How to change mountain bike tire tube

How to Change a Bike Inner Tube Easily? Know the Right Way Here!

Do you feel hopeless when your bicycle tires are punctured in the middle of riding your bike? Bike owners like us have been there.

This nerve-wracking situation is worrisome, especially when we have a busy schedule ahead or when we’re on the side of the road. But learning how to change a bike inner tube doesn’t have to be complicated and stressful.

Replacing your bike inner tube is easy if you have the right tools and follow the correct process. This tutorial will help you navigate when you have a flat tire.

Table of Contents

  • Gather the Following for This Tutorial:
  • Start Changing Your Bike Inner Tube
    • Step 1: Deflate your bike’s tyre
    • Step 2: Remove the tire
    • Step 3: Use tire lever to get rid of the inner tube
    • Step 4: Examine what caused the puncture
    • Step 5: Insert the new tube into your bike
    • Step 6: Inflate the tire
    • Step 7: Do a final check of your new inner tube
  • Conclusion

Gather the Following for This Tutorial:

These are some of the essential tools needed when you want to replace the inner tube of your bike.

  • Air pump
  • Bike Tyre Levers
  • Gloves
  • Replacement Inner Tube
  • Screwdriver
  • Towel
  • Wrench

Start Changing Your Bike Inner Tube

Follow through these simple steps, and you can replace your bike’s inner tube in no time.

Step 1: Deflate your bike’s tyre

To begin, place the bike upside down and take the bike wheel away from it. If the tyre isn’t already completely deflated, free the air pressure of the internal tube by slightly loosening and then pressing the little barrel above the Presta valves if you have them. Loosen and take out the knurled nuts at the valve’s base.

If you’re dealing with a child’s bicycle or an MTB having car-style Schrader valves, press down the pin in the middle of the valve to free the air.

Step 2: Remove the tire

When the inner tube is already flattened, push the tire inwards to force the tyre bead to the rim’s midpoint. Apply this step on the two sides of the tire until the wheels feel baggy.

If the tire is loose, shake it to get the slack to one place, or else, you’ll have to move the tire around the wheel in opposite directions at the same time, aiming for as much slack as possible when your hands get close to each other at the bike wheel’s bottom part.

If there is a lot of slack or you feel kind of strong, depress the tire’s edge off the bike rim using your thumb.

This eliminates the possibility of trapping the internal pipe between the bike edge and the tire lever and perforating it.

Step 3: Use tire lever to get rid of the inner tube

Be cautious when you use a tire lever. Remove the dust cap from the valve stem, then remove the fastener. Place both levers about 2 centimeters or 1 inch apart under the bead, with the ladle part underneath the tire’s bead.

To avoid punctures, ensure that you haven’t trapped the inner tube valve against the rim with the other side.

Apply pressure to one of the levers to elevate the tire over the rim, then do this again on the other lever to clear a larger area of the tire. To avoid the tire slipping back onto the rim, hook a single part of the tyre lever around the nearest spoke.

If the tire is extremely tight, you may have to use two levers at the same time to pry the bike tire over the bicycle rim.

Be careful if you use two levers to deal with an extremely tight tire, as there is usually a hazard of flying components.

Go around the wheel, removing the tire’s edge from the rim. Take note that you are not removing the tire entirely. Only one side of the tire must be removed (keep the far side where it is).

Work the tyre lever around the entire tire until the inner tube is entirely off the bike tire. Gradually draw the inner tube out after pushing the valve back through its hole.

Step 4: Examine what caused the puncture

With the internal tube detached, inspect the tire for any disfigurations or tread ruptures. Partially fill the inner tube. You should be able to hear or feel little air escape from the hole. Once you’ve located the hole in the tube, match it with the tire.

Inspect for spikes, nails, and other objects that may have infiltrated the tyre and take them away. Or else they will puncture the new internal tubing. Check the wheel rim for sharp edges and splits as well.

A pinch puncture is most likely if the hole is on the inner border of the tube. When the tire caught the tube, the rim tape was either not in the proper place or not present at all. If this is the case, use extreme caution when re-inserting the tube.

Be cautious when you examine the inner tube. You don’t want to puncture yourself as you run your fingers around the tire’s internal area. Make this step easier by wearing gloves.

Remove the objects by hand from the tube if you see something obvious such as glass or a nail. If it’s particularly stubborn, use the screwdriver to pull it out. Then, use the towel to rub around the inside of the tire to see if it sticks on anything else.

Once you’re satisfied with the tire’s condition, place the tire label over the valve hole. It’s time to insert a new tube into your bike.

Step 5: Insert the new tube into your bike

Purchase a bicycle inner tube replacement, making certain that it’s the correct size.

Fill the internal tubing enough to give it shape. Take out the threaded collar and slide the internal tube valve into the rim.

Knead the internal tubing into the wheel’s belly, so it doesn’t protrude over the rim’s edge. Take care not to twist or pinch the inner tubing when you do this.

Starting from the opposite part of the valve, start coaxing the tire over the rim with your thumbs. When dealing with close-fitting tires, recall how you shifted the tire’s slack into one place. Try to repeat that step when you press the tire to the back of the bike rim.

It’s good to have as much slack as you can for the final stage of the procedure. Take extreme caution not to make a hole in the inner tubing.

When it’s hard to get tyres on any farther by hand in replacing bicycle inner tube, carefully place the tyre levers beneath the tire edge (roughly an inch or 2. 5 centimeters apart from every end that requires fitting). Place one lever against the tire to prevent it from slipping back, then pull the tire on the edge with the other.

Step 6: Inflate the tire

Once the tire is installed, double-check for any portions of the internal tubing poking out. Move the valve back into the tire to ensure it is not stuck, and then put back the lock ring on the bike’s valve.

Pump the tire gently once the tire is locked behind the rims. Carefully spin the wheel to look for any bumps.

If everything appears to be in order, proceed to pump to the desired pressure. Get the wheel in the dropouts, then tighten the quick release skewer and brakes.

Step 7: Do a final check of your new inner tube

Put away the hand pump and spin the tire to recheck the alignment vertically and on both sides. If you notice anything unusual, deflate and knead the afflicted part before you re-inflate.

On the initial few rides using your new tube, carefully inspect the tires regularly in case something is amiss.

Now that you have a concrete idea on how to replace bike inner tube, you can quickly replace the inner tube of your bike in no time. In case you have questions regarding the whole process, you can also check out this video tutorial.

Pro Tips:

  • Use gloves when replacing bike inner tube.
  • Be careful while dealing with moving parts, as you may get pinched.
  • If you don’t have a spare bicycle inner tube on hand, you may always attempt a DIY puncture repair. Here’s how:

Mark the hole with a pen or chalk once you’ve located it.

Dry the surface and gently massage it with sandpaper. Then, press and smooth the glue around the hole, allowing it to sit.

Remove the patch from the foil and press it firmly against the glue to remove any bubbles. It’s always better to do this on a flat surface.

After the adhesive has dried, sprinkle the chalk over any exposed glue to prevent it from sticking to the interior of the tire.

  • If your butyl rubber inner tube is darker than usual, that’s a sign you should replace it.


Did you enjoy following the simple steps above?

As long as you know how to change a bike inner tube, nothing can stop you even if your tire gets punctured on your next bike ride.

Keep in mind that replacing bike inner tubes isn’t rocket science, and everyone can do it entirely on their own.

We’d also love to hear from you! So, let us know how changing your bike’s inner tube went. If you have any suggestions for other bike owners, share them in the comments section. Sharing this article can also help us a lot, so we’d greatly appreciate it.

Gary Johnson

“I ride my bike to work for years, but is that enough? Our carelessness towards our surroundings has taken a toll on the environment. And now, everyone is responsible for changes; even the most minor contribution is counted. With this hope and spirit, I started with my partner to establish Biketoworkday to help more individuals commute to their work sites on their bikes.”

How to change your MTB tire

By Jeff Barber

Whether you’re on the trail or in your driveway, it’s no big deal to fix a flat mountain bike tire. In the ideal situation, all you need is a pump, tire levers, and a new tube.

If your tire still has some air pressure left in it, release the air by pressing in on the tire valve. Depending on the type of valve your tire has, you may need to unscrew the pressure release or use your fingernail to press the release valve.

Next, pull the tire away from the rim. You may need to use your tire lever to get the tire started, once it’s out you can trace around the rim to quickly remove one side of the tire. Repeat the process for the other side of the tire wall. Don’t forget to remove the screw locking ring if your tubes have one.

Remove the tire and tube from the rim. Check the rim to make sure there isn’t anything ganky on the rim that could have caused your flat. Pay particular attention to the rim tape covering spoke connections inside the rim and replace as necessary. Run your hand through the tire itself to check for thorns or other sharp objects. If something causes you to bleed there’s a good chance that it’ll pierce your tire as well.

Now you’re ready to start putting things back together. Inflate your new tube with just enough air to give it some shape. This will help you place it in the tire easily. Place the tube completely inside the tire like a hot dog in a bun. Find the valve hole on your wheel and place the valve stem in the hole.

Start working one side of the tire onto the rim. You should be able to use your hands for most of it, once you’ve made your way around most of the tire you may need to use your levers to pop the tire wall bead inside the rim. Repeat for the other side (note: the second side may be more difficult than the first, especially for tight fitting tires).

Before you begin inflating your tire it’s important to make sure the tube isn’t pinched between the rim and the tire (called a pinch flat). Start at a known point on the tire (I usually start at the valve) and work your way around the tire looking for pinches. When you get back to your start point, flip the tire and check the other side all the way around.

Now you’re ready for the fun part: pumping. Inflate your tire to a reasonable pressure. My pump has a gauge that’s marked for different types of bike tires. It recommends 30-60 psi for mountain bike tires but it’s really up to you. If you like a squishy ride or you like to use your tires as a poor man’s suspension, keep the pressure low. If you’re riding hardpack you may want to go for a higher pressure which will help you go faster. I personally prefer staying at the high end of the range because I’ve found that I get fewer flats on the trail at higher pressures.

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How to change the tube in a bicycle wheel

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  • How to change the tube in a bicycle wheel | Camera Replacement


Probably the most common breakdown in a cyclist is a tire puncture, especially if he rides in an aggressive style. Either he hit the glass, then a nail, and sometimes he just ran into the curb at speed. Experienced cyclists can to change the camera in a bicycle with eyes closed, but what about a beginner who can’t even remove the wheel, let alone change the camera. The main thing is not to despair! If you are traveling a long distance (and always better), take a pump with you, a spare tube, or, in extreme cases, a "bike first aid kit" for the wheel. Someday she will save you from the fate of pulling the bike "on yourself".

So, if you punctured the wheel , first you need to get off the bike, in no case continue to move on a flat tire . Firstly, you will tear the tube even more, and secondly, you can ruin the tire, and in the worst case, the rim.

How to change the tube on a bicycle

1) If the wheel has not completely deflated - deflate it to the end, to do this, unscrew the nipple (spool) cap. If you have a nipple (spool) the same as in the car, press something sharp on the small button in the middle and hold until the tire is flat. If you have a cap with a key for the spool, then just unscrew it. If you have a nipple (spool) like in old bicycles, unscrew the lamb and take it out. nine0013

2) Remove the wheel. If the wheel is on an eccentric, removal will not cause difficulties, if not, then keys will be needed (depending on the bike and wheel - 13-17).

3) If you have "pliers", use them to remove the rim from the wheel, if there are no pliers, you can use an improvised tool (wrenches, etc. ), but it is advisable not to use objects with a sharp edge - this can lead to damage to the tube or rim. Tear the tire with your tool and, resting it against the rim, press down until the edge of the tire comes out of the rim, then take the second key or mount and do this action again, while NOT removing the first key. When you feel that the keys do not lean back when you release them - just try to move the second key in a circle away from the first key. nine0013

4) Remove the camera by simply grasping it with your fingers. Grasp the opposite side of the nipple (spool).

5) In principle, you can insert a new tube, but I recommend removing the tire completely (this can be done by hand or with pliers (wrenches)).
Check the condition of the rim: there are no metal burrs inside, check the condition of the rim tape, look inside the tire. This should be done if you change cameras frequently and don't know where you might have blown a tire. nine0013

How to install a tube in a bicycle wheel

1) Take a new tube or a sealed tube (how to tape a tube), squeeze it with one hand and move it around - this will help to clean it of unwanted foreign objects (rubber pieces, metal chips, etc. ) .d.)

2) Lightly inflate it, if you removed the tire completely, put it on one rib (if the rubber is directional - make sure you install it correctly (you can peek at the rear wheel if the treads are the same)). Roughly outline where the hole from the nipple (spool) is, put the chamber into the tire without twisting or breaking it. Insert the spool (nipple) into the hole and screw on the cap. nine0013

3) With your hands (if the tire is soft) or using the same tool, slide the second rib of the tire onto the rim. BE CAREFUL if using the tool, do not tear the chamber.

4) Immediately inflate the wheel lightly and roll it until the tube settles, then inflate the wheel to the desired pressure (how to find out what pressure to inflate the wheel)

5) Put the wheel on the bike and clamp it.

6) MANDATORY! Check the brakes.

Type of valves

There are three main valve types:
1) Velonipel (French)
2) Auto-nipel (American)
3) A nipple like in old bikes (German)

bike shop)

How to change a bike inner tube | What to do if you pierced the camera on a bicycle | Cycling club - velootpusk.

ru -Recommendations for repair, maintenance and tuning of a bicycle for beginner cyclists|Cycling club

A flat tire on a bicycle is a fairly common occurrence, especially when riding on rough terrain or using poor quality or worn tires. Such an unpleasant incident happens to a cyclist at least once a season, and some are "lucky" to change the camera two or three times in a short trip.

And if it takes five minutes for an experienced cyclist to change the tube on a bicycle, then for some reason beginners are very afraid to remove the tire on their own and most often drag their bike to a service or to friends. In fact, changing the camera is very simple:

How to remove a punctured tube from a wheel

  1. The first step is to remove the punctured wheel from the bike.
  2. Next, unscrew the protective cap from the nipple and, if necessary, completely deflate the wheel.
  3. The third stage is the most important: you need to pick up the edge of the tire with some tool and pull it out of the rim. To do this, you can use special mounts that are sold in almost every bike shop. Of course, it is more convenient to remove the tire with them and there is no risk of damage to the rim. However, there are situations when such a tool is not at hand. In this case, you can use any sufficiently thin and durable objects: various wrenches, a beer opener, or even a camping spoon. The only restriction: your tool should not have sharp ends, otherwise you will pierce the camera in a couple more places. Because of this, it is strongly not recommended to use screwdrivers, knives and other sharp objects to remove tires. It is also worth remembering that if you press too hard on the rim, you can damage it. As an example, in this manual we will use ordinary wrenches as montages, which were the first to come to hand - not the best, hiking option. nine0012 In order to pull the tire out of the rim, you need to pick up its edge with the first "wire" and pull it out of the rim. At the same time, the mount must be held so that the tire does not end up inside the rim again, and the mount itself does not fly into your forehead.

    After that, with the second mount, similarly pull out the edge of the tire next to the first mount. Don't forget to hold the first montage while doing this!

    After that, you will feel that the tire tension has already significantly weakened and you can pull out the mounts. Now it is necessary, with the help of one mounting tool, to carefully pull out the edge of the tire along the diameter of the wheel until it is completely released. In many cases, this can even be done by hand.

    If the tire tension is still high after using two mounts, use the third one in the same way.

    You should end up with one end of the tire completely out of the rim. nine0013

  4. Next, you need to remove the camera itself. To do this, remove the nipple and then carefully remove the chamber from under the tire.

Done. Now you can start sealing the damaged camera or just install a new one.

How to install the inner tube in a bicycle wheel

  1. First you need to check if there are sharp objects left in the tire that could damage the new or sealed inner tube. To do this, you need to visually inspect the tire, as well as run your hand along its inside. It is also worth paying attention to whether any spoke or its fastening sticks out inside the wheel. In case of any doubt, the installation of the camera should be stopped. nine0004
  2. Inflate the camera lightly to avoid damaging it during installation.
  3. Now carefully insert the nipple into the corresponding hole in the rim, then put the tire and the entire tube inside.
  4. Fit the edge of the tire around the entire diameter of the wheel into the rim.

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