Pregnancy is all about changes, and some are more dramatic than others. Along with all the physical changes happening to your body, you may also be experiencing symptoms like mood swings, swelling, nausea or morning sickness, to name a few. So, it can be easy to overlook something as straightforward as fatigue.
But as you may be finding out, fatigue can be quite a challenge, too. Below, we cover everything you can expect from this common pregnancy symptom, its causes, and what you can do to manage it.
Fatigue is totally normal during pregnancy, but people’s experiences with it can vary widely. It may be that you don’t experience much fatigue at all, or it may be that you feel extreme tiredness in early pregnancy that drops off later on. No matter how it affects you, fatigue can generally be characterized by:
Pregnancy fatigue can start as soon as one week after conception, which means it may be an early sign of pregnancy before a test can tell you for sure. It’s also common to start feeling tired any time during the first 12 weeks.
There are various factors that can cause fatigue, but they differ from trimester to trimester.
The overall cause of fatigue in early pregnancy is simple – your body is preparing for the months ahead. But there are a couple parts of this preparation that can really contribute to feelings of fatigue:
In the second trimester, people typically find that they have more energy – you may be used to the new hormone levels in your body, and your baby isn’t very big yet. But it’s still possible to feel fatigued in the second trimester, especially if your sleep gets interrupted by pregnancy symptoms like frequent urination and leg cramps.
When fatigue happens in the third trimester, it’s generally because the baby’s gotten bigger. Carrying around that extra weight can be tiring on its own, but it also makes other things harder, including sleeping comfortably. Plus, as the baby settles into the pelvis, it puts more pressure on the bladder, so nighttime trips to the bathroom may become even more common. And all of that is in addition to any other pregnancy symptoms you’re experiencing.
When it comes to managing fatigue, the best thing you can do is take steps to increase your energy levels. This means:
A solid pregnancy diet can be a great way to keep your energy up. In particular, focus on getting enough iron, which supports red blood cell production and prevents any additional tiredness from anemia (a condition which results from not having enough red blood cells to carry the amount of oxygen your body needs). Foods that are high in protein are also good choices, as protein is a longer-lasting source of energy compared to carbohydrates.
You may benefit from eating smaller meals throughout the day. This can help keep your blood sugar and energy levels consistent. It’s also important to drink plenty of water, as water helps your body function properly.
The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends that you get at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity each week while you’re pregnant. That may sound like a lot, but if you break it down into 30 minutes of pregnancy-safe exercises per day, it adds up quickly.
Exercise improves blood circulation, which helps bring oxygen to every part of your body. This can give a boost to overall energy levels. Plus, exercise helps manage other pregnancy symptoms like back pain and constipation.
Even if you’re doing everything you can to boost your energy levels, you still have to listen to your body. And when your body is fatigued, rest is the answer. Take breaks throughout the day, nap when you need to and sleep as much as possible. It may help to go to bed earlier, and avoiding fluids for a few hours before going to bed can help cut down on bathroom visits at night.
Fatigue is very common and normal during pregnancy. Still, don’t hesitate to talk to your care provider at any point along your prenatal appointment timeline if you have questions or concerns about your level of tiredness.
But keep in mind, there are times when fatigue may be a symptom of a pregnancy complication like anemia, depression or gestational diabetes. Call your care provider if you experience sudden fatigue, fatigue that completely stops you from doing your daily tasks or if you have fatigue with any of the following:
Whether your pregnancy is making you tired, nauseous or anything else, a prenatal appointment can help. In addition to making sure you and your little one are safe and healthy, your care provider can give you tips and recommendations for every part of your pregnancy.
It's common to feel tired, or even exhausted, during pregnancy, especially in the first 12 weeks.
Hormonal changes at this time can make you feel tired, nauseous and emotional. The only answer is to rest as much as possible.
Make time to sit with your feet up during the day, and accept any offers of help from colleagues and family.
Being tired and run-down can make you feel low. Try to look after your physical health – make sure you eat a healthy diet, and get plenty of rest and sleep.
Later in pregnancy, you may feel tired because of the extra weight you're carrying. Make sure you get plenty of rest.
As your bump gets bigger, it can be difficult to get a good night's sleep. You might find that lying down is uncomfortable or that you need to use the loo a lot.
Feeling tired will not harm you or your baby, but it can make life feel more difficult, especially in the early days before you've told people about your pregnancy.
You may have strange dreams or nightmares about the baby, and about labour and birth. This is normal.
Talking about them with your partner or midwife can help. Remember, just because you dream something, it does not mean it's going to happen. Relaxation and breathing techniques may be helpful in reducing any anxiety you might be feeling.
The safest position to go to sleep is on your side, either left or right. Research suggests that, after 28 weeks, falling asleep on your back can double the risk of stillbirth. This may be to do with the flow of blood and oxygen to the baby.
Do not worry if you wake up on your back – the research looked at the position pregnant people fell asleep in, as this is the position we keep for longest. If you wake up on your back, you can just turn over and go to sleep again on your side.
You can try supporting your bump with pillows and putting a pillow between your knees.
The baby charity Tommy's has a video about safer sleeping in pregnancy.
Try not to let it bother you if you cannot sleep, and do not worry that it will harm your baby – it will not. If you can, nap during the day and get some early nights during the week.
Avoid tea, coffee or cola drinks in the evening, as the caffeine can make it harder to go to sleep.
Try to relax before bedtime so you're not wide awake. Relaxation techniques may also help, ask your midwife for advice. Your antenatal classes may teach you some techniques, or you could use a pregnancy relaxion CD or DVD.
You could join an antenatal yoga or pilates class. Make sure the instructor knows you're pregnant. Exercise can help you feel less tired, so try to do some activity, such as a walk at lunchtime or going swimming, even if you feel tired during the day.
If lack of sleep is bothering you, talk to your partner, a friend, doctor or midwife.
Read about preventing insomnia, including daytime habits, such as exercising, and bedtime habits, such as avoiding caffeine.
Occasionally, sleeplessness – when accompanied by other symptoms – can be a sign of depression. If you have any of the other symptoms of depression, such as feeling hopeless and losing interest in the things you used to enjoy, speak to your doctor or midwife. There is treatment that can help.
Read about mental health in pregnancy. has videos and written articles of people talking about their symptoms and feelings in the early weeks of pregnancy, including tiredness.
In this video, a midwife explains the various ways pregnant mothers can get more comfortable at night.
Media last reviewed: 25 January 2023
Media review due: 25 January 2026
The tenth week of pregnancy is the beginning of the rapid growth of the baby. He, like a real fairy-tale child, grows by leaps and bounds. Indeed, at the beginning of the week, the growth of the crumbs was only 15-20 millimeters, and at the end - its growth will be up to 40 millimeters, and its weight is about 5 grams.
With such growth rates, it is natural that a number of physical changes occur with the baby, namely:
Pronounced changes occur in the organs and systems of a small organism. The nervous system continues to develop, the cerebral cortex is being formed, as well as the circulatory system.
Serious transformations are also taking place in the digestive system:
Don't worry, your little one isn't hungry, he's doing great. He receives all the substances necessary for growth and development through the umbilical cord, and it is directly connected with the placenta and saturates the small growing organism with everything necessary through the bloodstream. During this period, the reproductive system also begins to work actively. Hair follicles on the head begin to form and the rudiments of teeth continue to form.
The baby is actively moving, but it is still not noticeable to the mother. The baby is still tiny, although it has grown significantly, and it is convenient for him to be in a large amount of amniotic fluid.
The tenth week of pregnancy is characterized by changes not only in the body of the child, but also in the body of the expectant mother, which leads to breast enlargement and changes in proportions. There comes a time when your position is slowly becoming known to everyone. It's time to say goodbye to tight clothes that no longer fit in size, and get a whole set of loose-fitting clothes so that your tummy does not squeeze, and the clothes are comfortable, do not interfere with normal blood circulation and do not impede movement.
If we talk about the psychological state, then the problems of the previous weeks do not disappear anywhere. You are still the same vulnerable, sentimental, tearful. You get tired very quickly, you can become distracted and face a headache. But you should not think about this, because everything will pass after the birth of the long-awaited baby.
The appearance of age spots may not be too pleasant. Don't worry, they will disappear at the end of pregnancy. And now the only way out is to use sunscreen and stay in the sun not too long so as not to provoke pigmentation.
As one very famous character used to say: “Calm, only calm!” – after all precisely emotional instability tiring. Stress in pregnant women also comes from lack of sleep, and from the inability to eat normally with toxicosis, and from anxieties and worries. If your condition becomes protracted, you need to learn how to cope with it so as not to harm the baby. After all, it negatively affects the functioning of many body systems.
What are the best ways to deal with stress? Always remember that pregnancy is not a disease, but a condition. Move more, walk, do not forget about charging. Of course, taking into account the peculiarities of your position.
Do not focus on your problems, fears and worries, but talk to your family, friends and relatives about everything that worries you, their moral support will allow you to defuse your emotional stress.
Do something exciting and enjoyable, find yourself in a new hobby or art. Learn new things, develop and do not be sad, because you are beautiful in your new role of motherhood.
What can and cannot be done during pregnancy? Sunbathe, steam in a bath or sauna, take alcohol, do anesthesia and x-rays, fly an airplane, etc. Doctors of medical clinics "Art-Med" answer the questions of patients.
Date of the last menstruation - December 23, 2004, cycle 27-29 days. At the moment - a delay of 2-3 days, the test shows pregnancy. Estimated date of conception 4 or 7 January. But on January 10, unaware of a possible pregnancy, she did electroepilation in the bikini area for 2 hours and with the use of an anesthetic - lidocaine. How dangerous is this for the development of the child and is the procedure performed an indication for abortion?
I don't see any reason to worry and, moreover, to terminate the pregnancy. The situation described by you does not increase the general population risk of having an abnormal child. Like all pregnant women, in order to exclude gross anomalies in the development of the fetus, you will need to undergo ultrasound 3-4 times during pregnancy, do a triple test (AFP, hCG, estriol) at 16-20 weeks.
I am pregnant (short term). Before pregnancy, I constantly visited the solarium once a week. Is it possible now to continue visiting it, reducing the number of minutes, or is it better to refuse it altogether?
Not all solariums are the same, and not only for pregnant women. Unfortunately, these establishments do not always meet all the necessary standards of ultraviolet radiation according to the characteristics of the waves. It is almost impossible to check this, but it is very easy to acquire a serious illness. During pregnancy, it is advisable to refuse to visit the solarium. The final choice is yours.
I am 21 years old, 32 days pregnant. The fact is that these weeks I did not even suspect about pregnancy, so I had long delays before, I lived a normal life. I've been smoking for 9months, about 6-7 cigarettes a day, during these weeks she consumed various kinds of alcoholic beverages, not to mention any junk food, such as hamburgers, shawarma, Coca-Cola. I am very afraid that because of all this, the child will be born with deviations. How will this be reflected, is it too late to take measures so that the child is born healthy?
Of course, drinking alcohol and smoking during pregnancy are undesirable phenomena, but you should not panic. A large number of practical observations show that such a "wrong" lifestyle, which a woman leads by negligence in the early stages of pregnancy, still leaves the risk of having a handicapped child within the low genetic risk. More precisely, the prognosis of your child can be determined at an internal medical genetic consultation. Be sure to do an ultrasound 3-4 times during pregnancy, a triple test at 16-20 weeks.
Will it affect the development of the fetus and the course of pregnancy that in the first three weeks, without knowing about the pregnancy, I got sick and I had a runny nose and bronchitis cough, there was no temperature. I took Coldact Flu plus 4 capsules (2 days), Antigrippin 2 capsules (2 days), Biseptol 1 tablet 3 times a day (4 days).
The question of colds in the early stages of pregnancy is repeatedly found on our website. The risk of having a handicapped child in such a situation (taking into account the intake of these drugs) remains within the limits of low genetic risk. To exclude gross developmental anomalies, ultrasound is recommended 3-4 times during pregnancy, a “triple test” (AFP, hCG, estriol) at 16-20 weeks. The individual risk of having a child with developmental anomalies can be determined at an in-person medical genetic consultation. All studies can be carried out at the medical center "ART-MED".
I am pregnant, 8.5 weeks. On the 4th day of pregnancy, she took a postinor tablet, because. didn't know she was pregnant. Will this affect the development of the child in any way? I had an ultrasound at 4 weeks and everything was normal. At 9-10 weeks, an ultrasound is prescribed, what does it give?
Most likely, taking Postinor will not have a negative impact on the development of the child. Ultrasound at 9-10 weeks of pregnancy allows you to solve a very wide range of issues (only listing them will take more than one page) related to assessing the quality of the course of pregnancy, fetal development, identifying various complications, and predicting further progression of pregnancy.
My pregnancy is about 2 weeks, I did not know that I was pregnant and took alcohol in the first week, how will this affect the fetus in the future and can negative consequences be avoided?
Drinking alcohol in the first week of pregnancy does not increase the general population risk of having a handicapped child. To exclude gross defects in the development of the fetus, you definitely need to do an ultrasound scan 3-4 times during pregnancy and take it at 16-20 weeks. the so-called triple test - a blood test for AFP, hCG, estriol. More precisely, an individual prognosis of offspring can be assessed at a full-time medical genetic consultation. All these studies can be performed at the ART-MED clinic.
Pregnancy 9 weeks, on the 6th week she caught a bad cold - the temperature rose and her throat hurt (not sore throat), she was treated with folk methods. Now I'm very worried, how did this affect the child? At what week of pregnancy should an ultrasound be done to determine if everything is in order with the fetus?
A respiratory infection at 6 weeks of gestation is, of course, an undesirable event, but extensive experience in observing such situations shows that the risk of having an abnormal child is still low. To exclude gross anomalies in the development of ultrasound, it is necessary to do it at 10-12 and 20-22 weeks, also do a blood test for alpha-fetoprotein, human chorionic gonadotropin, estriol (triple test) at 16-20 weeks. The individual risk of having a child with developmental anomalies can be assessed at an in-person medical genetic consultation. All studies can be carried out at the medical center "ART-MED".
I am in my 1st trimester of pregnancy and have a terrible reaction to insect bites - huge blisters and itching. I use local remedies fenistil and histane, but I began to worry if it was dangerous for the fetus?
Before 10 weeks of pregnancy, the fetus begins to form all organs and systems. It is during this period of pregnancy that the fetus is most vulnerable to the effects of various damaging factors, which may be medicinal substances. The degree of negative impact of various drugs, including those that you have taken, depends on many factors. It is simply impossible to predict and evaluate the nature of the effect of these drugs on the fetus. It may also be that there is no impact. However, it is advisable to topically apply simpler and safer means, for example, a solution of baking soda, to relieve reactions from insect bites.
How can the smell of paint affect the course of pregnancy and the baby? Our house is being renovated and I breathed in the smell of paint. I am now 28 weeks. What do I need to do and what does it mean?
Unfortunately, a number of paints may contain not very useful volatile substances (for example, acetone), which can adversely affect your health and even have a toxic effect, can cause you allergic reactions, lead to the development of preeclampsia, increase pressure, can serve source of mutagenic and carcinogenic effects. You and I do not know what kind of paint was used in your house. But in any case, if you experience discomfort, it is better to find an opportunity for a while (until the smell of paint disappears) to change your place of residence. In addition, in a planned manner, all the necessary mandatory examinations should be completed, which are usually performed by 28 weeks.
Went for ultrasound - results: Bipariental size - 2.9 cm, Coccyx-parietal size - 7.9 cm, femur length - 1.6 cm. weeks, after the last menstruation - 10-11 weeks. How can this be? Does this indicate any deviations? Still not knowing that she was pregnant, she was treated by a doctor for vaginal bacteriosis. I took Polezhinaks suppositories, they prescribed any antibiotic with metronidazole - I didn’t have time to drink it. So it didn't get better. How can taking suppositories and just do the disease in general affect the development of a child? Whether it is possible to carry out treatment now?
According to the data you provided, a biparietal size of 2. 9 cm is typical for 15-16 weeks, a femur length of 1.6 cm for 15-16 weeks, a coccyx-parietal size of 7.9 cm is typical for 14 weeks of pregnancy. Apparently, based on these data, doctors assume the indicated terms of pregnancy. Differences between the estimated gestational age and ultrasound data can be due to a wide range of reasons, ranging from a banal diagnostic error to abnormalities in the development of the fetus. Bacterial vaginosis during pregnancy should always be treated and preferably after 16 weeks. pregnancy. However, first of all, you should make sure that it really exists. Regarding polyjanax, the following can be said in advance. Until 10-12 weeks of pregnancy, the fetus is laying all the organs and systems. It is during this period of pregnancy that the fetus is most vulnerable to the effects of various damaging factors, which can be polygynax. The degree of its negative impact depends on many factors. It is simply impossible to predict everything and assess the nature of the effect on the fetus.
It may also be that there is no effect. However, it is advisable to undergo a comprehensive examination including biochemical, hormonal tests and ultrasound. You can get all the necessary consultations and examinations at the medical center "ART-MED".
I am 4 weeks pregnant. It so happened that I know exactly the day of conception, the only unprotected sexual intercourse occurred on July 13th. Not paying attention to the delay, since there were severe pains in the lower abdomen and I thought that menstruation would begin, I drank very heavily (a bottle of wine, 4 bottles of beer) on July 29th. How dangerous is this for the development of the fetus? Are there grounds for terminating a pregnancy?
Before 10 weeks of pregnancy, the fetus begins to form all organs and systems. It is during this period of pregnancy that the fetus is most vulnerable to the effects of various damaging factors, which are alcohol ... The degree of negative impact of various factors, including the alcohol that you have abused, depends on many factors. It is simply impossible to predict and evaluate the nature of the influence of these factors on the fetus. It may also be that there was no effect. However, it is advisable to undergo a comprehensive examination in dynamics, as pregnancy develops, including biochemical, hormonal tests and ultrasound. Unfortunately, not all fetal disorders can be detected using modern diagnostic methods during pregnancy. A number of deviations may appear some time after childbirth and even after several years. You can get all the necessary consultations and examinations at the ART-MED clinic.
Is it possible to sunbathe in a solarium during pregnancy, and what is the risk?
Not all solariums are equally useful, and even for non-pregnant women. There is no complete certainty that solariums comply with all the necessary standards for the level of ultraviolet radiation, its spectrum, radiation intensity, radiation exposure, etc., not to mention elementary sanitary standards and rules. In this regard, apparently it is not worth experimenting with pregnancy.
I'm going on vacation to another city - air flight 4 hours. At this time I will be at 24 weeks. Ultrasound at 17-18 weeks did not show anything bad, except for low placental. Can I fly or should I refrain?
When the placenta is low, placental abruption can occur, accompanied by massive bleeding, which poses a serious threat to health. An air flight can also serve as a provoking factor for detachment. Specific recommendations can only be given on the basis of a clinical examination, not on the Internet.
At 20 weeks I stumbled and fell flat on the pavement (on my knees, then on my hands and stretched out on my stomach). At the moment, nothing hurts and does not bother. Can a fall affect a child's development?
Such circumstances, as a rule, do not affect the condition of the fetus, since it is well protected by amniotic fluid. However, such falls can lead to placental abruption or to the threat of termination of pregnancy (pain in the lower abdomen, uterine tension, bloody discharge from the genital tract). If it doesn't, then it's good. However, it is advisable to perform an ultrasound to clarify the situation.
Is it possible to go to the sea, by plane, for 7 days at 33 weeks. The whole pregnancy proceeds normally, without threats.
Only a doctor who systematically monitors your pregnancy can answer your question. But even without knowing the details of your health, it seems unreasonable to change the climate and environment for such a short period and such a long pregnancy. It is also necessary to clarify with the airline until what gestational age they allow flights, no one can guarantee you the comfort of the flight, the absence of flight delays, etc.
Is it possible to sunbathe under the southern sun at 5-6 weeks of pregnancy (Crimea, Feodosiya). And is it possible to use sunscreen (I use Nivea).
Pregnant women should not sunbathe in the open sun. Being in the south, you will inevitably get a moderate tan from diffused rays. If you are on the beach, be sure to use an awning. There are no objections to using Nivea's anti-burn cream.
How harmful is working at a computer during pregnancy and how long can you work?
There is no convincing evidence that computer use negatively affects the development of the fetus. There are no strict recommendations about the timing of pregnancy when there is a greater or lesser risk of such exposure. In any case, avoid sitting in front of the screen in one position for a long time in a stuffy room. If you feel tired, then don't work! This is the best thing you can give your baby right now.
I am 25 years old and recently found out that I am 6 weeks pregnant. I did eyebrow electrolysis and I still have 2-3 procedures left to complete the course. I do them every 3 weeks. Is it harmful for the unborn child and can the remaining 3 procedures be completed?
The electrolysis procedure does not increase the general population risk of having an abnormal child. However, if you experience severe pain during the procedure, this can provoke an increase in the tone of the uterus, that is, a threat of termination of pregnancy. So you yourself should decide what is more important at the moment.
Can I dye my hair during pregnancy at 12 weeks?
There is no convincing evidence that the use of hair dye increases the general population risk of having a child with developmental anomalies. In any case, it is wiser to use natural dyes that do not contain ammonia. If we are talking about painting over gray hair, then I agree that the gray hair of a pregnant woman is not to her face, and it is worth dyeing her hair. If it’s just a tribute to fashion, then maybe it’s not worth exposing the body to contact with chemicals? Pregnancy is not forever.
My wife is 15 weeks pregnant. She really wants to go south (to the sea). Is it harmful?
Only a doctor who observes your wife's pregnancy and is aware of all the problems with her health can answer the question. In general, for a healthy woman with a normal pregnancy, a trip to the sea in comfortable conditions usually does no harm. Of course, sunbathing in the open sun, beach fun such as riding a "banana", trips to night discos, wine tasting, etc. should be excluded.
Pregnant at 13 weeks. Is it possible to sunbathe and swim? We are going to the sea, a man from Siberia wants the sun. How bad is the sun itself?
In your situation, it is better to refrain from direct exposure to sunlight and not roast in the sun, since this sun is located in geographical coordinates that are unusual and far from your permanent residence. In addition, the process of acclimatization will necessarily take place, which will require the tension of the internal resources of the body, and they are already strained due to the presence of pregnancy. So be very careful.
3 days late, I suspect pregnancy, but the test is negative, is it possible to do fluorography (very demanding)?
In your situation with fluorography, it is better to wait, do it when you are sure that there is no pregnancy (for this you need to donate blood for v-CHG - this can also be done at the ART-MED medical center).
Pregnancy 9 weeks. Can I use SOLEO tanning products? The doctor said that it is useful to sunbathe a little, vitamin D is produced, cosmetics manufacturers write that their product seems to be plant-based and protects the skin, but does the tanning activator itself confuse me a little?
First of all, not all solariums are equally beneficial for health, and not only for pregnant women. Be very careful! In addition, the less a pregnant woman will receive any drugs from the outside, including those that are part of cosmetics, and even through the percutaneous route, the better. Summer is on the doorstep, so the natural exposure to the sun will be enough for you to produce vitamin D.
I am 19 weeks pregnant, at what time can I accurately find out the sex of the child and what kind of ultrasound to do two-dimensional or three-dimensional? I was diagnosed with vaginosis and they prescribed Hexicon suppositories. How much can they help and is taking these suppositories harmless?
The sex of the fetus can be most reliably determined after 20 weeks. pregnancy with equal success using both two-dimensional and three-dimensional ultrasound. It is unlikely that Hexicon suppositories will cause any harm to the course of pregnancy. However, there is great doubt and the benefits of this drug in the treatment of bacterial vaginosis. For the treatment of this disease during pregnancy, there are other more effective and safe drugs. To prescribe these drugs, a preliminary internal consultation with a doctor is necessary. You can get the necessary examinations and consultations at the ART-MED Medical Center.
I am eight weeks pregnant. On the fifth week, she did an ultrasound scan and, according to the doctor, no abnormalities were found. Is it possible to visit the solarium for a small amount of time during pregnancy? Is it possible to conduct pregnancy and childbirth in your Center? At the end of May I want to do a 3D ultrasound in your center - is it possible to determine the sex of the child (I will have a period of 12-13 weeks)?
It is not advisable to visit a solarium during pregnancy, because. this can lead to disruption of the normal course of pregnancy for a number of reasons. In our medical center, it is possible to conclude an agreement on the management of pregnancy, receive separate consultations from an obstetrician-gynecologist, perform all necessary laboratory and instrumental studies. We do not accept childbirth, at the request of the pregnant woman, we issue a referral to maternity hospitals in Moscow and the nearest suburbs. Determination of the sex of the child (using three-dimensional ultrasound) is more reliable at 15-16 weeks of pregnancy.
Can ECG be done during pregnancy (4th or 5th week)? Is it true that you can not do fluorography?
You can do an ECG at any stage of pregnancy, since nothing affects your body during this procedure from the outside, the device simply records the electrical potentials of your heart. Fluorography is a diagnostic method based on the impact of X-rays on the human body. All X-ray examinations for pregnant women are prohibited.
How much alcohol affects the unborn child?
You probably know how alcohol affects a person in general. It affects the fetus in exactly the same way, only this effect is expressed several times stronger and depends on the frequency of alcohol intake and the doses taken. The most dangerous period when various toxic substances, including alcohol, can negatively affect the fetus is the gestation period of up to 10 weeks.
On the 21st week she had the flu. How might this affect the child?
From the point of view of the occurrence of fetal developmental anomalies, it is most likely that the flu you have had will not negatively affect the child in any way, because. the influenza virus has practically no teratogenic effect, and the laying of the main organs and systems occurred much earlier. Perhaps embryotoxic effects, which can be expressed in the form of fetoplacental insufficiency, intrauterine infection of the fetus, fetal hypoxia. To this end, it is advisable to conduct a comprehensive study to assess the condition of the fetus, which you can also perform at the ART-MED medical center.
How can ureoplasma affect the development of the fetus and is it possible to treat a pregnant woman at the 3rd month with antibiotics, can these antibiotics affect the fetus? Is it possible not to be treated for ureoplasma during pregnancy?
Ureaplasma can lead to intrauterine infection and therefore requires treatment.