How-To Guide
Updated on: July 20th, 2021
Get a leg up on your 2021 hunting season by using your ATV to plant a simple food plot this August. Food plots provide supplemental feeding areas to local game, and encourage shy deer out of the woods so that you have better visibility on your prey. Creating a lush, fertile food plot is easier than you think when you use your ATV to do all the heavy lifting.
By planting your crops and cover in early August, you’ll allow for plenty of time for vegetation to grow in. Before planting, take some time to decide where and what to plant, and account for the time it will take to get your soil ready. Here is the step-by-step guide to creating a food plot using your ATV:
Choose a plot that is .25 to .5 acres – any smaller and deer might destroy your plot before it develops. Any bigger and it will require a lot of work to tend and hunt. Choose a spot near a wooded area, or one that’s surrounded by woods or brush. Deer prefer to frequent plots that are close to cover. Try to pick a plot that longer and skinnier – this will offer a better sightline and make deer feel more comfortable.
Take a sample of the soil to your local USDA office or agriculture supply store. Ideally you want pH levels in the 6-7 range. If the pH is lower, mix up crushed lime into your plot. You’ll get detailed instructions of what needs to be done with your soil sample results.
Focus on areas where you will be planting and use your ATV to do the heavy lifting by hauling away fallen branches and debris.
Hook your ATV up with an attachment like a disk harrow or disc plow to really churn up the earth, and follow it up with a drag harrow (or a section of weighted chain link fence) to grade the dirt out. A tine plow attachment will also help with furrowing in preparation for seeding.
To help draw deer out from the denser bedding areas on the edges of your plot, use your ATV to haul in vegetation like brush and fallen tree limbs to create coverage.
Use an ATV spreader to fling seed across your plot. Deer corn planted in the center of the plot can be an attractive draw for shy game. Perennials like alfalfa and clover are hardy year-round ground cover that won’t require a lot of upkeep.
Annuals like turnips, kale and beets can be planted in late summer, and in early fall wheat and oats will ensure a nice crop for hungry deer to seek out. Fruit trees are another option.
Use your ATV to bring in bags of fertilizer, brush clippings and other resources that will help you maintain the natural image and lush growth of your food plot. Be sure to weed regularly to ensure healthy crop growth, and conduct pest maintenance if needed.
Finally, time to reap your rewards! After all the hard work prepping and planting your plot, you should have a nice area that’s very respectable and appealing to deer – not to mention easier to hunt than the dense woods. Set up tree stands and ground blinds in optimal viewing areas, and make adjustments to your plot wherever you see fit, including using your ATV to haul in more “junk” fixtures to create perceived cover for deer.
Spending the time this August will pay off in November, and with the right maintenance and tools, you can repurpose a well-groomed food plot year after year.
Happy hunting!
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By J. Wayne Fears
You finally have a tract of land to manage for deer hunting, and you can’t wait to locate and plant food plots. However, you must wait because you don’t have the budget to buy a farm tractor and the needed implements.
Hold on. Don’t give up yet. If you have an ATV or side-by-side, chances are you can still do some of the same things on your property you could accomplish with a tractor. Plus, you can get the ATV into remote places a tractor can’t go. All you need to do is to shop for ATV farm implements that can turn your ATV or side-by-side into a workhorse. Many used models are available at reasonable prices.
The ATV as a Tractor
A new generation of deer hunters is discovering the year-round fun of managing habitat, including creating and planting food plots that will attract and nourish deer. Many of those hunters are buying or leasing land to manage for hunting, have inherited a farm or have family land to manage, or are joining hunting clubs that lease land they can manage. However, few of the new generation of hunters/deer managers have a farming background or have ever driven a tractor. Because of that lack of experience, there’s a lot of confusion about the steps to take in developing and planting a food plot using an ATV. Experts agree that for an ATV to be suitable for working a food plot, it must have at least a 450cc engine. Larger is better. It needs to be equipped with a low gear range, aggressive tire treads, four-wheel drive and a strong hitch mount. It requires a lot of horsepower to pull a long-tooth harrow or a set of discs through the soil while occasionally hitting roots or rocks. Also, ATV discs can weigh up to 300 pounds, and pulling that weight through the soil can require a lot of muscle. You want enough strength in your ATV so it can do the job without being strained — that usually requires being in four-wheel drive and running in low gear — and you do not want the ATV to overheat. I recently planted a half-acre remote food plot in Imperial No-Plow using a 4-by-4 that had an 812cc engine, a low-range transmission, aggressive tires and a strong hitch system. Using the appropriate implements, it performed like a small farm tractor. Here’s a brief guide to the steps necessary to develop and plant a food plot using an ATV as a tractor.
1. Select Good Plot Locations
Many deer management plans call for at least one percent of the total acreage to be planted in managed food plots. (three to five percent is even better) It’s preferable that the plots not be in one block or just one section of the property. In fact, the food plots should be as equally distributed throughout the property as possible. That offers food to a higher percentage of animals. The best way to locate food plot sites is to travel the property slowly on your ATV and view the area, looking for natural openings such as old fields, utility right-of-ways, log loading areas and small clearcuts. Study each potential site carefully. The more isolated the location, the better. Give a high priority to areas where the soil is rich and moisture is good, but not a wetland. Ideal food plot sites have an irregular tree line. Use a GPS and mark the locations on a topo map, and record the sites in your wildlife management plan.
2. Prepare to Till the Plot
After you’ve selected food plot sites, it’s time to clean the sites and prepare to till the soil. The first rule of tilling is to clean a new or existing food plot site as much as possible so you can better evaluate what type machinery will be required to break and prepare the seedbed. This needs to be done a couple of months before the planting season. Using your side-by-side or ATV with a trailer is a convenient way to remove ground litter by hand. The trailer or a side-by-side with a bed can be kept close to the workers, minimizing cleanup time. Pick up everything you can, including rocks, limbs and logs. You want to evaluate the bare ground. If weeds and other vegetation cover the plot, you can use the ATV with a herbicide sprayer attached to quickly kill the competing plants. When dead, they can be plowed under or removed by hand.
ATV vs. Tractor
After the food plot is cleared, it will be easy to see what you’re facing to get the plot tilled and the seedbed prepared. Can it be done with an ATV, or will it require a tractor? Ask these questions:
• Is the food plot site new?
• Is it in an old logging road or log landing?
• Is the site an old, overgrown field?
• Are there lots of stumps and roots in the plot?
• Are rocks as large as a grapefruit or larger present at the plot site?
• Is the soil a tight soil, such as red clay?
• Is the plot larger than three acres?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, you had better plan to use a tractor with at least 30 horsepower and heavy discs, or contract with a local farmer to break the plot with a strong farm tractor and discs. Trying to use an ATV in most of those situations can be dangerous, frustrating and hard on equipment, resulting in a less than- desirable crop. It’s simply more than an ATV was designed to do. However, if the plot is established and has been broken annually and planted in annual crops, or is in an area free of roots, stumps and large rocks, and the ground is a loose soil, such as a sandy loam, and has not been compacted by heavy truck traffic, you can probably use your ATV. That assumes the ATV meets the requirements to pull a heavy set of ATV-designed discs to break the ground and a harrow to prepare the seedbed.
3. Tilling a Seedbed
I’ve written many times that one of the most common mistakes food plotters make is not preparing a good seedbed. I consider poor seedbed preparation the No. 2 reason food plots fail, right after not following the recommendations of a soil test. Tilling a food plot should not be rushed. It will take several passes with the cutting disc to establish a good seedbed, but with patience, you can do it properly. Remember to break the field when the soil is dry, and take your time. Using an ATV, you’ll typically have to go over the field several times. Good seed-to-soil contact is essential for a productive food plot, and you want a level, fine-textured seedbed. When the soil is broken up, the next step is to level and smooth the seedbed.
4. Smoothing the Seedbed
Using a drag-type harrow, sometimes called a chain harrow, attached to your ATV, drag the food plot several times with the longer tines down to break up small clods and remove weeds, rocks and other natural debris. This dragging will also help level the plot. Next, turn the harrow over, and use the short-tine or tine-less side, to drag the field several times to level it for seeding. It’s often necessary to make three to four passes in various directions to harrow a plot properly. Using a drag harrow takes time in a new food plot, as the tines will need to be cleaned of weeds, grass, rocks and sticks from time to time. However, when you have completed the seedbed preparation, you can look at a clean, level, fine-textured field and know your seed has the best bed possible. If you don’t have access to a drag harrow, a section of chain-link fence attached to a heavy wooden timber can make a homemade harrow, sometimes called a drag.
5. Always Soil Test
The next step in planting a food plot can be where the greatest errors occur. During the many years I’ve spent working with landowners and hunting clubs, I’ve seen many food plots where the seedbed was properly prepared, but when it came time to fertilize and plant seeds, folks took shortcuts that resulted in a poor crop. The result was low usage by deer. The best seeds and the best seedbed preparation will not create a quality food plot if you don’t lime and fertilize according to a soil test. Several months before you’re ready to plant your food plots, visit your cooperative extension service agent and get soil tests kits for your food plots or get professional soil test kits directly from the Whitetail Institute. Then, take your ATV and visit each food plot. Take a soil sample, following the instructions with the kit. Send the sample to the designated soils lab for analysis. The report you will receive from the lab will tell you exactly how much and what kind of fertilizer — and possibly lime — you will need on each food plot for the crop you intend to plant.
6. Lime and Fertilize According to Soil Test Results
After your seedbed is prepared, equip your ATV with a seeder/spreader mounted on the unit, or use a pull-behind seeder/spreader. These seeders can be used to not only spread seed but also to lime and fertilize the field. Lime, if necessary, and fertilize the plot following the soil test results and recommendations.
7. Plant According to the Recommended Rate
When a plot has been fertilized, wash out the seeder thoroughly, as lime and fertilizer residue can corrode a seeder quickly. Then, calibrate the seeder following the manufacturer’s instructions so it will distribute the seed at the company’s recommended rate. Too few or too many seeds per acre can result in a poor-quality food plot. Take your time to do it right.
8. Cover Seed Carefully
Using a cultipacker or homemade drag pulled behind your ATV, cover the seed according to the seed company’s recommendation. Small seeds covered too deeply may not come up. Seed not covered enough can be eaten by crows, turkeys and other critters. Good seed to- soil contact is essential for a high germination rate. If you’re using a cultipacker and planting small seed like clover or brassica, it’s usually best to cultipack before and after spreading the seeds. Finally, pray for rain. Remember, you do not have to be a farmer to have good food plots, and much of the work can be done with an ATV and some basic equipment.
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CourseLove under Catherine the GreatLecturesMaterialsFolklorist Andrey Toporkov talks about how love sickness was described in the collections of conspiracies of the 17th and 18th centuries, who resorted to love magic and what is common between Russian love spells, Greek magical texts and defacing from photographs
Recorded by Irina Kaliteevskaya
Miniature from the alchemical treatise "Aurora consurgens" ("Rising Dawn"). Swiss copy, 15th century © Zürich, Zentralbibliothek, Ms. Rh. 172 / e-codices — Virtual Manuscript Library of Switzerland In Russia in the 17th-18th centuries there was a tradition of writing down magical texts - the so-called incantations. Dozens of manuscripts and hundreds of texts have survived from this time. Among them, there are often love plots and plots for power - for commanders and bosses; there are fishing plots used by hunters, fishermen, shepherds. A large number of texts are plots against enemy weapons. Usually they mentioned that if a person is literate, he can read such a text before a fight, while an illiterate person will only need to pronounce a short memorized prayer formula. In addition, it was believed that even if a person simply had a military conspiracy written down on paper, a bullet would miss him, so they were usually copied into tiny notebooks and sewn into clothes, in some clean place.
The two earliest manuscript collections known to us are called Olonets and Ustyug. This is approximately 1630-40s, that is, the time after the Troubles, but I think that such manuscripts have existed since at least the beginning of the 17th century. The fact is that in the Time of Troubles there was virtually no censorship whatsoever, and under Alexei Mikhailovich, somewhere from 1645, a massive attack on popular culture began. Decrees appeared against popular superstitions and holidays, which directly demanded that people who have such ungodly books turn them in. If a person did not do this and such a book was found with him, then, generally speaking, it was supposed to be burned on the owner’s head. Gradually, these rules evolved, and over time, books were already required to be burned along with their owners. In such a situation, if you got a collection of conspiracies from your grandmother, it is likely that you will either turn it in or destroy it yourself - therefore, it is obvious that there were much more such collections than have survived to this day, and many of them have survived.
It is surprising how easy and cheap it was to get such a book: in the 18th century, a magical manuscript could be bought right on Red Square, and very inexpensively. There were entire workshops, schools of warlocks, whose students en masse copied these texts and then sold them. Priests and deacons often earned money by copying such handwritten collections - usually in rural churches, but not only.
The magical texts found in these collections are often a rather strange mixture of Christianity and folk tradition. If we know how a conspiracy differs from a prayer, then this was far from always obvious to a villager in the 17th century. Often texts that we would call incantations are called prayers in manuscripts; next to them there may be real, albeit distorted, prayers, for example, some kind of psalm, sometimes so altered that you don’t immediately understand what it is.
Among these ancient magical texts, love spells occupy a large place. Oddly enough, they were mostly used by men, since literacy was their prerogative: handwritten magic is largely male, and love magic is no exception.
In general, apparently, there was a fairly clear distinction between male and female love magic. Women most often tried to influence their husbands so that they would treat them kindly, not beat them - the formula “to be kind” is often found. Basically, they used simple and accessible means for this, for example, they mixed something into food. Youth love magic was widespread in the villages: there are ethnographic studies from the Vologda province that describe how, say, during the wedding ceremony, the bride and her girlfriend go to the bathhouse, collect sweat and then mix this sweat with some food. Of course, a lot of girl fortune-telling is known.
Men, on the other hand, often used incantations. And these love plots make a rather strange impression on a modern person.
Miniature from the treatise "Aurora consurgens". Swiss copy, 15th century © Zürich, Zentralbibliothek, Ms. Rh. 172 / e-codices — Virtual Manuscript Library of Switzerland All these texts are based on the idea of love as a fatal disease; the experiences that accompany this feeling are, as it were, its symptoms. Often love is identified with longing, and in love spells there is a personified image of Tosca - sometimes this word is even used in the plural. Longing is often described as a creature without arms, without legs, without a head, which beats, is in a state of hysteria. Often Tosca is associated with a board that presses it down, and in general, the image of longing is often associated with literal pressure when something squeezes the body. Also, Tosca is closed into something: locked in a coffin or in a house without windows, without doors. In the texts of love conspiracies, this Longing must go to a woman, move into her, so that the woman also begins to beat in hysterics, she herself becomes a personified Longing.
What other symptoms does this love sickness have besides hysteria and depression? First, insomnia. Secondly, such a state when you can neither eat nor drink: “Let her eat, but not eat, let her drink, but not get drunk ...” Thirdly, complete lack of communication skills: a woman cannot and does not want to communicate with their loved ones - sisters, brothers, parents. "If she had a friend, let her forget her friend. "
This condition is like a fever: the woman is seized with heat, she is on fire. For the imagery of love magic, the theme of fire is very characteristic: a woman must, for example, burn in the same way as grass burns in a furnace. It can be assumed that this fire, which is sent to her, has parallels with the fire of hell: she must be tormented in the fire, like a sinner in hell. Another image is melting wax: “As wax melts, so that the heart of the servant of God melts.”
Finally, quite often a woman in this state is likened to some animal, for example, a mad cow, which rushes about in search of a bull.
Taken together, this gives the image of a suppressed will, complete submission: a woman must lose her mind, lose the ability to control herself, completely submit to the will of a man, she should have only one desire left - to find him, run to him and surrender.
It is important to understand that conspiracies are a specific, very narrow area of life: they are used in situations that fall out of the norm. Anyone who wants to get married goes to a matchmaker. A person turns to conspiracies in emergency situations when he cannot realize his desires with the help of some rational methods - and, feeling his inferiority, resorts to unlawful methods.
Conspiracies are also interesting because they retain traces of the ritual. For example, those that are built as a description of a journey. A man describes how he goes to the blue sea and there he meets some mythological characters, for example, "seven winds, whirlwinds." He asks them to go to such and such a servant of God and influence her in a certain way. In principle, we can assume that this is an abbreviated record of the ritual: sometime in ancient times, a person really went out into the field, turned to the wind, the sun, or some other natural forces. Then it entered the verbal fabric of the ritual, and there was no longer any need to go anywhere, it was enough to describe how you are walking in some symbolic space.
Another example is the text of the epic about Dobrynya and Marinka, in which a love plot is inserted. There Marinka decides to bewitch Dobrynya. To do this, she finds his footprint (a footprint on the ground), puts it in the oven, and he burns along with firewood, and at the same time she pronounces the following formula: “How this firewood burns with a trace, so that the servant of God Dobrynya burns for me, so that his body would burn."
Most of all, love spells are reminiscent of inflicting damage - and, apparently, by origin they are connected precisely with these rituals. For example, there are such rituals of inflicting damage on a thief: you need to find something left over from the thief or from what he stole, say, a hair from a stolen fur coat, and smear it into the oven. When the furnace burns, the hair shrinks - and as it shrinks, so the thief will shrink. Thieves were so afraid of these rituals that when they were threatened with smashing them into the oven, in some cases they simply returned what they had stolen. In general, the love theme often intersects with the theme of theft - and cheating on a wife, by the way, was also called theft. And the image of melting wax refers to the ritual of taking an oath. The man melted the wax and said: "If I change my oath, then let the same thing happen to me as with this wax."
There are quite a few descriptions of how an uncontrollable feeling takes possession of a person - and he explains this by magical influence. For example, a soldier was walking through the village, asked the girl for a drink of water, then left, and the girl went crazy over him, couldn’t think about anything... She was told: “Well, I’ve put a curse on you.” Then she goes to a knowledgeable person, a healer, and he helps her remove the damage.
I myself learned about all this quite by accident, on an expedition in 1979. In my student years and later, I took part in the famous Polessky Expedition of the Academy of Sciences Polesye expeditions are dialectical and ethnographic expeditions of the Institute of Slavic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, organized in 1962 on the initiative of Nikita Tolstoy. Members of the expeditions traveled to the southern regions of Belarus, the northern regions of Ukraine and the Bryansk region - initially to collect vocabulary for the Polissya dialect dictionary. Over time, the range of materials they were interested in expanded significantly and included various elements of archaic Slavic culture (rites, folklore, beliefs, customs, etc.). Expeditions continued until 1986 years old., led by Nikita Ilyich Tolstoy Nikita Tolstoy (1923-1996) - Slavic philologist, folklorist, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Great-grandson of Leo Tolstoy. . We had one informant, half-blind and very old. One day, firewood was brought to her and dumped in the yard; she asked me to help her put this firewood into the woodpile. After she invited me to drink tea, we started a frank conversation, and she told me the story of her life.
She had such a life drama. When she was 17 years old, she was bewitched by a neighbor. This neighbor was 40-45 years old. His daughter married a young man who walked on the side, and the neighbor wanted to bewitch this young man to his daughter, but first he decided to "train" on the neighbor. And he bewitched the narrator. She described this story in such detail that it was obvious that she did not invent anything. According to her, she knew their entire family history and understood that she was bewitched, but still she could not live without him. She described the scenes in the spirit of the decadence of the early 20th century: here she is mowing in a clearing, and this man is mowing in a neighboring meadow. And she throws her scythe, calls him, starts to beat and shouts: “Why did you make me love you ?!” She says, "I would have killed him!" But he grabs her by the hands, laughs in her face, and she says: "But I can't live without him..." Well, then they kiss and make love in this field.
Then she found a knowledgeable person who began to give her something to drink - and thus turned her off. But it all lasted quite a long time. And at the end of her story, she said: "And this is always the case - and you spit on him, and he is the only sun in the world for you."
Then I didn’t have a recorder with me, and I ran to the school where we lived, grabbed the recorder, returned and said: “Well, tell me, tell me!” And she says: “What to tell something? There’s nothing to tell…” I didn’t want to repeat all this under the recorder.
I was then shocked by the complete split of her consciousness and the fact that she describes it all so clearly. Can you imagine the state of a person who knows that they have played such an evil trick on him, and at the same time completely obeys this feeling and cannot do anything with himself?
From the advent of folklore until the revolution of 1917, the texts of conspiracies were collected and even printed, but these searches were not very welcome, because the church, of course, treated this kind of creativity very negatively. Particular indignation was caused by the fact that Christ and the Mother of God often act in these conspiracies - and this is perceived sharply negatively by a person of Christian culture.
Under Soviet rule, entire spheres of folk culture were banned, at least unofficially. First of all, this concerned just folklore magic and folklore erotica: since the 18th century, a huge corpus of texts of obscene ditties, all kinds of extremely playful songs, erotic riddles, proverbs, cherished tales ... As a result of sixty years, all this was not published or studied, although archeographic expeditions found new manuscripts every now and then, which were simply put into archives. As a result, since 19For 91 years, when censorship was abolished, a huge number of texts were extracted and published from the archives, primarily magical and erotic, which completely change the perception of Russian folklore - in the last 25 years, a real explosion has occurred in these areas.
Miniature from the treatise "Aurora consurgens".Despite the fact that different cultures have their own magical traditions, love spells are not found in every nation. There are practically no English, German, Scandinavian love spells. They are in Southern Europe - in Italy, Spain, on the Balkan Peninsula. But in most traditions, unlike the Russian one, these conspiracies are very simple and short. In Ukraine, for example, there were formulas like "As the fire burns in the furnace, so let the slave name burn." The image of fire has a universal character for all conspiracies - and this is rooted in a variety of languages, where expressions like "my feelings flared up", "I'm all on fire" are found.
Such large, elaborate texts as in Russia are known to me only in two traditions. There are dozens, if not hundreds, of very similar texts of Greek charms recorded in Egyptian papyri around the 2nd to 4th centuries AD, and there are collections of Romanian love spells. They have almost the same set of characteristics as the Russians: these are also male conspiracies, in them love appears as a disease that causes melancholy, insomnia, lack of communication skills, is described in terms associated with fire, and so on. It is very difficult to understand why there are so many parallels between Russian, Greek and Romanian love spells.
In the 17th and 18th centuries, the tradition of conspiracies was characteristic of both the city and the village. In the 19th century, it was gradually forced out of the city and remained exclusively in villages and small settlements. And in our time, there is a kind of return to an archaic tradition: the Internet is full of endless texts of sorcerers promising to bewitch someone or return a husband to the family, that is, the tradition returns to the cities again and, paradoxically, again goes to the village from there, as the Internet gradually penetrates and there. In addition, there are many paper popular publications that are brought from cities or ordered by mail.
From the point of view of field folkloristics, this is, of course, tragic, because local traditions are clogged - we can no longer distinguish what originated in a given village, and what a few years ago came here with some popular book or periodical. This mixture of various traditional texts and texts introduced by modern popular culture is called "post-folklore". In principle, the culture of post-folklore is largely international.
Today, photographs are actively used in magic for damage and love magic. For example, a guy left a girl, and she tears up his photo and burns it. This is a new reality, but the method of bewitchment itself is quite traditional. You can, as before, feed a young man a special gingerbread or take some thread from his clothes and attach it, for example, to a battery so that he dries and shrinks just like this thread.
At the same time, many traditional practices in modern urban society are being transformed, in particular, they are moving to the younger age group: what girls of marriageable age did in the village are now done in the city rather by girls 9-12 years old. For example, girlish fortune-telling about the groom has turned into a form of a child's game, when girls (and boys too) look in the mirror and call a dwarf or the Queen of Spades.
“I will stand blessed, I will go blessed, I will go to an open field under a sunny country. There is cheese oak kryaknovist Kryaknovisty - in the dialects "dumpy", "strong". four sides, from east to west, from south to north, from every person, from the king and queen, from black and blue, from belt and white, old and young to me, to the servant of God name, into one place. I will stand, the servant of God name, bow down and swear by the four winds and four vehors: Stand you, four winds and four vehors, carry me, the servant of God name, carry me along the sun and the moon, along the stars and the moons, and on all sides ; wherever you see her, then put into her anguish and grief and unusual sadness, that servant of God would grieve after me, after the servant of God, name, on a day with the sun, on a night with months, every day, every hour, every time, months old and full and redrawn Re-cut - an old Russian word denoting the beginning of the damage to the moon in the first days after the full moon .
; then longings and great sorrows would not be seized with sugar and not washed down with drink, neither with father, nor with mother not apart, neither from brothers, nor from sisters, nor from sisters, not away, neither in the wind, not a passerby, nor deeds not finished off. Forever and ever. Amen".
Olonets collection, second quarter of the 17th century
"Words t heptar T heptar -" to the wives "(secret writing) ..
At dawn in the morning I will go under a quiet cloud, under a red dawn, under frequent stars and I will see the language of King Khakhtsu Khakhtsa - “Thirst” (cryptoscript) .. King Khakhtsa, announce to me a fiery river. And do not fall, fiery river, neither into the rivers, nor into the lakes, nor into the springs of the sea, fall down, fiery river, the name of Shoulka Shoulka - “by mouth” (secret writing) .. And how that fiery river burns , so the lemtsde would burn in Koi Mashche Lemtsde u koi-mache - "the heart of that slave" (cryptoscript). the name is for every day and every hour, the month is young and dilapidated.
Speak wine, and pepper, and garlic, whatever you like."Olonets collection, second quarter of the 17th century
1688–1689“I’ll get up early, I’ll go up to the high sholom Sholom — a hill, a hillock. in broad daylight, do not set fire to you, not singing, not logs, not damp trees, not soil, set fire to the slave’s soul for me. On the Akiyane sea, on the island on Buyan, there is a soap-house, in that soap-house there is a board, on that board there is longing. I came, a slave named: Why are you, taska, yearning and grieving? Do not drag, task, do not swear, task, go, task, yield, task, to the servant of the day, so that she yearns and mourns for me, for the robe of the day; as that fire burns, in a year and in half a year, in the afternoon and noon, and an hour and half an hour, so that slave would burn for me, for a robe, with a white body, a zealous heart, a black liver, a violent head with a brain, clear eyes, black eyebrows, sugar lips.
How sickening, how bitter a fish is without water, and so a slave would be sick of the day, bitter for me for a robe and a day and noon, and an hour and a half hour, in a year and half a year, and a week and a half-week, and about the old me and about the young, and about redrawing ... What you made up for, then stand for it.
Conspiracies from the investigation file against the captain Semyon Vasilievich Aigustov,
“On the sea-ocean, on the island of Buyan, there is a stone, on it is a hare; three scorpion snakes nibble at his heart. Just as a hare feels sick, so a slave would feel sick."
From a notebook with incantations kept by deacon Ivan Kuzmin, 1728
“I will also stand, servant of God, name, bless and go crossing myself from the doorway, from the courtyard gate into the open field on the eastern side.
Under the eastern side there is a blue sea-okyan, on that sea-okyan there is an island, on that island lives the fiery king. I, the servant of God's name, will submit and pray to the fiery king: Oh, you, fiery king, take flint and flint in your hands, and cut out the scorching fire, and scorching fire seventy cities and seventy queens. I will also pray and submit: Do not set fire to seventy cities and seventy queens, but light you, oh servants of God, soul and body, zealous heart, and black liver, and hot blood, seventy-three veins and seventy-three compounds, so that she, the servant of God name, without me, the servant of God name, could not help but live, not be, spend the night and watch the hour, not on the day of life, not on the night of sleeping, eat bread, drink drink, all would keep me, the servant of God name, on the oum my age and forever. I will also go out into an open field under the east side. Under the eastern side there is a glorious sea-okian, on the ocean-sea there is an island, on that island there are 12 brothers, 12 blacksmiths.
Oh, you, 12 brothers, 12 blacksmiths, do not dry green hay and mowed grass, but dry your soul and body, a zealous heart, every day and every hour. And be, my words, strong and molded, stronger than gray stone and flickering white wax. Those of my words would not be blown away, there would be no one to blow and spit, not to eat bread and drink, but with those my words there is a key in the sky, a lock in the mouth. And forever and ever.
Amen, amen, amen."Collection of conspiracies, first half of the 19th century
"Love spell, for which myrrh is used, incinerated on the altar. While smoking on the coals, say the following words. Here they are: “You are Mirra, you are bitter, you are heavy, you reconcile the warring, you arise and force those who reject Eros to love. Oh, Mirra, everyone calls you, and I call you, devouring the flesh and inflaming the heart. I am not sending you to distant Arabia, I am not sending you to Babylon, but I am sending you to such and such, whose mother was such and such, so that you help me with her, to bewitch her to me.
If she is sitting, let him not sit, if he is chatting with someone, let him not chat, if he looks at someone, let him not look, if he comes to someone, let him not come if he is walking, let him not walk if he drinks , let him not drink if he eats, let him not eat, if he caresses someone, let him not caress, if he pleases himself with some pleasure, let him not please himself if he sleeps, let him not sleep, but let him only think of me, let desires only me passionately, let him love me only, let him fulfill all my desires. And enter it not through the eyes, not through the rib, not through the nails, not through the navel, not through the limbs, but through the soul. It is difficult to say which of the meanings is meant in this case - perhaps both., and remain in her heart, and devour with fever her womb, and breast, and liver, and spirit, and bones, and mind, until such a - then, the one who loves me, until she fulfills all my desires, since I bind you, Mirra, with an oath, with three names: Anoho In Greek conspiracies, the names and epithets of Egyptian and Greek gods and demons, as well as biblical characters are mentioned; sometimes they are distorted.
In addition, there are words and whole phrases whose meaning has been lost, as well as onomatopoeic names, rhythmic variations and palindromes., Abrasax Abrasax is the name of a cosmological being in the ideas of the Gnostics. On gems-amulets, Abrasax was depicted as a creature with the head of a rooster, the body of a man and snakes instead of legs., Tro and the names to which everyone obeys, and the most powerful Cormeiot, Iao Iao - a magical epithet derived from the unpronounceable name of God Yahweh in the Jewish tradition. , Sabaot Sabaot is one of the names of God in the Jewish and Christian traditions., Adonai Adonai is one of the designations of God in Judaism; since the Hellenistic era, when reading aloud, it has been used as a substitute for the unpronounceable name of Yahweh. to do my orders, Mirra. So I burn you, and you are filled with strength to turn the head of the one I love, such and such, burn and twist her womb, suck out her blood until such and such comes to me, whose mother was such and such.
<...> I call on you, mistress of fire Ftan Ana, obey me, Divine Unity, only-begotten manebia baibair khuriorou tadeyn, Adonai Yeru nuni myoonkh hutiai Marmarayuot, bewitch me such and such, whose mother was such and such, such and such, whose mother was such and such, now, now, now, now, quickly, quickly. And also say this love spell for all cases.
Greek text from an Egyptian papyrus, 4th century CE e.
M., 2005.
Compilation, preparation of texts, articles and comments by A. L. Toporkov. M., 2010.
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Getting rich on rituals and spells is much easier than forcing yourself to go to work. In cases where signs no longer help, sacraments and rituals come into play.
Think about them the next time you don't want to go to the office by 8 in the morning.
Do you think the strength of the US currency is just a coincidence? Not so simple. The prosperity of the dollar was predicted many centuries ago: it is believed that this bill was created by masons, esotericists or sorcerers. They left a lot of magical marks on the dollar that we don’t even suspect about, with the intention of making it one of the most influential banknotes in the history of mankind.
If you suddenly want to get a powerful money talisman, put a dollar in your wallet: then money will definitely not fly away from it at the speed of light.
Who knows what a dollar will be worth in six months?
It is not necessary to go to fortune-tellers and witches to increase your wealth. Conspiracies are within the power of anyone who dares to go for it. For the ritual, you will need half a glass of water. Read over it a prayer to St. John the Merciful about multiplying money and do not forget to spray your hands and wallet with charmed water at least twice a day. Keep water out of the reach of children and animals.
Do not rush to replace your old household brooms with new vacuum cleaners. In terms of economy, they may not be useful to you, but they will enrich you financially. As you know, money appears in the house and wallet "out of thin air", and a broom standing in the corner with bristles up can sweep large bills into your pocket.
If the desire to get rich is so strong that you are ready for any spells and rituals, then remember the next New Year's sacrament. It will require a small pot and a lot of patience.
How to control the energy of money
The ceremony begins on December 31st. Place the prepared pot in the most visible place in the house. From this day and throughout the next week, when passing by it, do not forget to put a ruble or at least a penny in the pot. With the accumulated money, buy a church candle and a candlestick for it. Attention: the candlestick must not be wooden!
Then a whole series of rituals begins with a candlestick, a candle and a coin pot. Here it is important not only not to confuse what should be in which hand, but also to constantly keep in mind the thought of imminent wealth. Imagine yourself as a wealthy and successful person who owns millions while you arrange coins around a candlestick with a candle - and you will be happy. But for more confidence, you can repeat 6 times:
“Money, flow. Money, shine. Money, grow, wish me to be rich.![]()