How to go first person on atv thehunter call of the wild

Kaufe theHunter: Call of the Wild - ATV SABER 4X4 Steam PC Key

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Juni 15, 2017

Expansive Worlds


theHunter: Call of the Wild - ATV SABER 4X4

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Dieses Produkt benötigt das Grundspiel theHunter: Call of the Wild auf Steam, um zu Spielen. Du kannst dieses Produkt nicht ohne dieses Spiel ausführen.

Die Wärter trafen sich kürzlich auf einer Konferenz für Wildtiermanagement und stellten fest, dass sie an den Eintrittspunkten ihrer jeweiligen Jagdreservate eine Ansammlung von Besuchern bemerkt haben. Aufgrund häufiger Anfragen von Jägern und um die Erkundung der Reserven zu fördern, haben die Wärter den Einsatz von All Terrain Vehicles (ATVs) innerhalb von ihnen genehmigt - jedoch ausschließlich als Transportmittel.
Mit dem ATV können Jäger und Wanderer mehr von der verborgenen Schönheit entdecken, die auf der Lauer liegt - und viel Spaß dabei haben!


Mit dem SABRE 4X4 hast du die Möglichkeit, unwegsames Gelände mit unerreichtem Komfort und Stil zu durchqueren. Erlebe die Hektik, die dich mit rasender Geschwindigkeit durch Felder, Moore und Hügel führt. Mit diesem ATV kannst du die Reservate schnell und unterhaltsam erkunden und entdecken.
Der SABRE 4X4 kann an jedem Außenposten oder Zelt kostenlos angeliefert werden.

Den SABER 4X4 teilen
Als Besitzer dieses DLC kannst du das All-Terrain-Erlebnis ganz einfach mit deinen Freunden im Multiplayer-Modus teilen. Durch das Hosten oder Beitreten eines Spiels können alle Teilnehmer Fahrzeuge spawnen und fahren. Jeder kann das Jagdreservat gemeinsam oder für sich alleine erkunden.
Sobald alle DLC-Besitzer die Multiplayer-Sitzung verlassen haben, können keine neuen Fahrzeuge mehr erzeugt werden. Die verbleibenden Fahrzeuge bleiben jedoch für die Dauer der Multiplayer-Sitzung verfügbar.

Den SABER 4X4 steuern

Egal, ob du vollständig eintauchen möchtest, in der 1. Person fahren oder eher die 3. Person in deiner Umgebung haben, der SABRE 4X4 ist das Fahrzeug für dich. Du kannst die Kameraposition mit einem Tastendruck ändern (Standardeinstellung: „C“), die für zukünftige Fahrten gespeichert wird. Zeige dein ATV aus der 3. Person aus allen Blickwinkeln oder teile deine Fahrkenntnisse mit der 1. Person. Wir können es kaum erwarten, deine Ergebnisse zu sehen!

Jade, Purpur & Kohle
Der SABRE 4X4 ist in drei verschiedenen Farbvarianten erhältlich: Jade, Purpur und Kohle. Jeder Jäger kann zu einem Zeitpunkt ein aktives Fahrzeug haben, ohne, dass Kosten für das Abrufen oder Wiederauftauchen entstehen. Gehst du heute lieber mit deinem roten ATV aus? Es liegt alles bei dir.





  • OS: 64bit OS - Windows 7
  • Processor: Intel i3-4170
  • Graphics: NVIDIA GTX 660 / ATI HD7870 - 1GB VRAM





  • OS: 64bit OS - Windows 10
  • Processor: Intel i7 quad-core
  • Graphics: NVidia GTX 760 / R9 270x - 4GB VRAM


theHunter: Call of the Wild Review (PS4)


Spending the first 20 years of my life growing up in Alaska is one of the greatest facts about my life, next to who makes up my family, and the fact I get to play games like theHunter: Call of the Wild for a hobby job. I’ve been around the world since and have experienced various walks of life and what other people call “the outdoors.” Nothing felt the same as Alaska’s outdoors though. Wether it was hiking a few miles through tall grass and trees to get to our secret fishing spots, or camping out on the banks of the river after a long day of being bored in the bush while hunting for moose, the world just felt calm yet lively. In everyday life, we get to walk, run, drive, or fly to our destinations of choice, but when it comes to hunting you just have to hope your destination of successful trophy claiming comes to you. You never know what’s out in the land with you, nonetheless what is trotting in the tree line just beyond the reach of your vision. Do you hike your way up to the mountains, or across the flat land to reach where the rivers meet? Should you stay on the ATVs and make your way a few more miles north, or do you park them and take the tried and true method of walking? Am I even still talking about my experiences in Alaska?

To be honest, halfway through that spiel I started talking about the game. It’s majestic, and completely blew my expectations out of the water. I have been playing hunting games since the beginning of the Cabela’s Big Game Hunter titles. Back when you had to prep for a hunt by buying equipment in a bland menu, in some guy’s cabin, then had to scan the picture of the mountains with the cursor in order to trigger a short video with your scope overlaying it. I’m pretty sure that was officially the oldest hunting game, and came out back in 1998. From there I went on to play the sequels, as well as the PS2 reboot of it. The one with Sniper Elite animations for every shot. The Dangerous Hunts titles were thrilling as anything I’ve ever played before, but slowly it felt like the market for hunting games fell off. I know Cabela’s has put out some other ones since, but they just didn’t stick with me. But this title here… Is not only the greatest hunting title there has been, but with a consistent schedule of future content (I hope and pray), it will probably go uncontested for years to come.

You can buy this awesome game for PlayStation 4, PC, and Xbox One. Here’s the gameplay trailer:

theHunter: Call of the Wild - Gameplay Trailer [PS4]

Watch this video on YouTube


The first thing you need to know, is that at its core, the game is a first person hunting title. You’ll pick one of two reserves to venture on; one in Europe and the other in the Pacific Northwest. Upon loading in, you’ll find yourself equipped with a smartphone, a smaller caliber rifle, a headlamp, and a couple of deer calls. From here, you basically decide what you want to do. The world is a sandbox for you to make your own stories within. You can start walking in any given direction and learn the ropes of the system on your own, like basic movements and hunting mechanics, or you can refer to the in-depth tutorial guide. Once you get your bearings and you understand the basic movement controls, you can decide to go hiking, hunting, or participate in photography.  

The hardest thing you’ll need to learn is how to swap out your equipped item. Your phone will always be a standard secondary choice, but your primary can be switched between the other things. The phone is key as it will help you navigate an area, as well as highlight the pattern of tracks (I will get to that in a second). While your weapon will feel weak initially, forcing you to find the closest shots you can, and your calls will feel hit or miss, as you progress through missions, quests, and hunts, you’ll gain experience and money. Experience will allow you to upgrade your character in a handful of categories like stalking or ambushing abilities.

Checking into the scattered outposts will allow you to forward time, but also in another building nearby open a form of marketplace where you can buy stronger rifles, bows, ammo, lures, scent cover spray, and spawn an ATV. Asides from the perks and skills that you’ll upgrade as you gain experience, buying better equipment is the only way you can better your chances at securing a trophy animal. There are three versions of the ATV but really the only difference is color. Once you spawn one, you can ride it anywhere and everywhere. This is the easiest and quickest way to traverse the land. You can either do this in third-person view or first-person, but in order to keep the best immersion, you’ll want to change it to first person. And while I’m talking about camera settings, you can change your field of view via the settings menu (just incase that’s something important to you).

As you travel, you’ll come across many points of interest that will aid you in your adventures. Some will be nothing more than historic relics that reward you with experience points when you check them out, but others will be significant things like hunting blinds perfectly situated overlooking open areas, or even better, watch towers that trigger an Assassin’s Creed video overlooking the miles around you. 


Now, the nitty gritty regarding the actual hunting. When you’re out in the field, there’s a few ways to start; just keeping an eye out for animals in the distance (the most unlikely successful first approach), listening for a call, or picking up some tracks. Animals will leave prints, droppings, and if shot blood. Once you examine one of these, tracks left behind by that same animal will highlight blue. There are options in the settings to turn off the blue markers but damn, good for you if you’re willing to go above and beyond for the simulation. The smart phone that I mentioned earlier will highlight all of the tracks for the animal you are tracking. This will allow you to piece together the general direction of the animal, and help further progress the tracking process. It sucks loosing the trail, and even worse when you decide it’s time to give up, but it’s just part of the game. 

If shot, animals will leave blood on the ground, which will tell you the bleed rate, and if you have hit a vital shot. If you track the animal down enough, and are successful finding it dead, then you can approach and claim it. This will show you better details of where you hit it, and will reward you extra points for integrity (getting a quick kill). You can play in multiplayer, which I highly recommend as it makes everything exponentially better. You can host games or join other randoms. This will fuel teammwork and build new friendships, or will strike a competitive nerve where you race the other(s) to claim the best trophies in the land. If you play single player though, there are dozens of quests and missions to partake in, which help drive a solo story experience without taking out the joy of sandbox adventuring. Either way there is an opportunity for everyone to work towards some goal or another.

Sound and Graphics

Graphically the game could be confused as a product from almost any AAA studio. The world is beyond gorgeous and is filled to the brim with details. When you walk through a field, you leave a walking imprint of your presence, with grass being folded to the sides, and twigs being broken from trees. With no sense of boundaries in the reserves, you can walk past any tree, climb almost any natural structures (with the exception of extremely large boulders), and you can feel the variety of environments throughout the entire maps. No two areas look the same, and often times running through the same exact area will not trigger the feeling of having been there before. 


The animals look great and carry the sense of weight with them, even when you just hear one them making a call a quarter mile away. When you see them for the first time, your heart races because you know finally it might be right to pull the trigger. The only complaint I have is that sometimes, very rarely, animals will be frozen in place after you shoot them. Somewhere between them standing casually and dropping down into their wounded animations makes them break. I took 4 follow up shots on a moose thinking he was just too stupid to run away, and when I went up to him within touching distance, his eyes were blinking, but nothing else would happen. I had to just walk away and make sure I mentioned it in my review so hopefully it gets fixed. 

In regards to audio, everything from the rain, to the tree branches breaking from a nice buck crushing his way through them was spot on. Most notably I was impressed with the animal calls. Both the ones made from in-game animals, and the ones made from your equipment. Now, Im not a professional hunter or even a call manufacturer, so to know the names of everything is something I will have to learn, but the descriptions will tell you everything you need to know about their effectiveness. Knowing which call to make based on if a mating call we heard over the hill came from a roe deer or a roosevelt elk was really cool. Eventually we didn’t even need to analyze what we heard to know which animal type it was coming from. Rifles ring with power, and as good as it feels to pull the trigger after dozens of minutes stalking and ambushing an animal, you can’t help but feel like you need to make every shot count as it will inevitably ring throughout the surrounding area. It makes every bullet a story of their own.


If you love genuine and realistic hunting, get this game. There’s no question about it. There’s never been anything like it before, and that’s coming from someone who has played nearly every hunting game in the last 20 years. It’s not arcade style like some in the past; it’s a legitimate simulator. So if you do prefer to run around and bag trophies right and left, and see an animal regardless of which direction you face, then yeah you’ll want a more recent Cabela’s game instead. But for those looking to experience the real thing from the comfort of your tv… again, it’s a no brainer. Stalking animals via tracks, droppings, and calls is exciting and can lead you right to them, or it can put you on a walkathon for a bit, not even guaranteeing you’ll find them. This is because it takes some skill, thinking, and learning. 


Either way it’s thrilling. Walking out into the field, scanning the trees or river edges, and catching a glimpse of a huge bull moose or a deer with antlers and thinking “oh shit, it’s not a female” makes the best moments I’ve had in video games for quite some time. Deciding how to make in closer for a better shot brings that depth of strategy and patience into the equation. Should you just call for it to bring it in closer instead?



I’ve already put about 30 hours in to the game with my younger brother as my hunting partner, and it’s still just as exciting to say “lets go play” as when we talk about Rainbow Six Siege, Destiny 2, Absolver, etc. I can understand how some solo players may not get everything out of it, but if your passionate about the outdoors and hunting, and have a friend or brother who feels the same, I believe you can have just as great of a time as I have had. Thats not to say if you play solo it’ll be boring, because there is a wide variety of missions and quests to do in single player mode. 

I do hope the developers continue bringing new content and support to the game. I would love to take part of riskier hunting like Grizzly bears and wolves, and maybe even an emphasis on clothing like rain gear or winter gear for a winter region. Theres no such thing as a flawless title, but if some of the few technical bugs like frozen animals can be ironed out, I don’t see how this couldn’t make an argument for perfection. These are not complaints though, just wishful thinking and expectations of post release attention. I look forward to everything that is in store for the game, the developers, and the community of players who pick this up.

The best hunting game of all time, right here.


Pros Cons
 + The best hunting simulation ever… EVER.   – A few technical bugs like frozen animals
 + Realistic graphics  
 + Realistic gameplay


 + Huge maps


 + Online co-op  


top best offroad and quad bike games


Today's selection of the best games on PC will be dedicated to ATV racing. A user who decides to realize his dream of driving a powerful, fast technique is waiting for drive and action.

In addition to the well-known Fuel and Pure, there are other equally attractive options that can give a dose of adrenaline in the process of intense rivalry with other participants in the races. Sometimes you have to shoot, beat an opponent with improvised means or perform the most difficult acrobatic stunts. Let's start!

Rude Racers: 2D Combat Racing

Fast-paced gameplay, weapons, action that racing fans want so much - all this awaits players in Rude Racers. The casual arcade is the successor of the ideas laid down in the cult Road Rash. Unlike the aforementioned series, the transport on which the hot heads are dissected was not a motorcycle, but an ATV. However, four wheels add power and confidence even to inexperienced participants in deadly races.


Rude Racers makes it clear from the start that this is an unusual race. Here you have to use improvised means to destroy opponents and earn good money. As the user progresses, new characters, vehicles and weapons become available. 5 episodes of the storyline, tons of content, and competitions that Road Rash would envy are waiting for you!



OVERPASS challenges players to test their mettle by choosing one of the many buggies and ATVs. By the way, vehicle models correspond to real ones from well-known manufacturers, which makes the game more realistic. You have to not only drive an ATV in difficult conditions, but also conquer tracks that even experienced professionals are afraid of.

In OVERPASS, the emphasis is not on speed, but on the ability to overcome obstacles, taking into account the physics and parameters of transport. More than forty tracks and 6 zones for a long time will drag the player and carry him into the career mode. Victory is possible only in case of competent control of the ATV (buggy) and the choice of sponsors. If you want to play with friends in multiplayer mode, then OVERPASS will be supportive here too!


Series MX vs.


One of the most recognizable ATV series with a lot of drive and adrenaline going wild. MX games ATVs have long been wildly popular among gamers. There is everything for a good time: great graphics, well-developed transport physics, numerous modes, multiplayer and many tracks. You can drive not only on ATVs, but also on jeeps, trucks, motorcycles, buggies. The game definitely deserves to be purchased!


theHunter: Call of the Wild

An unexpected game in the collection, but its inclusion is 100% justified. The fact is that a hunting simulator has long turned into something more for lovers of driving through forests and rugged mountainous areas. In theHunter: Call of the Wild, you can not only shoot, but also drive an ATV, the hunter's main vehicle. One could say about the secondary importance of such a detail, if not for the excellent implementation.

theHunter: Call of the Wild is playable online. At the same time, other gamers will act both as partners and as competitors. An important plus is the constant updates from the development team, which makes the game even more attractive. If you want to hunt in the game reserve from the add-on, but you don't have it, join a friend for free!


Offroad Racing - Buggy X ATV X Moto

Offroad Racing is a racing genre that combines speed competition with crazy stunts. The user is prompted to choose a buggy or ATV and race towards fate. There are five modes in the single player game, including season, championship, hot lap, time trial and single race.

Developers and gamers who prefer to compete in multiplayer mode have not been deprived. There are 4 race options in multiplayer. The graphics look nice and do not hurt the eyes. In addition, during the game, beautiful views of nature open up that can surprise with their cinematic nature.



OCEAN CITY RACING is the epitome of open world racing. The game has several modes. If you want to measure your strength with opponents, the developers offer to choose a time trial or race. Most valuable, however, is the ability to move freely around Ocean City. You can explore the city on various modes of transport scattered around the map, including a quad bike. On top of that, you can explore the area on foot with a first-person view.

There are many funny and sometimes ridiculous moments in the game. However, sound music, freedom of movement and a large number of vehicles, coupled with a symbolic cost on Steam, level out problematic moments. The game will surely give you several hours of positive emotions, so it's definitely worth a try!


Dakar Desert Rally

The Dakar Rally is an incredibly popular event. The participants enter the desert and try to cross it as quickly as possible. However, dangerous obstacles arise in the way of desperate athletes. Dakar Desert Rally offers to cheat death and get to the end on one of the modes of transport. In addition to trucks, motorcycles and cars, licensed ATVs are waiting for the user.

The game has over thirty real stages and an open world that is striking in its scale. The weather, like the time of day, changes, complicating the already difficult conditions. Well, where in Dakar without heroic noble deeds. Any athlete, seeing trouble, helps the opponent. So the game gives you the opportunity to get extra repair points for this. The game is scheduled for release in 2022, but you can get acquainted with the future rally masterpiece today on the Steam page.


See also





90,000 accidents with a police car in St. Petersburg today May 25, 2022 - May 25, 2022


May 25, 2022, 14:18


Police showed the pursuit of an quadrocype picked from the Vsevolozhsk district district Leningrad region. Having reached St. Petersburg, the driver avoided pursuit for ten kilometers, and then gave a crash test to both the appropriated all-terrain vehicle and the traffic police car.

According to the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for St. Petersburg and the region, on May 25, last Saturday, on the 21st, a St. Petersburg resident contacted the Vsevolozhsk police, who announced the theft of an ATV near Lake Krugloye. According to him, the equipment was taken from him by force - two unfamiliar people beat him and drove off in a CF Moto X8.

Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region

Traffic police officers noticed the conqueror of mud an hour later in St. Petersburg: on Kosygin, 28, a man on a quad bike violated, ignored the request to stop and tried to throw the police off the tail.

He was pursued for at least ten kilometers.

Photo: Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region Photo: Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region Photo: Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region Photo: Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region . The policeman, the driver of the damaged car, helped along with the traffic police to stop and detain the fugitive, ”the head office says.

The racer turned out to be drunk, brave and whole. According to Fontanka, the 27-year-old resident of the Krasnogvardeisky district did not have the right to drive an ATV. The man was taken to the department for trial, which turned into a theft case (166 of the Criminal Code).

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