A good year theme

MovieGlimpse - Your Insight to the Movies

 A Good Year 

Theme:   Few & Many


Stories usually are divided into three parts.  A situation is set up and then it is upset and, finally, it is reset.  Or you might call the three parts: situation, challenge and response or creation, fall and redemption.1  The Ridley Scott movie, A Good Year follows the basic three act pattern while adding a prologue and epilogue.   It is a gem of a film with a wonderful message about what really matters in life.

Prologue: "A Few Vintages Ago"

The introductory clip sets the stage for the entire film.  Playing chess with his Uncle Henry, a young Max Skinner cheats in order to win........and he rather enjoys it.

Act One: "Set Up" London

Grown up Max is now a highly successful trader in the London financial markets.  We learn a lot about him in just a few short scenes.  Greed and money are the game he plays.  Losing is not an option; winning is everything.  He has an empty life relationally, living alone in a glass tower. Max has made it all the way to the top by not always playing fair.  His assistant, Gemma, sounds a prophetic warning, "They re going to bury you face down, Max".

Act Two: "Upset" Provence

Max's Uncle Henry dies leaving him his estate in Provence.   Max travels to France to settle the estate intending to return to London the same day.  From the moment he arrives, everything is downhill visually and literally.  The small car, the trouble with directions, and the broken diving board all are bringing him down....down....down. He ends up face down in dirt - buried, so to speak, in an empty swimming pool.

The pool is a metaphor for Max's life.  Flashback scenes show it to be a place of beauty and joy in Max's early years. Now it is empty and full of dirt, rather like Max himself.  The broken diving board is a picture of a broken man.

Forced to stay in Provence, Max is immersed in Henry's world, his own original world.  The longer he is there the more powerful is the effect it has on his senses, his memories and his heart.  All are awakened by love - the atmosphere of La Siroque.

London keeps chiming in literally as if to try and break the spell Max is succumbing to.  Charlie arrives on the scene to force the sale of the estate, reminding Max that he doesn't "do weekends or holidays", but what he does do is make money.   Act Two ends with both Fanny and DeFlot confronting Max with what his life has become - a life not suited to this place, a life that cannot be trusted.

Act Three:  "Reset" London

Max returns to London where his boss, Sir Nigel, puts the question to him.  "What will it be Max, money or your life?"  Sir Nigel, of course, is referring to a cash buyout or a lifetime partnership in his firm.  But the question goes much deeper than that and is the plot of the whole movie.  What will you choose Max....Money (London) or Life (Provence)?  How Max answers that question is based on two things: love and reality.

He remembers his first love.  His childhood meeting with Fanny, and the swimming pool comes to him in a flashback scene that is Edenic in beauty and innocence.

He sees the absurdity of owning an original Van Gogh painting only to hide it in a vault and hang an expensive "knock off".  Sir Nigel never sees the beauty of the real one because money blinds him.   He literally loses sight of reality - of what is real and of what is really valuable.

Epilogue:  A Good Vintage

Money/ London

Life/ Provence

  Lab rats








  Bondage (no holidays)


  Exposed (glass)

  Hidden (chateau/vines)

  Man-made (gray)

  Creation (sun, moon and vineyard)



  Mental work

  Physical work



  Watched over with animosity

  Watched over with love

  No family



  Carefully tended

















  Rare art for owner

  Rare wine for others

  21st Century

  Out of time/Eternal

Few and Many
" A few vintages ago" looks back to Provence.   "Many vintages later" looks to London.

"Enter by the narrow gate; for the gate is wide, and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and many are those who enter by it. For the gate is small, and the way is narrow that leads to life, and few are those who find it."  Matthews 7:13 & 14

Van Gogh
The Van Gogh painting that hangs in Sir Nigel's boardroom (and is hidden in his vault) also hangs on the wall in Fanny's cafe.  All the early shots of the cafe Van Gogh have the word "Provence" written on it like a poster would.  In the last scene where Max returns to the cafe to tell Fanny he knows what he truly wants, the painting/poster is shown and the word "Provence" is missing. The audience is left with the question, "Did Max take his "buy out" in the real Van Gogh painting?'.

"Again, the Kingdom of Heaven is like a merchant seeking fine pearls, and upon finding one pearl of great value, he went and sold all that he had and bought it. "  Mathtews 13: 45 & 46

Movie Glimpse, All Rights Reserved 2008-2009

Listen to all 21 songs with scene descriptions

Home » Movie Soundtracks

Each song is provided with a scene description and timestamp, as well as a full-length audio playback.

by Editorial staff 2 Comments

Note: Below is a complete playlist of all 21 songs that can be heard in the movie “A Good Year”. Some of these commercial songs are not included on the official soundtrack album but are used in the movie.

Song:Listen on:
"Breezin' Along with the Breeze" by Josephine Baker
Timestamp: 0:00 | Scene: Opening scenes. A young Max sits outside with a chess set. He and his Uncle Harry have a glass of wine. Harry talks about wine, blue suits and making wine.
"For He's a Jolly Good Fellow" Traditional
Timestamp: 0:06 | Scene: Max's staff sing in the office.
Moi Lolita - Alizee
Timestamp: 0:13 | Scene: Max sees his rental car for the first time. Plays on the radio as he tries to navigate out of the car park. He gets laughed at by cyclists. He calls Gemma from the car.
"How Can I Be Sure of You" by Harry Nilsson
Timestamp: 0:17 | Scene: Max explores the property and sees the table where he used to play chess as a child. He stands on the diving board and remembers tennis matches with his uncle.
"Sur Les Chemins..." by Makali
Timestamp: 0:31 | Scene: Fanny listens to the song in her car as she sees the Smart car that nearly ran her over.
"A Room With a View" by Noel Coward & Orchestra
Timestamp: 0:36 | Scene: Max relaxes at night in the house. He moves the lavender from the window sill.
"Gotta Get Up" by Harry Nilsson
Timestamp: 0:37 | Scene: Max decides on something to wear from the wardrobe.
"Hey Joe" by Johnny Hallyday
Timestamp: 0:41 | Scene: A record plays as Max reads, drinks and smokes. Duflot cleans the swimming pool with his father. Max throws stuff out the window and hits Francis.
"Never Ending Song of Love" by Delaney & Bonnie
Timestamp: 0:42 | Scene: A young Max plays his uncle at cricket in the hallway. Max recreates it.
"Jump into the Fire" by Harry Nilsson
Timestamp: 0:50 | Scene: Max and Duflot play tennis.
"2 Arabesques: No. 1 Andantino con Moto" by Claude Debussy
Timestamp: 0:52 | Scene: After the tennis match Max sees Ludivine lighting candles downstairs and slides down.
"Vous, qui passez sans me voir" by Jean Sablon
Timestamp: 0:57 | Scene: Plays in Fanny's restaurant as it seems very busy. Max arrives at the restaurant. Fanny works as Max talks to her.
"La Puissance" by Rohff
Timestamp: 0:57 | Scene: Plays briefly in the kitchen at the restaurant Fanny works at.
"Les Ex" by Camille
Timestamp: 0:59 | Scene: Max waits for some rude Americans and then ejects them.
"Il Faut Du Temps Au Temps..." by Makali
Timestamp: 0:59 | Scene: Max watches Fanny at the bar through a window. She gives him his tips and fires him. They talk.
"The Wedding Samba" by Edmundo Ros & His Orchestra
Timestamp: 1:02 | Scene: A record plays as Max writes. Ludivine dances as she cleans.
"Old Cape Cod" by Patti Page
Timestamp: 1:06 | Scene: Max watches a building light up. Francis greets him and they go inside. Ludivine is cooking.
"Boum" by Adrien Chevalier
Timestamp: 1:27 | Scene: Max and Fanny have dinner at an outdoor theatre. The music ends when the rain starts.
"The Wedding Samba" by Edmundo Ros & His Orchestra
Timestamp: 1:42 | Scene: A young Max watches a young girl as she dives into the pool. She swims across and kisses him.
"Itsy Bitsy Petit Bikini" by Richard Anthony
Timestamp: 1:51 | Scene: 1st song in end credits.

What’s the movie about?
A British investment broker inherits his uncle’s chateau and vineyard in Provence, where he spent much of his childhood. He discovers a new, relaxed lifestyle as he tries to renovate the estate to sell it.

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90,000 works “New Year in my family” ”“ Composition O ... ”✔️
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  • 9000 New Year in my family» Grade 3

    New Year is coming soon! New Year is the most wonderful holiday. Everyone loves it, and I am no exception. Everyone celebrates this main winter holiday in different ways, but they wish the same thing: happiness, good luck and health!

    It is customary in our family to celebrate the New Year at home, in the circle of dear and close people. We are never bored together. On the eve of the New Year, we begin to prepare for the celebration.

    We decorate our Christmas tree and rooms with garlands, toys and tinsel. We get a festive tablecloth and dishes. Every year, for the festive table, mom prepares a lot of delicious things, there is always a dish with the symbol of the coming year. Under the chiming clock, all members of my family make wishes. Everyone has fun: they dance and sing, they hold interesting competitions, everyone gets a small symbol of the coming year.

    At night, our family goes outside to enjoy the festive fireworks and fireworks.

    In the morning I run to the Christmas tree to get a present, I have been waiting for it for a whole year, and my wishes always come true on the first morning of the year.

    New Year is my favorite family holiday!

    New Year in my family Grade 4

    My favorite holiday is New Year. At this time, everything around is like a fairy tale. We have our own Christmas traditions in our family. It is about them that I would like to tell. December 31 from early morning we start cleaning. At the same time, dad goes for the Christmas tree. By lunchtime, we begin to decorate the green beauty, and then, as a friendly family, we go to the kitchen to prepare a festive dinner.

    Grandparents come to visit us at six in the evening. Unlike other families, at this time we are already starting the celebration. Then we clear the table and play board games. By midnight, Mom serves fruits and drinks, we listen to the solemn speeches of politicians and make wishes. After midnight, everyone gives each other gifts. This is how we celebrate the New Year.

    New Year in my family Grade 5

    New Year is the most important and favorite holiday in my family. We are always looking forward to it!

    Preparations for this wonderful holiday begin long before December 31st. At the beginning of the month, my mother and I go shopping and buy new toys and decorations for the house. Then I write a letter to Santa Claus with my parents - I always indicate my cherished desires there. Like other schools, we have New Year's parties. For them, I always learn new poems and prepare a beautiful, bright dress. And a few days before the holiday itself, I draw postcards and make various crafts for my family.

    When December 31 comes around, my parents and I watch movies and TV shows all day long, cook food and wrap presents. In the evening, relatives come to us with gifts. I always wonder what they will give this time! Then we sit down at the table and wait for the New Year to come. After the chiming clock, all my family and I go outside to start the fireworks. Then comes the time of dancing, songs and fun. We go to bed happy and satisfied. I love celebrating the New Year with my family!

    Option 2

    When people ask me what my favorite holiday is, I answer with pleasure that it is the New Year. New Year is a fun holiday, on which miracles happen, cherished dreams and desires come true, people congratulate their friends and relatives, give gifts to each other. This celebration is celebrated in many countries. Each country has its own traditions for celebrating this celebration. Russian people put up a Christmas tree at home, decorate it with a variety of toys, decorate an apartment with New Year's garlands. And how many fairy tales, films and songs about the New Year exist, and each of them has its own interesting fairy tale story.

    New Year is a fairy tale that not only children but also adults believe in. Everyone wants miracles, and this holiday gives hope for the best. It makes us forget for a moment about existing problems and worries. In each of us, in the soul, a child wakes up, and we begin to feel like the heroes of our fairy tale. Everyone so wants to see Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden so that they come to our house. As a child, I always wanted to peep when Santa Claus puts a gift under the Christmas tree, and so I didn’t want to sleep in order to still see him. Although we did not manage to look at him, but the hope remained, and we sincerely believed that he existed. New Year is a holiday for those who believe, know how to love and know how to dream. All the bad things are forgotten... I would like to hope only for the good in the New Year.

    There is no better holiday than New Year's Eve. Because feelings are more important on Earth than faith and hope, no, and will not be. Unless love, but it is also accompanied by this mood, the circle of close people who surround us helps in this.

    It's not in vain that they say: "The way you celebrate the New Year is the way you will spend it"!

    “New Year in my family” Grade 6

    New Year is my favorite holiday. On the eve, I always have a strange feeling that something joyful and magical is about to happen. There is a festive atmosphere everywhere, everyone is preparing for the holiday - they choose beautiful Christmas trees, buy different fruits, sweets, prepare gifts for loved ones. Since childhood, the New Year is like a fairy tale for me.

    We start preparing for the celebration in advance. We clean the house, decorate the Christmas tree, decorate the rooms with balls, garlands, beautiful toys, holiday lights, candles. I really like New Year and Christmas wreaths with pine needles, bright ribbons and figurines of angels. Previously, I saw this only in foreign films, but now this fashion has come down to us.

    Mom always prepares something unusual, non-everyday for the festive table. I try not to oversleep the moment of the arrival of the new year under the chimes. After the last hit, fireworks start outside, which can last an hour! Every year family and friends come to visit us. We have fun, hold various competitions, dance, sing. It's always very interesting, but I usually fall asleep early. And in the morning I immediately run to the Christmas tree to see what they gave me.

    It is especially good when New Year's Eve is frosty and snowy. Multi-colored lights flash in the windows of all houses. Everyone is celebrating and having fun. Apparently, due to the fact that the New Year is a common holiday, celebrating it is so exciting!

    "New Year in my family" 7-8 grade

    New Year is a magical time for every person, of any age. This holiday is looked forward to all year long. It is on this night that so many miracles happen that even the most inveterate critics begin to believe in New Year's magic. Hearts are filled with love, and the house is filled with an incredible festive atmosphere.

    With the onset of winter, everything around becomes incredibly harsh and impregnable. Snowdrifts are fraught with unknown and incomprehensible secrets, and sunlight strives to break through this snow cover. The surrounding snow-white veil portends everyone's favorite holidays. New Year and Christmas are waiting for everyone without exception. These two holidays are put at the head of all celebrations.

    New Year is usually held in every family according to certain traditions. For some, the place of celebration does not change year after year, for others the filling of the table, and for the rest the composition. This holiday is considered a family holiday, because it is on this night that the whole family gathers at the table and they are united by the same celebration.

    The New Year in my family goes like this… Everyone gathers at our house. There are at least 10 people sitting at the table. Mom and I set the table and cook, and dad does the shopping and organizes the Christmas tree and the holiday in general.

    On New Year's Eve, there is a tradition to make a wish at 00:00, to the sound of the chimes. At this time, we light sparklers and wish each other all the best, whoever wants what. After we go to fireworks, and adults exchange gifts, and children find their gifts from Santa Claus under the tree. The level of magic is at its maximum. A joyful atmosphere after that reigns in the house for a long time.

    I believe that the New Year should not be measured by age standards - this is a worldwide holiday. On this night, you can experience the incredible power of renewing everything. The year changes, people change, opinions and views on things change. Almost everything lends itself to change, our life becomes even more intense and vibrant. We must find the strength to stay afloat each subsequent year. Our task is to sail on the wave that the rookie year has set.

    Composition How I met the New Year (how I spent it)

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    • How I met the new year

    Composition How I met the New Year (for a girl)

    I have many favorite holidays. But I love the New Year most of all and always look forward to this holiday with impatience. We have a lot of Christmas traditions in our family and this year was no exception. And so everything is in order.

    About a week before the New Year, my mother and I were decorating the Christmas tree. We have a lot of different toys and colorful tinsel. But I also made paper lanterns myself, they taught us at school. And they also took pride of place on the New Year's tree. And we decorate the apartment so that everything is festive. We sculpt a lot of paper snowflakes on the windows, which I also cut out myself, and we also hang a wreath with bells on the door. When the door opens, they ring funny.

    Everything around becomes magical and fabulous. We celebrated the New Year at home with the whole family. Our grandparents came to visit us. Mom cooked a lot of goodies, and I helped her. Traditionally, we baked duck with apples in the oven. We made a lot of salads, but the main one was the Olivier salad. As without this salad in the New Year. And for dessert, my mother made fruit jelly. This is my favorite delicacy, and without it, we do not have more than one holiday. But the most important thing is gingerbread cookies. This is another one of our traditions. Mom and I bake cookies in the form of little men, and then decorate them with multi-colored icing. We treat our relatives with these cookies, and also decorate our Christmas tree with them.

    I really love all these New Year's chores. But my favorite moment is the chimes. While adults drink champagne and wish all the best for the new year, I run to the Christmas tree. After all, under it I will definitely find my gift. This is the most wonderful moment, because you will agree that it is always very pleasant to receive gifts.

    Essay on how I met the New Year (for a boy)

    I am madly in love with winter. For snowdrifts from which you can ski down. I love ice skating on a frozen river. But most of all I love winter for its holidays, and especially for the New Year. After all, only once a year everything becomes magical and festive around. You walk along the evening streets of the city, everything sparkles with colorful garlands, and it seems that you found yourself in a fairy tale.

    My family also loves this holiday very much. We always celebrate the New Year at home with our family at a beautifully decorated table. Mom prepares many different delicious dishes on this day. My sister and I help her chop salads. When everything is ready, holiday goodies find their place on the table. But in the center of the table we always have candles that we light on New Year's Eve. I love this moment so much. The chimes, burning candles, wishes of all the best to each other in the new year. Everything is so magical and wonderful. And as soon as we met the New Year, we immediately get dressed and go out into the street to launch fireworks. From all sides you can see how colorful patterns appear in the sky, it's so cool. We also light sparklers.

    Of course, the New Year is not complete in our family without spruce. My father and I go to the market to choose a New Year's beauty. And mother and sister decorate it at home with toys and garlands. I always hang a star on the very top of the spruce. On New Year's Eve, we always find gifts under the tree. I am already an adult and I know that it is not Santa Claus who brings us gifts, but parents. And my sister is still small and believes in New Year's miracles, and is very happy with new gifts.

    I love the New Year very much. And I'm already looking forward to the next winter and the arrival of this unforgettable and magical holiday.

    Grade 3

    Composition How I spent the New Year

    New Year is my favorite holiday. He is very generous with gifts, fun, delicious lunches and dinners. I have been waiting for the New Year since October every year. And at the end of November, I already decorate the New Year tree.

    I spent the New Year with my dad and mom. It was very great. On December 31, we were preparing for the celebration of the New Year. We bought groceries, decorated the house, and cleaned. And when the New Year came, we went to meet in the park. There I saw a huge Christmas tree. She was so beautiful that I felt so warm in my Soul. I skated on the rink, played hockey with the guys. And then we all had tea. There was a lot of delicious food on the table. But most of all I liked the birthday cake. It was decorated with protein cream and sweet appetizing cherries. I probably ate half of the birthday cake.

    After the tea party there was an interesting disco. Everyone was having fun and dancing. Then my dad suggested that my mom and I walk around the city and congratulate everyone on the New Year. Passers-by were very pleased. But I was surprised that there are lonely people who have no one to celebrate the New Year with. One of these people was an elderly woman. She didn't have anyone at all. And so I dad and mom decided to invite her to their home. We treated her with festive treats and gave her a small gift - a calendar and an alarm clock. The guest was delighted and tears rolled down her cheeks from the fact that she was not alone in celebrating the holiday. She was so happy that her face shone, and her eyes rejoiced at everything that was happening around. New Year's Eve was a success. I understood a lot. Each person strives to be happy and no gifts can replace kindness, family. I realized that kindness can make a person happier and younger

    New Year is a magical holiday. And each person can become a magician for another. You just need to look around.

    Composition How I spent the New Year (memories) Grade 5

    This year the holiday was special. At the family council, it was decided to go to the village to the grandmother for the new year. Previously, we went to my grandmother only in the summer, but now we decided to go in the winter. Dad says that in winter the village is amazingly beautiful.

    At home we were diligently preparing for the holiday. I helped my parents choose gifts. We bought a good vacuum cleaner for my grandmother. Even the puppy Tobik was given a gift - a new ball.

    Decorated a small Christmas tree. I cut paper snowflakes and hung them all over the apartment. Then my mom and I made a casserole, a pie, and cheese puffs. It was very difficult to resist not to eat all this before the holiday.

    The most exciting moment is always an hour before departure. We collect the necessary things and medicines, pack treats and gifts. It took a long time to catch the excited Tobik in order to put him in the car.

    100 kilometers to our village and in an hour and a half we were at my grandmother's. The roads in the village are bumpy and snowy and we often got out of the car to help her out of the snow.

    Finally, tired, we reached our grandmother's house. She was already waiting, and we quickly entered the house. There we gave her our gift. Grandmother was very happy, because she had long dreamed of a new vacuum cleaner.

    The house was surprisingly warm and cozy. Mom says it's all thanks to the stove. Grandmother drowns her twice a day so that the house is warm around the clock.

    Toby the puppy was also allowed into the house and was immediately surrounded by grandmother's cats. She has three of them: black, gray and striped. The animals quickly became friends and started kicking Tobin's new ball around the room.

    Grandmother was preparing for our arrival and baked a lot of pies with different fillings. In the old fashioned way, my grandmother used to make tea in a samovar with the addition of dried herbs. I like this tea more than we have at home from an electric kettle.

    After drinking tea and exchanging news, we went to the yard to look at Grandma's tree. A real blue spruce two meters high was dressed up with colored balls and a garland. Our animals made a mess under the Christmas tree and we, succumbing to fun, began to play snowballs and sculpt a snowman. Grandma smiled at us. She hasn't had this much fun at home in a long time.

    When the old clocks struck twelve, we unanimously congratulated each other on the New Year and wished everyone happiness and health.

    We stayed with my grandmother in the village until January 5th. During these six days we had a lot of sledding from huge snowy mountains. We built a fire in the yard and learned how to cook porridge in the oven. We went to the bathhouse and to the forest. Grandma taught me how to make real bread.

    There are many children in the village. We went to visit each other and danced round the Christmas tree. And once I had a chance to ride on a wooden sleigh pulled by a red horse. It was our neighbor Uncle Borya who invited us. After skating, I treated Ryzhulya with a bunch of hay. It was so interesting that I could not be taken out of the stable for an hour.

    The New Year holidays in the village were very busy. None of the city holidays I remember so vividly. Now until the summer I will miss my beloved grandmother again.

    2, 3, 4, 5, 6th grade


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