How to make your puppy tired

Tips and Tricks for Tiring Out Your High Energy Pup – Atlas Pet Company

You unlock your front door and the proof is everywhere: the remnants of your new running shoes are strewn about the house, there’s a hole in the couch cushion, and the new leash you just bought is in pieces.

Restlessness in high energy dog breeds is not uncommon, especially if you’re yet to find something that works for both you and your pup. This is the case for fully grown dogs and puppies: if you haven’t worn them out before you leave, they’ll look for a ‘job’ to do. Oftentimes, they get destructive.

We pulled the best tips for tiring out your high energy dog and the best ways to tire out a puppy before they’ve had all their shots.

Why Does My Dog Have So Much Energy?

If your dog has excess energy and you’re finding it difficult to do everyday activities like: sit on the couch, cook dinner, clean, and relax, then you need to do more research to understand what your dog needs from you.

Pro animal trainer Brandon McMillan is an expert on the way dogs think. He says,

“Most of the breeds living in our houses today weren’t originally bred to be on a couch, in a quiet home surrounded by walls. They had jobs long before we were born and instinct is more powerful than any trainer on the planet. Knowing your breed’s history is vital to knowing what they were originally bred for but also forming a game plan for training.”

The first step to understanding why your dog needs to be crazy, busy, and run wild through the house is to understand the history of their breed.

For example, Australian Cattle Dogs (also known as Queensland Heelers) were used to herd cattle. The dogs have intense focus, are wicked smart, and they have an instinctual need to herd. Their “job” for many years was to move cattle.

Fast forward to present day where Cattle Dogs have become members of our households and families. What many people don’t realize is that Cattle Dogs still need the mental and physical fulfillment of a “job” to do. This is the same for other energetic breeds, though their jobs have been different over the course of evolutionary history.

So, if your pup is constantly busy or running laps, then he is most likely searching for work to do. This is exactly why there’s a dog breed classification called “Working Breeds.” Dogs like Border Collies and Siberian Huskies fall into the working breed group.

More likely than not, you need to find your dog’s job, and it’s not as hard as you think! You don’t have to take your pup to a cattle ranch to stimulate their mind. Catching a frisbee, jumping for a ball, or locating treats hidden around the house can be your pup’s job for the day. Make your dog swim to you in a pool, catch a frisbee you throw off a dock, or have them join you on a successful hike. All of these things are great jobs for a high energy dog.

We made Atlas gear specifically for high energy working breeds. Our gear is tough so that if they get the urge to chew on their leash, the high quality rope won’t just fall apart. And if it does, we’ll replace it. We’re passionate about supporting high energy breeds so that you can give them the best, most adventurous life. Get our gear muddy, sandy, wet--that’s what it’s meant for.

We’re the perfect companion for your curious, energetic, amazing pup.

Everyone on our team is passionate about getting their dogs outside and we’ve learned a few tips along the way. Atlas, Brady, Bear, and all of the active #apcdogs out there want to share our favorite ways of adventuring.

Before they become energetic dogs, though, they’re crazy puppies. We just went through that amazing, tough period of time with our Cattle Dog German Shepherd mix, Bear. These are Bear’s favorite tips for wearing out your brand new pup.

How to Tire Out a Crazy Puppy Who’s Too Young to Go Outside

You just brought home a new puppy. First of all, congratulations! Second of all, it can be difficult to wear out a new pup, especially when they can’t go outside yet.

Most veterinarians advise that you not take your unvaccinated new puppy out anywhere where other dogs have been for risk of diseases like Parvo. So, that leaves you and an incredibly cute ball of energy confined to your house and backyard. Yikes.

Here’s what you can do:

1. Find a Puppy Socialization Program

Your first option is to find a puppy-friendly facility that specializes in dog socialization. Some places offer specific programs for puppies that have not been fully vaccinated, which is exactly what you should look for. These programs are safe because none of the pups attending have been vaccinated and are all still too young to go out safely in public, so they’re all in the same boat.

Early-on socialization programs like these also get puppies socialized at a very, very young age, which will help develop their little personalities.

To find a program like this, ask your friends and family if they’ve heard of one or been to one and have any recommendations. You can also search on and read through reviews.

2. Have a Puppy Meet Up

Do your friends and family have fully vaccinated dogs and a big backyard where they can play? If so, bring your puppy to hang out with them ASAP. The older dogs will show your new pup the ropes, and they’ll play for as long as you let them!

You’ll finally get a full night’s sleep, your puppy will be exhausted, and you’ve taken the first step to socializing your new dog. This one’s a win for everyone.

3. Play Fetch on an Incline

If you have a set of stairs in your house, then this one’s for you. Fetch will help wear out a new puppy, but play fetch on the stairs and you’ll have a passed out pup on your hands in no time.

Stand at the top of the stairs and throw the ball down. Repeat until your puppy is ready for bed! Be sure to provide lots of water and snuggles after.

4. Pick Up a Few Brain Stimulating Toys

There are a ton of dog and puppy toys out there designed to entertain and tire out your new family member. If you need your puppy to focus on something when she’s not tired, all of these toys are great options to keep her busy.

  • Hyper Pet Doggie Tail Toy: This battery powered tail makes noises, jumps around, and is motion activated so that your pup can chase it around the house.
  • Puppy Kong: The Kong is a tried and true form of entertainment for dogs, and it’ll be a huge lifesaver for you. Stuff the Kong with a few treats or fill it with peanut butter and freeze it.
  • Interactive Treat Dispensing Ball: Instead of feeding your puppy dinner all at once, put half in the bowl and half in a toy like this. Your pup will have to work for the food, and the toy will stimulate her mind and challenge her to find her dinner.
  • Squeaky Ball: Did you know that normal tennis balls contain harmful chemicals and can wear down your dog’s teeth? That’s why you should only give your pup tennis balls that are specifically made for dogs. These balls are fun and interactive: you can play fetch with them and your pup will enjoy the squeaker inside.

5. Play Some Puppy Mind Games

Have you ever heard of the muffin game? All you need is a standard muffin tin (6 or 12 will work) and enough dog-friendly tennis balls to fill every hole. Then, pick out a few stinky treats and hide a treat under three of the tennis balls.

Show your dog how to play by picking up a tennis ball to reveal a hidden treat! Then, ask your dog to sniff out the treats. He should pick up the tennis ball to get to the treat. Once he’s found treat, replace the tennis ball to make the game even trickier.

You can also teach your pup to sniff out treats around the house.

Tried and True Solutions for Tiring Out a High Energy Dog

You’ve got an active dog who loves to play, but daily walks just don’t cut it. You don’t always have time for a 3 hour hike, but your dog is bouncing off the walls like a madman. Atlas Pet Company co-founders Sam and Atlas can relate.

It can be frustrating to live with a dog who needs to work in order to get tired enough to relax, especially in a city apartment. But rest assured: it can be done.

Now that the Atlas Pet Co. Team is on the road living van life, it’s much easier to wear out Atlas with all of the adventuring he’s doing. From discovering Portland to jumping off the dock into Donner Lake, this active pup is finally sleepy and content. It wasn’t always that easy, though!

These are Atlas’s best solutions to tiring out your high energy dog.

1. Take Daily Trips to the Dog Park

Oftentimes a walk won’t cut it for an energetic breed. What’s missing is stimulation.

One of the best things you can do for your dog is to bring them to the dog park every day. They’ll get to run wild off leash, play with their friends, sniff around, and by the end they should be one pooped pup. Dog park trips also help keep your pup properly socialized.

Get into this routine so that your dog learns to expect a daily dog park romp. Then, they’ll be ready to relax when you are.

2. Go to the Beach

The beach, if you have one nearby, is full of good smells, people and other dogs to say hi to, and endless sand where you can run with your pup or throw the frisbee. The waves are always a great form of entertainment, and you can let your pup splash around or jump for a floaty toy.

Plus, the negative ions in the ocean air will calm any nerves you have and make you feel happy and relaxed. By the time you both get home you’ll feel great and have a very happy pup. Win win!

3. Get In Some All Day Play

Even if you’re home all day every day with your dog, sending them to a daycare facility once a week is a great way to tire them out. They will get to play with their friends all day, and it’s a great way to keep up their socialization.

After playing and running around the daycare yard all day, your dog will want to catch some zs for the rest of the evening (and maybe even the next day!).


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4. Make Open Fields Your Friends

Grab your Chuckit!, your pup’s favorite ball, or a frisbee, and jump in the car. Try and find an empty soccer or large grassy field that’s open to the public. Then, chuck that ball or frisbee as hard as you can, and let your dog race for it. Repeat!

 Chuckit!s are seriously useful toys. Our own cofounders Sam and Atlas have played with Chuckit!s since Atlas was a pup. Atlas loves chasing down a Chuckit! ball, especially in the water!

 This simple game not only gives your dog a job, but the challenge will stimulate their brain as well.

5. Teach ‘Em New Tricks

When you teach your dog new tricks, they need to give you all of their focus. This focus, especially as you teach your pup to maintain it for a long stretch of time, will seriously wear them out.

Plus, daily training sessions will reinforce good manners and will teach your dog how to retain focus on you. This becomes especially important when you’re out and about and you need your dog to pay attention to you and not the birds chirping by or the kids running down the sidewalk.


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#throwback to when Atlas was still figuring out how to use his big paws... now he’s one of the most capable hikers on the trail but you’d never guess based on his early days.🐾🌲#traildogintraining #tbt

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6. Go for a Hike

 If you live with a big, active dog in an apartment like Sam and Atlas did, it can be difficult to find productive ways to keep them tired and happy.

Apartment (or small house) living is tough with an 85lb lab, especially in a big city like San Francisco. That’s why taking a hike with your pup is a great way to wear them out. The sounds of birds, smells of woodland creatures, and different sights will all stimulate the mind of your active dog. Plus, the change in scenery will help shake things up for them too.

Good hiking trails might be closer than you think. Check out the website and app All Trails, which will give you the location of trails nearby, reviews, and whether they’re dog friendly or not.  

Most of All, Have Fun With Your Pup!

It goes without saying, but high energy dogs are amazing companions. They are smart, loving, and want to be put to work. Here at Atlas we’re passionate about supporting your active dogs doing what they love. Whether that’s running, swimming, hiking, playing, and adventuring with you, we’ll make sure you have the gear to do it all.

Enjoy every minute of it!

--The Atlas Team

5 Puppy Exercise Tips: How to Get Your Puppy Tired

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by Lindsay Stordahl

If you have a puppy, you’re probably looking for some ideas on how to safely tire him out, especially if he’s in that naughty, “teenage” stage.

Taking your puppy for walks is a good idea, but you may be wondering how far you can walk him without putting too much stress on his joints. And, is it safe to take him running?

I asked two dog trainers to share some of their ideas for exercising a puppy, and here’s what they had to say.

Tips for tiring out your puppy

1. Go for lots of short walks

A series of short walks throughout the day is a good way to help your puppy feel tired without overdoing it, said Abby Harrison, a dog trainer with Sit Dog Stay in Texas.

“At a young age, it's not so much about hard core exercise as it is exploring the world,” she said.

Dog trainer Kate Connell recommended puppy owners start with a 15 to 20 minute walk twice a day, and then gradually increase the time of each walk.

She works with the dog training company Calmer Canines.

“Most medium- to large-breed puppies can walk for up to an hour at a time by 16 weeks,” she said. “But watch for signs of fatigue - slowing down, panting, refusing to walk.”

She said it’s best not to take your pup running or jogging until she is more mature in order to avoid stress on developing bones and joints.

“Should you choose to run with your dog when he is old enough, you will need to start gradually with a short jog, finishing with a walk, to build up their endurance,” Connell said.

Any concerns about this should be discussed with your pup’s vet. (See our post on running with a dog.)

2. Play games that involve running

Harrison suggested playing games that encourage the puppy to run such as fetch.

“What is important is that the puppy can stop at any moment as opposed to going out for a 10K training run on the sidewalk where the dog still has some distance before they are home,” she said.

Another great game for puppies is tug, according to Connell.

“You can even do this prior to walks in order to help reduce pulling on the leash. Just be sure to avoid leaping and jumping as much as possible as that puts a lot of stress on their developing joints,” she said.

If your puppy seems to really enjoy tug of war, they might like a tether tug toy for their yard.

3. Mental stimulation

Sometimes dog owners overlook mental stimulation, which is just as important as physical.

Harrison had the idea of creating a puzzle for your puppy by placing treats in an old muffin tin and then covering each treat with a tennis ball.

“From there, you can teach search games for a treat,” she said.

She also likes to toss a handful of dry dog food into the grass to let the puppy or dog search for the pieces.

4. Puppy play dates

Puppy play dates with friends and other puppies or dogs are another great way to wear your puppy out, Connell said.

To be safe, she said to interrupt play frequently in order to prevent playing too rough or over-arousal.

See our post on puppy socialization tips.

5. Training

Finally, Connell recommended working on obedience or trick training with your puppy.

“Training your puppy may not provide a ton of physical exercise, but it will usually wear your puppy out far better than a walk!” she said.

She recommended training in short sessions of just a few minutes, but you can do multiple sessions per day.

Some basic commands to begin teaching your puppy could include come, sit, down and stay.

Do any of you have a puppy in your home? How do you get your puppy tired?

Want more puppy tips? Check out these blogs.

What Are The First Things You Should Teach A New Puppy?

Puppy Training: Tips And Advice You Need To Be Successful

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Hyperactive puppy: what to do? | Royal Canin


An active, inquisitive and energetic puppy is the norm. But an animal that constantly destroys everything in the house, demands attention, whines and howls, tries to run away on a walk, does not allow guests and other animals to pass, cannot sleep for a long time - this is already a hyperactive puppy, whose behavior needs to be corrected as much as possible before.

A puppy can be called hyperactive if it behaves too emotionally in any situation: on the street it jumps on passers-by, pulls on the leash, fusses at any loud sound, at home it continues to demand your attention, even when it is on its hands, it continues to whine and cannot calm down. nine0007 If signs of hyperactivity appear in a puppy not only on the street, but also at home, when he is left alone, or at the sight of guests, then we need to talk more about problems with socialization, and not about hyperactivity.
Large and giant dog breeds require long walks, at least two hours a day. If you don't walk your dog much and leave it alone for a long time, it's not surprising that it becomes hyperactive when you meet it.
Dogs historically lived in a pack, being alone is stressful for them, especially for a puppy that has recently been separated from its mother and brothers. Perhaps hyperactivity is an adaptation process that needs to be made as comfortable as possible for the animal. nine0007 Wrong education also leads to hyperactivity of the puppy. Explain to all family members that it should not be grabbed without warning, you must first call the animal by name. You can not disturb the puppy while eating and sleeping, it is absolutely impossible to beat the dog and lock it up for a long time alone. All this provokes nervousness in a puppy.
Do not constantly yell at the puppy as soon as he tries to explore something in the house, jump, bark or bite his hand. It is normal for a puppy to explore the world with the help of teeth, voice, smell. You need to reward him for good behavior and not allow or ignore the bad. Gently, but categorically, wean the puppy from biting you, allow you to gnaw only special toys and teach commands. nine0007 Study the breed standard. It's possible that your dog has a normal activity level for this breed and age. For example, a 4-month-old Jack Russell Terrier is likely to be a restless pet if not played with, taught commands, and not allowed to walk. But a hyperactive pug or Pekingese is a rarity.
A hyperactive puppy cannot follow commands to stay still, it is difficult for him to sit still even for a couple of minutes. Such a dog needs to be taught commands as early as possible, do endurance exercises, teach to eat on command, give an intellectual load and ask to look for something, bring sticks and toys, and then with age and over time the dog will become obedient. If you are having difficulty raising a puppy, it is best to send him to a general training course. nine0003


1) There is no better way than a long walk. The puppy must be tired before being alone at home or before falling asleep. The longer you walk outdoors, the more games you offer on the walk, the more often you let your dog off the leash, the more likely it is to tire and reduce its activity when you get home.
2) After consultation with a veterinarian, you can reduce the caloric intake: perhaps you are overfeeding the puppy, and he has absolutely nowhere to put his energy. nine0007 3) Constantly keep the puppy busy with games, training, teach the norms of behavior, if possible, show the animal new routes, places, situations. It is very important for a puppy to explore new territory: it can be a trip out of town, swimming in lakes, going to visit, traveling by public transport.
Try to diversify the puppy's life, from constant sitting in four walls, the animal can become hyperactive, or, conversely, fall into apathy.
4) If the puppy has to stay at home alone for a long time when you go to work, leave plenty of toys for him. There are special toys with food that can only be given when you leave and taken away when you return home. nine0007 5) It is worth discussing with your veterinarian the possibility of spaying the puppy if you do not intend to breed. After sterilization, the hormonal background of animals changes, and they become calmer. But the decision about such an operation should be balanced, because this is a rather serious procedure, and besides, it is irreversible.

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9 ways to take your dog home

Dogs, being bored, always do mischief. We are the main dzherel of rozvag, to that, so as not to give your vikhovants anyhow, the stink to start an independent search for ideas - and even then we will be mortified, or torn fіranki.

Playing with your creature sprat once a day, you can change the way someone has destructive sounds, such as an overworld bark or chewing.

Axis list of 9ways to get your dog into a home.

1. Thimblegrass

Thimblegrass is a simple solution for trapping a dog. To join the group with your Vikhovanian, you will need 3 cups and one smakolik, which you will use with these cups. Show a bunch of weasels, and then we’ll see how you eat under cups. Sweat you will mix the cups and you will want your vihovantsa "knowing contentment." Grab your lover with a lot of rosy stimulation and help you to practice over your skills to solve problems. nine0007 Іz tsієyu thunder even better cope with cats.

2. Grab in tow.

Tug of war is one of the best ways to take part in understanding the game with our dogs. Tse vіdmіnniy sposіb rozumovo and physically zadіyati your domestic creature. Shards do not mean great space;

Contrary to what other people say, you can’t make your dog aggressive with a tug, but you can’t make your dog dominating. Allowing you to remake your cheating, you just make a bigger group of hoots for the new one, and you will be able to make your chotir-like friend grow bigger. Dogs, like playing at the tugboat with their hairmen, turned out to be more hearing. nine0007 Tugboat - a miraculous way to also win your love, dorimuyuyuchis basic rules gri, for example - "gras pryyaetsya, as if the teeth of a dog torkayutsya my hands."

3. Train your dog to help with work.

Dogs are like mother robots, it's easy to find out how to bring your captions. You can make them feel more embroidered, by naming your lovers by naming certain objects, as if you don’t mind helping them.
If you want to deal with all your friends, learn how to bring you something from the refrigerator. To teach your dog how to open the refrigerator, wind the towel around the handle, so that it is easy for you to open the door. nine0003

4. Mush the dog to “get it” zhu.

We give our domestic creatures a life of comfort - the stench without cost takes away the warmth of the bed, great respect and eating. But our dogs were popular, so that they could keep order with us, many of them miss out on respect for deacons rozumovo stimulating diy.

One of the simplest ways to send a call to your mind is to make them eat for eating. You can make your dog vikonate and do some tricks, first of all take away your insults, or you can make your lover happy with toys for handing out hedgehogs. nine0003

5. Teach your dog “shukat” your toys

Just like your dog knows the names of their own toys, learn yoga “go-see”. Promote your favorite toys in a pack or in a container and tell you that you know your love. Your oskelki become right at your cіy grі, you can work more її more collapsible, more number of toys, like you need to go over.

Tsya gra to give your dog a mindfulness training. nine0003

6. Work out with the dog at the same time with the clicker.

Since you don't have a clicker, you can get yoga on our site. If you teach your dog chomus, the skin second is important. It's so easy to miss the opportunity to talk to our chotiripami vikhovantsy at that moment, if you behave like you know. If you hit the clicker, you can tell the exact moment if your dog has learned the right choice or hit the right command.

7. Greet at the Hovanka with the dog

Grace at the Hovanka with one of your favorite dogs of the Laika breed, but you can also be worthy of other breeds. As your dog doesn’t have enough room for repair, you can ask someone to help you to get your dog out if you go to get help.

8. Gras for all motherland.

It is good to have a partner or a great company. We sit for you, or we stand in one side of the room with a toy, or weasels. Huck the dog along the devil and drink wine if you come. Reconsider that your lover will take a lot of positive reinforcement every now and then, if you get drunk. This is a simple way to help you understand the pokirnist nature of the creature. nine0007

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