For ATVs under 450cc, we generally recommend a 50 inch blade. Larger displacement ATVs can push blades up to 60 inches in most snow, but that’s about as far as you want to go. Most UTVs are approximately 60 inches wide and will require a blade in the 60 to 72 inch range.
How to plow snow with your ATV? When plowing snow with your ATV or UTV, start your first pass right down the middle with your plow blade angled off to the direction you want to plow to. You then continue to make passes toward that side. As the snow gets deeper, because you’re piling it up, make your passes using less of the blade, so the runs overlap.
What size tires do I need for an ATV? As far as an ATV with snow plow, the front tires should be 25×8-12 and rear tires 24×10-12. If the ATV is only going to be utilized for plowing snow, the above are recommended. If you are going to utilize the ATV for plowing snow and other activities, your best option may be ATV all-terrain tires.
What is the best UTV for plowing snow? Kubota RTV-X1100C – The Best! The Kubota RTV is the best UTV for plowing snow on the market today.
What is the width of a plow? It’s important to use the “optimal” width of plow for your machine. A 400 – 450 should easily handle a 48″ plow. But to use a 60″ you may need something bigger. With a small machine on a too wide plow, you will just end up pushing more snow than the machine can handle. Make sure you engage the 4×4 at all times when plowing.
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Yea it will work fine.. just put a set if Timbren’s on it and it should be fine. Just make sure that you don’t go any bigger than a 7.5 foot straight blade
If you’ve got just a small walkway or driveway to keep clear, a narrow ATV outfitted with a small plow may do just fine. For bigger driveways, access roads, and other larger areas, a UTV capable of handling a heavier, wider plow is often the better route.
For ATVs under 450cc, we generally recommend a 50 inch blade. Larger displacement ATVs can push blades up to 60 inches in most snow, but that’s about as far as you want to go. Most UTVs are approximately 60 inches wide and will require a blade in the 60 to 72 inch range.
If it was 200 hours of hillshootiing at the dunes, then that ATV has a lot of time spent at wide open throttle. If it is 200 hours of motocross racing or GNCC racing, then it also has a lot of wear and tear on it. If it is 200 hours of “usual use” then it isn’t too bad, but still depends on how it was maintained.
So how well do ATV snow plows work? For almost any depth of dry snow, or for moderate to low depths of wet snow, an ATV snow plow works really well. It’s fast, maneuvrable and great for sidewalks. For deep and heavy snow, however, you will probably be better off using a heavier machine, or a snow blower.
Make snow removal a blast with our Coolster 125cc Fully Automatic ATV Four Wheeler With Plow! Any mid to upper size utility ATV will plow snow just fine. It’s recommended staying in the 400-800cc range, not because of engine power but because of weight. The bike should weigh from 400 to 700 lbs or more.
For ATVs, blades are 60 inches or below. Snow plow blades that are over 60 inches are reserved for UTVs. Also, when you are deciding between plow blades, you will have to decide if you want a straight or v-shaped plow blade. Inserting a snowplow is a fairly simple job that you’ll be able to take care of in no time.
Advice for riding ATVs in the cold and snow. They’re called all-terrain vehicles for a reason. ATVs are designed for all types of terrain, from rocks to mud to sand to snow. lock will improve a machine’s traction, but a 2WD sport quad can be fun, too.
Sure, but obviously it won’t push as much snow as a 4×4. Put on some tire chains and some extra weight on the rear rack and it will get the job done.21 Sept 2015
What size ATV do you need for plowing snow? Any mid to upper size utility ATV will plow snow just fine. It’s recommended staying in the 400-800cc range, not because of engine power but because of weight. The bike should weigh from 400 to 700 lbs or more.
wheelers are pretty tough and if used to plow on a smaller scale like a small driveway it should not be a problem.. on the other hand if it has been used alot for plowing then that will definitely have a huge impact on wear from tiers to engine..
For adults up to 5’10”, a smaller ATV (around 400cc) should be a good fit, unless you have a specific reason for needing something more powerful. And for taller riders, we recommend looking at 500cc machines and higher. For maximum comfort when riding, you want a machine that’s going to match your physical stature.
ATVs can be a simple and efficient way to plow snow from your driveway or other surfaces.
200cc ATVS The biggest 200cc ATV is the Bombardier Rally 200, which is 79.9 inches long and 41.5 inches wide. The shortest model is going to be one of the two Polaris models, the Phoenix 200 or the Saw Tooth, both of which are 65 inches long. The least wide model is the Yamaha Blaster, which is 40.7 inches wide.
i have been plowing with 2wd atv’s for 2 years and they wrok great you just have to know your limits. last year i had a honda recon 250cc and it moved 8inches no problem that is the most we got, this year i have a honda rancher350cc and it also pushes the snow great.
around 400cc
I plow with my 500 in 2 wheel all the time. If it is under 6″ and light no problem. More then 6″ and heavy you may need 4 wheel. I use the slope of the driveway when plowing.
So how well do ATV snow plows work? For almost any depth of dry snow, or for moderate to low depths of wet snow, an ATV snow plow works really well. It’s fast, maneuvrable and great for sidewalks. For deep and heavy snow, however, you will probably be better off using a heavier machine, or a snow blower.
UTVs are great snow plows, if the area you’re plowing is the right size. If you have a small driveway that needs plowing, it may be overkill, but UTVs are very useful for plowing longer driveways or even parking lots; places too small for a massive snow plow, but still too big for just a shovel.
Generally speaking, if you find an ATV with high miles and low hours, it means that the vehicle was driven hard. So what is a good Hours to Mileage ratio? I find that around 15 miles to 1 hour (15:1) is a good ratio. Keep in mind that this number can be fudged by ATV owners by simply idling his or her ATV.
It’s summertime, and the last thing you might be thinking about right now is snow. But if you’re thinking about buying an ATV, you might also be planning ahead for winter use. After all, all-terrain vehicles are made for just that, all-terrain. And millions of people contend with drifted driveways and impacted snow during the winter season.
Today’s ATVs come in a wide range of sizes and offer a host of capabilities – ideal for off-road and mudding fun. However, when it comes to snow plowing in the winter, there are a few suggestions worth considering. According to some of the industry professionals, ATV size may not matter as much as you’d think when it comes to pushing snow. So, just how big of an ATV do you need to blast through the snow with a plow?
Should we live stream a little ATV fun in the snow? pic.
— KEEM ? (@KEEMSTAR) April 18,
‘Tis the season for blazing trails, getting muddy, and zooming around on the ATV. But for many Americans, all-terrain vehicles are a must-have for more than just fun. Snowplowing during the winter months is a necessity too. So, buying an ATV now means understanding what you’ll need it to do for you later. says the best time to buy an ATV, regardless of how you plan to use it, is right now. May and June typically represent the time of year that next year’s models are released by manufacturers. Usually, manufacturers authorize great warranty offers and rebates too.
Put public safety first and never carry a loaded firearm in or on a vehicle, ATV or snow machine.
It’s an unsafe practice that should be avoided – it’s also the law!#HuntSmart #HuntSafe #OntarioHunters #DYK #FirearmSafety pic.
— Ontario Fish and Wildlife (@FishWildlifeON) March 12,
Buying an all-terrain vehicle may kind of feel like buying a car. There are plenty of styles, sizes, brands, and capabilities from which to choose. Generally, buyers look at the core differences in horsepower and engine size. You can find 400cc models, 800cc models, and monster 1000cc models.
A 400cc ATV will work great as a fun, backyard adventure ride. It will also, according to, do just fine with plowing snow. But they also suggest there’s more to it than just size and ATV weight.
ATVs have been long used for fun and work for decades. And there are a host of reliable brands you’ve come to know and trust. Polaris, Arctic Cat, Suzuki, and Yamaha are just a few names that tend to have the most loyal customers. Knowing which will be best for your snow plowing job boils down to a few key features.
Safety first! Ontario Conservation Officers remind hunters: never carry a loaded firearm in or on a vehicle, ATV or snow machine.
— Ontario Fish and Wildlife (@FishWildlifeON) March 6, 2019It is an unsafe practice and is also against the law.
If your ATV needs to be snow plow-ready, there are a few things to consider. The ideal size for a 48-inch or 60-inch plow would be a 500cc quad, according to industry enthusiasts like It might also be worth looking at a side-by-side ATV with a 500cc motor to bring more weight and push capability to your snow plowing projects.
Weight means better traction, which is why most will tell you to find an ATV that weighs 400 to 700 pounds. Having the right weight and not so much engine power will translate to better turning traction. And for the heavier, wetter snow you might face, it’s the weight that will provide the momentum your quad needs to get the job done.
If you only need your new ATV for snow pushing next winter, there’s no real need to get an 800cc or bigger. The 500cc will work just fine. But you may have other requirements, including summer fun and work worth considering. Before you buy, know what you’ll need your ATV to do for you year-round. And get busy shopping because now is the perfect time to bring home a new quad, whatever you need it to do.
RELATED: Recall Alert: ATV Steering Problem Could Cause Riders to Lose Control and Crash
A lot of people love quads. Four wheels provide automotive stability, deep tread tires provide good flotation. This is a great transport for fishermen, hunters, athletes and just lovers of fast driving on difficult roads.
So almost everyone uses it with us - as a convenient vehicle. And few people know that an ordinary ATV can work as a special technique, bringing great benefits to its owner, and, if desired, also a considerable income. This is how this mechanism is used in Europe, the USA and Canada - more for work, not for travel. With its help, fields are cultivated, goods are transported, snow is removed, etc. Many companies produce attachments for ATVs.
You just need to buy it - and now an ordinary four-wheeled all-terrain vehicle turns into a tireless worker: a mini-excavator, a lumberjack, a cultivator, a snow remover, a front-end loader and even a sprayer.
If you attach QH50 equipment from Beaver Pro (USA) to an ordinary ATV, you get a mini excavator, and even with a small bulldozer bucket. QH50 weighs two centners "with a tail", is installed in front of the all-terrain vehicle. The volume of the bucket is one tenth of a cubic meter. Digging to a depth of one and a half meters. Can lift a load of 800 kilograms. Controlled by levers. The most interesting thing is that for the drive this miracle of technology has its own motor for 4 “horses”, and a hydraulic pump, with hoses and cylinders. For work in small areas, this is quite enough.
If the four-wheeled all-terrain vehicle will work with the DR Tree Chopper logging mechanism, DR Power Equipment (USA), then with its help any farmer can quickly and easily rid his land of "wild" vegetation. The machine cuts trunks up to 10 cm in diameter. Moreover, it does not require an additional power source. Works as follows. Two blades located in front wrap around the selected tree and direct it to the blades. The latter make a circular rotation, as on a circular saw, and carefully cut the trunk. The drive is automatic, it turns on only on the go. After pruning, a stump no more than 1 cm high remains, so that new growth in this place will not grow soon. The blade material is hardened steel. The working resource before the planned replacement is 300 thousand barrels. The performance is impressive. In 1 hour, an ATV with such a mechanism is able to knock down up to 100 trees.
If you attach a cultivator from Kolpin Outdoors (Wisconsin, USA, since 2014 a division of Polaris Industries, USA) to an ATV, the four-wheeled motorcycle turns into a mini-tractor capable of cultivating fields no worse than specialized agricultural machinery. For mounting equipment, a three-point hitch is placed in the rear. There are options for agricultural machines for 6 or 8 paws. The soil is loosened quite effectively.
If desired, the landowner can supply an 8-disc harrow instead of a cultivator. If it is required to clear the field from the root system or tear off the top layer of turf, then a ripper with several especially durable knives is designed for this. The range of working equipment Kolpin is quite large. In addition to the above mechanisms, ATV owners are offered plows, rakes, bulldozer blades, both for snow removal and for planning an unpaved roadway. If you need to lay a cable, you can put a chain excavator-soil cutter for this. And an ATV with a body turns this device into a universal mechanism for farming.
With equipment from Bercomac (Canada), no snow storms are terrible. The SNOW rotary snow blower, placed in front of the ATV, will quickly get rid of snowdrifts. To rotate the working parts, it has its own Honda engine, which, depending on the design, can have a power of 14 hp. up to 22 hp The snow mass is fed to the thrower and thrown to the side.
For the summer, the same company offers quick-release brushes for sweeping the area. In order to increase the safety of work, they are equipped with protective covers. Another type of equipment is grass mowers. They are controlled from the driver's seat and allow you to set the required cutting height. Thanks to the electric clutch, starting and stopping are almost instantaneous. If the owner turns off the ATV engine, then a special system automatically blocks the mower engine.
The Great Day hitch turns the ATV into a front loader. The mechanism is made of aircraft-grade aluminum, so it weighs only 13 kg. But it can lift almost 160 kg. This is quite enough to transport logs, bags of fertilizer, fence posts, building materials and other objects heavy for human hands over a short distance and load. If necessary, you can order the installation with a winch. Then the lifting force will increase to 900 kg!
BioLogic trailed sprayers are equipped with 60-litre tanks for wood pests or field weeds. To create the necessary pressure, a pump of 7.0 atm was supplied. There is a manometer with which the pressure in the system is controlled. Capacities are made of chemically resistant impact-resistant plastic, which guarantees their long-term operation. For direct application of solutions, there is a pistol grip. To avoid leaks, all connections are reliably protected by seals.
The attachments and trailers listed above are for popular Kawasaki, Honda, Polaris, Bombardier, Yamaha, Arctic Cat and Suzuki ATVs. With its help, four-wheeled all-terrain vehicles of these brands become not just vehicles, but also “workhorses”. The list of mechanisms is so large that one motorcycle with a complete set is able to replace a dozen and a half special mini-cars. He will work all year round: remove fallen leaves and snowdrifts, plow the land and cultivate it, spray trees, dig trenches, mow grass and much more.
Search for "ATV with attachments" in the information materials and forum
So, you want to buy an ATV. First of all, let me congratulate you on your upcoming purchase. For a given period of time, the Internet is just a wave of offers to buy this mini vehicle.
If you are going to buy an ATV, you need to understand - what is it? A toy or a household item? In fact, this is an excellent transport for outdoor activities, especially in our open spaces, which are not distinguished by good roads.
It is worth mentioning that the ATV is no longer an unattainable dream, in order to acquire it, you need to really want it. It is enough to contact the nearest auto center that sells all-terrain vehicles. Usually in such centers there is a large selection, so you should know what exactly you need to pay attention to.
What keeps you from buying? That's right, you don't know how to choose an ATV. The first thing you choose is the price. How much can you afford to spend on an ATV? If you haven't owned an ATV before, then don't forget to ask for a discount on additional equipment such as a helmet, boots, gloves, etc. You can decide whether you can buy new or used equipment.
Choosing an ATV should be no less thoughtful than a car. At the same time, you will certainly have a number of questions: should you prefer a two-stroke engine to a four-stroke, gasoline - diesel, water cooling - air?
Two-stroke engines are mainly used in sports models. They work harder, vibrate more and consume more fuel, but at the same time their traction characteristics are higher. If you need an ATV as a "workhorse", choose a diesel. There is no price for him when moving heavy loads (for example, you need to drag a sawn tree somewhere), but again, to the detriment of comfort and speed. Air-cooled is less of a hassle, but in extreme heat, you can run into overheating problems. Also pay attention to the engine size - do not think that by buying a 250 cubic quad, you can safely ride through the streets of the city. If in the countryside you can sometimes ride without a license, then in the city you can’t do without them.
A significant drawback of ATVs, in addition to the high price, is the presence of only one seat (trunk does not count). Double models are rare and usually one and a half times more expensive than their single “brothers”.
When buying an ATV, be sure to ask if there is an appropriate repair base. Although the described technique is quite reliable, it is still intended for extreme sports, and anything can happen in the forest and in the swamp. It is best to repair at the service station of the dealer from whom the ATV was purchased. Firstly, only here you can be guaranteed the quality of work and spare parts. Even if the spare part has a hidden defect, it will be replaced for free, which you are unlikely to expect from the “Kulibins from the garage”. Secondly, to repair an ATV, you need special tools and personnel trained in the correct use of this tool. However, branded service will cost a pretty penny.
ATVs - all-terrain vehicles with 4x4 will cost much more than teens and children. Here again, you need to think about the purposes for which you need the technique. If for hunting, fishing, and driving through the jungle, a sports-class ATV will naturally not suit you. If you are buying for fun, then I assure you, you can take a teenage 50cc and you will not be disappointed.
Types of quads
Powerful quads - with it you are not afraid of any work. These ATVs have powerful motors and you can use them for fishing, hunting, hauling heavy loads, clearing snow, and more.
Sports quads - these powerful horses are designed specifically for sports riding. If you want to ride through the forest, or over rough terrain, then you definitely need a sports ATV. The peculiarity of this sports equipment is that having a powerful engine up to 500 cc. allows you to accelerate to 100 km / h and more. If you have no driving experience, we advise you to refrain from buying this class.
Touring ATVs - the name speaks for itself. These quads are designed to overcome obstacles and travel long distances. Certain models have an extended base, so a passenger can also fit in the back. And two will agree much more interesting to travel than one.
Children's ATVs - The target audience for these ATVs is children. These are not very large, and not powerful ATVs. Engine capacity does not exceed 50 cc. The speed of such ATVs is not more than 40-50 km/h. If you have no experience, then a children's ATV is just right. And the most important feature of children's ATVs is safety. Many models have speed limiters.
And finally, if you decide to buy a used ATV, then you should pay attention to:
Electrician - check or ask if everything is working properly and make sure there are no defects or damaged parts.
Wheels - Ask about the condition of the rims - damaged rims are a sign that the ATV has been hit or crashed.