Tire patch repair cost

How Much Does It Cost To Get a Tire Patched?

Tire patches are a huge money maker for auto shops. They don’t require much labor, and the cost of a patch is really low compared to most other auto parts.

But what is a good price to pay to get a tire patched? Well, that depends. If you patch the tire yourself, expect to spend $6.00. If you take it to the shop, you’re looking at spending anywhere between $10-$40, depending on the situation.

Patching tires yourself is always everyone’s first instinct, since the cost is so low. But many people are deterred when they find out they can’t, due to any number of reasons. Deciding when to do it yourself, versus taking it to the shop is what we’ll explore in this article along with why tire patches can be so pricey. We’ll outline the different reasons you should, or shouldn’t do it yourself. We’ll also examine the different types of patches and the pros and cons of each.

I used to work at a shop on a main highway. Every day, during rush hour traffic, at least 3 customers came in requesting a tire patch. Over the years, I’ve learned the simplicity of the tire patch can be deceiving. Not all tires are created equal and the same goes for patches.

‍Tire Patching Costs

When a shop patches your tire, most of the cost stems from the mechanic’s time.The wholesale price of a tire patch is less than $2.00. The glob of bead sealer that’s used to seal the patch costs less than $0.10.

But it takes the average mechanic about 15 minutes to patch a tire. Most shops charge around $120 per mechanic hour, so you’re looking at $30-$40 for time and parts. If you want the tire re-balanced, as is recommended, tack on another $13.00.

While a tire patch is among the most simple jobs, it takes time away from mechanics who could be working on higher paying, more demanding jobs. Hence, the hourly rate being applied to the job.

Tire Repair Rules

Not all tires can be repaired. There are some tests that mechanics, or you yourself, can perform. Doing these tests will give you a good idea as to whether or not your tire can be repaired.

When your tire becomes flat, the first thing to do is not drive on it. Driving on a flat tire, even for a short amount of time, can damage it beyond repair. When a tire is operated without air, the vehicle’s weight crushes the tire’s innards turning it to dust.

The next thing to do is see what caused the flat. Nails directly in the middle of the tread are a common occurrence. They can be easily spotted from a distance. If you can’t see it, running your hand around the tread will reveal the location of the nail.

Edge Test

Tire punctures that occur within 2 inches of the sidewall are considered non-repairable. This means neither you, nor the shop, can repair this.

It’s actually against the law for auto-shops to repair tires that have punctures close to the side wall. The issue is, tire patches placed close to the side-wall often result in tire blowouts, due to the shifting nature of a tire’s sidewall to tread relationship.

A good test to measure the distance between the puncture and the sidewall is to place your thumb in that space. If the puncture is a thumbs width (or more) away from the side wall, you’re in the clear.

If not, sadly, it’s time for a new tire.

Length Test

The length of the puncture is the next thing to look at. Most nail punctures are just as wide as the nail itself. In this case, with the puncture being so small, it’s ok to plug the tire yourself. But if the length of the puncture is 2 ½ inches or more, you cannot patch it.

You cannot patch it, or a shop cannot either. Punctures this large are not repairable, because patches aren’t meant to hold in air over that big of an area.

The inner tire liner doesn’t become fully sealed, even with the largest patches available. If your puncture is more of a gash in the tread, it’s time for a new tire.

Patching A Tire

Fully patching a tire requires you to complete the following steps.

  1. Remove the tire from the car.
  2. Dismount the tire from the rim.
  3. Clean the inside tire liner with some sand-paper like material.
  4. Clean the puncture hole with a drill, or some other type of long object.
  5. Place the patch’s tip through the puncture hole, and pull it through until the base of the patch is flat along the tire.
  6. Add some bead sealer to the base of the patch.
  7. Mount the tire back on the rim, and rebalance it.
  8. Place the tire back on the car.

So as you can see, the full, official way to patch a tire is quite involved. This is why you can see prices up to $45.00 for a simple patch.

If the tire has to be rebalanced, that’s around $13.00 and if it needs new valve stems, or a TPMS sensor, this can also tack on extra costs.

This patch is so effective that it saves you from having to purchase a new tire. You can enjoy the full length of the tire as if no puncture ever happened. Patching a tire can be quite the life saver when you’re in a jam.

The obvious issue here is that tire machines aren’t commonplace in the average driver’s house. So doing it yourself this way isn’t really feasible, but the method we discuss next can be done almost anywhere.

Tire Plugging

Tire plugging is a simple fix applied to various types of tire punctures. The majority of tire punctures can be repaired by doing a plug yourself.

To plug a tire, just push the plugging strip with the T-Handle in as far as it will go. Then, with all your might, quickly pull the t-handle out. This will plug the tire, and all that’s left is for you to cut the excess plugging strip away.

Tire plugging is looked down by Tire Shops because they consider it not fully seal the surface. But I’ve plugged well over 500 tires, and have never had an issue. Most independent shops are fond of tire plugging as well, since it keeps prices down for them, and the customer.

Tire plugging can be done by yourself, in your driveway. If you don’t feel comfortable doing it, call up an independent shop and ask if they plug or patch tires. Most likely, they probably offer both, but they’ll charge half for a plug, compared to what they would for a full patch.

When To Do It At Home

Plugging tires, while usually a simple task, can turn into a complex issue. For example, if you plug a tire, and you can still hear a slow hissing noise, it can be a pain to hunt down the source of the leak.

Or if you spray the whole tire down with soap in order to locate the leak, and can’t find it. You might start to question your sanity. Don’t! These issues can take up hours, even for master techs.

There’s actually a machine in some tire shops that puts the tire under water using a crane-like object from above. Even this machine still fails sometimes, and mechanics are left scratching their head. So if you start to encounter any issues of locating the leak, or plugging a leak, it’s time to take it to the shop.

If the tire is totally flat when you walk out to your car, you should be able to use your spare tire, and repair the issue at home with a plugging kit. But if you plug the tire, and it’s still leaking, take it to the shop and let them repair it.

If you are questioning the length test or edge test results, it’s also recommended that you take it to the shop. Some mechanics will say, “use double the amount of plugs”, to fix large gashes. This is wrong. If one plug can’t fix it, take it to the shop and see what you can recoup.

But for the majority of situations, where a nail has punctured your tread somewhere in the middle of the tread face, it’s totally acceptable to purchase a plug kit, and do the repair yourself. It will save you a couple bucks, and you will have had the opportunity to go under your car to do a quick visual inspection. Or take off the tire and glance at the brake pads.

How Much Does It Cost To Get A Tire Patched?

Tire patching is a method to restore the original appearance of the wheel part. People use the patch method because their car does not have too big a problem, and they just need to perform small tips to save the budget.

However, not everyone is good at this, and the best solution for them is to seek the help of repair shops. So, how much does it cost to get a tire patched?

This task will cost you between $5-$20, depending on the severity of the tear. Of course, some shops will give you free if you buy their replacement tires!

Why Do Tires Go Flat?

The process of moving is subject to many external forces, causing the tires to deflate. The cause comes from many sides, but it is not a coincidence. 

There are three ways to explain this phenomenon:

  • Most commonly punctured by a sharp object, the first can be a stone, hammer, nail, screw, or even a plastic bottle. They are pretty small, so they cannot be seen clearly in traffic to avoid.

When it meets the right, less durable sides, it will puncture the tire, and the gas leak occurs the next day. However, the process will take a long time, depending on how severe the object has been.

  • Curved wheels and rims will also cause flat ones. Caused by hitting a deep hole, a pothole causes the wheel to double its supporting load. When the pressure is too great, the phenomenon of the rim surface curve will occur. Vapors from the inside escape through the curved openings.
  • Finally, the air valve is damaged. Due to a lot of contact with road surface chemicals. If the air valve is not suitable, you need to know that the phenomenon of exhausting continuously occurs, more seriously affecting the wheelbase.

How To Avoid Getting Flat Tires?

Can we take this as another way of stating protection? It’s not too difficult to do; even with just being meticulous, you have adequately protected your tires. Here are three measures to refer to:

Checking daily

Regularly taking your tires in for maintenance is the best way to protect your car. Here, the tires and the whole as a whole will be to detect potentially harmful problems and then provide solutions to protect and eliminate the risk. As for the tire, it will be to look for wounds, thereby limiting deflation.

Avoid hazards

Although it is difficult to guarantee that it is 100% avoidable, try to keep the collision rate as low as possible.

When entering a road with signs under construction or places full of potholes, you should adjust your driving speed, carefully look at the road, and make sure the tires do not encounter dangerous objects.

Track tire recalls

Although the manufacturing process of the auto industry is always rigorous, there are also shipments with incorrect specifications that cause dangers when used. You should follow the brand to know more about recalls, if any.

Is Tire Stickers Possible?

It’s up to you whether you want to use a gluing service. Don’t confuse gluing with car patching. The meaning of the word “patch” is clearly as a measure to repair wounds and holes that make the car unable to operate. As for gluing tires, paste the letters on the wheel body to increase aesthetics.  

It does not have any effect in protecting the wheel body. Although manufacturers do mention the longevity feature of long-lasting tires, it’s important to remember that there’s too much to decide whether the wheel or running tire itself will last a long time.

How Much Does It Cost To Get A Tire Patched?

The cost depends on the selected maintenance center; the amount of this service is not uniform. But the number is not too expensive, ranging from $30-40$ for a patch.

A mechanic takes 15 minutes to remove the tire from the rim to find the leak and 20-30 minutes for the repair and finishing work.

Although the job is not too difficult, it requires a high level of skill, so for some shops, the price to fix the car can be higher than $5-10$. You can also buy the equipment and repair it yourself. But honestly, we don’t recommend this.

What If You Can’t Use The Tire Patch?

In case you cannot repair the patch, then bring it to the center for support. There, they will have specialized tools and professional ways to ensure safety after patching. Mastering knowledge and experience is always good in all situations, primarily related to security.

Tire Maintenance Tips

Tire pressure

Wheels always need to be in a stable gas state, and it helps maintain the movement and increase the ability to support the force. The gas pressure should not be too high or vice versa. 

When the air in the wheel is too low, the speed of travel slows down, and the tires cannot overcome obstacles, especially rough roads. 

But if it’s too tight, it will explode because it can’t handle operation pressures well. The primary advice is to use a dedicated gas pressure gauge to catch and control the gas in the wheel well.

Tire rotation

Periodically try to rotate the tire to prolong its life and evenly distribute the wear on all four wheels. Regardless of whether you do it yourself or with professional help, this is an excellent opportunity to grasp the damage situation that the vehicle is facing.

Do not overload

There are indicators recommended to users in each one, including the load that the tire can withstand and the notes not to do.

To ensure safety, you should carefully read the notes and avoid carrying too many unnecessary items to put pressure on the body and the wheels.

Tire balance

Experts recommend that users balance the tires after traveling 12,000 miles or when the car has problems with the steering wheel.

The balance helps evenly distribute the force on all four tires, limiting rapid wear. It also eliminates vibration, creating a comfortable feeling for the user.

For more tips, watch this video:


Above is the knowledge related to the tire patching process or wheel maintenance. We hope that this knowledge can be helpful to you when you encounter similar situations. Do not hesitate to share the information with your family and friends because they may also need it.

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Thank you for reading!

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Price list for tire fitting 2021

Service name RI2-RI3 R14 R15 R16 R17 R18 R19 R20-R23 to R 26
Removal and installation of 1 wheel 80 80 95 115 140 160 185 205 230
Mounting/removing 1 wheel 45/90 70/140 85/170 115 /230 140/280 150/300 165/330 185/370 200/400
Fitting/removing 1 RunFlat wheel 105/210 140/280 170/340 200/400 275/550 300/600 320/640 360/720 400/800
Fitting/removing 1 low profile wheel (45, 40. ..) 60/120 90/180 115/230 150/300 185/370 200/400 220/440 240/480 265/530
Fitting/removing 1 low profile wheel (45, 40...) RunFlat 125/250 170/340 210/420 250/500 335/670 355/710 390/780 440/880 450/900
Balancing 1 wheel (including load) 115 125 160 215 265 275 275 285 345
Total (4 pieces) 1150 1380 1700 2240 2710 2940 3130 3450 3910
Total (4 pcs) RunFlat 1610 1930 2380 2900 3790 4120 4380 4830 5470
Sum (4 pcs) low profile (45, 40. ..) 1270 1560 1910 2520 3100 3340 3600 3880 4420
Sum (4 pcs) low profile (45, 40...) RunFlat 1780 2180 2670 3290 4280 4580 4930 5470 5900
Imbalance optimization 1 wheel 200 250 300 350 400 400 450 450 600
Vulcanization 1 wheel 800 800 850 1100 1200 1200 1400 1400 1800

Vans and SUVs
Service name R15 R16 R17 R18 R19 R20 - R22 up to R 26
Removal and installation of 1 wheel 105 120 150 185 210 235 265
Mounting/removing 1 wheel 95/190 135/270 150/300 175/350 185/370 210/420 230/460
Mounting/removing 1 wheel RunFlat 190/380 230/460 305/610 345/690 365/730 415/830 455/910
Fitting/removing 1 low profile wheel (45, 40. ..) 120/240 160/320 200/400 220/ 440 240/480 275/550 300/600
Fitting/removing 1 low profile wheel (45, 40...) RunFlat 225/450 285/570 365/730 410/820 445/890 505/1010 555/1110
Balancing 1 wheel (including load) 180 220 295 315 ​​ 325 335 400
Total (4 pieces) 1890 2440 2990 3380 3590 3980 4490
Total (4 pcs) RunFlat 2650 3190 4190 4730 5030 5570 6290
Sum (4 pcs) low profile (45, 40. ..) 2090 2640 3360 3750 4050 4490 5060
Sum (4 pcs) low profile (45, 40...) RunFlat 2930 3610 4700 5250 5670 6290 7080
Imbalance optimization 1 wheel 330 385 440 440 460 495 800
Vulcanization 1 wheel 950 1200 1300 1300 1500 1500 1900

Other work

Single wheel wash/cleaning 60
Replacement spool 35
Wheel geometry test 60
Wheel leak test 60
Camera repair (1 damage) 60
Sealing 120
Tire recycling 120
Tire pack 25
Tire storage (per day per wheel) 120

Repair of one wheel (puncture)

Harness 130
Fungus 230
Patch 300
Valve installation 55
Camera removal/installation 60


Regular valve 35
Chrome valve 72
Cap 12


The most favorable conditions for our customers!
Radius Without discs With discs
13-15R 2300 2800
16-18R 2500 3000
With 19R and up 3000 3500

The cost of tires for tires

Removal of the wheel puncture

300 rub

R-13 4 pcs

1300 RUB


1600 RUB 900 RUBSITA 1600 rub

Hinomontazh R-16 4 pcs

1800 rub

Shinomontazh R-17 4 pcs

1800 rub

R-18 4pcs

3400 rub



Radius 16-18

without discs/s discs


radius from 1

without discs/s discs


This section contains and updated all prices for tire services in 2020, our price list contains all the relevant information necessary to clarify the cost of work.

Tire fitting is a fairly simple procedure, but a lot depends on the quality of its implementation: how the car will behave on the road, how long the tires will last. Fuel consumption even indirectly depends on the quality of work. Therefore, it is important to ensure that all stages of work are carried out competently and professionally.

Tire fitting steps:

The work takes place in several stages. The process can be divided into:

removing wheels from a car
removing tires from rims;
installing new tires on rims;
installation on a car.

The machine must be raised to remove the wheels. The easiest way to install a tire is to raise the car on a platform, lift or jacks. If you work with a jack, you will need to ensure that the car is level. And on a platform or lift, the masters have access to all wheels at the right height at once.

The wheel is removed and then washed or cleaned. Working with a dirty wheel can interfere with the normal process, so it needs to be cleaned of dirt. Nord uses a washing machine for this, thanks to which the wheel can be completely cleaned in seconds.

To remove a tire, you must first deflate it by unscrewing the valve. After that, the tire is squeezed out with special tools in a circle. If you squeeze it in one place and try to remove it, you can damage the sides or the valve. A phased spin allows you to remove the tire as accurately as possible.

Then we start mounting the new tire on a special machine. It is put on carefully, pressing in the same way in a circle until it snaps into place. All work starts from the inside. The tire is lubricated with mounting grease so that the beading is successful. Our master examines it, determining the degree of wear and the presence of possible damage.

The tire must then be inflated. This is done in several stages. Having pumped up the tire slightly, master Nord makes sure that it fits exactly into its seat. Then it pumps up to the desired state and balances.

Before installing the wheel, the technician inspects the brake discs and cleans the mating surface and studs with a brush if necessary. Then, copper grease is applied to the place where the disc contacts the rim, the wheel is installed and bolted. The bolts are twisted crosswise in a few steps so that they stand up straight.

What should I pay special attention to?

The mechanic must ensure that the tires match the dimensions of the wheel so that the load and speed index is the same as stated by the manufacturer. He also makes sure that the pressure level in the tires meets the requirements of the manufacturer. This is also an important parameter of tire fitting quality.

When working with tires, the master must check how tight they are. He should also inspect for significant tire damage. The disk is also carefully inspected - it must be cleaned of any kind of contaminants, checked for axial or end runout.

Modern equipment allows Nord Service to easily and quickly perform tire fitting in 2020 without compromising the quality of work.

Tire repair, side cuts, hernia, wheel puncture in Moscow in Shino-Box

Repair punctures, cuts, hernias on wheels quickly and with a 6-month warranty

Schedule a tire repair Calculator

Give your old tire for repair, save on buying a new one

In Shino-Box it is possible to urgently repair even such tire damage, when it seems that a complete replacement of rubber is necessary.


We repair damage of any complexity on the sidewalls, shoulders and treadmill, as well as increase the missing spikes on the wheels


We use innovative patches that restore the tightness and strength of tires in case of cuts and side punctures.


We work with both radial and diagonal tires.


Maintenance and repair of all types of tires for passenger cars and trucks up to 5 tons.


We guarantee the restoration of the functionality of the damaged tire in full.

Tire repair prices

  • Additional works
  • Cost
  • Camera repair
  • 200
  • Patch #45 (45mm*45mm)
  • 300
  • Patch #110 (77mm*55mm)
  • 500
  • Install patch #115
  • 600
  • Patch #120 (79mm*121mm)
  • 1000
  • Fitting #533 cord patch (206mm*94mm)
  • 1000
  • 3mm FLU patch
  • 500
  • FLU 6mm/8mm patch
  • 700
  • Valve installation
  • 150
  • Rim cleaning
  • 50
  • Rim Sealing
  • 50

Calculate the cost of complex tire fitting Tell us about your car so that we can calculate the exact price of a comprehensive tire fitting Calculate

Benefits of wheel repair in Shino-Box

6 months warranty for tire repair in Moscow

We work 24/7

Professional equipment and materials: Tip-Top, HunterRoad Force, Tech and Haweka

More than a decade of tire fitting experience

Result in 30 minutes

Affordable prices

High level of service and excellent customer reviews

In Shino-Box we repair all types of tires


Low profile

with extended profile

With reinforced side


Truck tires up to 5 tons


What customers say about us

Olga Stuchevskaya

Wonderful place! I just changed my shoes here and I am writing from fresh impressions. Discovered this service a few years ago. Previously, it was serviced by an authorized dealer, and tire fitting was associated with something peasant-dense. But I bought complete wheels (although there is also a tire service here) and I wanted something closer.

I never keep tires at home - I think this savings due to comfort is meaningless, given the cost of car ownership. I am very satisfied, every year Shino Box is getting better and better: quality, accuracy, speed - of course. But it is also a very comfortable place - you have time to drink free coffee with candy while sitting on the sofa (they offered to take it with you - but this is already too much). There are no such flirting with cash - everything is on the card (and for a long time), a pleasant social discount ... And most importantly - you leave in a good mood - which is so important in the nervous life of a driver. Good luck in your business!

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Ars Eny

The place won over with its convenient location, round-the-clock work and high customer focus! I bought a car with a set of summer tires that needed to be quickly folded somewhere - I called on Saturday at 21:30, and at 23:00 I already handed over the wheels for storage. When I came to change shoes for the summer, they did everything quickly, efficiently and positively in the late evening. For me personally - a person who has every minute counting - the opportunity to do something useful in the late evening is very valuable!

High-quality service together with a human attitude - this, unfortunately, is not common. And here it is!

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Andrey Ryakhovskiy

Very fast

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Alena P.

Awesome tavern! We punctured a wheel on a three-ruble note and came here! Came by accident, but very happy! Although the full load on changing shoes for the summer, they quickly dismantled and repaired the wheel! Stylish office and library where you can leave and pick up any book! Tire storage available!

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Egor Andreev

If you need a quality tire fitting - you are here.

Able to properly mount a low profile. They balance well. Instead of 100g of loads that were hung, I balanced to zero with 30g.

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Ben Gun

Change tires almost like in formula 1

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Anton R.

Normal person tire fitting - CRM, polite staff, nice design and atmosphere.

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Anna M.

Excellent service! Everything is high quality and inexpensive. The guys do everything quickly - before you have time to drink coffee, everything is already ready. In addition to tire fitting and rubber storage, I do all service work here. I am satisfied with everything!

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Boris Dergachev

Ordered summer tires and alloy wheels.

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