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Milton 476 Oval Slot Tubeless Tire Valve - Box of 5
Item #: B2352388
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Milton 481 3 17/32" Clamp In Truck Valve - Box of 5
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All Bulk Pricing.453.453 Valve Hole0.4530679090878011 1/4"1 1/4” Effective Length2 11/16"1 Gallon1 ply1 Tire Repair1-Sensor1.2 Tire Repair Supplies1.21 Chemicals1.22 Patches1/4 oz1/4 oz Segments11-32111-3221132111321 Radial1132213 Degree Bend13 Degrees13°13° Bend14-10114-101B1410117-4301117-4301217-4301317-4301417-4304117-4304217-49217-546174304117430422 1/4"2 3/16"2 Wheel Balancing2.
1 Clip On2.2 Tape2.4 Chemicals3 Valve Stems & Hardware3.1 Metal Valve Stems3.1 Valve Stems3.11 Large Bore3.13 Metal Truck3.15 Rubber3.2 TPMS3.21 Sensors3.3 Caps & Cores3.5 Grommets & O Rings31 Degree Bend31 Degrees31°31° Bend32 oz335003515014 Shop Equipment4.10 Vehicle Lifts & Accessories4.42 Accessories413440115908805908815908825908835911325911346 Shop Supplies6.4 Chemicals & Lubrication6.6 Janitorial6.8 Interior Protection Products67909a-100-vc-8AdhesiveAerosol CleanerAerosol DisinfectantAir Liquid ValvesAll Purpose CleanerAlligatoralligator v2b double seal valve capsAluminumApplication_Air Liquid ValvesApplication_PassengerApplication_Standard BoreAudiAutelAWAWZSAWZS0.25beadBead SealersBend_13°Bend_31°Bend_StraightBH-9756-86Blackblueblue weightsBrand_AlligatorBrand_PlombcoBrand_RemaBrand_Xtra SealBrass Tubeless Clamp-In ValvesbulkcapCH-3ch4ChryslerClamp InClamp-InClamp-In Valve StemCleanerclipclip onCoatedColor_BlackColor_SilverCommercial UseCorecore housingDisinfectantdouble sealds1Dual Frequencyduallydually valve stemEffective Length_1 1/4"EHAENENZENZSEZ sensorFinish_CoatedFinish_UncoatedFJ2427Flat TopFNfn weightsFNZSFor RotaryFor_RotaryFor_TruckFull BoreFull Bore Hand ScrubgramgraygreengreygrommetH-45h55HaltecHamatonhandHand CleanerHand SanitizerHand Sanitizer GelHand SoapHDPROHDPRO1HDPRO36housingHTS-A66DDHTS-A78EDHybrid 2.
0IAWIAWZSJohn DowJohn Dow IndustriesJohnDowJohnDow IndustriesLHLHZSLift PadLow ProfileLysolMCMCZSMechanic Hand CleanermediumMercedesMetalMetal TPMS ValveModel_14-101Model_14-101BMulti FrequencyMulti Purpose CleanerMX 1-SensorMX-SensorNear-Field CommunicationNFCorangeozpailPassengerpatchPhonePhone AppplombcoProfessionalProgrammablepumicepurplequarterRadialredREGREGZRemarepairRG-54RG54Rim CleanerRim Cleanersrim sealerRotaryroundRS+RubberRubber Arm AdapterRubber Arm PadRubber BlockSanitizerSanitizer GelSchradersealsealerSegment Weight_1/4 ozSens itSensorSilverSingle SKUSize_1 11/16"Size_1 5/8"Size_2 1/4"Size_2 3/16"smallSmart SensorSmart Sensor Pro +Smart Sensor Pro PlusSmartphoneSmartphone AppSnap InSnap-InsoapSpray CleanerSprayer BottleStandard BoresteelSteering Wheel Coverssteering wheel protectorstick onstick proStickProStraightStraight - No BendStraight Valve AssemblyStraight ValvesStyle_AWStyle_ENStyle_FNStyle_IAWStyle_LHStyle_MCStyle_REGStyle_TSVISWC-1SWC-5Ttapetape weightthin rimtire repairTPMSTPMS Clamp InTPMS Snap InTR413TR416TR416LTR570TruckTS1GAL-FTTubelessTubeless Truck Valve StemTV-413TV-413EHATV-416TV-416LTV-570ATV-571ATV-572-13TV-572-F19TV-572ATV-573ATV-574ATV-CH-3tv570tv571tv572atv573Type_Bead SealerType_CapType_Clamp-In Valve StemType_CoreType_GrommetType_Hand SoapType_Lift PadType_RadialType_SensorType_Straight Valve AssemblyType_TPMS Clamp InType_Tubeless Truck Valve StemType_UniversalType_Wheel CleanerTZSU-ProUltra FlowUncoatedUniversalUP-6UP-6PUP-8UP-8Pup6UP6-Pup8UP8-Pv2bvalvevalve capValve CapsValve CoresValve Hole_.
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Address: 452607, Bashkortostan, Oktyabrsky, st. Frunze 4a
Phones: +7 34767 65455, cell. +7 92731 25221
E-mail: ngpo@mail. ru
Director: Abdrakhmanov Denis Maratovich
LLC NeftePromOborudovanie offers to supply spare parts for pump UNB-600 :
Designation | Note | Unit price |
SPTA for pump UNB-600 | ||
Cylinder sleeve UNB-600 f120 | 4066.53.501-08 | 16 100 |
Cylinder liner UNB-600 Ф130 | 4066. | 15 500 |
Cylinder liner UNB-600 Ф140 | 4066.53.501-06 | 14 500 |
Cylinder liner UNB-600 F150 | 4066.53.501-05 | 13 650 |
Cylinder liner UNB-600 Ф160 | 4066.53.501-04 | 12 800 |
Cylinder liner UNB-600 F170 | 4066.53.501-03 | 12 100 |
Cylinder liner UNB-600 Ф180 | 4066.53.501-02 | 11 750 |
Cylinder liner UNB-600 f190 | 4066. | 10 800 |
Cylinder liner UNB-600 F200 | 4066.53.501 | 10 700 |
Piston UNB-600 f120 | 4066.53.231; 4066.53.240 | 1600 |
Piston UNB-600 f130 | 4066.53.232; 14016.53.015 | 1700 |
Piston UNB-600 f140 | 4066.53.233; 14016.53.015-01 | 1800 |
Piston UNB-600 f150 | 4066.53.234; 14016.53.015-02 | 2000 |
Piston UNB-600 f160 | 4066. | 2 200 |
Piston UNB-600 f170 | 4066.53.236; 14016.53.015-04 | 2500 |
Piston UNB-600 f180 | 4066.53.237; 14016.53.015-05 | 2750 |
Piston UNB-600 f190 | 4066.53.238; 14016.53.015-06 | 2 850 |
Piston UNB-600 f200 | 4066.53.239; 14016.53.015-07 | 3 100 |
Slider rod (half rod) | 4066.53.514 | 8 500 |
Nut M100x4 | 4066. | 2600 |
Piston rod hot-smoked | 4066.53.520sb | 5 700 |
Piston rod | 4066.53.520 | 5 200 |
Rod nut М64Х3 | 4045.53.831 | 350 |
Stem locknut M64x3 | 4045.53.832 | 250 |
Nut M68x4 | 4066.53.599 | 1 850 |
K9 valve (plate+spring+seat) | 14023. | 4 760 |
K10 valve (plate+spring+seat) | 14023.53.090-2sb | 4 760 |
Valve plate assembly K9, K10 |
| 2400 |
Valve seat K9, K10 | 14023.53.008-2 | 2500 |
Valve spring K9, K10 | 14023.53.089 | 250 |
Stuffing Box Housing | 4066.53.717-1 | 16 000 |
Compression nut | 4066. | 5 300 |
Nut | 4066.53.752-1; 14001.53.623 | 3 500 |
Sleeve | 4066.53.58 | 2500 |
Sleeve (grundbox) | 4066.53.542-1 | 1800 |
Screw | 4066.53.724 | 14 000 |
Glass | 4066.53.556-2sb | 7000 |
Sleeve | 4066.53.558-2sb | 10,000 |
Safety valve | 4066. | 28 000 |
Calibration ring 10.0 MPa | sleeve f200; 4066.53.753-07 | 650 |
Calibration ring 11.5 MPa | sleeve f190; 4066.53.753-06 | 650 |
Calibration ring 12.5 MPa | sleeve f180; 4066.53.753-05 | 650 |
Calibration ring 14.5 MPa | sleeve f170; 4066.53.753-04 | 650 |
Calibration ring 16.5 MPa | sleeve f150; 4066.53.753-02 | 650 |
Calibration ring 22. | sleeve f140; 4066.53.753-01 | 650 |
Calibration ring 25.0 MPa | sleeve f130; 4066.53.753 | 650 |
Brass diaphragm | 4066.53.271 | 120 |
Bottom guide | 4045.53.105-4 | 18,000 |
Top guide | 4045.53.106-4 | 16,000 |
Crosshead pad | 4045.53.867 | 12,000 |
Crosshead (slider) | 14016. | 50 000 |
Finger | 4045.53.76 | 9 500 |
Bronze connecting rod bushing | 4045.53.66-1 | 8 500 |
Valve cover | 4066.53.658sb; 14001.53.482sb | 5500 |
Cylinder cover | 4066.53.268SB | 25 000 |
Flange | 4066.53.745 | 23 000 |
Cup | 4045.![]() | 25,000 |
Ring | 4066.53.549-1 | 4 200 |
Spacer ring | 4066.53.539-1 | 1850 |
Air compensator | 14020.53.130sb | 185 000 |
Air compensator tee | ||
Diaphragm D-70 | 4045.53.267-2sb | 4 700 |
Stabilizer | 4046.53.517 | 1650 |
Bush seal (kit) | 4066.53.578/586 | 280 |
Bush seal | 4066.53.578 | 180 |
Cylinder bushing ring | 4066. | 50 |
Slider stem seal | 14016.53.165sb | 9 800 |
Cuff 120x150 GOST 14896-84 | 4066.53.130-1sb | 150 |
Stem seal kit | 4066.53.540 sat | 680 |
Sleeve (caprolite) | 4066.53.541 | 90 |
Support ring (coprolite) | 4066.53.68 | 80 |
Thrust ring | 4066.53.52 | 80 |
Stem seal collar | 4066. | 95 |
Stuffing box collar | 4066.53.43 | 100 |
Gland thrust ring | 4066.53.44 | 90 |
Gland support ring | 4066.53.45 | 85 |
Valve cover seal (rectangular) | 4066.53.577-1 | 180 |
Valve cover seal kit | 4066.53.679 sat | 220 |
Valve cover seal | 4066. | 120 |
Valve cover ring | 4066.53.212 | 50 |
Valve seal K9.K10 | 4066.53.566-1,4066.53.566-2 | 250 |
Cuff | 4050.53.307 | 130 |
Belt ED 10000 |
| 2700 |
Valve Du=3 15L96NZh R=40MPa | 5 200 | |
Pressing and unpressing tool for pistons | 4066.53.330sb | 28 000 |
Valve seat puller | 4066. |