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My white Z400 plastics are starting to look dull, and dirty in some spots.....not bright white like when it was new. I wash it after ever ride, and have even tried waxing the plastics....but nothing seems to brighten the plastics up at all.
Any tips or tricks for keeping white plastics clean......and bright white?
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Ever heard of tire bleach? people use them on white wall tires, my buddy uses it on his fender flares and on his white yfz it comes out lookin good, not sure if its ok for stickers tho, he dosent have any decals
QUOTE White ATV owners... How do you keep your plastics bright and clean? Click to expand.
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I use soap and water. I don't care if it's showroom clean because five minutes in to the next ride, it's covered in dirt/mud again.
I can tell you what my buddy does to get his showroom clean, but according to your title, you only want the "white persons" input! :neener:
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the magic erasers from mister clean works very well and takes alot of the stains off.
QUOTE (o2bfst @ Oct 15 2008, 07:22 AM) index.php?act=findpost&pid=703413
the magic erasers from mister clean works very well and takes alot of the stains off.[/b]
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bingo! my brother and i use those things and they work awesome! the one downfall is they take the gloss off the plastics, but they make them bright (satin) white again.
use wd-40 to get rid of boot marks. .
QUOTE (joshz400_03 @ Oct 15 2008, 10:16 AM) index.php?act=findpost&pid=703430
use wd-40 to get rid of boot marks..[/b]
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Yep, that is what I do. wd-40 works wonders. Then spray some simple green on it to the oily crap off.
I basicaly gave up on trying to make it pretty. I have so many boot scratches and such on my plastics, it's a lost cause. Plus the plas I ride is orange sandy soil, so it's hopeless.
Use stickers, they are easy to replace.
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build the motor cant see its dirty if it goes fast enough lol mines white but i dont bother trying to keep it overly clean too much of a hassle to keep white clean id rather have black plastics personally
This past weekend I found the best chit for cleaning white plastics.
I can't remember the exact name but it is made by miquires(can't spell) and says its for motorcycle plastic. It takes a little elbow grease but leaves the plastic bright and shiny. You pretty much just use it like it was wax.
I wish I had a before pic but it was dull and kinda yellowy lookin especially in the leg grip area. You can't really tell from the pic because it is so sunny but the plastic is shiny once again as well.
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Simple Green
Once your finished cleaning the plastics with soap and water.. WD-40 and paper towels Scrub in all the scratches too and u'll get all the dirt and tint off. Don't just go over certain areas with the WD-40 go over all the plastic! It will brighten it all up! Once your finished go get some Turtlewax Ice synthetic spray detailer at an advanced auto or something (its in a blue bottle). This makes the plastics look brand new!! Another thing that i do however is put some turtlewax on it first before the spray detailer and rub it off.
It is very very surprising how much cleaner and newer the plastics look!!
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soap and water for me gets it shiny enough. its covered with dust soon anyways.
anyone know how to get off tire rubs? i got some on the sides of my fenders from almost bottoming out with skinny fender, huge tires, and wideass axle and cant get them off. ive tried spray that will melt off paint (seriously) with steel wool, magic erasers, wd-40 and can't get it off. maybe i'll try lacquer thinner.
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Castrol Super clean after every race.. and TurtleWax Ice polish to keep it clean.
I use Soft Scrub with Bleach, the restroom cleaner, thats stuff works pretty good. Takes out alot of stains left by red/orange dirt. That and a little elbow grease does the trick.
QUOTE (Camaro1976 @ Oct 15 2008, 04:27 PM) index.php?act=findpost&pid=703493
soap and water for me gets it shiny enough. its covered with dust soon anyways.
anyone know how to get off tire rubs? i got some on the sides of my fenders from almost bottoming out with skinny fender, huge tires, and wideass axle and cant get them off. ive tried spray that will melt off paint (seriously) with steel wool, magic erasers, wd-40 and can't get it off. maybe i'll try lacquer thinner.[/b]
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If your not worried about the shine just use sand paper in that area worked for me and i got the shine back too, with my butain soldering gun!
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mop n glo.. basiclly same as plastic renew. i just use sos pad to get dirt out of scratches then coat with mop n glo.
I used plastic renew i dont recremend it, it looks good when you get done with it, but after 2 or three rides it looks like chit again
I use pledge orange scent haha for a shine after the wash!
I usually use purple power and spray it on first, then I wash it with an automotive soap. After I get it washed I use the Mr Clean Magic earasers...they do work awesome, but like mentioned above it kind of dulls it a little. But when I get it completely cleaned I usually wax it with Mother's plastic wax...sometimes I use Ice liquid polish!
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engine degreaser... works wonders
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All Terrain Vehicles (ATVs) are designed to be ridden in the wettest, muddiest, and dustiest conditions, and most ATV owners have no difficulty getting their quad bikes dirty. But after the fun ends is when the hard part of owning an ATV starts — cleaning your quad and getting it back to its former shiny glory.
If you want to keep your ATV’s plastic parts looking like new, you need to adopt a cleaning and protection routine from day one. By following these few simple steps, the tedious job of cleaning your quad will be a lot easier. If your ATV is white, some additional steps may be needed to keep its original color and shine.
If your ATV is covered in caked-on mud and dirt, an important first cleaning step is to presoak it. This simply involves using a hose to spray your quad with an intense spray of water and leaving it to soak. Try to get the spray into all the smallest recesses. Use your hands to get rid of any big chunks of stuck-on grass and mud.
The next step is to blast off all the loosened dirt. Using a pressure washer is the simplest and most thorough way to do this. If you don’t have access to a pressure washer, you can use a hose with a nozzle turned to its most powerful setting. Clean off as much dirt and grime as you can, to make the rest of the cleaning easier for yourself.
Use a good automotive cleaner and a sponge to scrub all of your quad’s surfaces, paying particular attention to the plastic parts and the seat. For any rough or difficult-to-clean parts of your ATV, use a stiff brush to remove tough dirt. The detergent will help to get rid of any oily stains.
There are different ways to dry your quad, depending on what you have to hand. If the plastic is still wet, the heat of the sun and a lint-free cloth work really well. If you have access to an air compressor, it not only dries your ATV’s plastic surfaces but can also get into all the nooks and crannies that you can’t reach with a cloth. This helps to prevent rust spots developing in hard-to-reach areas where water can sit in pools.
Many ATV owners think polishing the plastic is a step too far for a vehicle that’s going to get covered in mud next time out. But if you want to keep your quad looking great, or at least try to reduce the faded and scuffed-up appearance of plastic surfaces, you shouldn’t skip polishing.
Once your ATV is dry and free from water spots, use a specially designed plastic polish on all the plastic areas. You simply spray it on and buff it until the surfaces shine. However, don’t use the polish on your seat, as you might find yourself sliding off the slippery surface on your next ride.
If your ATV is white, it might need some extra cleaning because even the smallest bit of dirt will stand out on white plastic surfaces, causing the white to become discolored. Take these additional steps to restore your quad to bright white.
Fill a large bucket or bowl with one part water and one part bleach. Remove small white plastic parts from your quad and soak them in the bleach-water mix. For the larger parts, soak paper towels in the bleach solution and cover the discolored plastic with them. Be sure to wear gloves when using bleach.
Alternatively, you can buy automotive spray-on bleach products. Either way, leave the solution on the plastic for a while. Wipe the surfaces with a soft cloth, then spray them with a pressure washer or hose and nozzle. Afterward, dry the parts and admire your shiny white ATV.
To make your ATV’s plastics easier to clean, you could treat them with a good-quality plastic sealant spray before you go riding in the mud. The protective coating helps to repel water and mud. Instead of sticking to the plastic, muddy water will sit in beads on the surface. Your quad will still get dirty when you hit the muddy trails, but it makes it much lighter work of the cleaning afterward.
Before you use the sealant, your ATV must be thoroughly cleaned and dried to ensure the sealer will stick properly to the surfaces. Also, make sure you read and carefully follow the product’s instructions for use so that you get the lasting finish you want.
After that, it’s a simple job to apply the sealer to all plastic parts components you want to protect. Leave the sealer to sit for a couple of minutes, then buff the treated areas with a dry rag or a micro cloth to remove excess spray and bring your quad’s plastic surfaces to a shine.
The sealant is safe to use on all body surfaces, but you should avoid spraying the product on the engine or electrics. Also, you need to consider that some sealants, especially if they’re silicone-based, can make your handlebar grips and seat slippery, so it’s advisable not to coat those parts with the product.
As we mentioned above, you shouldn’t use polish or sealant on your ATV’s seat. Although these products will make your seat shiny, clean, and protected, they will also leave it slippery, making your next riding adventure potentially dangerous.
For cleaning and protecting your seat, the best product to use is a degreaser. It will remove the mud and water stains to leave it looking like it just left the showroom. Most degreasing products will do the job. You just need to ensure it’s compatible with vinyl and won’t damage the seat.
Following these easy steps will help keep your ATV looking its best. If you have any other tips for cleaning and protecting your quad, please let the team at Rydell Auto Group know, and we’ll pass them on.
Tags: ATV Detailing, Washing ATV
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Most owners of "iron horses" are constantly striving to improve the appearance of their pets, to increase their aerodynamic properties. Plastic for a motorcycle helps them in this, hundreds of models of which are offered by the Moto Hangar Pro store. The range allows you to choose motoplastic for bikes of different models. At the same time, you can order any consumables and fasteners for installation.
On the store's website, there are options for plastic linings for motorcycles of the following brands:
Usually the reason for replacing the pads or installing plastic can be:
In both cases, it is not so easy to get the right model, since the choice in offline stores is usually extremely limited. And even Moscow is no exception in this regard.
Some amateurs try to make plastic for pit bikes or motocross bikes themselves, but after spending time and effort, they often get low-quality, unsightly products. As a result, the dream of riding a beautiful "horse", causing the envy of other bikers, remains unfulfilled.
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Today, most electronic and household appliances are made of plastic, as well as windows and window sills, kitchen utensils, toys for children and a host of other household items. Over time, the color of the plastic changes and turns yellow, so many are wondering how to whiten the yellowed plastic and return the products to their original appearance.
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Different polymers have excellent qualities: they are resistant to damp environments and are resistant to aggressive acids and alkalis. To clean such a surface, and even more so to remove stubborn stains, is quite difficult.
Important! The first plastic was invented in 19century by Alexander Parkes. However, the excellent quality of plastic products is already an achievement of the 20th century.
Plastic has almost completely replaced other materials used in the production of high-quality children's toys. It is actively used in the interiors of cars and buildings. Learn more about plastic furniture from a separate article - its pros, cons, design.
However, sun rays and solvents of organic nature have a negative effect on some types of plastic and yellowness appears on the plastic surface, which is not easy to fight, but possible.
Important! If you know how to bleach yellowed plastic, what products are suitable for this, the cleaning process will not be tedious, but will become effective and fast. Therefore, read the recommendations below, and feel free to use them when the indicated problem occurs.
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You can restore the original appearance of yellowed old plastic using the following tools:
If you take a closer look at the frames and notice that they have not only acquired a different color, but also the mechanical component is broken, you can also deal with this problem yourself. With our tips, you can easily adjust plastic windows on your own. It is possible to restore the surface under the following conditions.
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Consider some bleaching methods in the form of detailed instructions for use.
The lining of kitchen appliances often has a yellowish coating due to the accumulation of grease and dust on it. Detergent and a hard sponge can easily do this:
Important! You can use laundry soap, which contains a lot of alkali. This option can also quickly help you whiten yellowed plastic.
White yellowed plastics are usually easy to lighten with various alcohols. Before bleaching yellowed plastic, remember that you need to use alcohols in a well-ventilated area. We recommend wearing gloves and protecting your eyes with goggles.
Important! In order not to spoil the item with alcohol, first try washing a small piece in an inconspicuous place.
Can be used for bleaching:
Wipe the yellowed surface with any alcohol and cotton pads. Read also about other nuances for caring for PVC material, if your bathroom is sheathed with this material. On our website you will find only useful and verified information on how to clean plastic panels in the bathroom.
In stores that sell computers and office equipment, purchase special wipes for cleaning plastic surfaces and monitors. Due to the special impregnation of napkins, the plastic will become clean in a short time and will quickly whiten without any damage or scratches.
Special companies sell sprays that not only restore the color of the surface and refresh it, but also cover the product with a thin protective film. You can use automotive cosmetics, as well as polishes and cleaners for plastic products in liquid form. With their help, you can bleach the yellowed plastic without much effort, but you will have to spend a little money on it. To remove a yellowed stain, it is enough to sprinkle a small amount of the product and wipe it with a damp cloth after a couple of minutes.
Small plastic items can be left overnight in bleach that contains chlorine or hypochlorite. For the same purpose, you can use an aqueous solution of soda ash:
To bleach yellowed plastic with these products, proceed as follows:
May be used for bleaching and hair lightening. This technique is expensive, but if you want and you can try.
Perhydrol can be used in conjunction with bleach powder - stain remover: you need 2 tbsp. l. perhydrol and 2 tbsp. l. bleach. Mix everything in 1 liter of water. This method can be used on small plastic parts as follows:
Important! During the procedure, regulate the chemical reaction and avoid strong heating of the perhydrol.
To speed up the reaction, use an ultraviolet lamp.
This aggressive component is not indicated for all types of plastics, as it can affect the plastic as a solvent. It is necessary to treat the surface with the agent in a horizontal direction, moving at a fast pace from top to bottom.
Important! When bleaching, make sure that there are no smudges left on the surface from acetone.
If you decide to do with home remedies, then use undiluted vinegar essence (70-80%). Soak a piece of cotton wool in the product and wipe the yellowed places, then rinse the surface or wipe it with a damp cloth.
Important! Work with vinegar in order to bleach plastic or plastic, you need to wear gloves.
This method is used if the previous ones did not help you or when the yellowness on the plastic is the result of some changes in the structure of the polymer itself. Spray paint will help you update the product.
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There are many ways to whiten plastic items - the choice is yours.