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forgot to post up about our balance machine tech coming to the shop the other day and telling us that anything over a 285 is best balanced with 3 golf balls and then for larger tires use 5. he said he even got on the phone with the factory techs that make the COATS balancing machines and they told him that they suggested this as well. :bigthumb:
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That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard of. Just think abou tit, no matter where the tire is out of balance, when it gets rotating fast enough wherever the bals are that's pretty much where they are gonna stay. THey will roll around a little, but they can't find the out of balance spot and stay there. THey don't have a brain. Just think abou tit.
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On 2004-07-15 04:40, brrymnvette wrote:
That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard of.Just think abou tit, no matter where the tire is out of balance, when it gets rotating fast enough wherever the bals are that's pretty much where they are gonna stay. THey will roll around a little, but they can't find the out of balance spot and stay there. THey don't have a brain. Just think abou tit.
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ah... ALOT of guy balance thier larger tires with golf balls, and it works great.
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how are you going to argue with someone that balances tires for a living? this guy works for the company that distributes the balancer machines.
Its no different than putting equal or counteract in your tires. Its just cheaper and easier plus you dont have problems with them clumping up with moisture. I had my Hawgs balaced with regular clamp on weights but if doesnt ride very well Im going to put 3 golf balls in each one.
I havent put them on the truck yet so Ill find out in a couple days.
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I see them doing it with the 44" on up, and it works good. 285 is a little small I would think unless they have problems balancing the 285.
why even try to balance a 285 when you can just drop 3 golf balls in there and be done?
On the old F150 I had the exact tire that you're running (size/make) and never ran into any problems balancing. I think your shop is whinning too much :loser:
But honestly, throw the golf balls in there and give us a report :bigthumb: .
If the machine can handle the tire I am going to stick with weights.
I can't believe someone would put golf balls in a 285 size tire. I also bet that Coats does not have the golf ball guidance in writing.
Just my .02
Such a big weight would not be as effective on a small tire like it would a bigger tire. For smaller tires try useing BBs. I think hawaii has tryed them.
i have never ran into any problems balancing my 285's or any tire that comes across our shop. i can tell you that if you try to balance a 38.5 bogger you might use every weight in the building though. that is why they say use the golf balls. do they have it in writing? probably not. just some professional advice he gave us. i would say that on a poor quality 285/75 tire you will have lots more problems balancing them and that would be the reason for the golf balls in such a small tire. plus it is a lot quicker to balance.
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i work for discount tires and i was told thet by my boss to it is hilarious but only thing that works when you can't put 15 onces on the tire
Ah try spinning the tire. .. The only thing I want 15oz of is an adult beverage. :rotfl:
i have heard when running BB's you get the rain stick sounds when decelerating. would a similar thing happen with the gold balls? if not, im interested
the sound will be minimum. i would worry about the BB's actually tearing up the inside of the tire over time.
Maybe I am retarded.. but I just can't see this working for some reason....
You would think they just roll around inside not helping much...
But hey.. stranger sh!t works everyday.... so it wouldn't suprise me a bit.
I think it would work and people have used it and it has. The cyntripical force of the tire spining is gonna force the golf balls out and fill the voids where the tire is uneven causing it to balance out. at starts and slow speeds the tire is gonna feel unbalanced but once you get to speed where it pushes the golf balls or bb's out it will work.
BB's or golf balls I don't think are that bad you won't hear them over the roar of a SS tire.
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Well I have 35's on the way. I'll be the test dummy. How many golf balls in a 35x12.50-16 tire? I'll try it and report back.
you could probably use anything like that then, huh? Ball bearings, metal marbles, as long as it isnt gonna break in your tire from bouncing around. I guess it makes sense but that is so weird.
On 2004-08-18 05:44, Glenshadow wrote:
Maybe I am retarded.. but I just can't see this working for some reason....You would think they just roll around inside not helping much...
But hey.. stranger sh!t works everyday.... so it wouldn't suprise me a bit.
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I talked to my old physics teacher about it. .. he doesn't see how it'd work either, so don't feel bad...
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alright. my tires are still shaking at just about anything over 40mph. it gets better at higher speeds, but still has a hop to it.
is there anyone on here that has actually had an out of balance tire issue that they can truthfully say was cured by using golf balls?
the reason i ask is that most people that i hear using golf balls put them in when the tires are brand new, so they never really know how the tires would have ridden without the balls.
is there anyone who had had an issue and later added gold balls to solve the problem?
1 - 20 of 21 Posts
get ahold of your local semi truck tire dealer and tell them you need 4 bags of EQUAL brand tire balancing powder, they are 11 dollar a piece and they are used to balance semi tires, the 44 dollars is worth it cause you dont have ugly wheel weights and it really smooths the ride out alot, all you do is break down one side of the tire and throw a bag in side and remount them and they will balance out after about 20 miles or so.....
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the guy I bought my tires from said they wobbled bad at 45, so I put 6 in each, and most of the time they don't wobble very much at all, and if they do, It takes a mile or two for the balls to find the sweet spot. try taking a 5 mile trip on the highway and see if they don't smooth out after a few miles. oh yea and if you have any weights on there now, get rid of them.
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the guy that sold us our tire balancing machine at the shop came one day to recalibrate it. he is the one that told me about using them and about how they do work. kinda hard not to take his advice.
Golf balls may work on very large tires but there are products designed to internally balance a tire. Personally I prefer but I have used without any problems.
I am not a big fan of equal as it sometimes has the tendancy to absorb moisture and clump up.
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agree that i would use equal or counteract or something before i used the golf balls. the new equal doesn't have the tendency to clump as much. (suppossedly)
DIXIEDIRT r u saying that putting them on a machine is not the route 2 take and 2 u the equal? and if that is the case what about brand new tires? :wall:
i wouldn't put them on a balance machine. just dump that {expletive} in there and call it a day.
Archer had said that in the past Counteract is a pain because when airing up and down frequently, the Counteract tends to come out the valve stem...
I think that is what he was getting at if I remember correctly. Ask him to be sure.
i can see constant airing up and down causing this. he was probably putting moisture in there at the same time, causing clumping. if you plan on airing up and down a lot, well i would just go for the golf balls.
As of tommorrow i will be selling Speacial Pea Gravel that magically balances tires, if anyone is interested let me know, ill cut you guys goods deals on it. I will be selling 6oz, 12oz, and 64oz bags for Micky's and Boggers.
if your pea gravel was symetrical i would think it would work. otherwise i think it will have problems moving to the unbalanced part of the tire.
Check these out price is kind of steep. you can buy alot of golf balls for $200.00
I have been able to balance tires with as much as 14-16 oz. off. It just takes a while and alot of patience. Alot of problems arise when people get a set of tires 1/2 worn and the jackass that had them first didnt balence them and beat them up, then its that much harder to get them right at 50% tread. Sometimes swapping 2 tires to opposite rims will help.
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On 2004-11-10 21:19, Ruppel wrote:
i can see constant airing up and down causing this. he was probably putting moisture in there at the same time, causing clumping. if you plan on airing up and down a lot, well i would just go for the golf balls.Click to expand...
They make screen for this problem. ..I had equal (or simialr) in my 265s (kept spinning the rim inside the tire)...they blew it in through the valve stem...didn't even take the tire off the truck.
I never had a problem with the air up/down...just make sure you park with the valve stems at the top :flipoff: And if you can't do that, get the screens installed.
The next set of tires I buy will have the powder. Has anyone thought about BBs? Or marbles?? Or even ballbearings??
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Eqaul can be blown in ,it also takes special vavle stems to keep it in there ,,4wheelparts does this with anything over 38 inch tire,,and supposely its silicone and doesnt absorb water,,did that hated it didnt work for my tires found someone that could spin them..
On 2004-11-11 05:48, steved wrote:
The next set of tires I buy will have the powder.Has anyone thought about BBs? Or marbles?? Or even ballbearings??
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it has been discussed before. i think people were worried about BB's tearing up the inside of the tire. i really don't think they will. how many would you use on say a 33" tire? too many and you could throw the balance off.
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Somebody posted something that was not BB's but about the same size and they were pretty dense. Heavier than air soft balls. I don't know, maybe someone can remember the post or do a search, I don't have time. That is what I was going to get but I forgot to order them and wanted the Boggers on the next day so I just bought golf balls. No I did not run them before but I can honestly say that Boggers would ride much worse than this, I KNOW that the golf balls helped. I have tamed the Boggers. You can't just slap them on a wheel and drive and not have severe vibrations. I have barely any, some at first and then sometimes an up and down vibration, but no side to side crap and very little up and down. They work great. :bigthumb:
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i mean what can you expect from a tire that has tread designed for a whatever you tried should help, just an after though to all this, you ought to see what a sledhammer does to the inside of a semi truck tire after 300 miles of driving with it inside it
What I noticed about the equal is if you hit a bump, it must displace it cause you will get a vibration for a moment while the powder gets back where it needs to be.
As far as bb's...tearing up a tire?? Must be junk tires cause golf balls should too then. As far as how many...that would depend on the amount of weight you want in each tire...figure out how many golf balls you would run, then weigh that many golf balls and then weigh out that many bb's. It takes a couple ounces per tire usually (for smaller tires), should only take a couple dozen bb's.
But, why are we having this discussion?? If you can add equal to a tire, then why are you contemplating golf balls...just curious. Moisture?? I'd be more worried about rolling a tire off a rim and getting mud inside.
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Every driver and car owner knows that the tires need to be changed at least twice a year on a car. This should be done before the summer and winter seasons to ensure safe driving. However, keep in mind that it may also be necessary to change the tires earlier, for example, if the tires are already of poor quality and dangerous to use. Fitting and balancing tires is important for every car and it is best to have this done by a professional who can take proper care of your car.
Probably quite a few people don't know what tire balancing is . Tire balancing is a process that must be performed every time a tire is changed. Balancing and installation of tires each time is carried out by a specialized service. I must say that balancing is best done in such services, if you want the work to be done with the highest quality, because they use special equipment and tools.
During tire balancing, the wheels of a car are placed on a special device called a wheel balancer. This device rotates the wheels of the car at a certain speed. The stand is connected to a computer that displays information about the smoothness of the wheels. If during this process it is noticed that one of the wheels is not rotating evenly, then this information can be seen on the computer, so the mechanic can also act accordingly - insert special weights inside the disk that will compensate for the imbalance.
Every car owner should know that tire balancing should be carried out every time it is time to change tires from the previous season to tires for the next season. It doesn't matter if the tires are brand new or have been used. Balancing is also necessary every time you need to change tires to different ones.
However, there is another option where tire balancing is required. This is absolutely necessary if, when driving the car at a higher speed, you feel a vibration that was not there before. Such vibrations usually occur at speeds approaching 100 km / h, but can also occur at speeds of 70 km / h. If you feel this vibration, then it should by no means be ignored. As soon as possible, you should go to a car service where your car will be taken care of so that you can use it safely again.
However, the above situations are not the only ones that indicate the need for tire balancing. This is also necessary if you happen to fall into a deeper hole.
Tires must be balanced to ensure a pleasant and safe ride. Otherwise, various side effects may occur that may affect driving, for example:
Maybe a driver who doesn't fully understand yet how tires are beaded and balanced . The process of boarding and balancing will be discussed in more detail below. It should be noted that this work should be entrusted to service specialists, as they have all the necessary equipment for the high-quality performance of this work. It doesn’t matter if the service is big or small, the main thing is that good craftsmen work in it.
Tire mounting and balancing process:
Once the tires are fitted and balanced, you're ready to hit the road. However, it should be remembered that balancing and installing tires is not the only measure that is applied to tires.
While driving, an unpleasant situation may occur, for example, a tire burst. To prevent this from happening, you need to drive very carefully, and you also need to check your tires and rims regularly to make sure they are safe to ride. You can also follow a few tips that will extend the life of your tires because even if your car has new tires, they wear out over time. The only thing that can be done is to reduce the wear rate by doing the following:
There are hardly any car owners today who need to prove the need for balancing. At the same time, not everyone, alas, realizes and understands the importance that balancing has in ensuring the safety of movement, and therefore they do not care much about the quality of balancing (including the choice of a tire service), as well as the quality of rubber and wheels that are offered on car market.
If not everyone, then at least the majority of car owners can give an answer to this question: it is necessary that the weight of the wheel be dispersed relative to the middle, in which case the vibration of the wheels will be minimized.
But why is this necessary, and what effect can it have on long-term performance, safe, comfortable driving and other important aspects? If you don’t go into all the nuances, the answer to such a question can be something like this: in the case where the wheel is not compensated in all axes of symmetry, uncompensated centrifugal forces with different application vectors appear, this is precisely what causes vibration of the wheels and loads in different directions hub. The following consequences may follow from this:0005
Any unbalanced mass of the wheel due to its rotation produces its centrifugal force, with its application vector. Here you need to return to school physics lessons: the formula for calculating centrifugal force is:
Where m is the unbalanced mass, w is the angular velocity (speed of rotation), R is the radius of removal of the unbalanced mass from the axis of rotation.
We can observe that the magnitude of the centrifugal force is determined by the speed of rotation, the unbalanced mass and the radius from the axis to the unbalanced mass. Based on the foregoing, we can draw the following conclusions:
Therefore, the faster the car moves, the more critical the influence of the quality of the wheel balancing is, and the more the risk of dangerous consequences of inaccurate balancing increases.
Unbalance can be static or dynamic. In both cases, we can say about the divergence of the axes of inertia (it is in the center of gravity of the wheel) and rotation. We will try to explain these terms in an understandable language.
Static imbalance occurs under the condition that the axis of inertia of the wheel is parallel to the axis of rotation, and the center of gravity is not at all on the axis of rotation. In this case, putting the wheel on an axle that rotates arbitrarily, we can follow how the wheel will make several swings, similar to a pendulum, and stand in a position in which the center of gravity of the wheel will be in the lowest position.
Dynamic imbalance appears when the center of gravity is on the axis of rotation, however, the axis of inertia does not converge with the axis of rotation and intersects with it at a set angle (with uneven distribution of its mass over the width of the wheel). In this variant, the determination of the imbalance of the wheel can only be carried out during its rotation.
Just the dynamic imbalance is eliminated by tire specialists by placing compensating weights in certain positions on both sides of the disc rim.
Of course, creating a perfect wheel is unrealistic, and in view of the fact that we are talking about a "tire-wheel" set, the quality of the assembled wheel is directly determined by the quality of each of these elements. In this regard, there is a certain range - a tolerance within which the present imbalance can be considered acceptable.
Measuring the static imbalance of rubber by an ordinary car enthusiast and a tire shop foreman is an almost unsolvable task. But the assessment of the dynamic (according to the weight of the compensating weights during balancing) and the assessment of the magnitude of the lateral and radial beats of the wheel is quite easy when balancing. However, in order to accurately measure wheel runout, it is necessary to find a workshop that has a special device for this.
Interstate GOST 4754-9 is in force in our country7, representing the maximum possible values of static imbalance, the weight of the corrective weights required to compensate for the dynamic imbalance, and also the maximum possible values of wheel runout.
It should also be noted that violation of the provisions of GOST 4754-97 during the initial balancing is a reason to return or replace a new disk or a new tire in the store, but then you will need to document everything.
What has a greater influence on the final wheel balancing: the balancing device or the skill of the specialist? In general, both of these criteria are important in almost equal proportions. Knowledgeable tire shop masters say that absolutely everything can be balanced, but this is not at all the fact that the wheel can be safely used for its intended purpose.
If you are somehow able to assess the qualifications of a particular master by indirect features, then, unfortunately, the correctness and calibration of the balancing device, in any way. As a result, try to avoid doing wheel balancing in “roadside” tire shops unknown to you - such balancing needs to be rechecked anyway.
1. There is no point in balancing dirty wheels, with mud clods adhering to the inner surfaces of the disks and stones stuck in the tire treads, therefore, in a good tire shop, before balancing, your wheel will be thoroughly cleaned from stones and dirt, as well as from previously mounted compensating weights.