You are here: Home / Blog / Legacy Skins in League of Legends: Exploring the Legacy Vault
When it comes to skins in League of Legends there are hundreds upon hundreds of them. From legendary skins to limited edition collectors skins, over the years the number of available skins has increased tremendously. With new skins being constantly released, sometimes old skins need to be removed from the store in order to make way for new ones.
When a skin is removed from the store the chances of them ever returning are very slim. These removed skins often become what is known as legacy skins. Since they can no longer be obtained in game, they are viewed as collector's items. Not only are they good to show off to your friends, but they also show people how long you’ve been playing the game.
We’ve painstakingly arranged all of the legacy skins in an easy to read format just for you. Simply find the champion you’re interested in and take a look at their legacy skins.
Some legacy skins return on special occasions and some are never accessible again. The main example of a skin that was available for a very short time and is now extremely rare is Rusty Blitzcrank. Some skins most notably Snow Day skinline return yearly during Christmas. Esport skins return every year during Worlds. For your convenience we have noted down all special events when you can snap the Legacy skins for your collection. Keep in mind that the vast majority of Legacy Skins will most likely never be available in store again. So the only way to get these is by Hextech Crafting (some can't be obtained even this way), Shop events or by getting an old account. You can filter all our accounts by skins to find exactly what you need in our buy skins section.
During the following events you can buy legacy skins. All of the events below happen on a yearly basis so if you missed this years you can always wait for the next season.
These skins are available every season right at the start, by tradition thats around 15th January but can vary from season to season. If you want to check when exactly season starts and ends we have a comprehensive article about that here.
As the name suggests Mid season happens at the exact same time as Mid Season Invitational tournament (MSI), right after the Spring Split ends in all regions. Note that the exact timing will differ from year to year so you need to pay attention if you want to get one of the Conqueror skins.
Again the timing on this different is a little bit different from year to year. Usully it's about 3-4 weeks after the Worlds event ends. Past few years its been around 15-20th November. If you want to see the historical data about the end and start of season check it here.
When the Worlds Winner is announced after the finals Riot releases all skins from the past winners back to the shop for one patch.
This is a League of Legends version of our Halloween event it's celebrated at the exact same time but the stakes are much higher. Ever since the Shadow Isles have been taken by the undead every year the undead come for the living. If you want to get one of the skins below just make sure you login around 30th October.
Since 2011 Riot Games celebrates a start of a new Lunar Year with a special event. Lunar Year is celebrated in East Asian countries mainly China, Korea and Vietnamese. Each year correspondes with the symbolic creature from Chinese Zodiac system. Skins released that year will have a theme of the corresponding creature present. The exact timing of the event will differ year to year, because it's not based on Gregorian Calendar so stay cautious summoner if you want to add one of these skins to your collection.
Under this enigmatic name hides traditional Christian Christmas Holidays. You can expect this event every year during Christmas break from around 12th December until early January. This is the time of the longest League of Legends patch of the year while most of the Riot Staff is on holidays, so there is more than enough time to get these skins.
I don't think we have to introduce this event to anyone. You can get love themed skins available on 14th February's Patch every year.
Now you know every single legacy skin out there, it’s time to add some to your collection. Legacy skins might be legacy, but there is still a way to obtain them in game. Head on over to our LoL skinshop below to view our wide range of rare legacy skins.
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Richard is our resident League of Legends player. He knows everything.
If you’ve heard a bunch of people talking about the Legacy Vault in League of Legends, but you don’t know what it is – don’t worry! Here we will tell you everything you need to know about this feature and why you should keep an eye on it. There are a couple of things that still are a mystery concerning this topic, so we best start explaining.
The Legacy Vault is a skin promotion that Riot Games offers during specific events. But it isn’t like the “Your Shop” feature or the general skin discounts throughout the year. The Legacy Vault holds all the skins that can’t be purchased anymore in League of Legends.
As you may know, there are a bunch of skins in the game that you can’t buy, even if you wanted to spend hundreds of dollars for them. Instead, they’re locked and unavailable. Well, the Legacy Vault is one opportunity to buy those kinds of skins for a very low price, but also for a very short period of time.
Also read: The Best Legacy Vault Skins
So, the Legacy Vault is a great opportunity to buy some of the Legacy skins for your favorite champions. But which skins are precisely in it?
Which Skins Are in the Legacy Vault?In short, all skins that you can’t buy with money freely and whenever you want. Think of Angler Jax or Professor Ryze. If you head over to League of Legends or the in-game store, you won’t be able to find these skins there. That’s because they’re one of the oldest skins in the game. And Riot Games have decided (for some reason) to ban these and similar skins for purchasing. But however we view the situation, some of these skins are truly Legendary, and we want them for our main champions.
Here is a list of skins that were up for sale the first time the Legacy Vault opened:
As you can see, these are all rare skins that are known for being particularly unique for the given champion. And here, we don’t mean game-changing spell animations or similar things, but only the champions’ looks. Because truthfully, these are all old skins and only change the way the champion looks. But they do so in such a cool way that they’ve become a true Legacy.
Now, the skins on this list aren’t all skins that the League of Legends Legacy Vault contains. Every year, more and more skins become unavailable for sale. And thus, they enter the Legacy Vault. So each time the Legacy Vault is opened, you can find more hidden skins than previously. Think of skins like Pax Sivir, Pax Twisted Fate, Death Sworn Katarina, Definitely Not Blitzcrank, Zombie Brand, or Champion Riven.
How Much is a Skin Worth in the Legacy Vault?Since this is supposed to be a rare occasion, the skins in the Legacy Vault are relatively cheap. Most of the skins in the list above, during the first time the Legacy Vault opened, were initially priced at 190 RP. Some, like Angler Jax, were 355 RP, though. But, there was also a 50% discount on all of these skins, so their cheapest price was either 177 RP or 95 RP. Imagine that, purchasing a Legacy skin for only 95 RP!
This may come as a surprise to many players. But the pricing is understandable once we take a look at Riot Games’ reasoning. They’ve created skins that many people want to own, yet they can’t be purchased anymore. So, they’re giving us the Legacy Vault and the low prices so that anyone can buy one or two skins that they desperately want. The low cost isn’t because of the skins’ worth, but their limited availability.
Also read: How to check how money I’ve spent on League of Legends
How Often Does the Legacy Vault Open?Truthfully, there isn’t a schedule for the Legacy Vault, and there has never been one. The safest thing we can say is that it opens up during or after important events in League of Legends.
For example, the Legacy Vault opened the first time after the League of Legends World Championship in season 3. Its starting date was 6 December, and it lasted until 29 December. It was an excellent addition during the end of the season, and people could buy and gift their favorite skins.
However, the Legacy Vault only opened a couple of times after that. It was never scheduled, and it was never made clear to us when it will occur the next time.
Well, don’t despair! There are a couple of things that we can do in the meantime. All of the Legacy and the unavailable skins that appear in the Legacy Vault can also be received from the Loot feature in the game. Yes, it is a completely free way of acquiring those skins.
So basically, whenever you open a chest or reroll three skins into a skin permanent, you have a chance of receiving one of the skins mentioned above. However, the loot system has its way of being too random, so you may want to try Mystery Gifts as well. If you have another LoL account or some friends willing to gift you some Mystery boxes, you’ll get a chance to receive your favorite Legacy skins. Keep in mind that this is all RNG, so you can’t know whether you’ll receive it or not.
Like we mentioned above, the Legacy Vault isn’t scheduled, and Riot doesn’t give us all information around it. Currently, we have no news when will the Legacy Vault open in 2022. And the truth is that the Legacy Vault hasn’t opened for a couple of years now, and nobody knows whether it will ever open again. It seems like Riot Games has decided to completely replace this feature with the in-game Loot system.
If this is the case, we regard it as a poor decision since it doesn’t satisfy all the players. Yes, you may have the luck to loot your favorite skin on the first try. But you may also not have the fortune and try years and years for it.
One last thing to say is to keep an eye out for any whispers around the Legacy Vault. And make sure to visit our page because we will post all the news around this feature if they arise in one way or another. GL & HF!
by William Andres
everything is fine battle royale , getting free skins on Fortnite is a difficult task (almost the same as getting free v-bucks).
Yes, it's true, nothing is free in this life, but given how these games work, by Frontal Gamer We offer you this guide for Get your favorite Fortnite skins without paying for them .
To achieve our goal of There are two very clear paths to follow , multiple options and variables. We are going to break down the main ones, and later we will talk about other alternatives.
I'm sure many of you have a group of friends or trusted players who appreciate you enough and would be happy to occasionally give you gifts. If you are the type who prefers to give rather than receive, you can buy the desired skins from other players by following a few simple steps:
You need to consider some factors, in particular, when you want to send free skins :
Although not very common, has special events sponsored by Fortnite and epic games where free skins are given away, such as Polar Pili character skins, which can be freely used in the game without restrictions.
Since the Winterfest of 2021 ended a month ago, coinciding with Christmas , the event is not scheduled by Fortnite on the following dates. We only have the option of purchasing the desired skins with paVos or following the instructions in the first section.
by Frontal Gamer We'll keep you updated as soon as there's news about this.
Those of you who are Ps4 and Ps5 users are in luck. any Fortnite player let him decide subscribe to ps plus you will get Sultura skin on your account.
While this is still active, nothing lasts forever, and if you stick to these rules, follow the process as soon as possible or you will miss a good opportunity to start the game in style.
In addition, Play Station does not provide any other benefits of although, as always, we will be attentive to everything.
It is true that there are supposed alternative methods to opt for those free skins, but we strongly discourage their use. Basically it is about organized scam which can make you lose your account and everything you have achieved forever.
never trust free skin generators , Well, that's the kind of business that programmers go in for recreating a web page to make it look completely official . Once in their web, we think we're getting those coveted beauty products only to find that our personal information is mysteriously stolen, or worse, shamelessly stolen.
Things are never easy if you follow our guide you will get free skins, even if it costs you some effort. If you follow alternative methods, this is already your responsibility.
William Andres
Passionate about video games in general, especially mobile games. I like to get the most out of every game by devising strategies that allow me to move forward with greater agility and excellence. At Frontal Gamer, I'll tell you my top tips for the games I've tried the most.
Also, it is worth noting that in Dota 2 you can get skins without any investment. To do this, the game has a built-in item drop system, due to which players can get almost all existing items in Dota 2 (from ordinary to Arcana). In addition, there are other ways to get skins for free in the game. Let's take a look at all of them in more detail.
Dota 2 players can easily get skins for their favorite heroes by purchasing them through the Steam marketplace or in the game store. However, not everyone has extra money to buy items. In this case, you can use various methods for free extraction of skins.
The easiest way to get free skins in Dota 2 is to play and wait for the reward. The fact is that after any match, with a small chance, the player can receive a random item as a gift (from Common to Arcana). Moreover, the chance of getting a free skin does not depend on the results of the game. So, you can get a gift even if you lose.
Also, note that the item drop system also works while watching matches. To do this, you only need to watch the game, which is watched by more than 100 people. In this case, after various events (for example, first blood) items of Heroic quality will be distributed (with a small chance).
This is the name of a special in-game subscription that gives access to various features. Among them there is also a store where skins for heroes are sold for a special currency - shards Dota Plus . They are awarded for completing various tasks, as well as for leveling up and playing Dota 2 as usual. For the received fragments, you can purchase entire sets for heroes or seasonal treasures for free.
The only disadvantage of this method is that in order to get a large number of shards, you need to purchase a Dota Plus subscription. If you do not want to spend money, you can simply create a new account. In this case, you will immediately receive a free subscription for 2 months and will be able to farm shards to buy sets. Further, it remains only to transfer them as a gift to your main account.
Dota 2 players can freely transfer almost any item through the Steam app or marketplace. In addition, it is possible to pack even a non-transferable item as a gift. However, in this case, the transfer of the item is available only to friends ( the player must be in the list of friends for at least 30 days ).
Thus, you can get almost any of the existing skins in Dota 2 for free. The main thing is to have friends who have skins they don't need. Packing an item as a gift is quite simple, you just need to go to the arsenal, select an item, right-click and press " Wrap as a gift .” Next, select a friend from the list and confirm the send.
Various events are regularly held in Dota 2, in which everyone can take part. Often, such events are accompanied by the distribution of gifts in the form of skins, kits, taunts, emoticons, phrases for the chat wheel and much more. And usually you can get all these things at no cost. You just need to take part in the event and complete the proposed tasks.
Many Dota 2 streamers from time to time hold draws among viewers. Due to this, players have the opportunity to receive free skins. Usually, all you need to do is follow a few simple steps (subscribe to the channel, like, etc.). The only disadvantage of this method is that the chance of getting a free item is quite low.
There are many sites on the Internet where players constantly exchange skins from various games, including Dota 2. On such sites, you can get any item you want. For this, one of the cheapest things is enough for you. You just need to constantly exchange it for more expensive skins. As a result, after a while it will be possible to reach the subject that you need.
You can also get items in Dota 2 through trading. The Steam marketplace helps a lot with this. On it, you can sell existing items at inflated prices, and then buy other skins at a lower cost. The resulting difference will be your profit, which you can use to purchase new items. As a result, due to such actions, you can significantly expand your inventory with beautiful skins and all this without any of your own investments.
Skins obtained for free can be used just like any other items in Dota 2. To do this, you just need to go to the arsenal ( button in the main menu with the sword and shield icon ).