How to remove tire weights

Frequently Asked Questions for Lead Wheel Weights

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Q. When does this new law go into effect?
A. This law was signed on September 17, 2010 and as of April 1, 2011 prohibits the use of lead wheel weights to balance tires and by April 1, 2012 no new vehicles may be sold with lead wheel weights.

Q. Are there plans to enforce the law immediately, or is there a grace period?
A. There is no grace period, and the regulated community is expected to be in compliance with the law on April 1, 2011. DEC is providing outreach to the regulated community.

Q. How do I know whether my wheel weight has lead in it?
A. Wheel weights may have a chemical abbreviation written on them. For weights made of steel, you may see the chemical abbreviation "Fe" (for iron, the primary component of steel). The chemical abbreviation "Zn" may be visible on weights made of zinc. Both of these metals tend to be a little lighter in weight than those made of lead, so those weights should be larger than lead weights. You may want to contact the manufacturer if you have questions about the materials in your wheel weights.

Q. Does the law require that I replace lead wheel weights with compliant wheel weights?
A. The law does not require that lead wheel weights be replaced. However, if any work is done on a car's tire(s) that requires an old lead wheel weight to be removed or a lost wheel weight to be replaced, or if a lead wheel weight falls off in the process of working on a tire, the old lead wheel weight cannot be placed back on the tire. Any wheel weight installed on the tire will need to comply with the new law.

Q. If a car with lead wheel weights comes into my repair shop because the tires need to be rebalanced, do I have to install wheel weights made of compliant materials?
A. If you add or replace a wheel weight you have to replace it with a compliant wheel weight.

Q. If a car comes into my repair shop to have a flat tire fixed, and I remove a wheel weight, do I have to replace the wheel weight with one made of a compliant material?
A. If you remove the wheel weight and replace it, you have to replace it with a compliant wheel weight.

Q. What should I do with unwanted stock of lead weights?
A. Options may include returning the wheel weights to your supplier to see if it will exchange them for the type that comply with the new law; sending them for recycling as scrap metal, and disposing of them as a regulated hazardous waste. You cannot discard them in the trash.

Q. Can lead wheel weights be sent back to the supplier or manufacturer and replaced with compliant weights?
A. The law does not require distributors, suppliers, or manufacturers to exchange lead wheel weights with compliant wheel weights, but you can contact your distributor or manufacturer for more information about what to do with your noncompliant lead wheel weights.

Q. Can I sell a new motor vehicle with lead wheel weights?
A. After April 1, 2012, a new motor vehicle cannot be sold with wheel weights containing lead.

Q. Can I sell a used motor vehicle with lead wheel weights?
A. Yes. However, if lead wheel weights are removed from a tire for any reason prior to sale, the old lead wheel weight cannot be placed back on the tire. A wheel weight that complies with the new law will need to be installed on the car.

Q. What penalty provisions apply to a person that improperly stores or releases lead in lead wheel weights to the environment?
A. The penalties in Environmental Conservation Law section 71-3703 would apply. This section provides that any person who violates any of the provisions of, or who fails to perform any duty imposed by section 37-0107 or any rule or regulation promulgated pursuant hereto, shall be liable for a civil penalty not to exceed two thousand five hundred dollars for each such violation and an additional penalty of not more than five hundred dollars for each day during which such violation continues, and, in addition thereto, such person may be enjoined from continuing such violation.

ECL§ 37-0107 prohibits anyone from storing or releasing to the environment substances hazardous or acutely hazardous to public health, safety or the environment in contravention of rules and regulations.

Q. What should I do with lead weights that have been removed from a tire for balancing or repair?
A. Lead wheel weights should be recycled; recycling facilities can be found in the yellow pages.

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Working with Wheel Weights

Wheel balancing is among the top three services provided by tire dealers. Most tire technicians know that balancing tires and wheel assemblies can help solve for vibration and wobbling. Proper balance improves tire wear, increases fuel mileage and removes stress on the vehicle. Vibration caused by out-of-balance tires is most noticeable at speeds of 50-70 mph, but even if a customer doesn’t notice that their tires are unbalanced, damage is still done.

Wheel weights are an important component when adjusting the balance of a customer’s tires. For passenger cars, motorcycles and truck wheels, two options are available: clip-on and adhesive wheel weights.

According to Gregory Parker, national account sales and marketing director for Wegmann Automotive Inc. , manufacturer of Perfect Equipment wheel weights, the original clip-on weight was first patented in the early 1930’s and hasn’t changed much since then. He said adhesive wheel weights came into the market starting in the early ‘70s and provided a new way to balance aluminum rims.

“Clip-on weights are the industry standard simply because of speed,” explains Parker. “It takes only a second or two to knock a weight onto the rim flange, and in most tire shops speed is vitally important. On the other hand, adhesive weights are a much slower installation process due to having to clean the rim before installing the weight. However, adhesive weights are traditionally [less expensive] and can be hidden behind a spoke for a near invisible appearance.”

According to Emilie St-Onge, director of customer experience with wheel-weight manufacturer Plombco Inc., “both kinds are effective for proper wheel balancing. Several clip-on materials are offered (steel, lead, zinc and Plasteel, which is exclusively offered by Plombco) giving all the latitude needed to fulfill the customer’s needs. Same thing for adhesive weights – steel, lead and zinc are available. Pricing is not the only concern as taste and habits are also a key consideration.”

The experts at Coats Garage prefer Bada, a brand of wheel weights made by Hennessy Industries, manufacturer of Coats wheel balancing equipment. They advise that the type of weights used depends on application.

“Clip-on weights are traditionally used with wheels that have flanges to which the clip can attach,” Coats Garage explains. “Tape-on weights are used for wheels without flanges, commonly for customers who are mindful of an aesthetic look to their vehicle where weights can be hidden behind spokes.”

But why do tires need to be balanced?

“Although it’s becoming less common thanks to advancements in technology, not every tire or wheel is perfectly balanced when manufactured. Slight imbalance in the rim and in the tire can result in significant imbalance in the wheel assembly,” Coats Garage says. “Tires and rims are built to mostly symmetrical and to intended design dimensions. Due to small variations in manufacturing, the design ends up not being exact to design intent but [fall] within [reasonable] tolerances. These tolerances contribute to the imbalance in the wheels and tires.”

Coats Garage says wheel weights are used to correct and counteract those imbalances found when balancing tire assemblies. By applying the weights to the wheel in the appropriate location, the addition of the targeted added weight “causes the wheel’s mass to be equally distributed around the axis of rotation.” This ensures the wheel will rotate without vibration.

Parker says that the materials used in wheel weights can vary. What started out as exclusively lead has shifted to other types of metals and even plastics.

“Wheel balance weights were made of lead for nearly 60 years until the advent of non-lead weights starting in the early ‘90s,” said Parker. “Today you have a mixture of both lead and non-lead weights in the marketplace due to regulation. There are currently nine states with laws that ban the installation of lead wheel weights within the state. Those nine states equal 33% of the vehicles in the U.S. market.

“For technicians, traditionally you want a malleable material for a clip-on weight, such as lead, zinc or even plastic. The malleability of the material allows it to install easier with less force. For adhesive weights, the material doesn’t matter quite as much due to the material not coming into contact with the rim itself. For adhesive weights, the type of adhesive tape that is on the weight is the most vital component.”

Coats Garage adds that steel is a better replacement for lead when it comes to wheel weight materials.

“Lead weights have regulatory issues which must be taken into consideration, while zinc weights are harder to produce to tight weight tolerances and are currently under review for environmental impact,” Coats Garage says. “Steel weights, the best option to replace lead, should be coated to prevent rust from maring the appearance of the wheel.”

As increasing numbers of consumers are investing in custom wheels and vehicle manufacturers are using lighter weight aluminum and alloy wheels, St-Onge says, “more and more end customers care about the appearance of their vehicle. Clip-style wheel weights on a nice looking custom wheel look bad!”

While taste and habits are a key consideration on which type of wheel weight installers might use, pricing is also a concern. Steel weights can be less expensive, according to St-Onge.

“The price of steel is currently lower than lead and zinc, which has a direct impact on the price you pay for wheel weights,” she says.

According to Parker, common misapplication of wheel weights can be due to wrong weight selection, faulty weight installation or misalignment of the weight to the imbalance point.

“Weight selection is critical for clip-on weights due to the many different types of rim flanges out in the marketplace. Picking the wrong weight could cause rim damage or weight failure after the vehicle leaves the shop. Using the proper tools and following safe business practices are the keys to correctly installing the weight and avoiding misalignment.”

St-Onge says that proper installation of a clip-on weight is critical, and having the proper tools is the key for success.

“Choosing a good hammer with rugged rubber head and replaceable hook helps prevent damage to the rim when the wheel weights are installed or removed. Even with the best wheel balancing weights on the market, we recommend always using the right tool for the job. Using standard tools often leaves permanent marks,” she said.

“Related to adhesive wheel weights, it is very important to properly remove the existing weights and left over adhesive residue. But  it is equally important to clean the wheel before applying the new wheel weight. Constant improvements in technology have enabled our industry to consistently create products that assist the tire installer to properly clean and prepare the wheel while saving them time and money.”

Choosing the right weight for the application is also important.

“Applying the wrong style of wheel weight is the most common mistake,” says Coats Garage. “It is always advised to reference an application guide that lists all OEM vehicles with their corresponding style of weight. It is also strongly recommended to use a wheel rim gauge, a convenient tool that can be applied to all applications.”

Parker says that following these steps will help to ensure proper installation:

1. Perform the balance check at the balancer;

2. Determine the rim type;

3. Determine if you are going to use clip-on or adhesive;

4. Select the proper weight and test fit it to ensure accuracy;

5. Use a soft tip hammer if installing a clip-on weight as to ensure a scratchless install or pre-clean the wheel properly if installing an adhesive weight;

6. Re-spin the assembly to ensure proper balance was achieved.

Coats Garage advises that to properly apply a clip-on weight, first reference either the application guide or use a wheel-rim gauge to determine the style of weight needed. Place the corrective weight in line with where the wheel balancer detects imbalance. Using a wheel-weight hammer, strike the clip of the weight. After attaching, check to [make sure the] fitment is not loose.

“For tape-on weights, make sure the surface of the inside of the rim is clean,” Coats Garage says. “Upon determining the proper amount of weight, remove the backing of the strip and place the weight in the center of the imbalance point, then apply pressure to ensure attachment.”

Coats Garage says it’s important to ensure clip-on weight profiles match the profile of the rim flange to which they are applied. Failure to properly match the weight style to the rim can result in weights moving on the rim, coming off the wheel or scratching the rim with the wrong selection.

There are eight styles of clip-on weights that correspond to the make and model of vehicles on the road. Be sure to use the charts and information provided by manufacturers to make sure you’re using the right type of product for the application and for your area.

In this article:wheel weights

what affects? / How to calculate the mass of the wheel.

A wheel in a car is an integral element of the vehicle's structure. Tires and wheels give the car different performance characteristics. For example, they affect patency and speed qualities. At the same time, such a simple parameter as the total weight of the wheel plays an important function. Let's see what the mass of disks and tires affects during the operation of the machine.

How wheel weight affects vehicle performance

Let's start with the fact that all motorists are aware of the fact of increased fuel consumption when transporting goods. In this case, the machine becomes heavier, which means that the engine needs to generate more energy to transmit torque to the drive axles. Approximately the same thing happens if the car is equipped with heavy wheels. The weight of the machine will increase, which will affect the increased fuel consumption.

Many drivers have noticed that after switching to alloy wheels, the car becomes more agile and economical. That's right, the weight of the unsprung mass has decreased, and this has led to a reduction in the energy consumption of the engine. 2*0.9*1.25/4=0.02kg). And the air density of an inflated tire is about 3 times greater. Therefore, the difference in weight is 20*3-20=40 grams.

Tire weight

The second factor influencing wheel weight is tire size and seasonality. For example, low profile and regular tires for the same car will weigh differently. Because there is less material in a low profile tire. The second example is winter and summer tires. For winter, tires use a softer composition of rubber materials and a complex design. This makes the product heavier. Multi-ply wheels with deep tread for off-road use will also be heavier than road counterparts. nine0003

Some brands of SUVs are sold with reinforced run flat tires. These are special tires that you can ride on after a puncture. But, the weight of such rubber is 1.5 times more than conventional pneumatic tires.

Wheel weight

Today, the car owner can choose several types of wheels for his car: steel, light alloy and forged. They differ significantly from each other in terms of technical characteristics. nine0003

  • Steel discs are produced by stamping. Such wheels have a weighty design, but at the same time they are the most affordable for the consumer. In most cases, cars at factories are equipped with steel wheels in order to reduce the cost of production. The advantages of such wheels are low price and maintainability.
  • Alloy wheels, weigh 20-40% lighter than steel counterparts. Aluminum and various alloys based on it are easy to process. The simplified manufacturing process allows manufacturers to provide a wide range of attractive rims. The rapid heat dissipation of aluminum favorably affects the cooling of brake discs and pads. nine0036
  • Forged wheels are even lighter than their aluminum counterparts. And thanks to hot forging, manufacturers are able to reduce the weight of the product by up to 50%, in relation to the steel rim. In addition, the forged disc is not inferior in strength to steel. It does not burst upon impact, but only deforms. This type of wheels is more expensive than their steel and alloy counterparts. But, the costs pay off with durability and increased dynamic characteristics.

Example. What will be the weight of the wheel for the VAZ 2110 with different disks? Summer tire 185/65R14 weighs 7.6 kg. R14 steel disc has a mass of 8.01 kg, light alloy 6.29kg, and forged 3.94 kilos. So the wheel assembly will weigh:

  • 1 version 15.61 kg;
  • 2 option 13.89 kg;
  • 3 variant 11.54 kg.

If you add to this a camera that weighs 1 kg, then a set of four wheels will increase the weight by another 4 kilos. Although in this period, car owners prefer tubeless tires.

As can be seen from the material of the article, the choice of disks will have an impact on the performance of the machine. With lighter wheels, the owner saves on fuel and suspension repairs. But first, you have to pay a little more. However, after 1.5 - 2 years, light disks are guaranteed to pay off. nine0003

Weight and volume of tires - table values ​​for different manufacturers

How much rubber will weigh depends not only on the size of tires, but also on the manufacturer of tires. Depending on the dimensions, the performance characteristics of the mass of tires of the same size will differ. To find out the weight of car tires, find the desired tire radius and size in this article or use special tables or an online calculator.


  • 1 Tire weight and volume
    • 1.1 R12
    • 1.2 R13
    • 1.3 R14
    • 1.4 R15
    • 1.5 R16
    • 1.6 R17
    • 1.7 R18
    • 1.8 R19
    • 1.9 R20
    • 1.10 R21
    • 1.11 R22
    • 1.12 R23
    • 1.13 R24
    • 1.14 R30
  • 20104 respectively, as well as a set of four tires. These data are averaged, may differ for tires of different brands.


    145/70R12 - weight 1 pc. 4.6 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.04 m 3
    155R12 - weight 1 pc. 6.2; volume 1 pc. 0.05 m 3


    135/80R13 — weight 1 pc. 4.0 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.04 m 3

    145/65R13 - weight 1 pc. 5.2 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.04 m 3

    145/70R13 - weight 1 pc. 4.7 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.04 m 3

    145/80R13 - weight 1 pc. 5.4 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.05 m 3

    145R13C - weight 1 pc. 5.6 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.05 m 3

    155/65R13 - weight 1 pc. 5.2 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.04 m 3

    155/70R13 - weight 1 pc. 5.8 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.05 m 3

    155/80R13 - weight 1 pc. 6.0 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.05 m 3

    155R13 - weight 1 pc. 7.6kg; volume 1 pc. 0.04 m 3

    155R13C - weight 1 pc. 5.3 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.05 m 3

    165/65R13 - weight 1 pc. 6.1 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.05 m 3

    165/70R13 - weight 1 pc. 6.2 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.05 m 3

    165/80R13 - weight 1 pc. 6.8 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.06 m 3

    175/50R13 - weight 1 pc. 6.3 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.04 m 3

    145/60R13 - weight 1 pc. 6.4 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.05 m 3

    175/65R13 - weight 1 pc. 7.0 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.05 m 3

    175/70R13 - weight 1 pc. 6.7 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.06 m 3

    175R13C - weight 1 pc. 9.5 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.07 m 3

    185/60R13 - weight 1 pc. 7.2 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.06 m 3

    185/65R13 - weight 1 pc. 7.6 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.06 m 3

    185/70R13 - weight 1 pc. 7.6 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.06 m 3

    195/60R13 - weight 1 pc. 8.0 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.06 m 3

    145/80R13 - weight 1 pc. 5.4 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.05 m 3

    215/50R13 - weight 1 pc. nine.7 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.08 m 3


    145/80R14 - weight 1 pc. 5.6 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.05 m 3

    155/65R14 - weight 1 pc. 5.7 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.05 m 3

    165/55R14 - weight 1 pc. 5.7 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.05 m 3

    165/60R14 - weight 1 pc. 5.9 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.05 m 3

    165/65R14 - weight 1 pc. 5.9 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.05 m 3

    165/70R14 - weight 1 pc. 6.8 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.06 m 3

    165R14 - weight 1 pc. 9.2 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.07 m 3

    175/50R14 - weight 1 pc. 6.7 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.05 m 3

    175/60R14 - weight 1 pc. 6.6 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.06 m 3

    175/65R14 - weight 1 pc. 6.9 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.06 m 3

    175/65R14С — weight 1 pc. 7.1 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.06 m 3

    175/70R14 - weight 1 pc. 7.2 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.06 m 3

    175/80R14 - weight 1 pc. 7.5 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.07 m 3

    175R14C - weight 1 pc. 7.5 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.06 m 3

    185/50R14 - weight 1 pc. 7.3 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.05 m 3

    185/55R14 - weight 1 pc. 7.4 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.06 m 3

    185/60R14 - weight 1 pc. 7.0 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.06 m 3

    185/65R14 - weight 1 pc. 7.6 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.07 m 3

    185/70R14 - weight 1 pc. 8.1 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.07 m 3

    185/75R14С — weight 1 pc. 11.4 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.07 m 3

    185/80R14 - weight 1 pc. 9.1 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.08 m 3

    185R14C - weight 1 pc. 9.3 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.08 m 3

    195/45R14 - weight 1 pc. 7.4 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.05 m 3

    195/60R14 - weight 1 pc. 8.4 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.07 m 3

    195/65R14 - weight 1 pc. 8.4 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.07 m 3

    195/70R14 - weight 1 pc. 9.3 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.08 m 3

    195/75R14 - weight 1 pc. 9.0 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.08 m 3

    195R14C - weight 1 pc. 12.8 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.09 m 3

    205/60R14 - weight 1 pc. 8.9 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.08 m 3

    205/70R14 - weight 1 pc. 10.2 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.08 m 3

    205R14C - weight 1 pc. 13.6 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.08 m 3

    215R14С — weight 1 pc. 12.9 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.1 m 3

    225/70R14 - weight 1 pc. 10.0 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.09m 3


    145/65R15 — weight 1 pc. 5.6 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.04 m 3

    155/60R15 - weight 1 pc. 8.3 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.07 m 3

    155/65R15 - weight 1 pc. 8.3 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.07 m 3

    165/50R15 - weight 1 pc. 6.8 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.05 m 3

    165/55R15 - weight 1 pc. 6.4 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.05 m 3

    165/65R15 - weight 1 pc. 7.0 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.06 m 3

    175/55R15 - weight 1 pc. 6.7 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.06 m 3

    175/60R15 - weight 1 pc. 8.1 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.06 m 3

    175/65R15 - weight 1 pc. 7.4 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.06 m 3

    175/80R15 - weight 1 pc. 9.0 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.08 m 3

    185/55R15 - weight 1 pc. 7.7 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.06 m 3

    185/60R15 - weight 1 pc. 8.3 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.07 m 3

    185/65R15 - weight 1 pc. 7.9kg; volume 1 pc. 0.07 m 3

    195/45R15 - weight 1 pc. 7.6 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.06 m 3

    195/50R15 - weight 1 pc. 7.8 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.06 m 3

    195/55R15 - weight 1 pc. 8.9 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.07 m 3

    195/60R15 - weight 1 pc. 8.4 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.07 m 3

    195/65R15 - weight 1 pc. 9.1 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.08 m 3

    195/70R15 - weight 1 pc. 12.9 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.08 m 3

    195/70R15С — weight 1 pc. 12.9 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.08 m 3

    195/80R15 - weight 1 pc. 11.3 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.09 m 3

    195R15C - weight 1 pc. 12.9 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.09 m 3

    205/50R15 - weight 1 pc. 9.3 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.07 m 3

    205/55R15 - weight 1 pc. 9.1 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.08 m 3

    205/60R15 - weight 1 pc. 9.0 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.08 m 3

    205/65R15 - weight 1 pc. nine.6 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.09 m 3

    205/70R15 - weight 1 pc. 10.7 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.09 m 3

    205/75R15 - weight 1 pc. 10.8 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.1 m 3

    215/60R15 - weight 1 pc. 11.4 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.09 m 3

    215/65R15 - weight 1 pc. 10.6 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.09 m 3

    215/70R15 - weight 1 pc. 11.5 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.1 m 3

    215/75R15 - weight 1 pc. 11.6 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.11 m 3

    215/80R15 - weight 1 pc. 13.9 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.11 m 3

    215R15 - weight 1 pc. 13.9kg; volume 1 pc. 0.11 m 3

    225/60R15 - weight 1 pc. 10.9 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.1 m 3

    225/70R15 - weight 1 pc. 13.7 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.11 m 3

    225/75R15 - weight 1 pc. 11.5 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.12 m 3

    225/80R15 - weight 1 pc. 11.8 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.12 m 3

    235/70R15 - weight 1 pc. 15.1 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.12 m 3

    235/75R15 - weight 1 pc. 14.6 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.13 m 3

    255/65R15 - weight 1 pc. 18.1 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.13 m 3

    255/70R15 - weight 1 pc. 17.5 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.14 m 3

    255/75R15 - weight 1 pc. 19.7 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.15 m 3

    265/70R15 - weight 1 pc. 17.5 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.15 m 3

    265/75R15 - weight 1 pc. 17.7 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.15 m 3

    275/60R15 - weight 1 pc. 14.8 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.14 m 3

    285/40R15 - weight 1 pc. 12.9 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.11 m 3

    30X9.5R15 - weight 1 pc. 17.6 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.14 m 3

    31X10.5R15 - weight 1 pc. 17.5 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.17 m 3

    32X11.5R15 — weight 1 pc. 22.2 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.19 m 3

    33X12.5R15 - weight 1 pc. 24.3 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.22 m 3

    35X12.5R15 - weight 1 pc. 26.5 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.21 m 3


    165/50R16 - weight 1 pc. 6.6 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.05 m 3

    175/50R16 - weight 1 pc. 7.7 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.06 m 3

    175/55R16 - weight 1 pc. 7.6 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.06 m 3

    175/60R16 - weight 1 pc. 7.6 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.07 m 3

    175/75R16С — weight 1 pc. 11.6 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.08 m 3

    175/80R16 - weight 1 pc. 10.1 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.08 m 3

    185/50R16 - weight 1 pc. 7.5 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.06 m 3

    185/55R16 - weight 1 pc. 8.7 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.07 m 3

    185/60R16 - weight 1 pc. 9.2 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.07 m 3

    185/75R16С — weight 1 pc. 12.6 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.09 m 3

    185/85R16 - weight 1 pc. 12.6 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.09 m 3

    195/40R16 - weight 1 pc. 7.4 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.06 m 3

    195/45R16 - weight 1 pc. 8.5 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.07 m 3

    195/50R16 - weight 1 pc. 8.7 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.07 m 3

    195/55R16 - weight 1 pc. 8.8 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.08 m 3

    195/60R16 - weight 1 pc. 9.0 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.08 m 3

    195/65R16 - weight 1 pc. 12.2 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.08 m 3

    195/75R16С — weight 1 pc. 14.0 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.1 m 3

    205/40R16 - weight 1 pc. 8.5 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.07 m 3

    205/45R16 - weight 1 pc. 8.8 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.07 m 3

    205/50R16 - weight 1 pc. 10.4 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.08 m 3

    205/55R16 - weight 1 pc. 9.1 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.08 m 3

    205/60R16 - weight 1 pc. 10.4 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.09 m 3

    205/65R16 - weight 1 pc. 11.2 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.09 m 3

    205/65R16С — weight 1 pc. 11.2 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.1 m 3

    205/70R16 - weight 1 pc. 14.2 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.11 m 3

    205/75R16С — weight 1 pc. 16.0 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.1 m 3

    205/80R16 - weight 1 pc. 14.5 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.11 m 3

    205R16C - weight 1 pc. 14.3 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.11 m 3

    215/35R16 - weight 1 pc. 8.3 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.07 m 3

    215/40R16 - weight 1 pc. 9.7 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.07 m 3

    215/45R16 - weight 1 pc. 9.5 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.08 m 3

    215/55R16 - weight 1 pc. 10.1 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.09m 3

    215/60R16 — weight 1 pc. 11.8 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.09 m 3

    215/65R16 - weight 1 pc. 12.2 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.1 m 3

    215/65R16С — weight 1 pc. 12.2 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.1 m 3

    215/70R16 - weight 1 pc. 14.8 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.11 m 3

    215/70R16С — weight 1 pc. 14.8 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.11 m 3

    215/75R16 - weight 1 pc. 14.3 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.11 m 3

    215/75R16 - weight 1 pc. 14.3 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.11 m 3

    215/80R16 - weight 1 pc. 14.6 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.12 m 3

    215/85R16 - weight 1 pc. 15.0 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.12 m 3

    225/40R16 - weight 1 pc. 9.1 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.08 m 3

    225/45R16 - weight 1 pc. 9.5 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.08 m 3

    225/50R16 - weight 1 pc. 10.8 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.09 m 3

    225/55R16 - weight 1 pc. 10.8 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.1 m 3

    225/60R16 - weight 1 pc. 12.5 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.1 m 3

    225/65R16 - weight 1 pc. 16.1 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.11 m 3

    225/70R16 - weight 1 pc. 14.2 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.12 m 3

    225/75R16 - weight 1 pc. 15.7 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.12 m 3

    235/50R16 - weight 1 pc. 11.1 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.1 m 3

    235/55R16 - weight 1 pc. 12.2 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.11 m 3

    235/60R16 - weight 1 pc. 13.4 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.11 m 3

    235/65R16 - weight 1 pc. 14.7 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.12 m 3

    235/70R16 - weight 1 pc. 16.3 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.13 m 3

    235/75R16 - weight 1 pc. 17.8 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.14 m 3

    235/80R16 - weight 1 pc. 19.4 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.14 m 3

    235/85R16 - weight 1 pc. 22.3 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.15 m 3

    245/45R16 - weight 1 pc. 11.6 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.1 m 3

    245/50R16 - weight 1 pc. 11.8 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.1 m 3

    245/70R16 - weight 1 pc. 17.7 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.14 m 3

    245/75R16 - weight 1 pc. 21.1 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.15 m 3

    255/65R16 - weight 1 pc. 16.5 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.14 m 3

    255/70R16 - weight 1 pc. 18.6 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.15 m 3

    265/70R16 - weight 1 pc. 18.8 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.16 m 3

    265/75R16 - weight 1 pc. nineteen.9 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.17 m 3

    275/70R16 - weight 1 pc. 20.0 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.17 m 3

    285/65R16 - weight 1 pc. 19.9 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.17 m 3

    285/70R16 - weight 1 pc. 19.5 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.16 m 3

    285/75R16 - weight 1 pc. 22.0 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.2 m 3

    305/70R16 - weight 1 pc. 25.9 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.21 m 3

    315/75R16 - weight 1 pc. 29.4 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.24 m 3

    6.5R16C - weight 1 pc. 13.8 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.09 m 3

    7.00R16C - weight 1 pc. 16.7 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.1 m 3

    7.50R16C - weight 1 pc. 19.7 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.12 m 3


    195/40R17 - weight 1 pc. 8.5 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.07 m 3

    195/45R17 - weight 1 pc. 9.1 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.07 m 3

    205/40R17 - weight 1 pc. 9.2 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.07 m 3

    205/45R17 - weight 1 pc. 9.3 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.08 m 3

    205/50R17 - weight 1 pc. 10.1 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.08 m 3

    205/55R17 - weight 1 pc. 10.7 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.09 m 3

    215/35R17 - weight 1 pc. 8.8 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.07 m 3

    215/40R17 - weight 1 pc. 10.4 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.08 m 3

    215/45R17 - weight 1 pc. 10.4 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.08 m 3

    215/50R17 - weight 1 pc. 10.9kg; volume 1 pc. 0.09 m 3

    215/55R17 - weight 1 pc. 11.7 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.1 m 3

    215/60R17 - weight 1 pc. 12.8 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.1 m 3

    215/65R17 - weight 1 pc. 13.2 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.11 m 3

    225/35R17 - weight 1 pc. 8.9 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.08 m 3

    225/45R17 - weight 1 pc. 10.3 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.09 m 3

    225/50R17 - weight 1 pc. 12.5 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.1 m 3

    225/55R17 - weight 1 pc. 13.2 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.1 m 3

    225/60R17 - weight 1 pc. 13.7 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.11 m 3

    225/65R17 - weight 1 pc. 13.6 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.12 m 3

    225/70R17 - weight 1 pc. 13.6 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.12 m 3

    235/40R17 - weight 1 pc. 9.6 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.09 m 3

    235/45R17 - weight 1 pc. 22.3 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.1 m 3

    235/50R17 - weight 1 pc. 11.7 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.1 m 3

    235/55R17 - weight 1 pc. 12.3 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.11 m 3

    235/60R17 - weight 1 pc. 13.0 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.12 m 3

    235/65R17 - weight 1 pc. 15.9 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.13 m 3

    235/70R17 - weight 1 pc. 21.2 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.15 m 3

    235/75R17 - weight 1 pc. 21.2 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.15 m 3

    235/80R17 - weight 1 pc. 21.2 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.15 m 3

    245/35R17 - weight 1 pc. 8.9 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.08 m 3

    245/40R17 - weight 1 pc. 10.7 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.1 m 3

    245/45R17 - weight 1 pc. 11.6 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.1 m 3

    245/50R17 - weight 1 pc. 14.2 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.11 m 3

    245/55R17 - weight 1 pc. 12.8 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.12 m 3

    245/65R17 - weight 1 pc. 16.8 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.14 m 3

    245/70R17 - weight 1 pc. 21.2 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.15 m 3

    245/75R17 - weight 1 pc. 21.2 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.15 m 3

    255/40R17 - weight 1 pc. 10.1 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.1 m 3

    255/45R17 - weight 1 pc. 12.9 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.11 m 3

    255/50R17 - weight 1 pc. 18.2 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.14 m 3

    255/55R17 - weight 1 pc. 18.8 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.15 m 3

    255/60R17 - weight 1 pc. 17.9 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.14 m 3

    255/65R17 - weight 1 pc. 18.3 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.15 m 3

    255/70R17 - weight 1 pc. 18.3 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.17 m 3

    255/75R17 - weight 1 pc. 18.3 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.17 m 3

    255/75R17 - weight 1 pc. 20.3 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.17 m 3

    265/40R17 - weight 1 pc. 11.8 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.11 m 3

    265/60R17 - weight 1 pc. 17.5 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.14 m 3

    265/65R17 - weight 1 pc. 17.5 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.16 m 3

    265/70R17 - weight 1 pc. 20.5 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.17 m 3

    275/40R17 - weight 1 pc. 13.0 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.12 m 3

    275/55R17 - weight 1 pc. 18.8 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.15 m 3

    275/60R17 - weight 1 pc. 18.1 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.16 m 3

    275/65R17 - weight 1 pc. 19.4 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.17 m 3

    275/70R17 - weight 1 pc. 19.0 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.18 m 3

    285/40R17 - weight 1 pc. 13.5 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.12 m 3

    285/60R17 - weight 1 pc. 19.0 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.17 m 3

    285/65R17 - weight 1 pc. 18.4 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.18 m 3

    285/70R17 - weight 1 pc. 25.9 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.2 m 3

    295/70R17 - weight 1 pc. 26.8 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.2 m 3

    3155/70R17 - weight 1 pc. 28.1 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.24 m 3


    205/40R18 - weight 1 pc. nine.0 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.08 m 3

    215/35R18 - weight 1 pc. 10.0 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.08m 3

    215/40R18 — weight 1 pc. 10.7 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.09 m 3

    215/45R18 - weight 1 pc. 10.3 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.09 m 3

    215/55R18 - weight 1 pc. 11.6 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.1 m 3

    225/35R18 - weight 1 pc. 9.5 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.09 m 3

    225/40R18 - weight 1 pc. 10.5 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.09m 3

    225/45R18 — weight 1 pc. 9.8 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.1 m 3

    225/50R18 - weight 1 pc. 12.5 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.1 m 3

    225/55R18 - weight 1 pc. 12.6 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.11 m 3

    225/60R18 - weight 1 pc. 13.3 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.12 m 3

    225/65R18 - weight 1 pc. 14.9 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.13 m 3

    235/35R18 - weight 1 pc. 10.2 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.09 m 3

    235/40R18 - weight 1 pc. 11.6 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.1 m 3

    235/45R18 - weight 1 pc. 12.0 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.11 m 3

    235/50R18 - weight 1 pc. 12.5 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.11 m 3

    235/55R18 - weight 1 pc. 14.2 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.12 m 3

    235/60R18 - weight 1 pc. 16.3 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.13 m 3

    235/65R18 - weight 1 pc. 16.0 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.14 m 3

    245/35R18 - weight 1 pc. 10.0 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.1 m 3

    245/40R18 - weight 1 pc. 11.8 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.1 m 3

    245/45R18 - weight 1 pc. 13.7 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.11 m 3

    245/50R18 - weight 1 pc. 13.2 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.12 m 3

    245/60R18 - weight 1 pc. 16.8 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.15 m 3

    255/30R18 - weight 1 pc. 12.0 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.11 m 3

    255/35R18 - weight 1 pc. 10.8 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.1 m 3

    255/40R18 - weight 1 pc. 13.4 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.11 m 3

    255/45R18 - weight 1 pc. 12.7 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.12 m 3

    255/50R18 - weight 1 pc. 14.9 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.13 m 3

    255/55R18 - weight 1 pc. 16.4 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.14 m 3

    255/60R18 - weight 1 pc. 16.8 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.15 m 3

    255/70R18 - weight 1 pc. 19.2 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.18 m 3

    265/35R18 - weight 1 pc. 11.4 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.11 m 3

    265/40R18 - weight 1 pc. 13.5 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.12 m 3

    265/60R18 - weight 1 pc. 15.0 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.16 m 3

    275/35R18 - weight 1 pc. 12.3 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.12 m 3

    275/40R18 - weight 1 pc. 13.2 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.13 m 3

    275/45R18 - weight 1 pc. 13.0 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.14 m 3

    275/60R18 - weight 1 pc. 17.7 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.17 m 3

    275/65R18 - weight 1 pc. 26.9kg; volume 1 pc. 0.2 m 3

    275/70R18 - weight 1 pc. 27.5 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.2 m 3

    285/30R18 - weight 1 pc. 12.0 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.11 m 3

    285/35R18 - weight 1 pc. 11.7 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.12 m 3

    285/40R18 - weight 1 pc. 12.8 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.13 m 3

    285/50R18 - weight 1 pc. 17.9 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.16 m 3

    285/55R18 - weight 1 pc. 17.1 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.17 m 3

    285/60R18 - weight 1 pc. 19.5 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.18 m 3

    285/65R18 - weight 1 pc. 19.5 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.2 m 3

    295/30R18 - weight 1 pc. 11.5 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.12 m 3

    295/35R18 - weight 1 pc. 13.0 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.13 m 3

    315/40R18 - weight 1 pc. 12.0 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.13 m 3

    335/30R18 - weight 1 pc. 14.9 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.15 m 3


    215/35R19 - weight 1 pc. 10.6 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.09 m 3

    225/35R19 - weight 1 pc. 10.2 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.09 m 3

    225/45R19 - weight 1 pc. 12.1 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.11 m 3

    235/35R19 - weight 1 pc. 10.3 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.1 m 3

    235/40R19 - weight 1 pc. 11.1 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.11 m 3

    235/45R19 - weight 1 pc. 12.4 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.11 m 3

    235/50R19- weight 1 pc. 15.0 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.13 m 3

    235/55R19 - weight 1 pc. 15.1 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.13 m 3

    245/30R19 - weight 1 pc. 10.6 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.1 m 3

    245/35R19 - weight 1 pc. 10.6 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.1 m 3

    245/40R19 - weight 1 pc. 12.0 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.11 m 3

    245/45R19 - weight 1 pc. 13.3 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.12 m 3

    245/50R19 - weight 1 pc. 15.9 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.13 m 3

    255/30R19 - weight 1 pc. 9.8 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.1 m 3

    255/35R19 - weight 1 pc. 12.5 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.11 m 3

    255/40R19 - weight 1 pc. 12.3 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.12 m 3

    255/45R19 - weight 1 pc. 13.5 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.13 m 3

    255/50R19 - weight 1 pc. 16.2 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.14 m 3

    255/55R19 - weight 1 pc. 16.7 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.15 m 3

    265/30R19- weight 1 pc. 12.1 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.11 m 3

    265/35R19 - weight 1 pc. 11.9 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.12 m 3

    265/50R19 - weight 1 pc. 17.1 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.15 m 3

    265/55R19 - weight 1 pc. 15.0 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.16 m 3

    275/30R19 - weight 1 pc. 11.3 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.12 m 3

    275/35R19 - weight 1 pc. 13.1 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.13 m 3

    275/40R19 - weight 1 pc. 13.6 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.14 m 3

    275/45R19 - weight 1 pc. 16.0 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.16 m 3

    275/50R19 - weight 1 pc. 17.0 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.15 m 3

    275/55R19 - weight 1 pc. 19.4 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.17 m 3

    285/30R19 - weight 1 pc. 13.3 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.12 m 3

    285/35R19 - weight 1 pc. 13.8 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.13 m 3

    285/40R19 - weight 1 pc. 14.4 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.14 m 3

    285/45R19 - weight 1 pc. 18.8 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.16 m 3

    285/55R19 - weight 1 pc. 19.9 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.18 m 3

    295/30R19 - weight 1 pc. 12.7 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.13 m 3

    295/35R19 - weight 1 pc. 14.3 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.14 m 3

    295/45R19 - weight 1 pc. 17.5 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.17 m 3

    305/30R19 - weight 1 pc. 13.6 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.14 m 3

    315/25R19 - weight 1 pc. 12.9kg; volume 1 pc. 0.13 m 3

    355/25R19 - weight 1 pc. 15.2 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.16 m 3


    225/30R20 - weight 1 pc. 9.3 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.09 m 3

    225/35R20 - weight 1 pc. 11.1 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.1 m 3

    235/30R20 - weight 1 pc. 9.3 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.1 m 3

    245/30R20 - weight 1 pc. 11.2 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.11 m 3

    245/35R20 - weight 1 pc. 10.8 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.11 m 3

    245/40R20 - weight 1 pc. 12.1 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.12 m 3

    245/45R20 - weight 1 pc. 15.3 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.13 m 3

    245/50R20 - weight 1 pc. 17.1 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.14 m 3

    255/30R20 - weight 1 pc. 11.2 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.11 m 3

    255/35R20 - weight 1 pc. 12.6 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.12 m 3

    255/35R20 - weight 1 pc. 13.0 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.12 m 3

    255/40R20 - weight 1 pc. 13.0 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.13 m 3

    255/45R20 - weight 1 pc. 16.5 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.14 m 3

    255/50R20 - weight 1 pc. 17.1 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.15 m 3

    265/35R20 - weight 1 pc. 12.0 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.13 m 3

    265/40R20 - weight 1 pc. 16.5 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.15 m 3

    265/50R20 - weight 1 pc. 18.3 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.16 m 3

    275/25R20 - weight 1 pc. 11.7 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.11 m 3

    275/30R20 - weight 1 pc. 12.7 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.12 m 3

    275/35R20 - weight 1 pc. 13.6 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.13 m 3

    275/40R20 - weight 1 pc. 16.1 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.15 m 3

    275/45R20 - weight 1 pc. 17.3 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.16 m 3

    275/50R20 - weight 1 pc. 20.0 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.18 m 3

    275/55R20 - weight 1 pc. 18.1 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.18 m 3

    275/60R20 - weight 1 pc. 21.2 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.19 m 3

    285/25R20 - weight 1 pc. 12.4 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.12 m 3

    285/30R20 - weight 1 pc. 12.6 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.12 m 3

    285/35R20 - weight 1 pc. 12.1 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.14 m 3

    285/45R20 - weight 1 pc. 18.1 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.17 m 3

    285/50R20 - weight 1 pc. 20.0 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.18 m 3

    285/55R20 - weight 1 pc. 21.5 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.19m 3

    295/25R20 — weight 1 pc. 13.0 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.13 m 3

    295/30R20 - weight 1 pc. 12.7 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.13 m 3

    295/35R20 - weight 1 pc. 15.6 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.16 m 3

    295/40R20 - weight 1 pc. 19.8 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.16 m 3

    295/45R20 - weight 1 pc. 18.6 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.18 m 3

    305/25R20 - weight 1 pc. 12.3 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.13 m 3

    305/35R20 - weight 1 pc. 14.3 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.16 m 3

    305/45R20 - weight 1 pc. 19.7 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.19 m 3

    305/50R20 - weight 1 pc. 21.8 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.2 m 3

    315/35R20 - weight 1 pc. 17.2 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.17 m 3

    325/25R20 - weight 1 pc. 13.1 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.15 m 3

    325/60R20 - weight 1 pc. 28.9 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.27 m 3


    245/35R21 - weight 1 pc. 12.5 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.12 m 3

    255/30R21 - weight 1 pc. 12.4 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.12 m 3

    255/35R21 - weight 1 pc. 13.1 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.13 m 3

    265/45R21 - weight 1 pc. 16.4 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.16 m 3

    285/30R21 - weight 1 pc. 14.2 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.14 m 3

    295/25R21 - weight 1 pc. 13.0 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.14 m 3

    295/30R21 - weight 1 pc. 15.2 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.15 m 3

    295/35R21 - weight 1 pc. 20.0 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.17 m 3

    295/40R21 - weight 1 pc. 19.8 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.16 m 3


    245/30R22 - weight 1 pc. 12.0 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.12 m 3

    265/30R22 - weight 1 pc. 14.5 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.14 m 3

    265/35R22 - weight 1 pc. 16.0 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.15 m 3

    265/40R22 - weight 1 pc. 15.9 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.16 m 3

    275/30R22 - weight 1 pc. 15.8 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.14 m 3

    275/45R22 - weight 1 pc. 18.3 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.18 m 3

    285/30R22 - weight 1 pc. 16.7 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.15 m 3

    285/35R22 - weight 1 pc. 15.9 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.16 m 3

    285/40R22 - weight 1 pc. 18.1 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.19 m 3

    285/45R22 - weight 1 pc. 18.1 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.19 m 3

    295/25R22 - weight 1 pc. 15.0 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.15 m 3

    295/30R22 - weight 1 pc. 16.1 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.16 m 3

    295/35R22 - weight 1 pc. 18.5 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.17 m 3

    305/35R22 - weight 1 pc. 20.0 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.18 m 3

    305/40R22 - weight 1 pc. 18.4 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.2 m 3

    305/45R22 - weight 1 pc. 18.7 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.21 m 3

    315/25R22 - weight 1 pc. 18.7 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.21 m 3

    315/30R22 - weight 1 pc. 18.7 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.18 m 3

    325/55R22 - weight 1 pc. 30.3 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.27 m 3


    305/35R23 - weight 1 pc. 18.6 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.19 m 3

    315/25R23 - weight 1 pc. 18.0 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.17 m 3


    285/35R24 - weight 1 pc. 20.0 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.19 m 3

    295/35R24 - weight 1 pc. 20.0 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.21 m 3

    295/40R24 - weight 1 pc. 20.5 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.21 m 3

    305/35R24 - weight 1 pc. 20.0 kg; volume 1 pc. 0.21 m 3

    315/35R24 - weight 1 pc.

    Learn more