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1. The wire of the bead ring sticks out, but the bead itself is in good condition.
Manufacturing defect (either incorrectly twisted or uneven in the rubber).
2. Dissection in the shoulder area, the occurrence of hernias or separation in a large area around the circumference.
Causes - Overheating of the tire missed, possibly due to prolonged driving at high speed, with overload, or at low pressure. This usually results in such delaminations over large areas. nine0017 Another reason is a manufacturing defect. At the stage of wheel assembly, a violation of the process or mechanical damage.
3. Sidewall delamination or blistering or blistering.
Possible causes - again, overheating or factory defects (the rubber cord did not overlap correctly).
4. Delamination and swelling on the inside of the tire.
Possible cause - mechanical damage (impact) at an early stage of operation, well, or a manufacturing defect. nine0005
5. Cuts, punctures, circular cracks and damage to the tread blocks.
Operation of the tire in aggressive conditions (such as sharp stones), damage occurs due to excessive pressure and / and prolonged operation on a wet surface. The tire is pierced by sharp objects.
6. Cord break on the inside line.
In the inner cavity of the tire (nylon or cord), with traces of damage/rupture all around.
Overloading the tire for a long time, resulting in deformation and bending of the sidewall, Cord fatigue occurred, followed by a rupture.
7. Rupture in the bead ring area. Deformation and rupture of the cord.
External appearance of the defect — the steel cord of the tire has come out or is torn out, the place of explosion is fan-shaped.
Overloading, overspeeding or prolonged spinning combined with insufficient tire pressure. nine0005
8. Jam in bead ring area.
Seat ring dents without delamination result from mounting a tire on a dirty or unsuitable rim. Overload or low pressure.
9. Traces of internal fracture, not through damage in the inner cavity of the tire in the tread area.
At the same time, damage is more or less invisible on the outer side of the tread. On the inner surface of the tire "X", "\", "/" figurative cracks. nine0005
Causes: chiseled shock load, such as hitting sharp objects at high tire pressure or overload (curb, trench at high speed)
An external tear on the outer side of the sidewall with traces of scratches or impact / tear occurs when mechanical damage is caused by sharp surfaces at high speed.
11. Impact break. nine0004
The outer layer and the cord layer are impacted, the surface does not show the usual signs of separation of rubber from the cord, but there is splitting of the tread.
Cause - collision with an external obstacle due to overpressure or overload.
12. Rupture of the tread groove or cracks between the tread.
Tire groove crack, circumferential or localized. Cracking.
1. Due to weather conditions, when the rubber compound is not intended for use at very low temperatures, loss of elasticity. nine0017 2. Soft pavement.
3. Non-standard pressure.
All brands
Most often, we ourselves are to blame for the fact that tires become unusable. But this can be avoided. nine0005
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In the process of using a tire, a variety of damages can occur, most of which are the fault of the driver. As a result, rubber is wasted, and since the law prohibits the use of different tire models on the same axle, you have to spend money on replacing the second tire.
The most common damage is puncture . This is the most harmless type of damage, but only if you notice it in time and repair it right away. It is absolutely impossible to drive on a flat tire, even a couple of meters! The damage caused by running on a flat tire or with low pressure is catastrophic. This causes the sidewalls to deform more than they should, which causes the tire to overheat, delaminate, and the carcass becomes unusable due to broken cords. As a result, the tire will have to be thrown away. In addition, the edge of the rim can also be damaged. nine0005
Punctures are of two types: with and without cord damage. To determine this, it is necessary to remove what pierced it. If the edges of the puncture tightly converge, then the cord is not damaged and it will be possible to repair the tire without removing it from the disk. Otherwise, if the edges do not converge, you will have to disassemble the wheel and make repairs with strengthening the frame from the inside. Alternatively, in the field and in the absence of a spare wheel, such a puncture can be repaired without removing the tire from the rim, after which you can carefully drive to a tire fitting or garage and make a full repair. nine0005
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When repairing, the puncture site should be cleaned and marked. Further, it all depends on what kind of repair kit you have - as a rule, instructions are attached to them. There are sealants that are poured into the tire through the nipple, after which the wheel turns with the puncture down and the substance seals the hole. Repair using a tourniquet or insert is somewhat more complicated, but also more durable: the edges of the hole are polished with a special tool, after which the tourniquet treated with a special compound must be inserted into the tire through a puncture with a special awl, pulled out (not completely) out and cut flush with the surface. nine0005
In case of cord damage due to a puncture, the tire must be removed from the rim in order to install a reinforced patch with additional cord on its inner surface. One of the sides of such patches has an adhesive layer that promotes cold vulcanization. After such a repair, wheel balancing will be required. To seal punctures from the inside, patches in the form of a mushroom are also used, with a leg that goes into the puncture. Such patches are also covered with a special adhesive for cold vulcanization. nine0005
Cuts or holes , unlike punctures, are not repairable, as they violate the integrity of the frame, which can no longer be strengthened. In addition, breakdowns are always sudden and occur on the go: the tire abruptly loses pressure and before the car comes to a complete stop it manages to make several revolutions “on the rims”, which breaks the cord and destroys the layers. It is not recommended to use such a weakened tire, even if it was possible to repair and strengthen the place of the rupture or cut, in the future.
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Incorrect storage of tires can cause cracks . The danger of such damage is that moisture enters the cord through cracks, which renders the frame unusable. In addition, air can escape through cracks. Unfortunately, cracks are not repairable, and tires with them will not last long: sooner or later they will deform, become covered with swellings due to rusted and torn cord or because of driving with pressure below the recommended one. nine0005
Blisters or bulges can appear on a tire for a variety of reasons - it always happens due to a broken cord or delamination in the carcass. In the first case, an obstacle was hit and the impact broke the cord or the cord was cut through with a sharp object. In the second case, there is no damage on or near the hernia, which means that it appeared either due to a factory defect, or due to frequent driving with pressure below the recommended one. The danger of hernias is that they can explode at any moment and provoke a skid, which will lead to an accident. If there is nothing to replace a tire with a hernia, then it is better to rearrange it to the rear axle and drive very carefully. Like cracks, a hernia cannot be repaired. Sometimes small blisters resulting from impacts or cuts are reinforced with reinforced patches, but there is no guarantee that the tire will not explode. Therefore, tires with hernias are recommended to be replaced immediately. nine0005
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Tire sidewalls can be damaged by rubbing against curbs or the asphalt edge when pulling over. If you are prone to such a driving style, then it is recommended to inspect the inner and outer sidewalls from time to time and, if abrasion is found, swap the wheels in order to prevent the cord from being exposed - the rubber thickness on the sidewalls is small (1. 5–3 mm), and it can be rubbed to the frame very quickly. nine0005
Often the cause of tire damage can be poor-quality tire fitting , during which the bead ring was damaged. In this case, the tire loses its geometry and “sits” crookedly on the disk - it writes out “eights” during rotation, and lateral vibration appears during the ride. It is impossible to repair such a tire - you need to replace it with a serviceable one as soon as possible, before it damages the suspension: rods, hubs and bearings.
You can find out whether you are using tires correctly and what invisible damage they have received by the characteristic wear of the tread, the varieties of which are collected in the table for convenience:
Double side shoulder wear
Driving with less than recommended tire pressure.
Inflate the tires to the pressure recommended by the automaker (a plate with recommendations is attached in the driver's door opening) and find the cause of the fall: puncture, cracks, hernia, nipple, rust on the disc rim in the place where the tire fits, etc.