Rubber repair compound

LOCTITE Rapid Rubber Repair: To Repair Conveyor Belts and Line Pumps, 400 mL, Black, 2 hr Cure - 2WKR2|428557


  • Item # 2WKR2
  • Mfr. Model # 428557
  • UNSPSC # 31201605
  • Catalog Page # 2221 2221

Country of Origin USA. Country of Origin is subject to change.

Loctite® Urethane Belt RepairAbrasion-, corrosion-, and impact-resistant products repair conveyor belts and damaged rubber equipment. Nonshrinking and completely unaffected by oil, grease, and water.Belt and Rubber Repair Compounds and Dispensers• Up to 180°FLoctite® Fixmaster® Additives and PrimersProtection against impact, abrasion, and corrosion. Can be troweled, cast, or brush-applied.

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  • Item # 2WKR2
  • Mfr. Model # 428557
  • UNSPSC # 31201605
  • Catalog Page # 2221 2221

Country of Origin USA. Country of Origin is subject to change.

Loctite® Urethane Belt RepairAbrasion-, corrosion-, and impact-resistant products repair conveyor belts and damaged rubber equipment. Nonshrinking and completely unaffected by oil, grease, and water.Belt and Rubber Repair Compounds and Dispensers• Up to 180°FLoctite® Fixmaster® Additives and PrimersProtection against impact, abrasion, and corrosion. Can be troweled, cast, or brush-applied.

Repair Putty | PL105 Rubber Repair Putty



SealXpert PL105 Rubber Repair Putty is a two component neoprene and polyurethane-based, ambient-temperature curing rubber putty. It has properties of high initial bonding strength, good toughness, curing at room temperature. After curing, the repair putty has high flexibility and excellent chemical resistance against acids and alkalis. SealXpert PL105 Rubber Repair Putty designed to bond joint of fabric enforced multilayer rubber conveyor belt in various industries and to bond rubber, leather, metal and ceramic to each other.

Typical applications of SealXpert PL105 Rubber Repair Putty: impeller coating recovery, rubber hopper repair in mining rucks, pulley recovery, repair of all types of coating of natural or synthetic rubber; protection of pieces and equipment exposed to acid environments, recovery of rubber lifters in agglomerate drums, etc.

SealXpert PL105 Rubber Repair Putty is sensitive to moisture and is prone to foam, which has negative effect on quality and strength. So it is recommended to avoid storing or using the repair putty under conditions of low temperature (under 15°C) and moist environment (above 90% humidity).


Surface Preparation:

  1. For thin rubber thickness (3mm or less), the damaged zone must be roughen with an power tool wire brush at low rotation speed (750rpm to 900rpm) on and around the damaged zone. For thicker rubber thickness greater than 3mm, a 45° bevel must be cut around the edges of the damage area so as to create a trapezium shape around the damaged area. Roughen with an power tool wire brush at low rotation speed (750rpm to 900rpm) on and around the damaged zone. In the event of passing rips or damage, perform the same procedure including also the lower surface.
  2. Before applying the repair putty, ensure that the application surface is always be dry, clean, and free of impurities. Clean the surface thoroughly with an abrasive pad and solvent-based contact cleaner & degreaser. If the chosen area is wet, it must be dried with a hot air gun. If humidity is high, the scraping process will suffice to remove the first layer of rubber that is wet.
  3. For though hole rubber conveyor belt repair, adhere a layer of non-stick PVC film or several layers of masking tape on the bottom side of conveyor belt, to prevent mixture from running off of repair putty. Secure the PVC film or masking tape with staples in the lower part of the damage.

Mix and Dispense for Repair:

  1. SealXpert PL105 Rubber Repair Putty consists of resin and activator each separately packed. The resin container is slack filled to allow the addition of activator to be mixed with resin. Pour the hardener component of SealXpert PL105 Rubber Repair Putty to the resin container in accordance to mixing ratio and stir vigorously for 2 minutes. Ensure the repair putty is mixed evenly.
  2. The mixing process is complete when the product is free from streaks or other variances. It is critical to mix the repair putty thoroughly and in proper ratio to achieve the performance of the material. Failure to thoroughly mix the material will cause soft spots or overall failure of the product. Whenever possible, the complete container should be mixed at one time. If the material is to be mixed in separate batches, the user must be careful to adhere to the mixing ratios specified on the product label.
  3. Pour half the mixture onto the treated worn rubber surface. Spread the mixture evenly over the worn rubber surface with a scraper.
  4. Allow the rubber repair putty to cure for approximately 10 minutes and remove the PVC film or masking tape.
  5. Allow the rubber repair putty to cure for minimum of 2 to 3 hours before commence operation.
  6. The repair job is completed.

Tire repair kit and sealant - ambulance for a sick wheel - Ixora

Perhaps no responsible driver will set off on a journey without a "reserve" - ​​you never know what surprises prepared by Mrs. Fortune and our notorious roads. However, the spare tire takes up a significant amount of space in the trunk, and you don’t want to bother with a replacement because of any trifle. That is why more and more modern motorists, in addition to a first aid kit, a fire extinguisher and tools, are purchasing special first aid kits for a punctured tire - repair kits and tire sealants. We will look at how these miracle remedies work, how to use them and what to look for when choosing, in this article.

Tire repair kit and sealant - an alternative to a spare tire or an addition?

To begin with, both the repair kit and the sealant are devices for restoring the integrity of the tire in an emergency. It is emergency - you can drive on tires “patched” in this way not far, on average, no more than 15 kilometers (exceptions are only the smallest punctures). It is important to understand: the main "mission" of all repair kits is to allow the motorist to easily reach their destination or service station, where professionals will take care of the affected wheel.

However, the common purpose is, perhaps, the only thing that unites the repair kit and sealant. Since in everything else: composition, principle of action, method of application - these useful inventions differ greatly.

DIY Tire Repair Kit: DIY Patch

The Classic Tire Repair Kit is a set of tools and accessories for DIY manual repair of a punctured tire or tube. The “magic” case includes: a tool for expanding the puncture (awl), a tool for inserting a tourniquet, a set of tourniquets made of rubber or nylon fibers, a knife. The mechanism of operation is very simple: first you prepare the puncture site, giving it the desired size and shape, and then literally plug the hole with a tourniquet. Rubber bands are stronger and more durable, however, during installation, they must first be lubricated with glue (as a rule, in such cases, the type of glue is indicated in the instructions for the repair kit). After the "patch" is delivered, you will need to restore the pressure in the tire - and that's it, you can go!

IXORA recommends: Tubeless Repair Kit in AIRLINE Case – This handy, stylish kit includes everything you need to repair any tubeless car tire. The kit includes: tools with “file” and “needle” tips, a replacement needle tip, 20 raw rubber bundles, a knife, a hexagon and the plastic case itself, which allows you to compactly remove and transport all the contents.

Tire Sealant: Spare can

A completely different story with sealants. They are special solutions that envelop the hole from the inside and form a dense film at the puncture site or simply "clog" the hole. The difference in composition: some sealants are based on latex, which instantly hardens upon contact with air, while others have synthetic or natural fibers in the structure, which fill the hole.

According to the scope of application, sealants are preventive and repair. As the name implies, the former are used in intact wheels to prevent possible punctures (for example, if the car runs over a nail, the sealant pumped into the tire will automatically close the puncture so that the driver will not notice the incident). As for repair sealants, they are designed specifically for the “treatment” of already damaged tires.

How tire sealant works

The principle of operation and, accordingly, the algorithm for working with sealant is as follows:

  • First you remove the foreign object from the wheel (if any) and turn the puncture up;
  • Download air from the tire and insert the tip (tube) of the cylinder into the valve, after removing the spool (if required by the instructions).
  • Do a few clicks (the exact amount is also indicated in the instructions for a specific drug).
  • When the tire has regained its appearance, you need to drive a couple of kilometers so that the sealant substance is evenly distributed inside the tire.
  • Stop and check the pressure level: it should be about 2 atmospheres. If necessary, bring it to the working value and continue driving.

However, be aware that sealant is not a panacea, it is a serious drug that can have a strong effect on wheels. So, for example, if you violate the speed limit (after using a repair sealant, it is not recommended to drive faster than 50 km / h), you risk “earning” wheel imbalance due to the fact that the sealant can “gather” into clots. Therefore, before use, carefully read the instructions and follow all the instructions: wheels are safety, and jokes are bad with safety.

How to choose a tire sealant

When choosing a sealant, pay attention to the following criteria.

  • Sealants are available in both aerosol and conventional types in plastic bottles. The former have a significant advantage: unlike simple ones, which only seal the puncture, aerosols simultaneously increase the pressure in the tire to the desired level. With them, you do not have to jack up and pump up the wheel manually - agree, it's convenient!
  • Most sealants "cure" only tubeless tires, but there are also universal preparations that work equally well with any type of tire. The choice is yours.
  • Select sealant according to the diameter of your wheels: do not use products designed for smaller tires - they may not work.

IXORA recommends: GUNK and MOTUL Tire Repair Sealants - modern effective aerosols that allow you to restore the integrity of both tubeless tires and tubes in a matter of minutes. The compositions are universal, easily cope with holes up to 5 mm, are absolutely safe and do not disturb the balance of the wheels.

Why a sealant and repair kit should be in every car

Without a doubt, a repair kit and sealant are indispensable tools, especially if you have a long road ahead of you. Changing a wheel on the side of the road in the wilderness and driving around dusty country roads in search of at least some kind of tire service? Or bring along an emergency kit and a can of liquid "reserve"? I think the choice is obvious.

And finally: a general tip for working with repair kits and sealants - both of them are most effective for sealing small punctures (about 5 mm, some sealants up to 10 mm, but no more!). In addition, the sealant will be useless if the damage occurs not in the tread area, but, for example, on the side. Therefore, it is reasonable to have options in the trunk for both cases: a repair kit for manual repairs, and a sealant - especially since the price of the issue is more than affordable, and the benefits are obvious.

You can always buy a repair kit and sealant for tires, as well as pick up any other spare parts and accessories in the hypermarket network IXORA . Our staff will be happy to help you with your choice!

You can get professional advice when choosing a product by calling 8 800 555-43-85 (the call is free within Russia).

DIY tire repair kit / How to choose?

To prevent a puncture from becoming a serious problem for you, it is worth having a tubeless tire repair kit in your car. The kit allows you to quickly restore the performance of the tire directly on the road. It is important to choose the right kit, let's figure out what is included in the optimal tire first aid kit.

What kind of punctures does the DIY tire repair kit

fit for?

Tire repair kit makes it possible to repair tread punctures on tubeless tires yourself. No need for vulcanizers, other complex tools, this approach simplifies the process, you can make repairs right on the road.

The main advantage of the repair kit is the ability to carry it with you all the time. The set is placed in a small package, easily placed in the glove compartment. Accordingly, it is always at hand, even if the car is far from civilization.

Another advantage is the reliable sealing of the puncture. There is no need to visit the service to perform additional repairs. A repaired tire serves for a long time without problems, already after 10-20 kilometers, it is impossible to find the place of damage.

Should only be used to repair punctures in the tread. Cuts in the tread or sidewall cannot be repaired with a repair kit. More serious work is needed there. Punctures with broken pieces of rubber are also not always amenable to such repairs, much depends on the size of the damage.

What's in the

Tire Repair Kit

Experienced drivers remember the old tire repair kit assembled in accordance with GOST. There was a large number of useful devices, consumables. At the moment, manufacturers do not have to comply with GOST when completing the first-aid kit. It is possible to meet a variety of assemblies.

Let's start with the standard kit. It includes:

  • Damage rasp. Usually has a T-shaped handle, so it is more convenient for them to work. It may have a round or diamond-shaped section.
  • Shilo. Used to enlarge the puncture site. At the end there is an eye, like a needle. A tourniquet is passed through it during repairs.
  • Rubber band. Produced from raw rubber, having a special composition. Reinforced in some cases.
  • Glue. Designed to secure the tourniquet in the puncture.

All of the above is required in the repair kit. Next, consider additional items that manufacturers can report to the set.

  • Tools for cleaning up damage. Various files, similar tools. Previously, they were included as standard in the kit, now they are reported at the request of the manufacturer.
  • Manometer. It is rare, only in expensive kits. The presence of the device can be explained logically; after repair, it is required to bring the pressure in the wheel back to normal. The pressure gauge will allow you to control the parameter.
  • Spools and caps. In some kits you can find a complete set.
  • In some Chinese sets, the harnesses have been replaced with rubber plugs. During testing, such sets did not show their best side.

The above are the most commonly found in kits, there are more complete repair kits. At the same time, glue may sometimes be missing, in which case the bundles are made of self-vulcanizing rubber.

When choosing, pay attention to the following things.

  • All tools must have a T-handle. It is more convenient to use.
  • Choose sets where the bundle is additionally reinforced with synthetic threads.
  • Sharp rasps can damage the cord frame.

How to use

If your car's tire is damaged, you should inspect it first. Sometimes a nail or self-tapping screw gets stuck in the puncture, partially blocking the loss of air. In this case, you can slowly drive to the nearest tire service. Only the wheel needs to be pumped up. In other cases, you need to change the wheel, with a side cut, or repair the damage yourself on the spot. Consider how repairs are carried out using a recovery kit. Before starting work, the tire must be inflated.