How much alcohol in fat tire beer

One of the Oldest Beers in the Craft Beer Scene

If you’re checking out this Fat Tire beer review, we’re sure you’re not interested in beer tires or fatty tires.

For decades, the red amber ale has been on the craft brewing scene, impressing customers with its drinkability.

Craft beginners are usually recommended to start with Fat Tire, and enthusiasts seem to love it too. Check out our complete review and recipe below if you’re wondering whether this beer is the one for you.

Table of Contents

Fat Tire Beer

Fat Tire is an amber ale featuring a caramel and biscuit aroma and flavor. It has an IBU of 22, while the Fat Tire alcohol content is 5.2 percent. The beer contains 160 calories. Continue reading to explore its style profile below.

– Appearance

When you look at the Fat Tire beer, you will see red amber’s copper and caramel colors. The appearance includes crystal clarity and a small, off-white head with decent retention. There is decent lacing around the head, and the drink looks great in a wine glass.

– Aroma

The aroma you pick up when you drink the beer depends on the kind of drinker. Some say that the smell of Fat Tire barely leaves an impression, while others can perceive the hints of malt and bread in the scent. You can also perceive caramel notes in this malt-focused beer.

– Mouthfeel

The medium-bodied beer would give you a creamy mouthfeel. It provides easy-drinking, with hints of malt fattiness on the palate that adds substance to it. Even with 22 IBU, the bitterness is faint, and you can feel the alcohol warming in your mouth with hints of red apple.

– Flavor

Fat Tire’s flavor follows the nose, especially its caramel notes, keeping the hoppy character to the barest minimum. This leaves you with a somewhat sweet and smooth lager. There are a few fruity esters in the flavor such as citrus, but these are dominated by wheat, malt, biscuit and bready flavors. It is a clean lager and gives a slight yeast kick at the finish.

Ingredients In Fat Tire

The Fat Tire beer ingredients give a lot of information to those curious about what’s in the beer and those who want to clone the recipe. It uses an in-house ale yeast, which contributes to its unique flavor and the distinct kick when you finish it.

The base grains used in this beer include Munich, C-80, Pale and Victory, all classic American choices. The amber ale also contains hops, despite the lack of hoppiness in its character. The hop varieties include Willamette, Nugget and Goldings.

You can come up with your own recipe to make Fat Tire in your home brewery.

Fat Tire as a Carbon Neutral Beer

While the beer is popular and unique in different ways, the Fat Tire Belgium ale stands out for its title as the First Carbon Certified Neutral Beer. No one can talk about Fat Tire without looking at New Belgium’s work to achieve sustainability. It is a certified B-corporation, which isn’t popular among breweries.

Thus, this makes Fat Tire a certified carbon-neutral beer for eco-friendliness. Anyone who makes beer or knows anything about brewing it would understand that it is a carbon-based process. The entire process of making beer, from growing the wheat, getting the water, and even fermentation or conditioning, involves carbon dioxide.

However, New Belgium figured out a way to reduce its use of carbon dioxide. They did this by installing energy-efficient equipment in its breweries, enhancing their refrigeration management, using more hybrid vehicles, and partnering with green suppliers.

So with every sip you take of this American-Belgium beer, you know that the company is focused on helping the earth and slowing down climate change.

Recipe for Fat Tire Clone

If you want to make your own Fat Tire ale, you should know that it won’t taste exactly like the one you can buy at your neighborhood store.

The recipe we explain below will taste similar as long as you do it right and increase the caramel notes, which is one thing you don’t get with the original Belgium Fat Tire beer.

The recipe also features 5.4 percent ABV and 30.4 IBU, measurements that are higher than the original beer. Thus, the bitterness that is barely there in the original Fat Tire is more pronounced with this recipe. Learn how to make 5.5 gallons of beer below.

– Malt/Grain Bill

  • 10 pounds of 2-Row Malt
  • 0.125 pounds of Fawcett Pale Chocolate
  • 0.25 pounds of Biscuit Malt
  • 0.25 pounds of Belgian Aromatic
  • 0.625 pounds of Briess Carapils
  • 0.25 pounds of Briess Caramel 40L
  • 0.25 pounds of Briess Caramel 20L
  • 0.25 pounds of Briess Organic Munich
  • 0.5 pounds of Carafoam

– Hops Schedule

  • 1 ounce of Willamette pellets at 60 minutes boil
  • 1 ounce of Willamette pellets at 30 minutes boil

– Yeast

  • California Ale Yeast

– Other Ingredients

  • 6 ounces of Dextrose when bottling
  • 1 Clarity Ferm during primary fermentation
  • 1 teaspoon of Irish Moss during the boil
  • 0. 5 teaspoon of Yeast Nutrient during the boil

– Directions

  1. Mash grains for 60 minutes at 154 degrees Fahrenheit.
  2. Boil wort for 70 minutes and follow the hops schedule.
  3. Add yeast nutrient and Irish Moss when 15 minutes are left in the boil.
  4. Chill the wort after boiling.
  5. Pitch the yeast and add the Clarity Ferm at 70 degrees Fahrenheit.
  6. Ferment for two weeks at temperatures between 68 and 72 degrees Fahrenheit.
  7. Bottle or keg and add the Dextrose.

Food Pairing With Fat Tire

There’s always a type of food that goes well with beer, and in the case of Fat Tire, you can expect an extensive list of food pairing options. The amber ale will fit perfectly whenever you’re having a barbeque and is an excellent choice to drink with others. It can be served in a stemless glass or consumed from the bottle.

You can pair the beer with different roasted food like roast potatoes and roast chicken, pork, herb-rubbed beef or lamb. It also goes well with food that we are used to such as pizza, burgers and pasta, especially when there’s a lot of meat. If you’re interested in cheese, you can try snacking on cheddar with this beer.

History of Fat Tire

The famous New Belgium Brewing Company brews Fat Tire beer, which got its unique name as a play on words on the mountain bikes in Colorado, Belgium. The renowned beer began in 1989 when Jeff Lebesch, an engineer in Colorado, went on a bicycle tour. He decided to use a mountain bike, popularly called a fat tire, to explore the landscape.

When he reached Bruges city, he checked out the Beertjes bar. It was a weeknight and a holiday, so the bar was open and Jeff was the only visitor. This led to an extensive conversation between the bar owner and Jeff on everything about Belgian beer.

Jeff Lebesch left the bar with a huge curiosity about Belgian brewing processes, traditions and beers. This was the foundation of what would eventually become Fat Tire.

Jeff experimented with different recipes in his basement until 1991, when he and his wife, Kim Jordan, founded New Belgium.

New Belgium Through the Years

The Fat Tire amber ale was the first beer made by the company, and most of their operations took place in their basement. By 1992, they moved the company to Fort Collins, and after a decade, they opened another brewing facility in the same place.

In 2016, they opened another brewery in North Carolina.

New Belgium distributes beer nationwide, and Fat Tire is well-known as their flagship product. It is considered a vital part of the U.S. craft beer industry, and you can see the famous mountain bike in the beer logo. So whenever you pick up a bottle of Fat Tire, you can recall the rich history behind this American-Belgian beer.

Is Fat Tire Beer Popular?

Yes, it is. Since New Belgium released it, the beer has been a top seller and is pretty popular among enthusiasts. Customers love this beer because of the balanced character, combining the fresh hoppiness with its malt-based flavors. Even Fat Tire’s slogan is that it pairs well with people.

Aside from Fat Tire, New Belgium also has an impressive collection of other beers including IPAs and Belgian-inspired sour ales.

Conclusion: Is Fat Tire Right for You?

You’ll never know until you try! The beer’s profile is perfect for most beer drinkers, except those that prefer very bitter and alcohol-heavy beers or dark beers.

  • Fat Tire is an American amber ale named after the witty nickname of mountain bikes in Colorado.
  • The history is traced back to an empty pub in Belgium, where the pub owner and the founder had a long conversation.
  • It was first released by New Belgium Brewing Company in 1991 and is one of the beers that shaped craft brewing.
  • It is a malt-focused beer with the aroma and flavors of caramel, bread and biscuits.
  • It is made with different base grains, American hop variety and in-house yeast.
  • Fat Tire is the first-ever carbon-neutral beer and showcases New Belgium’s dedication to sustainability.
  • It pairs well with barbecues, roasted food and street food.
  • It is a trendy beer and has been for a long time.

You can test out our recipe to make your Fat Tire clone, but make sure you try the real deal first!

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Fat Tire Amber Ale: A Delicious And Drinkable Ale With A Moderate Alcohol Content

Since its inception in 1991, Fat Tire Amber Ale has been a favorite among beer drinkers. The ale’s unique flavor and easy drinkability make it a go-to choice for many. But how much alcohol is actually in Fat Tire? At 5.2% ABV, Fat Tire is right in the middle when it comes to alcohol content. That means it’s not too strong, but it’s also not a light beer. So, if you’re looking for something to quench your thirst on a hot day, Fat Tire is a great option. But if you’re looking to get buzzed, you might want to look elsewhere. So, there you have it. Fat Tire is a delicious and drinkable amber ale that contains a moderate amount of alcohol. So, next time you’re looking for a beer to enjoy, be sure to give Fat Tire a try.

Fat Tire was one of the first true craft beer icons, but many people don’t know what type of beer it is. Fat Tire is a great amber ale because it is made with top-fermenting yeast, which can be used in warm temperatures. The goal of this article is to categorize the beer into two categories: ale or lager and amber ale. When subclassifying beer, it is critical to consider a number of factors. Bitterness (measured in Ibu), color intensity, gravity, and final gravity are among these factors. The IBU at Fat Tire is 22 points, which is a little lower than the industry standard. The beer is both final and original in terms of gravity specifications.

Fat Tire has always been known as a Belgian ale, though it eventually became known as an American amber ale. The Beer Judge Certification Program states that American amber ales have an ABV of 5% to 6.6%. Fat Tire’s ABV of 5.2% is in line with BJCP standards.

For every 1 serving, the Beer Fat Tire (1 serving) contains 14 grams total carbs, 14 grams net carbs, 0 grams fat, 1 gram protein, and 150 calories.

Fat Tire has a surprisingly sweet flavor with little bitterness. This beer has some character and substance because it has a strong malt aroma, which adds life to the flavor. The taste of red apples is unpleasant at first, but as the beer warms up, it fades away.

Fat Tire will be acquired by Lion Little World Beverages by the end of 2019.

Employee-owned craft brewer New Belgium is selling the company to an international beer conglomerate with a shady past. The company is the maker of Fat Tire.

What Is The Alcohol Content For Fat Tire?

Fat Tire, an amber ale with caramel and biscuit notes, has a strong flavor and aroma. Alcohol content is 5.2 percent with a Alcoholic Beverages Unit (IDU) of 22. The calories in this beer come to 160.

Brewmeister’s Snake Venom: The Most Alcoholic Beer In The World

Fat tire beers have a 5% alcohol by volume (ABV) rating. Pale ale contains approximately 150 calories and 13 grams of carbohydrates in a 12-ounce bottle, whereas a common IPA (such as Lagunitas) contains approximately 190 calories and 19 grams of carbohydrates. Dark Belgian-style ale is known to contain up to 300 and 30 grams of carbohydrates per glass. Brewmeister Snake Venom is one of the world’s most alcoholic beers, with a 7.5% alcohol by volume (ABV). Despite the fact that it lacks real venom, the Snake Venom from Brewmeister is equally deadly. This beer has a 67.5% alcohol by volume, making it the world’s highest-alcohol beer, but it is also one of the most dangerous. With a much higher alcohol content than a fat tire beer, Snake Venom is a much stronger beer. Fat Tire is a great beer for those who like a punch, but Snake Venom from Brewmeister is a better option if you prefer a less intense beverage.

Which Beer Has The Most Alcohol In It?


A 12 ounce can of beer is usually five percent alcohol. Alcohol is usually 12% when you serve 5 ounces of wine. A typical bottle of distilled spirits contains about 40% alcohol.

There are numerous different types of beer and their alcohol by volume (ABV), which can vary greatly between brands and styles. Light beers have a higher alcohol by volume (ABV) than their average counterparts, which have a 5%ABV. Some beers have been brewed with up to 55% alcohol by volume (though you’ll most likely never come across one of these). The method used to ferment different beer styles can help you figure out which one is right for you. Beer in the same style family can have similar alcohol content regardless of its style. Pale Ales in America are easy to drink, with deep caramel flavors, medium to strong hops, and medium to deep amber color. An imperial or double IPA, like a regular IPA, has a strong flavor but more hop bitterness.

Some of the most popular beers include Elysian Dragonstooth Stout (8.1%) and Goose Island Original Stout (14.3%). Wheat beers, as opposed to other beers, are typically lighter in color and alcohol content because they are made from wheat. American Lagers are typically of lower quality than Pilsners, which are typically more flavorful. Amber Ales are distinguished by their maltier, more caramel-forward flavors, as well as their roasted toffee flavor. A hefeweizen is a flavorful, fruit- and spice-flavored beer with a ABV of 4.9% to 5.7%. When you sip sour beers, you’ll most likely notice that they’re tart and bitter. During fermentation, microorganisms produce lactic acid, which gives the fruit its tart flavor.

The strongest beer on the planet, which has an ABV of 67.5%, is available in some surprising places. According to the Bavarian State Brewery Weihenstephan, the Brewmeister Snake Venom is produced in the United States and is available in some bars. This beer is available in some European locations. There is no way to purchase this beer in bottles; instead, it is available only in cans. If you’re looking for a strong drink, Brewmeister Snake Venom is the way to go. This beer is made with 67.5% ABV and has been discovered in a variety of surprising locations. Instead of eating, try a cocktail to get drunk faster. When you drink more beer, you will also become more drunk. This brewery is one of the world’s oldest and is located on the site of the former Weihenstephan Abbey. The brewery produces some of the world’s most well-known and strongest beers. If you’re looking for a really strong drink, the Brewmeister Snake Venom should be on your list.

The Most Alcoholic Beer In The World

Beer is made by fermenting it, so the alcohol in the beer comes from the fermentation process. In general, beer has a 5% alcohol content, which is the same as wine and hard liquor. Beer, on the other hand, has a serving size that is larger than wine or liquor, implying that one drink is equivalent to two glasses of wine or hard liquor. It is a beer with a 67.5% alcohol by volume (ABV) that is the world’s most potent. Despite the fact that it contains no venom, the brew is extremely potent.

What Does Fat Tire Beer Compare To?


There are many different types of beer, and fat tire beer is just one option. When it comes to taste, fat tire beer is similar to other amber ales. It is slightly sweet with a malty flavor, and has a moderate bitterness. This beer is also noted for its smooth finish. When it comes to fat tire beer vs other beers, it really depends on your personal preference. Some people may prefer the taste of fat tire beer, while others may find it too sweet. Ultimately, it is up to the individual to decide what they think fat tire beer tastes like.

Pistonhead Flat Tire: A Quality Lage

Fat Tire, an amber ale, is refreshing and easy to drink, especially when mixed with a warm beverage. It’s a great alternative to the standard beers on the market today because it’s made with high-quality ingredients. Pistonhead Flat Tire lager is a smooth and slightly cloudy lager with a rich malt body and a balanced balance of bitter and sweet flavors and aromas. This beer has a refreshing floral aroma and hints of citrus and tropical fruit, thanks to the combination of Centennial and Mosaic hops from the United States.

Why Is The Beer Called Fat Tire?

The beer is called fat tire because it is brewed with a high percentage of wheat. This gives the beer a fuller body and a higher alcohol content.

Amber Ale With A Bite: Fat Tire

Amber Ales are typically light and easy to drink, but Fat Tire has a 5.5% alcohol by volume (ABV) that stands out. New Belgium is a B-Corp, or business that has made a significant impact on the world’s economy through its operations. They are committed to reducing their environmental impact, such as energy efficiency and waste disposal. They also support sustainable agriculture and give a portion of their profits to environmental organizations in addition to supporting sustainable agriculture. Fat Tire is an excellent beer that will satisfy even the most discriminating beer lover. It is a great choice for a relaxed night with friends or a laid-back Saturday afternoon at the beach.

Fat Tire Beer Review

I had the pleasure of trying Fat Tire Amber Ale for the first time last night, and I have to say, I was pleasantly surprised. I was expecting a heavier, more robust beer, but Fat Tire was light and refreshing, with just a hint of sweetness. It’s the perfect summer beer, and I can see myself enjoying many more Fat Tires in the months to come.

Fat Tire Amber Ale is a simple amber ale to sip from New Belgium Brewing Company. It has been New Belgium’s flagship beer for nearly 30 years, despite being frequently confused with flat tire. The question is how does an almost 30-year-old amber ale recipe hold up in today’s saturated craft beer landscape? The film is uninspiring and pointless, completely disagreeing with its origin story. Amber ales, in particular, are a natural gateway for curious buyers looking for something different from pale lager but less overpowering than an IPA.

Fat Tire Beer Uk

There are many different types of beer available in the UK, and one of the most popular is fat tire beer. This type of beer is brewed with a high percentage of malt, which gives it a sweeter taste than other beers. It is also usually darker in colour and has a thicker texture. Fat tire beer is very popular among beer lovers in the UK, and many pubs and bars offer it on their menus.

Fat Tire Drink

There’s nothing quite like a cold, refreshing fat tire drink on a hot summer day. Made with delicious New Belgium beer and just a hint of citrus, it’s the perfect way to quench your thirst.

We may not be able to provide all of the ingredients listed here. The price per cocktail is a rough estimate based on the cost of making one cocktail with the ingredients that you have available. There is no charge for shipping. Fat Tire has 215 calories in a serving. This Bacardi 8 year old rum 70cl £ 30.75 £ 1.89 per cocktail* yields 11.9** grams of CO2*. There are some ingredients that are not listed on this list. Cocktails are priced based on the cost of making each cocktail, as determined by the price per cocktail. There are no additional fees for shipping in this package.

The Potency Of Alcohol: Cocktails Vs. Bee

Cocktail ingredients can be any variety of spirits, but they cannot be adjusted to match the alcohol content of the beer once it has been stored in the keg. In contrast to a beer, a cocktail can be made to your liking, as strong or as weak as you like (typically a 4% alcohol by volume).
Being nervous about having dinner with the in-laws? You can combine a Negroni with another beverage of your choice. Why do I feel anxious when driving after drinking? If you want, you should stick to beer. Want to go out and feel like you’re having a good time while also being able to drive home? It is a good idea to get a handcrafted margarita.
There is no distinction to be made between beer and wine; all standard sizes of alcoholic beverages contain the same amount of alcohol, so don’t be fooled by the thought that beer is “safer” or less “potent” than wine. The same alcohol is produced by all of your body’s cells. You should drink at least twice a day and have a good time.

Fat Tire Beer Bosch

There’s something about a fat tire beer that just makes you feel good. It’s like a big hug in a bottle. And the bosch? Well, that’s just the cherry on top. This rich, full-bodied beer is perfect for a chilly night by the fire.

Does Bosch Drink Fat Tire In The Books?

Bosch’s preference for Fat Tire beer has been one of his characteristics throughout his life, and he is typically seen drinking one per episode in the TV show. To commemorate the final episode of Season 6, and in honor of Harry, we decided that we would share a Fat Tire with him.

Fat Tire Calories

There is no definitive answer to how many calories are in a fat tire, as it can vary depending on the brand. However, on average, a 12-ounce can of fat tire beer contains approximately 150 calories. This means that a typical 32-ounce growler of fat tire beer would have around 400 calories.

Beer - how much fat (per 100 grams)

Beer contains 0.00 g of fat per 100 g of product. By fat content of all products beer takes 1090 place.

No. Amount of fat Percentage of Daily Value per 100 g
1087 Instant coffee cooked 0. 0 g 0.0%
1088 Chicken egg white in powder form 0.0 g 0.0%
1089 Honey 0. 0 g 0.0%
1090 Beer dark or light 0.0 g 0.0%
1091 Sugar granulated sugar 0. 0 g 0.0%
1092 brown sugar 0.0 g 0.0%
1093 Saccharin sugar substitute 0. 0 g 0.0%
1094 table salt 0.0 g 0.0%

Fat ratio

Nutrient Quantity
Saturated fatty acids 0.00 g
Oil acid (butane acid) (4:0) 0.00 g
Caproic acid (6:0) 0.00 g
Caprylic acid (8:0) 0.00 g
Capric acid (10:0) 0. 00 g
Lauric acid (12:0) 0.00 g
Myristic acid (14:0) 0.00 g
Palmitic acid (16:0) 0.00 g
Stearic acid (18:0) 0.00 g
Arachic acid (20:0) n/a
Behenic acid (22:0) n/a
Lignoceric acid (24:0) n/a
Monounsaturated fatty acids 0.00 g
Palmitoleic acid (16:1) 0.00 g
Oleic acid (18:1) 0.00 g
Gadolic acid (20:1) 0.00 g
Erucic acid (22:1) 0.00 g
Nervonic acid (24:1) n/a
Polyunsaturated fatty acids 0. 00 g
Linoleic acid (18:2) 0.00 g
Linolenic acid (18:3) 0.00 g
Alpha-linolenic acid (18:3) (Omega-3) n/a
Gamma-linolenic acid (18:3) (Omega-6) n/a
Eicosadienoic acid (20:2) (Omega-6) n/a
Arachidonic acid (20:4) (Omega-6) n/a
Timnodonic acid (20:5) (Omega-3) 0.00 g
Docosapentaenoic acid (22:5) (Omega-3) 0.00 g
Sterols (sterols):
cholesterol (cholesterol) 0.00 mg
Phytosterols (phytosterols) n/a
Stigmasterol n/a
Campesterol n/a
Beta-sitosterol (beta-sitosterol) n/a
trans fats 0. 00 g
Trans fats (monoene) n/a
Trans fats (polyene) n/a

n/a - no research data available

Product Nutrients (detailed)

Fat content of similar products

  • Whiskey 43 degrees alcohol
  • Vodka 40 degrees alcohol
  • Gin 45 degrees alcohol
  • Rum 40 degrees alcohol
  • Sake
  • Table wine
  • White table wine
  • Sweet dessert wine
  • Dry dessert wine
  • Red table wine
  • Rose wine

Product categories

  • All products
  • Drinks, juices
  • Alcoholic drinks
  • Vegetarian products
  • Vegan products (without eggs and milk)
  • List of all categories

Product category

All products Meat Meat from slaughtered animals Meat of wild animals (game) by-products Poultry meat (and by-products) Fish Seafood (all categories) shellfish Shellfish (crayfish, crabs, shrimp) Seaweed Eggs, egg products Milk and dairy products (all categories) Cheese Milk and dairy products Cottage cheese Other milk products Soy and soy products Vegetables and vegetable products tubers Roots Cabbage (vegetables) Salad (vegetables) Spicy (vegetables) Bulbs (vegetables) Nightshade melons Legumes Cereals (vegetables) Dessert (vegetables) Greens, herbs, leaves, salads Fruits, berries, dried fruits Mushrooms Fats, oils Lard, animal fat Vegetable oils nuts Cereals, cereals seeds Spices Flour, flour products Flour and bran, starch Bread, cakes, etc. Macaroni, noodles (pasta) Sweets, confectionery Fast food Drinks, juices (all categories) Fruit juices and nectars Alcoholic drinks Drinks (soft drinks) sprouted seeds Vegetarian products Vegan products (without eggs and milk) raw food products Fruits and vegetables Herbal products Animal Products High protein foods

Sources of data on the chemical composition and nutritional value of products:

  • U.S. department of agriculture (USDA)
  • Handbook "Chemical composition of Russian food products" (Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. Edited by Corresponding Member of the MAI, Professor I.M. Skurikhin and Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Professor V.A. Tutelyan)

The Ministry of Health reported how much you can drink

A glass of wine for women and almost a liter of beer for men - these are the daily portions of alcohol that will not harm the body, according to the Ministry of Health. In addition, two alcohol-free days per week are required.

Drinking alcohol, which poses little health risk, is about 200 milliliters of wine per day for women and about 900 milliliters of beer for men. Writes about this "RIA Novosti" with reference to the recommendations of the Ministry of Health.

As specified, this is a maximum of two standard servings per day for women and three standard servings for men.

A standard drink is ten grams of pure alcohol.

Since drinks come in different strengths, the number of standard servings per half liter, such as wine and beer, will be different. Thus, one hundred milliliters of 12 percent wine contains about one standard drink, and three standard drinks of alcohol correspond to about 900 milliliters of 4.5 percent beer.

So that alcohol does not harm health, two sober days a week are required, experts point out.

“You need to understand that drinking even these seemingly small portions can lead to problems if you drink at the wrong time or in the wrong place,” the recommendations say.

There are also situations where any use of alcohol is highly undesirable. We are talking, for example, about driving or pregnancy.

Previously, Moscow topped the rating of Russian regions in terms of the number of primary mental disorders caused by alcohol use. In 2018, 2.8 thousand patients with diagnoses of this kind, including alcohol dependence syndrome, were recorded in the capital. Similar indicators were demonstrated by the Moscow region. Things are somewhat better in the Ural regions.

Thus, in the Perm Territory and the Chelyabinsk Region, about 2.4 thousand people with mental disorders due to alcohol abuse were registered.

At the same time, it should be taken into account that the capital region is not a leader in percentage terms: the population of the Perm Territory and the Chelyabinsk Region, according to 2019 data, is 2.6 million and 3.5 million people, respectively, while in Moscow and the Moscow Region 12.6 million and 7.6 million officially live.

Bashkiria occupies the fourth place in terms of the number of those suffering from meth-alcohol psychoses - 2.2 thousand registered patients. It is followed by the Sverdlovsk Region (2.2 thousand) and Altai Territory (2.0 thousand). The smallest number of cases was found in the small Muslim republics of the North Caucasus. So, in Ingushetia last year, only one patient with a mental disorder from alcohol was recorded, in Chechnya - 59, in Karachay-Cherkessia - 101.

The northern regions also have a small indicator compared to the central subjects and the Urals. In the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, medical statistics show 80 episodes, in the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug - about 103.

In total, 75.7 thousand patients with alcohol-related mental disorders were registered in Russia in 2018.

In July 2019, doctors told me about the first sign of alcoholism. As follows from their observations, it is worth starting to worry when a person's hands are shaking after drinking alcohol. It is clarified that this effect is called alcohol tremor. It occurs when the body tries to eliminate alcohol on its own. In addition, it can be caused by a lack of dopamine, which is responsible for positive emotions. Doctors warned that the tremor could also occur for other reasons, however, if it became more frequent, then the person should seek medical help.

Meanwhile, Chinese researchers have concluded that a glass of beer or a glass of wine a day can protect against diabetes. According to their meta-analysis of ten studies, moderate alcohol consumption improves glucose metabolism, which lowers insulin levels.

Authors called moderate alcohol consumption 20 g of ethanol per day or less. This amount is contained in half a liter of beer, 200 ml of wine or 50 ml of forty-degree alcohol.

The study, however, was severely criticized - data collection was rather sloppy, not all studies indicated the regularity of alcohol consumption and dosage. In addition, experts were alerted that the study has not yet been published anywhere.

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