Are you in search of a powerful hydraulic rear disc / harrow attachment for your ATV? Wild Hare Manufacturing not only sells a rear ATV disc implement; all the quad attachments we offer are powered by a full hydraulic system. Yes, even the Wild Hare Disc / Harrow. Spark your interest? It should, because we are dedicated to providing products that are first-in-class. You can see from our reviews, our videos, and our warranty that we deliver. A disc attachment, also known as a harrow, is great for getting soil ready to plant by aerating, breaking up dirt clumps, cutting weeds, and leveling the area.
With our hydraulic disc implement you can shorten the time it takes you to do so many tasks. Forget pushing a tiller around. Just sit back and enjoy the ride and the amount of power and control you have with the Wild Hare ATV Disc Implement. Connect the disc to our hydraulic 3 point hitch in barely a minute and you’re off to work, even though it may seem like play.
Break up and distribute the soil while staying on your quad the entire time. Our rear disc implement attaches to our 3 point category “0” hitch to utilize the robust hydraulic system which provides enough downward force to easily lift the tires of your quad off the ground. A simple rocker switch allows the entire implement to raise and lower, making traveling easy when the attachment is not in use. The control and power is at your finger tips. This is efficiency at its finest. Our quality ATV accessories allow for a stable and productive ride that easily meets your specific needs.
If you have a sizable property, chances are you’ve got a 4 wheeler or two.
Why not put one to work and relieve yourself of strenuous duties with the help of Wild Hare Manufacturing and our tough line of ATV attachments and implements? Time is money. Don’t waste your time straining away when you could be riding tall on your 4 wheeler while your Wild Hare ATV Implement System does all the work for you.
Make sure to check out our videos, Facebook page, testimonials, and search the FAQ page. Shop online for individual attachments, or check out our packages at special discounted prices. Contact Wild Hare Manufacturing for questions on any aspect of our hydraulic powered discs or any other ATV implements we offer at [email protected]. Or call 218-483-1000.
Will the plow work on my 2WD ATV/UTV?
The plow will work on most 2x4 ATVs, but you cannot plow as aggressively due to traction loss. Many plow in 2x4 for easier steering.
How well is the GroundHog MAX made?
The product is made with high intensity heavy gauge steel. Each disc has its own high-speed double-sealed, deep groove bearings. The discs are installed with anti-slide bolts and nuts for easy replacement of bearings if necessary. All bearings are the same size. Discs are mounted on a ¾” axle. This axle is then encased in a 1” steel pipe. This creates a closed system that does not require greasing. The GroundHog MAX ATV/UTV Disc Plow does not have ratchets. There are no tires to go flat and dry rot. It is practically maintenance free.
Does the receiver hitch have to be perfectly level and centered?
No. However, get as close to level and centered as possible.
What are the average GroundHog MAX plowing speeds?
According to the food plot layout and its size and shape, GroundHog MAX plowing speeds range from 3-10 mph. These are twice as fast as a pull-behind type plow. Unlike a pull-behind plow, you never have to go to the trouble of adding/strapping on more weight or worrying about the plow tipping over. Pull behinds also put a lot of stress on your machine and it may overheat.
How long does it take to plow a plot?
Time will be determined by the size of the plot and how hard the ground is (roots, rocks, grass systems, wet/dry, and ground clutter). The tougher the conditions, the more passes you have to make (virgin ground verses already been plowed etc). Plow in looping circles and figure eights because a lot of the cut is in turning and maneuverability. Keep in mind that the gap between the middle discs will go away if you plow in this manner. Plowing straight also works If you determine you are not using enough weight, adjust the T-head down a hole.
Why is the plow not wider?
Our tests found this was the optimal size/disc design to cut the ground with heavy grasses, roots, rocks, sticks, and such. It needed to fit between the 2 rear tires for “direct down pressure”. This size setup does not overly affect steering/strain on your machine. Being able to use more weight and having less steel on the ground is what makes it cut and handle so well.
With its size your plowing speeds are much faster than with a wider pull-behind type.
Why is my GroundHog MAX not working correctly?
Be advised that this plow does actually work as you see in our videos but some of us do not pay attention to directions and/or we do it our own way. Here are common reasons why the plow does not work as aggressively as you expect. For more information see our Troubleshooting section under Owners.
Please call so we can help you if you are experiencing issues!
#1 Reason – The plow is installed backwards – the chevron (arrowhead) point of the disc assembly should point away from the back of the machine.
Action: If it drags rather than cutting, check this.
#2 Reason- Installed on a hitch that allows the plow to lean backwards instead of the plow standing up straight.
Action: Brace hitch or plow less aggressive.
#3 Reason- Instead of backing up on a 4" ramp/block to get the rear wheels up (this is a good rule of thumb), your buddies pick up the back of the machine while you hook the plow up. NOTE: All this does is stretch out your suspension and shocks and does not get proper weight on the plow.
Action: Back up on 4" ramp/block, let it down until it almost touches the ground, re-pin, then back off block.
#4 Reason - You installed the plow horizontally instead of vertically.
Action: Install properly.
Will the plow work on smaller cc machines that are only air-cooled?
Yes. This is a big benefit really of the plow. Since there is a lot less strain on your ATV/UTV and your are plowing at speeds of 4-7 mph air-cooled machines stay cooler. Remember the normal pull behind plow requires a 400 CC liquid cooled or larger (if you read their fine print). On any machine start off less aggressive the first time you plow.
Will the GroundHog MAX work on both independent rear suspension and straight axle ATVs?
Yes. We have tested it on both.
Can I use the plow if my ATV/UTV has a strong or aftermarket 2 inch receiver?
Yes. The plow is all you need.
Can I use the plow if my ATV/UTV only has a factory utility hole or just has a lightweight 1 ¼” hitch receiver?
Yes. Many make and model ATVs and UTVs can use our receiver hitch kit. There are also receivers that can be ordered specific to vehicles year/make/model.
A) You can buy a strong, square, forward bolted, after-market 2" receiver online to strengthen your existing setup (basically all manufacturer models newer than 2000). There are some exceptions.
There are many links to buy your receiver hitch that are year, make, and model specific for your machine (ie:,, Once you have one of these hitches…the plow is all you need. It becomes “Plug and Plow.” You would buy the NO KIT included version of the plow.
B) Here is another option for most years, makes, and models of Hondas and Polaris, some Can Am and some Bombardier. The GroundHog MAX is also available with a hitch receiver kit included in the box. This kit allows you to convert and upgrade many existing (utility holes or weak 1 1/4" hitches) over to a strong forward bolted type hitch receiver. This Kit includes both a 21" long and a 5" long collared hitch receiver tube and other hardware.
C) Note: Older than 2000 models may have to do some fabrication to your hitch setup. Our hitch does work on some of these or it can be used for the fabrication.
How do I use the up/down adjustment tube to adjust the weight on the plow?
The adjustment holes are in 1” increments. A good rule of thumb is, if you back your ATV up on a 4” x 4” block (to get your rear wheels up), let the plow come down and touch the ground. Then pull the plow upwards one hole and put your tractor pin in. Back off the 4” x 4” block and plow. You do not have to be too aggressive because a lot of the cutting is in the turns. That’s why we recommend looping circles and figure eights if you can.
How does the GroundHog MAX Work?
Downward Pressue Is The Key.
The Groundhog MAX works by using the weight of the ATV and the driver. This achieves direct down pressure on the plow. The plow is setup of an inner 10-9-8" notched disc with high speed bearings. This allows you to cut hard ground, grass, and ground clutter with ease.
Easy In, Easy Out.
Once you arrive to your location, simply back the ATV up on a 4" ramp, take one tractor pin out, and flip the plow over to the plowing position. Once you have the plow in the correct position you can begin working on creating the perfect food plot.
The Plow is Sold Two Different Ways.
It comes fully assembled either way. Replacement parts are available. The GroundHog MAX works on both independent or straight axle set-ups. It also works on two wheel drive models, but may not be as aggressive. Depending on the ground clearance you need you can adjust the plow in 1" increments
The plow will fit most ATVs, 4-wheelers, Quads, Wheelers, Side-By-Sides, and UTVs.
How do I plow with the GroundHog MAX?
After you have purchased your GroundHog MAX your next step is to find the best place on your land to develop a food plot. There are many factors that should go into the process of deciding exactly where to place your food plot.
First, you need a clear area in order to plant your food. Luckily with the GHM you can get to any remote location that your ATV can reach. As you read the plant it section it goes more in depth regarding what soil levels should be. So first you need to find an open area and check your soils pH levels and also see how much sunlight that area gets. Knowing these types of things will ensure that your plant species can prosper and attract the wildlife you desire.
As well as having good soil, one needs good coverage specifically for deer. Along fence rows and having wood edge is great. This way the animals feel as if they can “take cover” easily and get out of the “open field” area quickly if need to. Therefore, they are more likely to come into the food plot if they feel they have a secure area surrounding them. Most food plots should be around 1/4 of an acre. Also, you will want to stay away from roads and other people’s property lines to avoid other hunters to be tempted to come onto your land and use your food plot.
The last thing you should look at are existing travel patterns of the deer in your area. Not to say that if you do not place your food plot in an area that the deer travel that they won’t come, but if your food plot is in an area that the game you are hunting already travel then even better. The chance of them finding your food plot and utilizing it more quickly is greater.
Now it's time to put the GroundHog MAX ATV plow to work for you!
After you have found the perfect location and have traveled to it with your GHM in "travel mode" on the back of your ATV, you need to put it into "work" mode.
Back your ATV/UTV up on a 4" ramp. This can be on a log or a lower area of ground.
Take the one tractor pin out and flip the plow over in the "plowing position."
Put the pin back in once you have your plow at the desired height.*
Start plowing with your GroundHog MAX!
*Note: A good rule of thumb on plow depth adjustment is to let the plow down to touch the ground, and then move it back up 2 holes before you re-pin. Rembember you only need part of the machine's weight to plow effectively, especially with heavy ATVs and UTVs.
If this is a food plot that you have never plowed before, you may want to round up before using it although this is not necessary. Also, plowing in figure 8 techniques works great. Be aggressive if you have a 4 wheel drive ATV and really get after plowing up the land. Once you have it plowed up you can now begin the planting section.
What are the GroundHog Max specifications?
The product weighs 46 lbs. and is made with high intensity heavy gauge ¼ wall steel. Each disc has its own replaceable high-speed double-sealed, deep grooved bearings. The discs are installed with anti-slide bolts and nuts for easy replacement of bearings if necessary. All bearings are the same size. Discs are mounted on a ¾ inch axle. This axle is then encased in a glove-fit 1 inch steel pipe. This creates a closed system that does not require greasing. The GroundHog MAX ATV / UTV Disc Plow does not have ratchets. There are no tires to dry rot and go flat. It is practically maintenance free.
Shipping Weight - GroundHog MAX (with Hitch Kit) - 69lbs
Shipping Weight - GroundHog MAX (without Hitch Kit) - 46lbs
(2) Outside 8” High Strength 1060 Grade Notched Disc Blades
(2) Middle 9” High Strength 1060 Grade Notched Disc Blades
(2) Inside 10” High Strength 1060 Grade Notched Disc Blades
¾“ Round, Stress Proof
High-Speed (Double Sealed, Deep Groove) Ball Bearing (Bolted on to Disc with Anti-Slide Bolts)
Heavy 2” Steel Tube Adjustable Frame
1. This fully assembled product weighs 46 lbs. and is made with high intensity heavy 10 gauge wall steel.
2. Each disc has its own easy to replace, high-speed, double-sealed, deeply grooved ball bearings with a trash guard.
3. The discs have anti-slide bolts and nuts for easy replacement of bearings.
4. Graduated notched discs sizes are 8”, 9”, or 10” but all bearings are the same size. This assembly was the most
aggressive setup for cutting virgin ground.
5. Discs are mounted on a ¾” steel axle.
6. Between each of the disc blades the axle itself is encased in a glove-fit 1-inch steel pipe. This creates a closed
system that does not require greasing.
7. There are no ratchets to mess with and no tires to dry rot and go flat.
8. Adjustable height control, in 1" increments on the T-Head allows you to use it on machines with either low or high
ground clearance.
9. A 2” square hitch receiver is required. It can be purchased with a hitch kit included in the box (for Honda and
Polaris mostly), or it can be purchased without a hitch kit included at a lower cost. You would then buy an aftermarket
hitch kit for your specific machine.
10. Comes with a 90-day manufacturer’s warranty.
11. The plow is basically maintenance free. After use, wipe off and spray down with WD-40 or similar product.
12. Works with 2-wheel or 4-wheel drive. Works on lower CC "air cooled only" machines. You are plowing 4-7 mph so
a smaller CC machine stays cool. The strain on the machine is far less than with a pull behind plow.
13. Works with independent rear suspension or straight axle setups.
14. Direct, belt, or chain drive machines can work.
15. When new, the disc blades may not turn freely. After some use they will spin properly, but they do not free spin like a
bike wheel.
16. If you want to keep your ball hitch while using the Groundhog receiver tube, buy a Reese-type hitch in 1 ¼” to slide in
the tractor pin. It is a loose fit but as long as it has weight applied it will not rattle and works fine.
Does the receiver hitch assembly have to be level and centered?
No. However, get as close to level and centered as possible.
If I use the receiver hitch assembly can I still use my trailer ball and leave the receiver on permanently?
Yes. After market Reese-type ball adapters are available.
Can I use reverse with the plow engaged?
Yes, but it won’t plow as well going forward. Reverse gives you the maneuverability to plow in tight places like pulpwood roads, firebreaks, and between pine rows. Only use reverse if necessary, as it puts more stress on your hitch.
Does it work on hard, rocky, and / or rough ground?
Yes. If your terrain is “difficult” the plow will work. It just takes more passes. The plow works well on hard, dry, rocky, grassy or any combination terrain. For best results plow in a combination of oblong circles, figure eights, and straight rows back and forth.
Does the plow work in wet bottomland?
Yes. The plow will not bog down like a typical pull behind plow. The ATV controls the plowing depth. Remember the old saying, “Too wet to plow?” Certain soil types may clog the discs when wet. However, if your vehicle can go through it the plow can plow it. If clogged, see our DIY fix under Troubleshooting.
Is the product just for food plots?
No. In addition to food plots the plow is used for landscaping, preparing and maintaining fire breaks and weed control, grooming horse arenas and dirt tracks. If you need to till the ground the plow will do it. In many cases it can be used to replace a tractor, especially for smaller jobs.
Can I leave the plow on my ATV / UTV while driving to my food plot site?
Yes, in most instances. We call this feature “transport mode.” However, every ATV/UTV is a little different. Here are some general guidelines: On some vehicles you simply flip the plow upside down and secure it in position with the tractor pin. On some vehicles flip the plow upside down, and adjust the plow head up or down until it clears the back of the vehicle by removing and replacing the tractor pin. Then simply secure it in position with the tractor pin. On a few machines you may not be able to use transport position due to the design of the rear end.
How do I reach you at GroundHog MAX?
1 Bad Boy Blvd.
Batesville, AR 72501
Toll Free - 800-566-1691
Fax - 870-307-6799
Tech Support - 877-522-3364 or 701-713-0202
Replacement Parts - 877-522-3364
Email - [email protected]
Does the GroundHog MAX have a warranty?
Yes! Here is our warranty.
GroundHog MAX ATV/UTV Disc Plow and Bad Dawg Accessories warrants this product to be free from defect in material and workmanship.
Except as otherwise set forth below, the duration of this Warranty shall be for NINETY (90) DAYS COMMENCING ON THE DATE OF DELIVERY OF THE PRODUCT TO THE ORIGINAL PURCHASER.
Under no circumstances will this warranty apply in the event that the product, in good faith opinion of GroundHog MAX ATV/UTV Disc Plow and Bad Dawg Accessories, has been subjected to improper operation, improper maintenance, misuse, or an accident. This warranty does not apply in the event that the product has been materially modified or repaired by someone other than GroundHog ATV/UTV Disc Plow or Bad Dawg Accessories. The Warranty does not cover normal wear or tear, or normal maintenance items. This warranty also does not cover repairs made with parts other than those obtained through GroundHog ATV/UTV Disc Plow or Bad Dawg Accessories This Warranty is extended solely to the original purchaser of the product. Should the original purchaser sell or otherwise transfer this product to a third party, this Warranty does not transfer to the third party purchaser in any way. There are no third party beneficiaries of this Warranty.
GroundHog ATV/UTV Disc Plow or Bad Dawg Accessories makes no warranty, express or implied, with respect on any parts or accessories not manufactured ATV/UTV Disc Plow and Bad Dawg Accessories Warranties for these items, if any, are provided separately by their respective manufacturers. GroundHog MAX ATV/UTV Disc Plow and Bad Dawg Accessories obligation under this Warranty is limited to, at GroundHog ATV/UTV Disc Plow or Bad Dawg Accessories option, the repair or replacement, free of charge, of the product if GroundHog MAX ATV/UTV Disc Plow and Bad Dawg Accessories, in its sole discretion, deems it to be defective or in noncompliance with this Warranty. Such parts shall be provided by the selling dealer to the user during regular working hours.
If requested, the product must be returned to GroundHog MAX ATV/UTV Disc Plow and Bad Dawg Accessories with proof of purchase within thirty (30) days after such defect or noncompliance is discovered or should have been discovered, routed through the dealer and distributor from whom the purchase was made, transportation charges prepaid. GroundHog MAX ATV/UTV Disc Plow and Bad Dawg Accessories shall complete such repair or replacement within a reasonable time after GroundHog MAX ATV/UTV Disc Plow and Bad Dawg Accessories receives the product.
GroundHog MAX ATV/UTV Disc Plow and Bad Dawg Accessories shall not be liable for any incident or consequential losses, damages or expenses, arising directly or indirectly from the product, whether such claim is based upon breach of contract, breach of warranty, negligence, strict liability in tort or any other legal theory. GroundHog ATV/UTV Disc Plow or Bad Dawg Accessories obligation under this warranty, to the extent allowed by law, is in lieu of all warranties, implied or expressed for a particular purpose and any liability for incidental and consequential damages with respect to the sale or use of the items warranted. Such incidental and consequential damages shall include but not be limited to: transportation charges other than normal freight charges; loss of crops or any other loss of income; rental of substitute equipment, expenses due to loss, damage, detention or delay in the delivery of equipment or parts resulting from acts beyond the control of GroundHog MAX ATV/UTV Disc Plow and Bad Dawg Accessories.
This Warranty is subject to any existing conditions of supply that may directly affect GroundHog MAX ATV/UTV Disc Plow and Bad Dawg Accessories ability to obtain materials or manufacture replacement parts.
This warranty is subject to the warranty registration being submitted. For warranty services, contact GroundHog MAX ATV/UTV Disc Plow and Bad Dawg Accessories 800-566-1691 or 877-522-3364.
We also offer a
Warranty for Parts
GroundHog MAX by GroundHog MAX ATV/UTV Disc Plow and Bad Dawg Accessories warrants its parts to be free from defect in material and workmanship for a period of ninety (90) days from the date of delivery of the part(s) to the original purchaser.
Replacement or repair parts installed in the equipment covered by warranty are warranted for ninety (90) days from date of purchase of such part or to the expiration of the applicable new equipment warranty period, which- ever occurs later.
Under no circumstances will this warranty apply in the event that the parts, in good faith opinion of GroundHog MAX by GroundHog MAX ATV/UTV Disc Plow and Bad Dawg Accessories, has been subjected to improper operation, improper maintenance, misuse, or an accident. This warranty does not apply in the event that the product has been materially modified or repaired by someone other than GroundHog MAX ATV/UTV Disc Plow and Bad Dawg Accessories. The Warranty does not cover normal wear or tear, or normal maintenance items. This warranty also does not cover repairs made with parts other than those obtained through GroundHog MAX ATV/UTV Disc Plow and Bad
Dawg Accessories. This Warranty is extended solely to the original purchaser of the product. Should the original purchaser sell or otherwise transfer this product to a third party, this Warranty does not transfer to a third party purchaser in any way. There are no third party beneficiaries of this Warranty.
Our obligation under this Warranty is limited to, at GroundHog MAX ATV/UTV Disc Plow and Bad Dawg Accessories option, the repair or replacement, free of charge, of the product if GroundHog MAX ATV/UTV Disc Plow and Bad Dawg Accessories, in its sole discretion, deems it to be defective or in noncompliance with this Warranty. The selling dealer shall provide such parts to the user during regular working hours. If requested, the product must be returned to GroundHog MAX ATV/UTV Disc Plow and Bad Dawg Accessories with proof of purchase within thirty (30) days after such defect or noncompliance is discovered or should have been discovered, routed through the dealer and distributor from whom the purchase was made, transportation charges prepaid.
GroundHog MAX ATV / UTV Disc Plow and Bad Dawg Accessories shall not be liable for any incidental or consequential losses, damages or expenses, arising directly or indirectly from the product, whether such claim is based upon breach of contract, breach of warranty, negligence, strict liability in tort or any other legal theory. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, GroundHog MAX ATV/UTV Disc Plow and Bad Dawg Accessories specifically disclaims any damages relating to (i) lost profits, business, revenues or goodwill; (ii) loss of crops; (iii) loss because of delay in harvesting; (iv) any expense or loss incurred for labor, supplies, substitute machinery or rental; or (v) any
other type of damage to property or economic loss.
This Warranty is subject to any existing conditions of supply that may directly affect GroundHog MAX ATV / UTV Disc Plow and Bad Dawg Accessories ability to obtain materials or manufacture replacement parts. This warranty is subject to the warranty registration being submitted.
Modern ATVs are associated with drive, adrenaline and indescribable emotions. However, this transport is good not only for entertainment, all-terrain vehicles are often used in country life, where only memories remain of the road surface. They are not afraid of either deep snow, or mud that sags in the off-season, or sandy fields. For true fans, quad bikes have become more than just a means of transportation, but rather a special way of life, a passion and an irresistible craving to confront natural landscapes. nine0005
Gathering in interest groups or quad bike clubs, the following directions in quad movement can be distinguished:
Naturally, gathering in groups, everyone wants to stand out. Someone with the appearance of their ATV, someone to get a more passable ATV, and someone wants to get a ATV controlled at high speeds. In order to achieve this, ATV rims are essential, and we will now explain why. nine0005
Normally, from the factory, most of them have 12 inch wheels, moreover, they are usually stamped. Outwardly, stamped wheels look very simple and your ATV will dissolve in the gray mass. The best way to improve the look of an ATV is, of course, to install stylish alloy wheels with a larger radius. No one will remain indifferent when they see an ATV on 14 inch or even 15 inch wheels. And if you own a Side by Side ATV, you can even afford to install 17 inch wheels. nine0005
The main goal in trophy-raids is to overcome the most impenetrable off-road, far from always passing a trophy-raid for a while, often you just need to get to certain points, which not everyone succeeds. Ingoda, you can spend the whole day to overcome only 1 - 2 kilometers of the route. To conquer such wild off-road, beadlock wheels are simply vital, to get better cross-country ability, ATVs reduce tire pressure to almost zero, which is dangerous by disassembling the wheels. nine0005
This is almost an ordinary wheel for an ATV, only the rubber is put on not just on the rim of the disc, but is clamped around the entire rim with a special ring. The beadlock ring is screwed on with 16 strong bolts (note the data is given for ITP SD series beadlock discs, older ITP T7 Beadlock discs used 24 rubber bolts).
Beadlock discs are single sided or double sided. For the toughest extreme sportsmen, an excellent solution would be to install discs with a double-sided beadlock, but one must take into account the fact that discs with rings on both sides are only 14 in diameter, this is due to design features. For trophists, the weight of the ATV is also an important point, so often, in order to save on weight, ATVs choose 14-inch wheels with only 1 beadlock, yes, such wheels also exist ... for example, ITP Tsunami BeadLock or ITP SD Series Beadlock. nine0005
Despite the fact that rally-raids and cross-country rides are different disciplines, they are united by one thing - speed, drive, turns and indescribable emotions.
For high speeds, the most important thing is stability and handling on the track, which is why ATVs try to maximize the wheelbase. ITP wheels will help them with this, as all wheels manufactured by ITP have a + 1 inch offset. This means that the total wheelbase becomes 2 inches or 5.08 cm wider. In addition to increased stability, the offset helps solve the problem of installing larger diameter wheels on those ATVs where design features do not allow it. Many ATVs solve this problem by installing spacers, but this solution negatively affects the suspension and, most importantly, misaligns the wheels. We strongly NOT we recommend doing this! If you want to expand the wheelbase extra drastically, you need to change levers, axle shafts, tips, shock absorbers and approach the issue with full responsibility, since your health, and sometimes life, is at stake.
ITP makes wheels for more than just Utility ATVs and Side by Side. The product line also includes discs for sports ATVs. They have a smaller diameter than utility ATV discs, but are not inferior to them in terms of strength. Sport quads are fast and agile, use Tracklock 9 rims to keep your shoes on.0033 (approx. essentially the same bedlock, only for sports ATVs).
For these events, it is important that usually expeditions are multi-kilometer trips that take from several days to weeks or even a month. ATV on expeditions is usually loaded to the maximum with gear, equipment, supplies of food, water and, of course, gasoline. They lay routes not trying to find an easy way, but almost directly from point A to point B. Being on an ATV far from home, a garage, tire shops, and when tens of kilometers to the nearest blessings of civilization, the main thing is to stay on wheels. Therefore, the strength and reliability of discs for an ATV is of the utmost importance. The market leader in ATV wheels is ITP, which provides a lifetime warranty on its wheels in the United States. ITP is so confident in the strength of its products that it took this step! nine0005
New ATV wheels are guaranteed by the brand's reputation. And the undisputed leader in this niche is the American company ITP. As one of the members of the Carlstar Group. ITP specializes exclusively in the development and production of ATV wheels, which allows us to offer customers perfect products in every respect. nine0005
Modern ITP discs are a harmonious combination of high technology, safety, stability and perfect design. Each released model is personally tested by the company's developers, who not only have a huge international practice, but also have their own team of athletes who carefully and painstakingly test it before releasing new products to the market. This approach allows you to eliminate all the negative aspects and bring to perfection every nuance. The high quality of ITP discs is also evidenced by the fact that many manufacturers of equipment (BRP, Arctic Cat, Polaris) install them on their equipment in luxurious trim levels. nine0005
When buying new wheels for ATVs in unverified online stores, you can never rule out the risk of running into fake, low-quality or damaged products that at first glance seem reliable and durable. Such a purchase can lead to significant financial losses and unforeseen breakdowns caused by wheel defects. That is why the official distributor and official dealers are the ideal place to purchase, only from them you can get original and high-quality products. nine0005
The Porosenok online store is the exclusive distributor of ITP in Russia, which means that the catalog contains only high-quality products manufactured by the manufacturer. Such discs will not only decorate any ATV, but also emphasize the status and excellent taste of its owner. And the impeccable reputation of the Porosenok online store dates back to 2007 and is confirmed by real reviews on the ATV Club forum, guaranteeing trouble-free operation of an ATV tuned with new wheels even in extreme off-road conditions. nine0005
Tags : Disks , wheels , quad bike , tuning , ATV wheels
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When choosing wheels for an ATV, you, unlike motorcycle wheels, will not depend on the size prescribed by the manufacturer of the ATV. The size and material of the disk here can be changed depending on the needs. Before talking about which ATV rims are best suited to your riding style, it is worth recalling the marking of ATV and UTV rims. nine0005
ATV disc marking
Let's demonstrate how to read the disc marking on a specific example: for example, an ATV disc has the designations 8x8, 3+5, 4/110. So its diameter, which is indicated in the first digit, is 8 inches. The second number is the inner diameter of the tire, it must match the diameter of the rim.
The next two digits are the offset of the disk, which shows the distance from the mating side of the disk and its conditional middle. At the same time, the marking of the disk on the ATV shows the displacement of the inner and outer sides, the difference between which determines the negative, positive or zero offset of the disk. In our case, the disk overhang is negative and is -2 (3-5=-2). The next figure shows the number of holes in the disc, in our example there are 4. The last designation is the distance between the holes, measured in mm., In our case it is 110 mm. nine0005
Choose wheels for ATV
Alloy wheels for ATV have a number of advantages over stamped ones. Let's talk about them so that you can understand whether you need to focus on these pluses or leave stamping on an ATV more appropriate.
First, the alloy wheels on the ATV can be chosen wider than the standard ones. This, in turn, allows you to install non-standard tires on an ATV that will not get up "donut". On alloy rims, a wide ATV tire will increase the contact patch, which means flotation will increase. However, not only alloy wheels on an ATV solve the problem of increasing the wheel track - spacers for disks are also used for this. nine0005
The second advantage that alloy wheels are chosen for on an ATV is the reduction in the weight of the unsprung part of the ATV. ATV races are held in a variety of terrain, including relatively flat ground where speed is important and casting will have a distinct advantage here. In other cases, their disadvantage is emphasized - fragility. However, some manufacturers of ATV wheels, such as ITP, give a lifetime warranty on casting, the very fact of which speaks of great confidence in their products and makes them reconsider their attitude towards alloy wheels. nine0005
The third reason, which, oddly enough, also matters is the aesthetic side. Despite the fact that the ATV pursues purely utilitarian or sporting goals, many people like to combine functionality and attractive appearance, which can be achieved by choosing an ATV casting.
In addition, many ATV alloy wheels come with beadlocks, and the latter are simply indispensable when driving on flat tires. As you know, with a decrease in pressure, which is done to overcome off-road, the tires have a tendency to disassemble. The easiest and most reliable way to keep the tire on the rim is to use beadlocks that attach the tire to the rim. Badlocks are a steel ring with holes, in place and in number they are divided into two types: one-sided and two-sided. Moreover, it is usually enough to install a one-sided beadlock on a cast wheel for an ATV, since the load on the inside of the wheel is not large. Only hard off road on fully flat tires requires the installation of reversible beadlocks. nine0005
Of course, the use of beadlocks imposes certain restrictions: the speed, as a rule, should not exceed 60 km/h, it becomes much more difficult to balance wheels with beadlocks, in addition, it is necessary to constantly monitor their condition - clean, tighten. Be that as it may, beadlocks have been produced since the 1980s and Off Road on an ATV is rarely done without. The cast rim and beadlock are welded on, the outer edge of the tire is not put on the rim, but is pressed with a beadlock ring, fixed with a large number of bolts. The inner edge of the tire, if the beadlock is one-sided, is kept as usual on the hump (annular protrusions at the edge of the disk). nine0005
ATV Wheel Manufacturers
ATVs are nowhere near the popularity of cars and there aren't as many wheel manufacturers here. They are mainly represented by companies that produce off-road wheels for off-road. One of the leaders in the manufacture of alloy wheels for ATVs is the Canadian company ITP, which is famous for its excellent design and excellent durability of its products. The manufacturer is also interesting for its development of System Six, which allows you to select and replace the finish for the disk. ITP aluminum rims have a replaceable center insert, so if the old one is tired or out of order, you can choose another one in a different color scheme. nine0005
Also popular are Black Rock ATV rims, which come with a negative offset to increase road tread. Black Rock discs have a wide variety of colors, among the company's products there are alloy wheels for ATVs with beadlocks.
Well, of course, wheels for an ATV can be presented by a native manufacturer who manufactures it himself, or trusts a major player in the market. In addition, in extreme cases, car wheels of suitable size can also be installed on an ATV, if, of course, spacers are used.