Tire mounting safety

Tire Mounting Safety Instruction | Technical Service

This tire mounting safety instruction is valid for all tire brands of Continental AG and is not intended to provide proper training or service procedures for tire mounting. Please leave these tasks to qualified tire service professionals.


Mounting tires on rims can be dangerous.

Tire mounting should only be undertaken by a qualified tire service professional.
Never perform tire service procedures without proper training, tools and equipment. Attempting to mount tires with incorrect, damaged or insufficient tools and/or without applying correct procedures may result in a tire explosion causing serious personal injury or death.
Always read, understand and follow any manufacturer’s warnings contained in owner’s manuals, on the equipment, listed on websites and/or molded onto the tire sidewall.

Never inflate an unsecured tire. Never stand, lean, or reach over a tire-rim assembly during inflation. Stay well clear from any tire that is being inflated in consideration of local conditions.

Ensure suitable personal protective equipment i.e. safety glasses, hearing protection, work shoes.

For your personal safety and the safety of others:

General Aspects:

  • Tires must match the width and diameter requirements of the rims and be approved as a combination for the vehicle model concerned. For example, 17 inch diameter tires must only be mounted to 17 inch diameter rims, not on 17.5 inch diameter rims. If a tire is mounted in error on the wrong-sized rim, do not remount it on the proper wheel - scrap it. It may have been damaged internally (which is not visible externally) by having been dangerously stretched and could fail while mounting or in service.
  • Only rims of the correct size in good, clean condition and free of rust or corrosion should be used. They must not be damaged, out of shape or worn.
  • Tires must be free of damage and the inside of the tire must be free from foreign material.
  • When fitting new tube-type tires, always use new tubes. As tubes stretch in service, there is a risk of folds forming in old tubes, so re-used tubes could suddenly tear.
  • Tubeless tires must only be mounted on rims designed for tubeless tires, i.e. rims that have safety humps or ledges.
  • For safety reasons, tubeless tires should always be fitted with new valves. Please respect maximum allowed pressures for valves according to valve manufacturers specification - usually 450 kpa (4,5 bar) / 65 psi for snap-in rubber valves. Above this pressure, metal valves or high pressure snap-in valves are mandatory.
  • If a Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) is used, please refer to manufacturers recommendation whether the sensor must be serviced or renewed while tire exchange.

​Tire Dismounting:

  • Before a tire is taken off the rim, the valve insert must be unscrewed and removed to ensure remaining pressure is released completely.

Tire Mounting:

  • Always coat the tire beads and the rim with a permitted tire fitting lubricant before mounting. Silicone, petroleum or solvent-based lubricants must not be used for this purpose.
  • While the tire is being inflated, the rim must remain firmly secured on the mounting machine.
  • If the tire is mounted on a machine that does not have a positive lock-down device to hold the rim, inflation should be done in a safety cage or other restraining device.
  • Never put flammable substances in tire/rim assemblies at any time. Never put any flammable substance into a tire/rim assembly and attempt to ignite to seat the beads. This practice is extremely unsafe and may also cause undetected damage to the tire or rim that could result in failure of the tire in service.
  • When fitting tubeless car tires, care should be taken to ensure that the tire beads coming from the well-base first clear the hump in the rim shoulder. To avoid cracks in the bead core, the “pop” pressure necessary should not exceed 330 kpa (3,3 bar / 48 psi). If the tire does not pop into place even at this pressure, the pressure must be released and the cause identified and eliminated. Then the procedure can be repeated.
  • Only when the tire beads are seated correctly on the rim shoulder may the pressure be increased to support best bead seating and optimized fit on the rim flanges. However, this "seating pressure" should never exceed 400 kpa (4.0 bar) / 58 psi.
  • For some countries, different maximum mounting pressure values have been established by the respective local standardization organizations. Please refer to the table below which shows examples for some countries in order to respect local standards (status as of July 2018, no guarantee for completeness, actuality and correctness).






Pop Pressure: 330 kpa (3,3 bar) / 48 psi

Seating Pressure: 400 kpa (4,0 bar) / 58 psi      




275 kpa (2,75 bar) / 40 psi




275 kpa (2,75 bar) / 40 psi




300 kpa (3,0 bar) / 44 psi


  • Once the tire is mounted correctly, adjust the pressure to the operating pressure specified by the vehicle manufacturer.

Run Flat tires (SSR):

  • Because of the special technology involved, SSR run flat tires may be mounted and removed only by specifically trained workshops that have been certified by Continental. Detailed mounting instructions/videos for SSR run flat tires are available under www.conti-ssr.com.


Technical Customer Services Tires

Email: [email protected]

Following OSHA Truck Tire Mount, Demount and Inflation Procedures

The U.S. Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) has issued new procedure standards that should be learned and considered by those individuals who mount, demount and inflate commercial truck tires.

An inflated tire and wheel can be very dangerous if misused or worn out. These standards (No. 29, CFR Pat 1910.177) should be reviewed extensively with new dealership employees. It is very important that these standards are reviewed on a regular basis, not just during the first week after hiring the new em­ployee.

Training on these OSHA standards must include both textbook work and a full demonstration that the employee can perform the following key procedures:

• Tire mount/demount and inflation/deflation

• Wheel inspection

• Using restraining devices

• Handling of wheels

• Inflating tires when mounted on a vehicle

• Installing and removing wheels from vehicles

• Where to stand (to remain outside of air blast trajectory) during and after inflating a tire

Demounting Tires
Restraining devices – more commonly called “safety cages” – are a very important aspect of the OSHA rules when it comes to inflating tires. These safety cages must be inspected on a daily basis to ensure there is no cracking or corrosion, which can reduce their effectiveness if a tire/wheel assembly comes apart during the inflation process. These safety cages must never be bolted to the floor.

Tires must be completely deflated prior to demounting. Removing the valve core is required to ensure com­plete deflation. When you demount a single-piece wheel, it should al­ways be done from the narrow ledge side of the wheel.

Wheels must be closely inspected before a tire is mounted. You are looking for rust, cracks or bent rim flanges. The bead seat areas should be thoroughly cleaned.

Mounting Tires
Of course, you must verify that the wheel size is appropriate for the specific tire, and damaged or leaky valve stems must be replaced.

A non-flammable certified lubricant will ease mounting and eliminate tire damage; apply it to both tire beads and the bead seat areas to make mounting as easy as possible. Tires going on steel wheels should be mounted from the narrow ledge side of the rim. When a tire changing machine is used, the tire must be inflated only to the minimum pressure necessary to get the tire bead into the rim flange.

A tire safety cage must always be used when inflating a commercial truck tire. The only exception is when the wheel is bolted on a vehicle while being inflated. It is critical that the person inflating the tire stay out of the wheel and air blast trajectory during the inflation process. Always use a clip-on air chuck with enough hose to ensure that the tire tech stands completely clear and away from the inflating tire.

It is permissible to inflate a tire on a vehicle providing the tire has more than 80% of the recommended tire pressure. As with inflating in a safety cage, make sure that a clip-on air chuck and ample air line can allow tire techs to stand clear from the tire assembly.

Other Considerations
Proper techniques for vehicle jacking and lifting (when changing tires on vehicles) are not included as part of OSHA standards, but are very important when it comes to safety and should also be reviewed on a regular basis. Every year there are many injuries associated with improper jacking and lifting of a commercial vehicle.

The two types of lifting devices for commercial vehicles are hydraulic jacks and air-over-hydraulic jacks. Hydraulic jacks do require compressed air. The advantage in these devices is that they are very portable and come in just about any height to accommodate nearly every type of commercial vehicle.

Air-over-hydraulic jacks also re­quire compressed air, also are highly portable, and also come with different height adapters to accommodate tractors and trailers.

The most critical item in the pro­cess is for the technician to ensure that the lifting capacity of the device is greater than then weight of the axle being lifted. The jack should always be inspected to make sure it is in good working order with no damage. Jack stands are designed to support the weight of the vehicle; neither jack style is designed to support vehicle weight, only lift it.

Jack stands must have a rated capacity greater than the axle being lifted. If you are lifting an entire axle, then two jack stands are required, one on each end of the axle. Jack stands all must have a mechanical locking pin to prevent accidental vehicle lowering.

When it comes to lifting, one very common mistake is that the ground under the axle was not inspected to ensure it is firm and level prior to lifting the vehicle. If the ground is soft and/or uneven, then it is time to move the vehicle to a better location. You certainly don’t want the vehicle sinking into soft ground during this process.

Once you do find a suitable location, the vehicle must be secured using wheel chocks to ensure it cannot move forwards or backwards. The parking brakes also should be app­lied.

It also is very important to ensure the jacks and jack stands are placed directly under the axle beam/tube. Never place the jacks on the U-bolts, which can be damaged and make future spring replacement a lot more difficult. In addition, the area on the U-bolt is very small and placing a jack in this area could pose a safety hazard.

After the tire has been raised about an inch off the ground, a jack stand must be placed directly under the axle. Then, release the jack so the load is completely supported by the jack stands. Never crawl under or work on a vehicle unless it is supported by the jack stand.

Tire air pressure should be checked prior to removing the tire assembly from the vehicle with a calibrated gauge. If the measured tire pressure is 80% or less of the fleet pressure specification, then the tire must be completely deflated prior to removal from the vehicle.

An impact wrench can be used to loosen each wheel fastener. After the fasteners have been removed, the wheels should be removed carefully so as not to damage the threads on the studs.

Following the correct procedures when it comes to mounting, de-mounting and inflating tires – both on and off a vehicle – will ensure that everyone remains safe and free from injury.

In this article:

5 mistakes that almost all drivers make during seasonal tire fitting seasonal tire replacement is extremely important, because it is primarily a safety issue. However, many drivers still make gross mistakes, not paying due attention to some nuances.

The five most serious omissions of motorists associated with “changing shoes” are in the review of the AvtoVzglyad portal.

Kristina Izvekova

The snow has not yet melted off the lawns, and the most hasty drivers have already put the winter tires in the storerooms. Realizing that in a couple of weeks there would be huge queues at the tire shops, they decided to slip through before the influx. Like, so what, that at night the temperature drops to minus values, and at any moment it can snow - I'm experienced, I'm not afraid of frost.


Due to the overconfidence of such hurried people, we stand in traffic jams every morning, going around dozens of small and very stupid accidents. And it’s good when only hardware suffers in such incidents. And then after all, sometimes they fly out onto the sidewalks, crippling innocent pedestrians.

In order not to create problems for yourself or others, it is better to wait until the average daily temperature reaches +5C. And for those who are terribly afraid of queues, we can advise you to sign up for tire fitting in advance - by phone or via the Internet. Yes, many workshops today offer such a service.



It is not uncommon to see that drivers bring their car in for a "change of shoes", express their wishes to the craftsmen and go off to drink coffee, fully trusting the specialists, many of whom are not. Amateurs often ignore factory stickers, putting "standard" 2.0 atmospheres on all wheels. Although on some cars this value should be higher, on others it should be lower, on others it should be completely different along the axes.

It is very important to check that the master pumps exactly as much as the manufacturer prescribes. We have no doubt that our readers know what the operation of a car with incorrect tire pressure is fraught with, but for beginners, we still recall: a careless attitude to atmospheres provokes accelerated tire wear, poor handling and braking, and increased fuel consumption.


By the way, would-be specialists sin not only by setting the wrong pressure - many of them also tighten the nuts with an air gun, which is also not recommended. Why? Yes, because even at minimum power, his efforts will be redundant. As a result - broken studs, turned bolts, damaged discs. Here you need a torque wrench and moderate efforts - that is, without dancing on a balloon and deadly puffs.


photo: social networks



Many, when they go for seasonal change of shoes, brush aside balancing in order to save time and money, which is also a gross mistake. Ideally, it should be carried out every 10,000-15,000 km. And for those who like to drive or operate the car mainly on broken roads, and even more often - about once every 5000 km. And it doesn’t matter if the wheels are “transferred” from winter tires to summer tires or the wheels are changed as an assembly.

What terrible thing will happen if you systematically “forget” about balancing? For starters, vibrations and beats will appear, which not only unnerve the driver, but also reduce the life of the tires. In addition, vibrations, if not eliminated in time, can “shake” the suspension, steering and brake systems. And this is not only serious expenses for repairs, but also a high risk of a fatal accident.


Finally, many drivers don't take care to store their wheels unless they take them to tire hotels. You can’t throw tires anyhow and anywhere: carefully put the assembled wheels on top of each other in a pile or hang them, and put the tires without disks in a row. Make sure that the tires do not get ultraviolet and precipitation. You can use covers or bags, but be sure to wash the tires before packing, because dirt also negatively affects the service life.

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road safety, wheels, summer tires, car service, repair, tires, winter tires, tire fitting

Proper tire fitting is our safety on the road

For a vehicle, proper tire fitting is just as important as routine maintenance - the replacement of consumables.

Your safety on the road depends on the correctness of the seasonal tire change, inflation, and balancing of the discs.

Therefore, special attention should be paid to the competence of tire fitters. The level of their qualifications is assessed by the result of their work.

If the quality of the work is high, which will positively affect the durability of the suspension, stability and handling of the car. In order not to be unfounded, we give examples of incorrect tire fitting.



Poorly balanced wheels, static imbalance

Increased loads on wheel mechanisms. Rapid wear of the wheel bearing, ball bearings, rods, suspension struts, tips. Excessive vibrations are transmitted to the steering wheel.

Violated the rules for installing a tire on a disk

The power area of ​​the tire wears out ahead of time. The wheel may burst at high speed, resulting in an accident. Outdated machines without plastic protection on the legs leave scratches on the discs.

Rubber defects corrected incorrectly

Static unbalance, high risk of movement. Remember that holes that hit the power frame are not eliminated, regardless of the technology used.

Wrong wheel removal

Sometimes the disc sticks to the hub, which causes a lot of damage to both mechanisms.

Tire pressure too high or too low

Uneven tire wear, poor road grip.

How to choose the right tire service

1. Avoid roadside trailers, on the sign of which there is a careless inscription made with oil paint. It is worth resorting to the services of such "handicraftsmen" only in extreme cases, when there are no other, more worthy workshops in the vicinity.

2. Pay attention to the tool and lifter. One quick glance is enough to determine how neat and modern the technical base looks.

In large brand centers, a lift is preferred to a rack jack: it allows you to quickly and safely dismantle the wheels. According to the current rules, the balancing machine is mounted on a concrete pad with subsequent reliable fixation. Modern balancing equipment has a lot of possibilities: it is used to eliminate axial runout, argon welding, welding, etc.

The beading machine must be equipped with plastic pads.

As an example: a typical situation is that “secrets” or a company key are lost. In reputable services, the problem is solved not with a gas key and a chisel, but with cold welding and specialized pullers. The same applies to a disc stuck to the hub: the defect cannot be removed with a hammer, a professional will use a rubber sledgehammer and tightening straps.

3. How to choose a tire fitting for a car owner who does not have sufficient experience and knowledge in this kind of procedures? Just take a look at the staff and the environment in the workshop. If the craftsmen, dressed in dirty robes, did not bother to put down their tools and clean up, then they treat their work the same way. Fume and dirty robes are another sign of amateurs. Without entering into discussions with "experts", turn around and leave.

4. Choose one service center where competent seasonal tire changes and tire repairs are carried out. The specialist will perfectly study the features of the wheels of your car. In addition, the master will feel additional responsibility, because in case of any problems, the demand is from him.

5. Talk to experienced motorists, find out where they carry out seasonal "changing shoes". Read reviews about services in the area where you live, for sure there is something suitable.

6. Proper tire fitting issues checks or other documents confirming the fact of service. This is not mandatory, but highly desirable.

7. The pressure gauge is used to check tire pressure. The problem is that in order to maintain the accuracy of the readings, the device must be checked every 6 months, with the appropriate seal on the glass. Most tire companies ignore this simple rule. It’s great if they use a pressure gauge with a rubberized case at the service, observing operating standards.

8. Convenient location is a secondary selection criterion. It is better to drive an extra 5-10 km to use the services of a trusted service station.

The basics of proper tire fitting



Vehicle parking

Special markup is required for the correct installation of the car on the platform. Mandatory fixation with a handbrake and a "shoe".


If a rack jack is used, rubber grommets will be required to avoid body damage.

Wheel removal

Modern services use hydraulic and air jacks, standard sets of heads. To unscrew the nuts, a regular wrench or wrench is suitable. The “secret” is given to the master by the client. As a rule, it lies in the trunk along with a spare wheel and a set of keys.

Wheel wash

Cleaning should be done with an automatic washer, not with a brush. It takes from 0.5 to 2 minutes to remove the main contaminants.

Tire wringer

A special screwdriver allows you to unscrew the cap and the spool. Next, the outer side of the tire is pressed, and then the inner side. Scheme: spinning - turning the wheel 90–120 ° - repeated spinning.

Visual inspection, lubrication

Even before the start of work, the master examines the condition of the tire, the nature and degree of its wear. Lubrication is carried out before boarding: soap and machine oil are not suitable, mounting paste is required.

Tire inflation

At the correct tire fitting, they always take care of the pressure gauge: a fragile device is afraid of falls and mechanical stress. The correctness of tire inflation with gas or air depends on its serviceability. Tire manufacturers recommend bringing the pressure up to 4 atmospheres so that the tires correctly "sit down" on the seats. And after that, the pressure is reduced to the desired level.

How can you tell if you are among amateurs?

  • The master strikes the wheel with an iron sledgehammer or hammer.
  • Balancing was not preceded by a thorough washing of the wheel, old weights were left.
  • The bolts of the wheel mounted on the hub are not tightened by hand, but by means of a pneumatic wrench. Proper tire fitting is only possible with manual tightening of the bolts.
  • Preheating was used to repair alloy wheels.
  • Customers are not allowed to check balancing results, i.e. they are not allowed to look at the screen of the balancing machine.
  • The norms of mounting a tire on a disk are violated, the directionality of the tire is ignored.

Tire fitting and how to take care of tires?

1. Visually inspect every day to check if one of the tires is flat.

2. Rebalancing every 4-5 thousand km.

3. Along with the seasonal “re-shoeing”, valves are changed, which are destroyed as a result of UV radiation, precipitation, and temperature changes. It is also not a pair of front or rear wheels that changes, but the entire set.

4. If the wear indicator is visible, it is time to change the tires.

5. With a professional, correct tire fitting, the correspondence between the dimensions of the wheels and tires is monitored. Take note of this.

6. For uniform tire wear, it is advisable to change the wheels every 10-12 thousand km.

7. It is best to store tires, in order to avoid loss of performance, in proven services. After reading the article: "Seasonal storage of tires." You will learn what rubber is afraid of, how to store it, and what nuances you need to consider when storing tires in the services designed for this.

Taking this opportunity, I would like to recommend one more article, especially for those who have not had time to buy winter tires yet: "How to choose winter tires".

Summing up the article, as an example, I want to tell you about two cases: one from my own experience, the other from my good friend.

In my case, one left front wheel was only baited. It's good that after driving a little, something pushed me to check, and the situation could develop according to a different scenario .... As with my friend.

The wheel was also only baited and fell off during the movement. Having entered the pole, the entire front of the car was in a mess, the chassis also required serious repairs. It's good that there were no casualties.

Watching the ordeals of my friend for six months, the enemy would not wish this - proceedings with a workshop, an insurance company, a court - I concluded: "Trust, but verify."

The negligent attitude of some employees can lead to human casualties, leaving children without parents, crippling the fate of other people.

Not only do you need to find the right tire service, but you also need to insure yourself.

It seems to be a simple operation - a seasonal change of tires, however...

Choosing the right tire fitting should be taken quite seriously and do not hesitate to control the work of the service staff, which directly affects your safety.

Learn more