Last day on earth survival how to build atv

Last Day On Earth - Exact Locations of All ATV Parts! (Guide)

Looking for the exact location of each and every part required to finalize an ATV in Last Day On Earth Survival game? So your search ends here because in this post we are going to tell you exactly where and how you can find all the required parts to finalize the ATV. So just go through this post and farm in the locations mentioned below and soon you should have all the required parts in your inventory. So lets check it out!

First of all you will need to craft the ATV for which you will need 25 Iron Bars, 20 Pine Planks, 15 Wirings, 15 Bolts and 10 Duct Tapes. After that we need to Finalize it, so let’s check out which are the parts that are needed to finalize the ATV. Including all quantities of every required parts, you will need a total of 1658 items. Below you can find the list of required parts –



1 ATV Transmission
1 ATV Gas Tank
250 Thick Fabric
500 Scrap Metal
150 Rubber Parts
16 ATV Wheels
120 Wiring
200 Engine Parts
320 Bolts
100 Ball Bearings



So you can see its quite a lot of items but you don’t need to worry because if you know the correct locations of all parts then it won’t take you more than just a few weeks to collect all the parts. So below we will tell you the location of every part individually.

Bolts – These can be found inside loot boxes at green zones on the map. But since we need 320 of these for our ATV so if you want to get them faster then you can explore the yellow zones or even the red zones which are the most hardest ones to explore.

Ball Bearings – Its a mechanical part used as a machine element in various machines like Zombie Truck, Mi-24 Helicopter, Turret etc. This item is not quite rare and you can get it inside crates or boxes at random locations. A bit difficult regions like yellow zones on the map or a random drop like a “Humanitarian Aid” or “Plane Crash” event have a higher chance to drop this item inside boxes.

ATV Gas Tank – Currently the drop rate of this Gas Tank is pretty high and you can easily get it by visiting the Limestone Cliffs and by exploring the giant box at Air Drop event. It can also be found inside backpacks of AI players who attack you while exploration.

Thick Fabric – You need to build a Sewing Table and then use pieces of cloth (obtained from corpses of simple and giant zombies) to craft Thick Fabrics required to finalize the ATV. You can also use plant fibers to craft pieces of cloth to craft your fabrics even more faster.

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Scrap Metal – Its a rusted scrap metal which can also be melted into an iron bar using a Melting Furnace. For our ATV we need 500 of these. These are also quite an easy to obtain resource and can be found inside small crates even at the most easiest (green zones) locations. Additionally, they can be also found inside backpacks of other survivors who attack you at various locations.

Rubber Parts – It is an important part used in various vehicles and machines like Sewing Table and Repair Station. These are a bit rare items and hence it can take you a few weeks to collect a total of 150 of these for our ATV. These are mainly found at Yellow Zones on the global map like Limestone Cliffs, Pine Grove, Bunker Bravo etc. They also have a high drop rate at the Plane Crash Event and at Red Zones. You can find more of these by visiting the random Crashed Plane Event. Check out our post on how to get plane cash event in Last Day On Earth to get this event whenever you want.

Wiring – This is quite an easily obtainable item. Look for them inside boxes at green locations and you should be able to find them.

ATV Wheels – These wheels are not extremely rare like a few other parts but still a bit difficult to obtain but eventually you will be able to collect the required 16 wheels. They can be found at Yellow and Red Zones. They can also sometimes drop at Air Drop event.

Engine Parts – These are an important and quite rare items, used not only in ATV but also in Chopper. You need to basically search for these at Bunker Bravo, Bunker Alfa or sometimes they can also be found inside the giant box at Humanitarian Aid random event (Air Drop). Additionally, this item also can be found inside “Box of Spares” at the game shop. You can also find a few of these at NPC bases on the Global map and sometimes they can also be found inside backpacks of AI players.

ATV Transmission – This is a missing part of the ATV. It has not been released in the game yet but is expected to be released soon as more regions on the map are ready to be explored and released, especially the regions across the river.

So these were the locations where users have reported to have found the particular items in the game. Knowing the above locations will help you plan a good strategy to follow and hence quickly assemble all the required parts of the ATV.

Hope you liked this helpful guide. So please make sure to share this post with your friends at whatsapp, facebook and twitter using the social media buttons below.

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How To Get Factory Parts & Carbon Composite In LDOE

Working on finishing up weapon mods or slowly building the ATV? These Last Day on Earth end-game grinds require lots of rare items, and two of the hardest ones to get are factory parts and carbon composite. Lets take a look at a few different ways you can get your hands on some!

The methods for collecting factory parts and carbon composite have changed a few times. Currently, there are three main methods to stock up: The Recycler, Sunken Chests, and Bunker Bravo. I’ve made a video all about this topic below, or you could continue reading this written version of the guide as well.

The Recycler

I’m listing the recycler first because I think it is currently the best option for most players. This method is a GRIND, but it will consistently net you loads of carbon composite and factory parts if you are patient with it.

For this method we’ll be focusing on leveling up the recycler’s “firearms” category. You can level up the category by recycling low durability guns at first, and then chucking in full durability ones once your level has gotten somewhere in the ballpark of 30.

Every time you recycle a gun you have a change of obtaining factory parts and carbon composite. The tricky bit is that the recycler level for “firearms” works differently than other categories. A guns durability is also factored into the drop percentages, but we don’t get to see that math. So, to get the most out of it you’ll just want to remember to consistently place your low durability guns in there until at least level 25. Then your drop percentages will be more favorable, and it will make more sense to take a gamble recycling full durability guns.

As long as you’re consistently clearing Bunker Alfa and lower level Blackport PD waves you should have enough leftover guns to make steady progress with this method. You’ll definitely want to learn how to wall trick and rely more on melee weapons overall.

Sunken Chests

Sunken Chests are are a great way to affordably earn occasional stockpiles of carbon composite and factory parts. The nice thing about this grind is that it’s complimentary to the boat building process. If you’re working on building your boat you’ll just naturally unlock these chests as well.

I would recommend watching my boat building guide for a good explanation of how to get the most out of the delivery system that you’ll be leveling up to unlock crane keys for these sunken boxes. I start talking about sunken chests and the delivery system around the 1:30 mark.

The long-short of this method is that you’ll want to save up the crane keys until you’ve leveled up your genesis reputation level. A higher reputation level will result in more carbon composite and factory parts in the chests. You can see a comparison between lower and higher leveled chests in this article.

Bunker Bravo

I’m listing Bunker Bravo last because it is the hardest and somewhat counter-intuitive method. Bunker Bravo is hands down the most difficult content you can take on in ldoe. It does reward factory parts and carbon composite, but not without some trickery.

Bunker Bravo is the hardest content in the game, so you’d naturally want to go in with modded guns, right? Fully or even partially modded AKs or Scars aren’t necessary for completing Bravo floors, but they will sure as hell make it much more bearable, not easy, just bearable. This is where the counter-intuitive nature of Bravo comes in. You’re attempting to complete content to get parts for mods, but you need mods in the first place so the farmable content isn’t a complete hell to finish.

The Bunker Bravo grind is one that I’d recommend focusing on after you’ve already completed a good number of high performance gun mods. It’s much more of an ATV grind than a weapon mod material grind….at least when compared to other options that are available.

If you’re up for the challenge, you should just focus on farming the second floor. This floor will give you the most bang for your buck in terms of weapon modding materials; specifically carbon composite. I would still recommend using the recycler method as a main source for factory parts, as these are handed out in lower amounts at Bravo. You should also have at least some gun mods.

For the best chance at surviving I’d recommend watching several different YouTube guides that cover the second floor. See what the difficulty difference between fully kitted-out loadouts and “ftp” or “cheapest” loadouts ends up looking like. Most importantly, be prepared for even your first couple runs to be complete disasters. Bravo has a huge learning curve, and no amount of tutorials are going to translate to the feeling of simultaneously wading through radiation pools, toxic acid, and getting pummeled by some of the highest dps enemies this side of the zombie apocalypse.

Miscellaneous Methods

You can actually net some nice mod material payouts during season and event activities too! Seasons with NPC reputation systems have offered up factory parts and carbon composite if you level up your rank enough. These materials have also been included as rewards that can be bought with specific event currencies. Seasons and events aren’t consistent ways to earn these mod materials, but they can definitely help supplement your other farming methods.

Thanks for reading this guide! Feel free to ask any follow up questions in the comments below. Have any other suggestions for finding factory parts or carbon composite in ldoe?

  • dan mace