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What qualities should a motorcycle have to ride on rough terrain? Reliability, power, maneuverability. .. It's hard to make a complete list. The developers of the Japanese company Honda realized that the cross-country has all the necessary qualities. Cross versions of the CR250R were produced, enduro - CR250M.
The Honda CRM 250 model has become an offshoot from the main line, but retained all the best qualities of the series - reliability, strength, durability.
6 Hand -based characteristics
- 6.1 Acceleration to hundreds
- 6.2 Fuel consumption
7 Size and weight 8 Comparison with enduro 9 Disadvantages Honda CRM 250 900 900 900 10 Design Honda CRM 250
- 900
The Honda CRM 250 sports enduro is considered one of the most successful small displacement models. In the photo, our correspondent Edik, he is also the owner of the motorcycle.
The representative of this solution was the CRM 250 - enduro with a steel frame, released in 1989 .
Since it appeared on the conveyor later than the cross-country CR250R, many of the parameters of the models are identical. Electronic control, general rigidity of the structure, good traction at the top.
The motorcycle exhaust pipe makes several bends before it rises to the rear fender. Feel the power!
But the developers took into account that hardly anyone would drive through the forests at maximum speed, so the new bike received less power, but equally good traction over the entire speed range. This contributed to the growth of reliability and durability.
One of the parts inherited from its motocross parent was the inverted front fork.
The inverted fork appeared on the motorcycle in 1991.
In the first models (1989-1991) a regular one was installed, then it was replaced.
The first models were produced with a conventional telescopic fork.
The new version had a stroke of 300 mm, increased power consumption, and the ability to adjust the compression force.
At the rear, a standard mono-shock solution was used. As with the front fork, the compression force could be adjusted.
Air tank - needed to pump or bleed air in the rear shock absorber. Everyone can adjust the stiffness of the shock absorber for themselves, or for a specific type of ride.
SDA is more loyal to the enduro than to cross versions, so when creating a bike, the developers had to re-solve the issues of optics and mirrors.
At the same time, since the motor was also inherited, its centering, location, external design could not be touched.
Like many dirt bikes, the large front fender is raised almost under the frame.
Minimalism of this block has also passed from the prototype — cross bike.
Most of the dashboard is occupied by a mechanical speedometer.
Speed readings and total mileage since the start of use are available to the driver.
All other necessary data are represented by indicator lamps. There is no fuel indicator among them, the driver is invited to decide on the stock and consumption on his own.
Lots of metal pipes around and below the speedometer give the panel a sharp, masculine look. . Some bewilderment causes the bending of the upper tube forward, towards the windshield. The developers commented on this as additional protection for the driver from threats ahead. The glass will break, but the pipe will stand.
The steering wheel on the bike is simple and reliable.
Mirrors may be missing depending on the year of manufacture.
The design of the optics here depends on the year of manufacture. The first motorcycles had a sharp body kit.
The first models had no rear optics in principle. Pictured are our editorial 125 Kayos and Honda CRM 250s.
No headlights or mudguards included. The silencer pipe was almost above the rear wheel.
Newer editions have moved the tube to the left and attached a short mudguard to the rear of the frame. It has a back gauge. The factory design does not provide for a stop, but the glass is large - you can install it side by side or use a double-coil. There are no rear direction indicators.
The rear light was fixed on the fender, turn signals were installed by many themselves.
CRM 250 is a typical motorcycle for one . The driver's saddle, according to tradition, is in the recess in the middle part of the frame, but it is short, there is no way to sit down together.
The seat is quite comfortable and if you have to drive, you can drive as long as you want. Edik is happy!
There is an extension of the frame behind the rider, but it is not intended for boarding. There is a muffler nearby.
Passenger seat is not included in the frame design. This is a motorcycle for one!
The difference from many motorcycles in another class is the smallest possible width dimension.
Because of this, the gas tank is placed on edge, which makes it look quite small and does not stand out much from the overall design.
Gas tank
The narrow and tall gas tank allows the driver to sit as close to the handlebars as possible.
The protruding filler cap is pressed against the instrument cluster as far as possible. According to the developers, it is no less than that of competitors.
10 liters can be poured into it.
Power plant
Since the engine is 2-stroke, the owner had to periodically top up the oil. For this, the bike was equipped with an oil tank with its own pump.
Upper right plastic oil pump cover that can be damaged if dropped. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly inspect its integrity.
In the corner of the speedometer there was a bulb familiar to all owners of 2-stroke equipment. Flashed - it is necessary to add oil .
The bike received a 2-stroke, 1-cylinder motocross version engine, which was slightly redesigned for Enduro use:
- displacement - 247 cm 3 ;
- power - 41 hp;
- number of valves - 2;
- cooling - liquid;
- fuel supply - carburetor;
- ignition - electronic;
- start - via kick starter leg;
- fuel tank - 10 (latest models 11) l.
CRM 250 engine start
Despite the fact that the main motorcycle-style start is by pressing the foot, there is a button on the steering wheel. Starting the engine is carried out in three steps.
- Ignition.
- Starter button pressed.
- Pedal start.
Between the second and third, the developers recommend a pause of a second and a half. According to the comments of users - button in the second step does not turn on the engine, but the oil supply pump . That is why the pause between steps is insignificant, and pressing the button requires starting the engine.
The 3-stage system made it possible to start the engine without problems in any weather conditions, even in frosty winter.
Transmission and clutch
The bike got the gearbox from its motocross parent, but the developers carefully went through the box, reducing the gear travel.
For more balanced traction reconfigured gear ratios . The work did not go unnoticed - users are satisfied with the box. It works according to the standard sequential type - 6 steps + neutral .
Chain drive.
The open chain drive requires regular cleaning and lubrication. Some make homemade rubber "wings". But here you have to be very careful so that when you fall, the "protection" does not get into the chain!
As an experiment, the developers used a belt drive on several batches, but then all versions were withdrawn from the market. Under warranty conditions, a chain was installed on the models.
Multi-plate clutch, oil frame . According to experts, Honda is more likely to use another option, with a dry sump. But here the developers took into account all the features of the engine by putting a standard design.
Front brakes.
Rear brakes.
For all 10 years of production of this model, the brake system has undergone only 1 change.
Initially, the motorcycle was equipped with a disc version with hydraulic drive on both axles.
Disc diameters varied.
Then, to reduce the cost and ease of maintenance, identical disks were installed on both axles.
Front brakes:
- number of discs - 1;
- diameter - 260 (since 1991 - 240) mm;
- support - 2.
Rear brakes:
- number of discs - 1;
- diameter - 240 mm;
- support - 1.
Buyers should be clear about where they will be using the bike.
If it's mostly off-road, this was the perfect choice.
Honda CRM 250 is absolutely not suitable for a quiet and long drive on asphalt. At least because the tires here are cross-country.
In the case when you plan to drive on asphalt or a rolled primer with rare off-road trips, you had to seriously think about the need to purchase this version.
The developers overdid the settings of the front supports, so the front brake worked worse on asphalt than off-road.
Driving characteristics
Despite its kinship with a running shoe, the maximum speed is low and amounts to 140 km/h.
According to experts, the concern's engineers are "obsessed" with safety. The same motor was installed on the cross version, but it was boosted for racing. As a result, the difference in maximum speed between the bikes is only 10 km. Crossroad has 150 km/h .
Acceleration to hundreds
Acceleration to 100 km is not impressive - 8 seconds, but you need to remember that in order to increase reliability and durability, the characteristics of the motor were artificially underestimated.
Fuel consumption
Fuel consumption also owes its affinity to motocross models.
The user needs to be prepared for figures of 6-8 liters per 100 km.
Dimensions and weight
The motorcycle can be called very light - its curb weight is 125 kg.
With the exception of the narrow width, which immediately distinguishes representatives of the enduro class, the honda crm 250 is not much different from motorcycles in other classes - cruiser or tourist. Bike has:
- long - 2180 mm ;
- wide - 685 mm ;
- height - 1033 mm ;
- seat - 860 mm .
It is impossible not to note the perfect balance. Although the saddle is located high, it is convenient for people of any height to control a motorcycle, from giants to dwarfs.
If the rider does not reach the ground at the stop, the bike can be tilted without fear of dropping the .
The balance is also well felt when cornering or overcoming obstacles. An experienced rider should not be afraid that when entering a turn or jumping over a log, the rear wheel will go into a skid.
Comparison with Enduro
Copying designs from each other is almost a rule of good form.
But sometimes this results in the user standing next to two identical bikes without knowing which one to choose. Outwardly identical, at first glance, the differences are only in color and model name.
Honda CRM 250 has two such "identical" ones:
- Suzuki RMX 250.
- Kawasaki KDX 250.
Suzuki RMX 250.
Kawasaki KDX 250.
Therefore, further, in the form of a list, the main differences of all three models will be presented. Parameter, then values for Honda, second for Suzuki, last for Kawasaki:
- weight (dry) - 125, 112, 107;
- bore - 66.
4, 66.4, 67;
- stroke - 72, 71, 70;
- start - kick start + button; kick starter, button;
- front brakes - discs with a diameter of 240, 250, 240;
- gas tank capacity - 10, 11, 11;
- last year of manufacture - 1999, 2004, 1993;
- price (with mileage in the Russian Federation) - 117,000, 120,000, 100,000.
It makes no sense to give other parameters - they are the same for all three presented models.
There is information that Kawasaki, in the first generation models, had drum brakes, and its output to operating power is achieved at lower speeds.
Disadvantages Honda CRM 250
Unfortunately, the model has disadvantages, but almost all of them belong to the light enduro class, and not specifically to Honda.
Among them:
At the same time, the quality of the brand offsets the last two disadvantages.
The bike has more advantages:
Crm 250 is an ideal example of Japanese quality, Honda safety, reliable and low maintenance enduro-bike.
The style of this bike is fast, dynamic riding with hard starts and braking in off-road conditions.
It may be a small fly in the ointment that the stock settings are only good for off-road driving, but this is resolved at the first MOT. There are two points to consider when buying:
- Two-stroke engines are not designed for any environmental requirements.
- A significant period of time has passed since the closure of production, so when buying, you need to carefully inspect the bike and check the quality of the motor.
Ideal balance will make both beginners and more experienced riders feel comfortable behind the wheel, and the suspension will help you safely go through even the most severe off-road.
Honda CBR 250
The Honda CBR 250 motorcycle is one of the best "devices" created by Honda in the 250cc category. This lightweight sports bike, which has a 6-speed gearbox and is capable of showing a power of 45 "horses", will not leave indifferent all fans of the sports class.
This model has changed over the years. In 1988, instead of one large headlight, two small twin headlights were installed, the chain was reduced in size, and the fuel pump was also changed.
In 1989 the motorcycle was fitted with a speed limiter of 185 kilometers per hour.
In 1990-1991, the Honda CBR 250 R received a new design that almost completely changed its appearance (a new, more aggressive aluminum frame and a swing arm borrowed from the NSR 250 R).
Also, the motorcycle received double 276 mm. front brake discs and has undergone changes in the fuel system.
Initially, the new models were sold only in Japan, later the Honda CBR 250 R appeared in Australia. At the moment, this motorcycle can be found in many countries, including Russia.
New motorcycle Honda CBR 250 R
The new Honda CBR 250 R met all the expectations of motorists. This motorcycle has been built using the latest technology, including a new fuel injection system.
The CBR 250 R motorcycle engine, unlike its predecessor (without the letter R), is low-speed and has only one cylinder, which is capable of spinning the crankshaft up to 10.5 thousand revolutions per minute.
The light weight of the motorcycle, the unquestioning 6-speed transmission, the stability at high speed make this motorcycle one of the best motorcycles in the 250cc motorcycle line.
This motorcycle is assembled in Thailand and sold all over the world.
The new 2011 model is a reliable, stylish, and most importantly affordable motorcycle, made in a modern style.
For fans of the Honda motorcycle, we advise you to take a look at the youngest model (125 cc) in the CBR family called the Honda CBR 125, which is striving to keep up with its older brothers.
Specifications Honda CBR 250
- category - sport bike.
- years of release - 1986-1996, 2011 - an updated model of the Honda CBR 250 R.
- engine - 4 cylinder, 4 stroke (2011 model - 1 cylinder)
- engine capacity - 250 cu. see
- maximum power - 45 hp With. (29-33 kW).
- 6-speed gearbox.
- fuel system - carburetor (carburettor) Keihin 29 mm.
- starting system - electric starter.
- cooling - liquid.
- gas tank capacity - 14 liters (3.7 gallons)
- dry weight - 158 kg.
- wheelbase - 1345 mm.
- seat height - 735 mm.