National tire safety week 2023



For more information contact: Kim Kleine
(202) 682-4856
[email protected]

WASHINGTON, D.C. (Feb. 8, 2022) – The U.S. Tire Manufacturers Association (USTMA) today announced it will promote its yearly consumer awareness campaign, National Tire Safety Week, on June 27-July 3, 2022. This annual initiative educates motorists about tire care, safety and maintenance as an important part of road safety.

“USTMA highlights the importance of tire care and safety all year long, but during National Tire Safety Week, we join with our member companies and other partners to amplify this critical theme, especially as drivers embark on the summer travel season,” said Anne Forristall Luke, president and CEO of USTMA. “We have seen recent traffic statistics that have highlighted troubling increases in roadway accident trends, especially since the start of the pandemic. As the only equipment on a car that touches the road, we want to make sure that tires are at the top of drivers’ vehicle safety checklists, especially during the busiest travel season.”

U.S. tire manufacturers recommend drivers check their tire pressure monthly, regularly check their tire tread depth and ensure their tires are rotated and properly aligned. Proper maintenance and periodic inspections by a tire service professional are essential for optimum performance and service life of tires.

About National Tire Safety Week

National Tire Safety Week is an annual industry-led initiative with the goal of helping consumers learn simple yet essential steps for proper tire care and maintenance. The initiative is supported by USTMA members: Bridgestone Americas, Inc.; Continental Tire the Americas, LLC; Giti Tire (USA) Ltd. ; The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company; Hankook Tire America Corp; Kumho Tire U.S.A., Inc.; Michelin North America, Inc.; Nokian Tyres; Pirelli Tire North America; Sumitomo Rubber Industries; Toyo Tire Holdings of Americas Inc., and Yokohama Tire Corporation.


The U.S. Tire Manufacturers Association is the national trade association for tire manufacturers that produce tires in the U.S. Our 12 member companies operate 57 tire-related manufacturing facilities in 17 states and generate more than $27 billion in annual sales. We directly support more than a quarter million U.S. jobs – totaling almost $20 billion in wages. USTMA advances a sustainable tire manufacturing industry through thought leadership and a commitment to science‐based public policy advocacy. Our member company tires make mobility possible. USTMA members are committed to continuous improvement of the performance of our products, worker and consumer safety and environmental stewardship. For more information, visit and follow USTMA on Twitter @USTires.

Additional News:

USTMA Announces National Tire Safety Week: “Do Your Part, Know Your Roll” this June 28- July 4

USTMA Announces National Tire Safety Week: “Do Your Part, Know Your Roll” this June 28- July 4

For more information contact: Kim Kleine
(202) 682-4856
[email protected]

WASHINGTON, Mar. 16, 2021 – The U.S. Tire Manufacturers Association (USTMA) today announced it will launch its yearly consumer tire safety awareness campaign, National Tire Safety Week, from June 28 through July 4, 2021. This year’s theme, “Do Your Part, Know Your Roll,” will educate motorists about proper tire care and maintenance as an important part of road safety.  

“Safety has always been a priority for USTMA and its partners, and the lens through which we view safety has expanded as a result of the pandemic,” said Anne Forristall Luke, president and CEO of USTMA. “National Tire Safety Week aims to educate drivers about the vital yet practical steps they can take to properly maintain and care for their tires. Tires are the only part of a vehicle that touches the road, so you want to keep them in top shape to help you stay safe on the road.”  

U.S. tire manufacturers recommend drivers check tire pressure monthly, regularly check tire tread depth and ensure their tires are rotated and properly aligned. Attentive maintenance and periodic inspections by a tire professional are essential for optimum performance and service life of tires.

USTMA members continue to advance safe, sustainable mobility for American consumers. Today’s modern tire is a highly engineered marvel that maximizes safety, performance, handling, and durability. New and advanced technologies like the use of tire sensors to provide real-time tire monitoring data and the production of fuel-efficient tires that improve vehicle fuel economy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions offer benefits to consumers’ wallets and the environment.  

National Tire Safety Week is an annual industry-led initiative designed to help consumers learn simple yet essential steps for proper tire care and maintenance and is supported by USTMA members: Bridgestone Americas, Inc.; Continental Tire the Americas, LLC; Cooper Tire & Rubber Company; Giti Tire (USA) Ltd.; The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company; Hankook Tire America Corp; Kumho Tire U.S.A., Inc.; Michelin North America, Inc.; Nokian Tyres, Inc.; Pirelli Tire North America; Sumitomo Rubber Industries; Toyo Tire Holdings of Americas Inc., and Yokohama Tire Corporation.


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Additional News:

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Open Education - Life Safety

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The course "Life safety", based on the work program for this discipline, approved at St. Petersburg State University.

The online course "Life Safety" complies with the updated GEF 3++.

  • About
  • Format
  • Requirements
  • Course program
  • Knowledge
  • Skills
  • Abilities
  • Formed competencies
  • Education directions


The impact of anthropogenic hazards disrupts the normal life of people, causes accidents leading to emergency situations (ES) and disasters, including environmental ones. At present, an alarming tendency has been formed to increase the destructive impact of hazardous natural phenomena and processes. Despite the specifics of situations in specific countries and regions, they are due to population growth, the concentration of it and material wealth in relatively limited areas, as well as a change in the nature of the genesis of natural disasters. Invading nature and creating ever more powerful engineering complexes, humanity is forming a new, extremely complex system, including the technosphere, the laws of development of which are still unknown. This leads to an increase in the uncertainty of information about the functioning of the technosphere, the entropy of the processes occurring in it, to the risk of technological disasters - large-scale accidents in industry, energy, transport, pollution of the biosphere with highly toxic and radioactive waste products that threaten the health of millions of people.

This online course "Life Safety" was prepared under the guidance and general editorship of the Head of the Department of Medical and Special Knowledge, Candidate of Military Sciences, Associate Professor Svitnev I. V. Weekly classes will include watching thematic video lectures, studying additional materials and completing test tasks with automated verification of results, testing on the material covered. To obtain a certificate, you must complete all tasks, tests and write the final exam.


This course is recommended for all areas of higher education - bachelor's degree.

Course program

Module 1. Introduction

Module 2. Classification of emergencies

Module 3. Health as an indicator of safety

Module 4. Peacetime threats

Module 5. Wartime threats Module 60013 and public safety based on RSChS

Module 7. Types of injuries

Module 8. First aid rules + Practical skills

Formed competencies

OKM-1. He is able to improve and develop his general intellectual and general cultural level.

UK-1. Able to learn, acquire new knowledge, skills, including in a field other than professional.

UK-2. Able to identify the scientific essence of problems in the professional field.

UK-5 SK-B6. Able to work with information: find, evaluate and use information from various sources necessary for solving scientific and professional problems (including on the basis of a systematic approach).

UK-6. Able to conduct research activities, including problem analysis, setting goals and objectives, identifying the object and subject of research, choosing the method and methods of research, as well as assessing its quality.

PC 8. Able to extract, select and structure information from sources of various types and types in accordance with the set professional tasks.

PC 17. Able to adhere to legal and ethical standards in professional activities.

PC 18. Able to recognize and take into account socio-cultural differences in professional activities.

Education directions

04.00.00 Chemistry
05.00.00 Earth sciences
06. 00.00 Biological sciences
37.00.00 Psychological sciences
38.00.00 Economics and management
39.00.00 Sociology and social work
41.03.04 Political science
45.00.00 Linguistics and literary criticism
46.00.00 History and archeology
47.00.00 Philosophy, ethics and religious studies
Suitable for all areas of training


Upon graduation, the student must know:

  • anatomical and physiological consequences of human exposure to traumatic, harmful and damaging factors, the principles of their identification;
  • ways and methods of increasing the stability of the functioning of economic objects, social systems in emergency situations of peace and war;
  • goals, objectives, structure, modes of operation, forces and means of the Unified State System for the Prevention and Elimination of Emergencies (RSChS) and the civil defense system;
  • measures to protect the population and territories in emergency situations and eliminate the consequences of accidents, catastrophes and natural disasters;
  • legal, regulatory, technical and organizational bases for ensuring life safety;
  • modern terrorist threats affecting the factors of nuclear, radiation, biological, chemical and explosive terrorism and protection against them;
  • appointment of individual and collective protective equipment;
  • devices for radiation, chemical and biological reconnaissance;
  • means and methods of providing first medical self-help and mutual assistance.
  • Skills

    Upon graduation, the student must be able to:

    • methods of applying life safety strategies;
    • methods for identifying and assessing the situation in case of emergencies of any character and nature;
    • ways of organizing protection against damaging factors of any nature and first aid;
    • ways of making a decision on the organization of safe living conditions to preserve the natural environment, ensure the development of society in the event of a threat and the occurrence of emergencies and military conflicts;
    • methods of organizing work to eliminate the consequences of emergencies;
    • basic methods of first aid.


    Upon graduation, the student should be able to:

    • identify negative environmental impacts of natural, technogenic and anthropogenic origin;
    • using methods for identifying and assessing the situation, organize measures to protect the population and territories in emergencies of any nature and provide first aid in order to preserve the natural environment and increase the resilience of economic facilities and the sustainable development of society.

    At the end, the student will have an idea:

    • about actions in response to alerts;
    • the use of collective and individual protective equipment;
    • use of devices for radiation and chemical reconnaissance and dosimetric control;
    • use of desmurgy agents, splints, tourniquets and other first aid equipment;
    • first aid rules;
    • emergency response.

    St. Petersburg State University

    Kharitonova Elena Alexandrovna

    Candidate of Medical Sciences
    Position: Associate Professor of Fundamentals of Medical and Special Knowledge

    Guryanov Marat Ilyich

    Doctor of Medical Sciences
    Position: Professor of the Department of Fundamentals of Medical and Special Knowledge

    Dvoryashin Dmitry Alexandrovich

    Position: Senior Lecturer of the Department of Fundamentals of Medical and Special Knowledge

    Kulganov Vladimir Alexandrovich

    Doctor of Medical Sciences
    Position: Professor of the Department of Fundamentals of Medical and Special Knowledge

    Kazakov Nikolai Petrovich

    Doctor of Economic Sciences
    Position: Associate Professor of the Department of Fundamentals of Medical and Special Knowledge

    Sorokin Leonid Nikolaevich

    Doctor of Technical Sciences
    Position: Associate Professor of Fundamentals of Medical and Special Knowledge

    Stepanova Elena Vladimirovna

    Position: Senior Lecturer of the Department of Fundamentals of Medical and Special Knowledge

    Lukyanova Ludmila Anatolyevna

    Position: Senior Lecturer of the Department of Fundamentals of Medical and Special Knowledge

    Kosyrev Sergey Viktorovich

    Doctor of Military Sciences
    Position: Professor of the Department of Fundamentals of Medical and Special Knowledge

    Svitnev Igor Vladimirovich

    PhD in military sciences
    Position: Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Fundamentals of Medical and Special Knowledge


    It is possible to get a certificate for this course.

    The cost of passing the procedures for assessing learning outcomes with personal identification - 1800 P .

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