'm tired of it. So long as Britain needs me, I shall never be tired of it. - Author: Margaret Thatcher
#30. I like the sky. You can look at it forever and never get tired of it, and when you don't want to look at it anymore, you stop. - Author: Haruki Murakami
#31. It hurts almost more than I can bear. Tears sting my eyes again; I wipe them away impatiently. I am so tired of crying, so tired of feeling like half a person, but I don't know how to change things... (I have never felt so lost and alone.) - Author: Kristin Hannah
#32. I'm never going to get tired of finding you looking at me that way. Like you have to have me right now."
She laughed, then looked around to make sure Leah wasn't too close. "I just had you," she whispered ... - Author: Jill Shalvis
#33. Sometimes you have no right to be tired! You have to work till you reach the glory! Sometimes you must refuse to repose; you must reach the target that you wish to reach just like an arrow never stopping here and there! - Author: Mehmet Murat Ildan
#34. She never seemed to be truly happy; she just seemed to be passing time while she waited for something else. She was tired of just existing; she wanted to live. - Author: Cecelia Ahern
#35. How often, when I have told you that all men are false and perjury alike, and grow tired of us as soon as ever they have had their wicked wills of us, how often have you sworn you would never forsake me? - Author: Henry Fielding
#36. This whole situation is so fucked up. This game. This thing between us. It's exhausting. God, I'm just so sick of it and tired of hating Mr.Black one minute to wanting a future with you the next. A future I know will never happen. - Author: Ella Dominguez
#37. Zoms never tired. - Author: Jonathan Maberry
#38. I was tired of acting free when I was not, tired of acting strong when I was in fact weak. I hungered more for freedom than I cared for the approval of those around me. I had already discovered that their approval could never set me free. - Author: Anonymous
#39. I don't stretch my hand out anymore, but I never get tired of waiting for the next magic. - Author: Marlon Brando
#40. I can say,"I am too tiered but life will never allow anyone to be tired". - Author: Vaibhav Soni
#41. I was in continual agony; I have never in my life been so tired as on the summit of Everest that day.I just sat and sat there, oblivious to everything ... - Author: Reinhold Messner
#42. Speaking with her always felt like sitting on a seashore. Hearing the waves and feeling them crashing into my feet, While gazing the setting sun and the way he colours the whole sky. I never got tired of it. - Author: Akshay Vasu
#43. That's it! You're Collin McCann," Wilkins said.
Collin grinned. Ah ... fans. He never got tired of meeting them. "Guilty as charged - Author: Julie James
#44. All you want is to have hot sex,
But after work every night,
You're so tired, the only thing
You can turn on is T.V shite.
There's never energy for sex.
So, oh, whatever will you do?
Well, there is no need to worry,
Because the system will screw you. - Author: Harry Whitewolf
#45. Persons, who knows that, that they will not be able to rest along the way when they took a path, will never get tired.- Author: Mustafa Kemal Ataturk
#46. Now that the spectres of violence and spoliation had fled, the few hundred people who made up "the world" never tired of meeting each other, always the same ones, to exchange congratulations on still existing. - Author: Giuseppe Tomasi Di Lampedusa
#47. If I could go back I wouldn't change anything. If I was popular I would have never left my bubble. I wouldn't have ever tired to do anything different. I would have never become happy. - Author: Taylor Swift
#48. If you are going to win any battle, you have to do one thing. You have to make the mind run the body. Never let the body tell the mind what to do ... the body is never tired if the mind is not tired. - Author: George S. Patton Jr.
#49. He never tired of watching her breathe. Every night spent beside her was an honour.- Author: Colin Cotterill
#50. HALT stands for hungry, angry, lonely and tired and you should never make a decision when you are any of those things. - Author: Gary Halbert
#51. I never get tired of hearing compliments. - Author: John Lithgow
#52. I appeal for cessation of hostilities, not because you are too exhausted to fight, but because war is bad in essence. You want to kill Nazism. You will never kill it by its indifferent adoption. - Author: Mahatma Gandhi
#53. I was so tired of fighting. Tired of hurting. Tired of the guilt that never released me, and the regrets that could not be changed. I didn't want this life. They're were only so many times I could hear that I should never have been born, before I wished it to be true. - Author: Rebecca Donovan
#54.They are filled with earnest nonsense, the sort of things that a boy writes to his sweetheart, but which somehow, when they are meant for you, never feel tired or cliched or anything other than absolutely tender and true. - Author: Natasha Solomons
#55. A girl who never got tired of her favorite movies," he said softly. "Who saved dresses like ticket stubs. Who could get high on the weather ... - Author: Rainbow Rowell
#56. I'm not scared of death, just tired. So fucking tired of being alive yet never fully breathing. - Author: Jessica Sorensen
#57. It was a tradition between them that they should never be too tired for anything, and they found it made the days better on the whole and put the evenings more in order. - Author: F Scott Fitzgerald
#58. You never get tired of the buzz of touring.- Author: Peter Noone
#59. I've encountered my fair share of war reenactors over the years, but I've never seen a reenactment of this banal predicament: a tired woman in a dark house answering a child who is supposed to be asleep that she has no idea when Daddy's coming home. - Author: Sarah Vowell
#60. It was 2:49 in the morning. I had never, in my entire life, felt less tired. - Author: John Green
"I hate when the table wobbles!" - Diana Arbenina says in the middle of the conversation and quickly puts a folded napkin under the table leg. She is like that in everything - fast, honest, sharp. What in songs, such in life. 19August her group "Night Snipers" turns 25 years old. In an interview with TASS, the musician spoke about how songs are written, how she was once kicked out of the stage, what she thinks about love and careerists, and for which her journalist mother once kicked her out of the house.
— You said in one interview that before concerts you sometimes say to your band: "Why didn't I go to work at the factory!" What factory would you like to work in?
- The bakery was meant, then the group gave me a bread machine. I like the smell of bread, in general I love bread very much, like a normal Russian person. I do not ignore it, as many do now.
- That is, if you had not become a musician, then you would bake bread. Were there any other options?
- Yes, and this was not. I was and still am a musician. You know, before going on stage, I always feel fear. He was always there, but now he's just an animal. My hands might even get a little sweaty. But as soon as I take the first step from behind the scenes, I stop being afraid. It seems to me that this excitement is understandable: while you are worried, you are alive, striving forward. Once you decide that you are a hero and an incredible star, you just need to run off the stage and stay at home. And bake the same bread. We serve the stage, not it us.
— Have you at least once in your life wanted to drop everything and leave, relatively speaking, to grow cabbage?
- Grow cabbage or bake bread, let's decide?
— There is a legend about a Roman emperor who left power and grew cabbages… if you think hard - let's say goodbye!" Either music or almshouse - I think it's just a legend. Power tightens and does not let go, just like the stage. You know, I often say: "Now I will give up everything, I will leave and I will write books. — Far from everyone who starts to sing succeeds. What do you need to make it work - how are you? © Stoyan Vasev/TASS — It seems to me that you need to recognize yourself as a victim. — Is writing songs also primarily a job? - After writing a song, I lie on the floor for five or six hours and cannot move my arm or leg. - You once said that "songs are not made out of happiness". And from what? How are they spelled? - Do you know how I wrote the song "Catastrophically"? It was in the late 90s, when we didn't know how to play properly yet. The song is not written under drugs, alcohol, cigarettes. I do not believe in this. Creativity must be pure, the brain must work to the limit of its capabilities in order to catch and put on paper what is in the air. I write in a state of high. - Many writers say they can't reread their texts because they seem terrible... © Stoyan Vasev/TASS — Poor things. Why write then? And what is even more incomprehensible - why was it made public? If I suddenly hear my song, which was written, relatively speaking, 15 years ago, I think: "Wow, cool writing, what a great fellow!" But for that to happen, you have to work. And learn. If "I am a poet, I am called Svetik" - this is immediately evident. No matter how hard you call yourself a wonderful writer, poet or composer, the donkey ears of your ignorance will still come out. I studied to be a linguist - first in Magadan, then in St. Petersburg. And these "my universities" helped me approach myself soberly and "with a whip" for the slightest roughness in the text. - Do you approach yourself "with a whip" at all? — Yes, I should love myself more. - Each of your songs is a love story, and you have said more than once that there is nothing more to write about ... - That's right. For a woman, that's right. Well, not to write about barricades... — Why? - Listen, I think this is somehow pathetic. Revolutionary women have always evoked in me not only disgust, but universal melancholy. Of all the women who have ever fought, only Joan of Arc is close to me. All these revolutionary things, it seems to me, end up with the fact that women do not know how to cook normally, they do not know how to properly serve their family - which they must serve in fact. - Interesting: you are a self-made woman and, in general, can be an example of a feminist. But at the same time, any popular "Facebook" feminist would be very angry with your words! — What I say is only my opinion, I do not impose it on anyone. To whom the barricades are close - for God's sake. In a real woman, both can coexist. Here, for example, Ksenia Sobchak, who ran for president, is proof of this: she is an intelligent person and she has a great family. I'm talking about women who don't know how to take care of themselves and who have cockroaches running around at home. - Let's get back to the songs. Writing about love means perpetuating your love stories. Does it happen that you listen to your song and remember: there was such a novel, such a person? - Good question. No. - You once said that with age, love covers more and more "catastrophically". - Of course. — It is believed that it usually happens the other way around, it is only in youth that people fall in love in such a way that they blow their minds… Well, I congratulate those who do not need. I still need. And even more than at 20. - Do you often fall in love? — Not now. But this is temporary. The jubilee year and, of course, "Olympic" swallowed up all of me! We have been preparing for it since December, I already think: rather . - That is, it would be normal for you if you managed to fall in love three times from December to this day? — No, I can't do that. When I fall in love, it's an earthquake. When the time comes, you will feel it. — You have the song "Tsoi" dedicated to rock musicians of the 80s and 90s. What do you think of the movie "Summer"? Read also "It didn't happen": can Boris Grebenshchikov criticize Kirill Serebrennikov's "Summer" - I haven't watched it yet. With all my respect and love for Kirill Serebrennikov. I'll take a look, of course, but I'm still somehow scared. You see, I lived for 10 years in St. Petersburg and I know well what St. - Speaking of Russian rock. You once said that he lacks sex today. It seems to me that if anyone in Russian music has sex in their songs, then it is you. How does it work? - Well, that's the biggest compliment you could give me. Why is that? Because this is important to me, I flourish in this, I cannot imagine life without love and making love ... I do not believe that a person can be happy and complete without this. I always see when a woman has some problems in this part of her life. And I pity the careerists. I think: "God, what a fool you are! Money and fame will never make you as happy as a loving person can." I love smart and sexy people. (At that moment, Diana's phone rings. — A sexy person who is this? What is he? - Here, for example, Valery Meladze! who just called. If we talk about men - courageous, intelligent, smiling ... In general, I like generous men. I have such a father. There has never been a hint of stinginess and redneck in my family. Give your best, give yours. That's how I was brought up. In the sixth grade - you didn’t share a candy, so they just raise you on the rack! Uprooting this "possessiveness" from you. It’s good that it was, because now I don’t feel sorry for giving it away: I have a guitar, I have a sheet with a pen, and I’m fine. - About the lack of sex in modern performers - has it somehow changed lately? In general, "that young punks that will wipe us off the face of the earth" (a line from Boris Grebenshchikov's song - TASS note) appears? - It depends on what genre. If we talk about Russian rock, then it somehow died out. But we live by the principle "he who survived, he survived", and if it is outdated, then the time has come. Of course, I would like talented girls to appear ... — How do you like Monetochka? — Not yet. Not impressed. When I heard Zemfira "You have AIDS, which means we will die", it was immediately clear that a cool promising author was born. And now many guys are shocking, but very often there is nothing behind them. You can shock one and a half times, then nobody is interested. Read also Generation "post-post": what does the singer Monetochka sing about And there are very few people who would write cool songs, but they certainly exist. — Do you think that immortality is children, and not what a person creates? — I believe that children are the most important thing that we do in life, despite the fact that it is not yet clear what they will grow up to be. But I try very hard to make them good. Today, Theme came to me in the morning at 7.15 and started knocking. I say: “Theme, are you dreaming about me? I said a billion times: we go to mom after washing and getting dressed. And in principle, my dear, you can cook breakfast for yourself and us. Therefore, Artem, if you come again at 8:00 in the morning, you immediately put on your gym clothes, do 20 circles around the house and 50 push-ups. " I hope that at some point I will do it. But if I decide to do this, then I will not, like many, arrange a "farewell tour" for 10-15 years. Because when you leave, leave. Until you are ready to leave. And I don't get tired of music. I'm just as excited to write songs as I was 25 years ago, and even more. I get tired of the daily work routine, from moving, from the punctures of the people who work with me, from the indifferent attitude, from negligence. I just hate it when a person doesn't care how they did their job. This is not about morality, but about attitude to life. I go on stage - and I die on it. I wish I didn't die, but I can't. I leave everything to her. And when the person next to me is satisfied with the result of "four", I think: "What the hell are you here for? If you don't cover my back, if you think hard - let's say goodbye!" Either music or an almshouse. For me, it's just music.
I am a typical example of this. I'm not married, I don't have a family in the usual sense of the word - when you come home from work, cook borscht, go to Turkey for "all inclusive" ... I'm constantly on tour, I have a huge guilt complex in front of children (Diana has twins - eight-year-old Artem and Marta - TASS note) which I haven't seen in weeks. But this is my way, my life credo. And when I say the word "victim", it does not mean that I should be sorry, that I am suffering. I'm just okay with what I do. The scene absorbs as much as possible and requires that the head does not turn off at all. It works for me all the time. Now at stake is "Olympic" (the group has a big concert scheduled for November 4 - TASS note) - it's just freezing, it's such an emergency. I do something every day for this concert.
About "donkey ears" and the song "Catastrophically"
I am completely empty. It seems to me that many creative people stop writing because they are lazy. Here you come to training in a sports club. Do you want to practice? Not! You overcome yourself and then get high on yourself. When a song comes to you and you understand that now your brain will be tested by electric shock, of course, you need to decide on this. Therefore, many people, having received the first significant money, begin to go to restaurants, buy apartments ... I am not against rest and comfort, but I will choose to write a song now. What about restaurants? Even if I have to choose whether to go to a parent-teacher meeting or write a song, I will choose a song. Consider that I am a very strange mother. But I still think that the meeting can wait - I will find time to talk with the teachers, but the song will not.
We arrived in one of the Russian cities, we were invited to perform at some private party. There wasn't even a stage, we were standing on the cement floor. After about 15 minutes, our director came up to me right during the song and said in my ear: "Diana, sing, please, be quiet!" We began to play even louder, because when you are not confident in yourself, you make everything even worse ... After another 10 minutes, she came up and said: "We tie it up, we're leaving." It was the only time in my life when I was asked to leave the stage. We, upset, went to our numbers, and I wrote one of my best songs. And if we had not been "asked", then I would have left after the concert squeezed like a lemon. And I certainly wouldn't pick up a guitar.
But this is the thrill when you eat ice cream and think: oh, how sweet I am. At the heart of the birth of the song is always sadness and happiness from the fact that you are alive.
Therefore, I am not ashamed to read what I once wrote. And I have more than three hundred songs - we somehow calculated and saw that I write an average of three songs a month.
About love, barricades, Ksenia Sobchak and "31st Spring"
Rather than jumping with flags, feed your husband and children first. And then go to the barricades
Rather than jumping with flags, feed your husband and children first. And then go to the barricades.
I don't care. Initially a person, a feeling for him, gives me an impulse. And then God lays a sheet of words and notes. And to us - to people who have or had a connection, this already has an indirect relationship. I am grateful to those who gave me impulses. I really love the person thanks to whom the song "31st Spring" was written. We are friends, and every year I love him more. Like the song, by the way. But when I sing it, I don't think about it.
.. So that I finally become myself. And then I'm kind of boring: work, work, work, work and, of course, children. And that's all. No flowers for you, no dates, no heart trembling.
About Monetochka, sex, death and immortality
Petersburg squats are, what St. Petersburg communal apartments are, poverty, I know the party that was brewing in the Leningrad rock club ... It was too great and fatal. I don't want to go down there just yet. It's like meeting with classmates. I wouldn't dare to see them.
She answers: "Valerochka, I'm sorry, please, I have an interview, I'll call you back. Thank you, thank you, thank you for calling!")
There has never been a hint of stinginess and redneck in my family. Give your best, give yours. That's how I was brought up. In the sixth grade - you didn’t share a candy, so they just raise you on the rack!
Here is Basta, for example. When he called and offered to sing "Samsara" with him, I said: "Vasya, this is your best song, brilliant." I very rarely use this word. But "Samsara" is one of the best songs that people have written in this country. "When I am gone, I will sing with the voices of my children..."
Do you understand me? He told me: "Yes, I understand." Children need to be educated every second.
© Stoyan Vasev / TASS
- After the clip, they wrote to us from the memory group of these guys - their parents are there. I thought they would not accept it, I was very afraid of it! And they said: “Thank you for showing how this story could have ended if we talked to our children…” Of course, it sounds presumptuous, but I think I could save them. Too many adults forget how they were children and teenagers. And as I was a child, I remained. On the set of the video, they tell me: talk to the guys-actors. And they sit and are already tired. At first I was confused, and then I began to tell them stories from rock and roll life. They reacted so well, they were really interested.
— Did anything in modern times "cling" you as much? Fire in Kemerovo (as a result, she shook at shopping centers "Winter Cherry" Most of them were killed - children who are cut in the cinema - approx. for example?
— The most monstrous thing is that this story bothered people for five days, a week… And then everyone began to live their own lives. And people are forever left without their loved ones. In principle, this is understandable, because it is impossible to shed tears for a long time because of someone else's grief ... Everyone has their own daily worries, sorrows and problems. But now I do not leave children in the cinema. And before that she left and went to the store in the same shopping center. I just don't like modern cartoons. When I go with the children, after 15 minutes they look into my face: "Mom, are you already sleeping?"
— Despite the fact that the Night Snipers exist for most of their lives without Svetlana Surganova, for many fans the time when you worked together remained "golden". Not once in all these years have you regretted what happened like this?
- When Sveta and I first met and she started playing, I said: "Listen, I'm generally very annoyed by women who play the guitar, but you do it cool." I came from Magadan like that then, very straightforward ... I have two answers to your question about our parting with Svetka. If I want the audience not to turn on me, then, of course, I must say that I regretted it. But I want to be honest with music, history and myself. It was my initiative. I said: "We play different music. You drink tea, I drink coffee, why mix them, it turns out a burda. So let's part." And life judged us: it has its own excellent team, I have mine. The only thing I want to hear is her brand new songs. For me, the most important thing is to write songs, because of them I go on stage. I need to constantly prove to myself that I have the right to this ...
- That is, "swearing and not writing songs" is bad
— Well, it's not about her. She never cursed, it was me in our duet who was the "bad cop".
- Do you swear?
— And who doesn't swear now? Just my mom, I guess. When I was a student, my mother kicked me out of the house because of a swear word. We came with friends, and my mother worked. She is a journalist, and she had a typewriter, noisy, chirping all the time. And if there was deathly silence in the house, it means that my mother was thinking. And my classmate had an arrow on her pantyhose, and in this deathly silence she said: "*****!" And then the door opens and my mother appears: "Come, please, to me for a minute." I go in, she says to me: "So that they are not in the house now." I say: "Then I will not be" - "Please." I left. Well, I had to kick my friends out?
- And about the anniversary. Even people get sick when they turn 25. How do you feel on the eve of the band's 25th anniversary?
- No, well, if my group was 50, it would be a gigantic period. What is 25? This is an occasion to arrange a concert in the "Olympic", nothing more. Come and see what I have told you here.
Interviewed Bella Volkova
What is singleism, why do people feel comfortable being alone, are they afraid of relationships, and how do they cope with social pressure.
Photo by Maxim Izotov
Worldwide, the number of people living alone has increased dramatically over 10 years - from 153 million to 201 million, that is, the number of such people has increased by 33%. According to the results of the 2015 micro-census, in Russia 40% of people have the status of single people - they have never been in a registered marriage or cohabitation, they are widowed or divorced. The VTsIOM poll showed that 79% of Russians do not feel lonely, and 54% do not fear the absence of a couple.
The new term "singlism" was introduced by Bella De Paulo, professor of philosophy at Harvard University, who calls herself "a loner by nature." This term means discrimination against a single lifestyle. It is generally accepted that if a person is lonely, then he is unhappy or has many complexes. These stereotypes inspire people that they do not realize themselves in family life, which means they are a mistake. Singletons are residents of large cities who prefer loneliness to fragile family ties and dubious relationships.
There is every reason to believe that people who live alone compensate for their condition by increased social activity, which exceeds the activity of those who live together, and in cities where there are many loners, cultural life is seething.
Eric Kleinenberg
Although people strive to achieve equality in many areas, attitudes towards a lonely lifestyle still remain negative. TJ talked to such people about stereotypes, freedom, fear of relationships and the influence of society.
I'm currently in a relationship, but I don't know why. Most likely, it is difficult for me to be alone in everyday life. I stop taking care of myself, keeping the apartment clean, cooking, and so on. At some point, I lost hope that I would meet a person with whom I would be comfortable. This happened due to unsuccessful relationships, psychological problems, complexes and childhood traumas. But I realized that I will always be alone.
Sometimes I feel that I'm living the wrong way. You need to look normal, flirt or hang out, have sex, think about your position in society, but it’s difficult for me to maintain my life alone, I cook and clean the apartment, but not for myself. The thought arises that I am not so important to myself. With all this, social ties disappear, acquaintances depreciate, and the desire for new ones disappears.
They told me: “You need a woman, and everything will be fine.” It surprised me at first. Is it not normal now? And why will the woman be okay? Now they tell me less about it, because I stopped talking about myself, being frank, or laughing off such statements.
Mom often repeats that it's time to raise her grandchildren, but in general she got used to my loneliness.
I had intermittent relationships and short-term affairs from Tinder. Why they ended, I don't know. I met someone by chance, they say, two lonelinesses met over a bottle of wine, and with someone everything happened spontaneously, but later the first problems and claims surfaced. It was easier for me to leave, so as not to decide anything and not to find out.
Over time, any relationship seems fragile and meaningless. I stopped appreciating people, because sooner or later they will leave my life. The contradictions in our views are not so critical, and when they reach this stage, we will disperse.
It is difficult to leave the house and even more difficult to invite someone yourself. Sometimes there is a mood, and I write first. I rarely get called somewhere, because few people need me. But I go through “I don’t want to”, as it usually passes quickly, and I easily join the party.
Often feel like a stranger or superfluous in the company. At such moments, I try to get drunk as soon as possible or leave.
I'm afraid that I'll have to build relationships with someone again, get used to the person, open up, and then everything will inevitably end in a break and pain. I am afraid of the expectation of this pain, and even more that I can inflict it. The unknown scares me, I have little idea how to build a strong and adequate relationship. I'm afraid to ask myself: "Did I succeed?". It will devalue all the work in the relationship.
Loners in the public mind are unreliable and mysterious people. They cause fear and mistrust. If racial or gender discrimination is condemned by a healthy society, then it only goes to the condemnation of singles. Society is highly fragmented, and social networks, which have simplified the possibility of social contact, do not contribute to reducing the number of loners or changing attitudes towards them. Loneliness and depression are becoming more and more significant problems every year.
At 27, everyone pairs up. I don't want to do this. From acquaintances and not the closest friends, I heard the phrase that this is not entirely correct and you need to arrange your life. I do not think that my fate is not arranged without someone, I can do everything myself. I'm comfortable being alone. At the beginning of this year, I learned about singleism, read it and realized that I'm not the only one, and that's fine.
I don't want to enter into a serious relationship, I avoid it. I was worried a couple of years ago that I would never have a boyfriend. At this time, all the acquaintances began to form pairs. I felt like there was something wrong with me. I thought how cool it is to be in a couple, you can spend leisure time together, make some plans for the weekend and other things. When you work all week, you want to spend the weekend with friends, but they have a romantic dinner or a meeting in pairs planned for this time. You are not invited because you are single, and the thought arises that this is some kind of discrimination. This made it dark.
My mother made things worse. When I told her that friends have boyfriends, she said: “And you have to go already.” I offered her the option of marrying the first person she met, she would take me a loan for the wedding, and then I would divorce in two years. This answer did not suit her. Then why should I say it? I don't want to get married without love and I can't fall in love with someone and I don't want to waste time in a relationship.
I have always believed that marriage is not a good thing to call. I have many divorced friends, my parents are divorced. Maybe this influenced my attitude towards marriage. If you create a family, then closer to the age when you want home life. I do not exclude that I will have a relationship and marriage when I fall in love. And if this is not the case, then why suffer and seek.
Self-isolation has confirmed that I am comfortable alone. I rent a room with my friends, they all went home for quarantine, and I was left alone in a three-room apartment. It's cool to live alone, because people get bored, especially strangers. At some point, I caught myself thinking that I lacked personal communication with friends and travel to work. I thought it would be easier with a guy. On the other hand, I'm fine, why invent problems for yourself. I don't suffer, I don't cry, I find occupations and hobbies.
Sometimes it's scary to admit to myself that I'll be alone. But it’s worse that I won’t achieve anything, I won’t earn so much money for a comfortable life. I think that in my 60s I will be renting a room on my pension, which I will not be paid, which is kind of sad. But on the other hand, I strive for a certain goal, so I can organize my life. I worry that if I have a relationship, I will have to change my way of life. It is very difficult for me to change myself for people, I always try to be myself.
There was a long process of accepting my loneliness, only at the beginning of this year I realized it. I am not a homely person at all, I am used to putting my interests above others, and I do what is convenient for me. I'm afraid to live with someone, to build a life and I don't want to adapt to someone. Not ready for someone to wash, clean and cook, as is customary in traditional relationships. I don’t even want to create anything, I get tired of building relationships with my neighbors. And you don’t want to lose feelings behind this life, if you love a person, then it’s better to live separately.
Photo by Maksim Izotov
Three years ago I wanted to go on vacation alone, but it turned out not a very pleasant experiment. I did not find a cheap option: single-room is more expensive than double. Only now there are alternatives for singles - in October I went on a trip with an unfamiliar group of people, they found a roommate for me. There will be no separate single-room at a normal price. On the trip, I didn’t meet anyone, I didn’t want to. I like to walk alone in an unfamiliar city, so I feel comfortable.
When I come to my hometown, and it is very small, everyone there asks me about marriage and children. Maybe this is due to their lifestyle, but what else to do in a small town? This comes from the USSR, where it is a shame to be lonely and unsettled. Unfortunately, many bring up their children with such a historical memory.
If you pay attention to state support, then there is a program, but it is provided for young families. And for this, loners need to prove the need for housing, as well as solvency. The difference is that families without children are covered by 30% of the cost of housing, and with children - 35%. There is no support for single people, but at the same time, these people invest much more in the state budget than families. Russia has been introducing programs to support childbearing for a decade, but childless couples also have the right to partially subsidized housing.
I have not been in a relationship for five years, I do not feel any discomfort from this. I didn't get into a relationship until I was 25, and the social pressures were overwhelming. Not only questions why I don’t have anyone, but in general the feeling that everyone around has a couple, and you are some kind of loser. By that time, almost all friends and classmates were already married and with children. It seemed that something was wrong with me, somehow I was living the wrong way. Although at the same time I was comfortable, harmoniously alone.
Relationships are the second job. And if you live with someone, then 24 hours a day you can not relax. I treat men not as the opposite sex, but as people. And if I go to a meeting with someone, then I will not have the thought that I should meet with him.
Many people wonder why I am not married at this age, but my friends accept my way of life. And older relatives, with whom I rarely communicate, do not understand how this is possible. A few years ago, they arranged a “family court” for me: the whole evening at dinner, conversations were devoted only to my personal life. Some young relatives reproached me for breaking the order. By seniority, I should have gotten married a long time ago, and supposedly I am “delaying” them. I don't understand how this is possible in today's world. My life is my choice. Statements like “a woman should get married” and “a woman should give birth” I consider wildness.
I have been living alone since I was 20 when my parents died. After my mother’s funeral, I thought that I didn’t want to get close to anyone, so as not to lose anyone else and not experience such pain. At first it was hard for me, lonely, it was not clear how to live, but soon I got used to it and began to enjoy it.
Through psychotherapy came to a sense of self-sufficiency - emotionally. I have not yet fully learned how to deal with money and everyday life, but I have to deal with it myself and grow up, and not wait for someone to come and decide everything. I am generally against the perception of men as a source of finance.
A friend kept saying that a woman cannot be complete without a relationship with a man. It annoyed me. One day she said: “Come on, you try to change. At least you can just formulate such an intention. ” In order for her to lag behind, I outlined this intention for myself. And I forgot. Two months later, I started my first relationship. It was a curious experience, with its pros and cons. There was more discomfort, because I could not maintain myself as a full-fledged person, I dissolved in a partner. Relationships ended, new ones did not start, and I have no cravings for this.
Now I don't listen to anyone about the "necessity" of a relationship with a man, I have no need to be with someone. I am not bored with myself and not lonely. As much as I love myself, no one can love me.
The fear of being alone is big business. In my social media feed, there is an advertisement for courses on the manipulation of men. This is not about love and respect at all - not only for a partner, but also for yourself. You are a person and came into this world for what? This goal does not concern a man, children, it is only yours. And these co-dependent relationships are promoted by society.
I do not want to become a mother, I have a strong disgust for the physiological side of the issue. Many say: “Yes, you are still young, this will pass with time.” Hardly.
For me, serious relationships and motherhood are all signs of lack of freedom and loss of myself as a person. In maternity hospitals, they treat pregnant women disgustingly, they are rude and humiliated. And at a job interview, you may be asked about marriage or a decree. And there is a fear of losing your favorite thing for motherhood.
In our country, marriage is viewed as a sacred union, which is rather hypocritical. In our state, there are a huge number of single mothers and fathers who do not pay child support. What sacred union are we talking about here. We need to stop lying to ourselves.
I am not very friendly with everyday life, I would be an unenviable wife. I hate to clean the house, wash the dishes every day, I'm not adapted to this. One can not strain that I do not iron clothes, and if something is fixed, then I call a specialist. All people are different, a woman does not mean a good housewife. These are stereotypes.
I happen to be alone. I was uncomfortable with someone, then someone with me. And in this sense, I am capricious, I will never be with someone who does not suit me. There are women who do not care, just to be with someone. It's not about me. I need a man not to be lazy and respect me. I'm so used to being alone that I don't know if I'll meet anyone. I solve problems myself: I would like support, but if it is not there, then it is not necessary. Loneliness does not bother me and does not bother me.
For example, older people think that being alone is bad. But as they used to do, being a loner and a divorcee is shameful and wrong. My peers are used to my loneliness.
Friends used to introduce men. A friend said, “Sveta, let's introduce you to a man,” but this did not oblige you to anything. We sat in the restaurant, took a walk and said goodbye. Nothing usually came of this. Sometimes they ask me questions about sex: “Oh, how are you without a man?”. I have many other problems that need to devote time.
Photo by Maxim Izotov
As a rule, I am missing in a relationship for more than two months. Then the man starts to get angry. He bothers me and does not suit me. And if this man has a family, then I begin to scold myself for destroying other people's relationships. If I don't like a man, I stop talking to him. But there are also persistent ones, they try to get me.
I live with my mother and nephew. I have a large family, so I don't feel uncomfortable being alone. In the house, I do everything myself, for example, fix a faucet or hammer in a nail. And if it comes to repairs, then I invite a friend who will fix everything for money.
If we consider the experience of loneliness as the lack of desired intimacy, then this is undoubtedly a psychological problem associated with the difficulty of creating relationships, developing them, or completing them. If loneliness is a conscious choice, and a person is satisfied with his life, and he has established social ties, then there may not be a problem.