The basic skills of all drivers should include inflating and deflating tires. It is not ideal to drive with under or over-inflated tires. Also, this skill comes in handy if you need to flatten a tire for storage or whatever legal reason there is. But do you know how to flatten a tire quickly and safely?
Here’s how to flatten a tire fast:
Read on to learn more about the steps for deflating your vehicle’s tire fast, including the tools you will need to get the job done.
If you want to know how to flatten a tire fast, here’s how:
You don’t need too many tools to get this job done. You need a valve core tool or a pair of long needle-nose pliers.
Let’s briefly talk about each step to flatten your vehicle’s tire quickly and safely:
To flatten a tire, you first need to locate the tire’s valve stem. The valve stem refers to a self-contained valve that opens to allow air to enter the tire’s chamber.
Once an air pump is pushed in, the valve stem opens. Then, it automatically closes once you remove the pump. It is vital in sealing the air inside and preserving the tire’s pressure.
The valve stem looks like a small tube and is often made of rubber and metal. It is not hard to locate it as it protrudes from the tire.
There are instances when the valve stem has a cap. You have to remove it to deflate – or even when you inflate – the tire. You can remove it by twisting it in a counterclockwise manner.
The second step is to identify the metal pin. It is a movable, spring-loaded pin attached to the valve stem seal.
It will let out air and deflate your vehicle’s tire if you push it in. But if you want to deflate and flatten your tire quickly, you can completely detach the pin from the seal.
If you want to deflate some air out of your tire, you can use any stiff tool that is small enough to push the pin in. The most common tools used include a screwdriver or the backside of a pressure gauge.
Others also use a key, a belt buckle pin, or even a hard shoelace tip. Press the pin harder if you want the tire to release more air.
Remove the pin entirely if you want to flatten your tire fast. Use a valve core tool or long needle nose pliers to do this. Hold the pin and carefully twist it counterclockwise.
As you do this, air will start escaping the tire. Just continue twisting the pin until it detaches from the seal.
Once the pin detaches from the seal, remove the pin and be careful not to lose it.
With the pin removed, your tire will continuously release air. This way, you don’t have to manually press the pin for a long time until the tire releases enough air. Doing so can stress your hands as you need to press the pin hard.
Now, all you have to do is wait for your tire to flatten.
If you do not want to flatten your tire 100%, there’s nothing to worry about. You have to put the pin back in the valve stem and attach it to the seal. You have to twist it again, but this time, do it clockwise.
Continue to do so until you are sure that you have completely sealed it back. If the valve stem has a cap, you have to put it back.
What to Do If You Get Flat Tire at Night
If you want to flatten your tire 100%, wait until all air is released from the tire. Once it is done, place the pin back to prevent misplacing it. Do not forget to place the cap back, too, if it has one:
In this video, Mike from 1A Auto shows us how to release air from the tire quickly and safely.If you slash a tire using a knife, your tire will indeed flatten in seconds. It will create a loud “psshhh” sound if you do this to a regular pressurized tire. The slash rushes out air at high pressure, quickly flattening your tire.
If this is how you want your tire disposed of, you have to use a sharp and serrated knife. You have to do this with extra caution because of the sharp knife and how the air rapidly rushes out of the tire.
To do this, make sure to secure the tire between your legs while you are standing. Do not force a hard slash right away. Instead, make small radial cuts on the tire’s sides.
After several cuts, make sure to face away before you push the knife hard into the cuts you made. Once enough deep cut through the sidewall, air will rush out of the tire.
Again, make sure you face away once you have made several minor cuts. Most importantly, continue facing away when you make a deep cut. The last thing you want to happen is a big gust of air bursting in your face. Unfortunately, this can cause an injury.
Using a knife is a fast method to flatten your tire. It can even be faster than flattening the tire by removing the pin, but it depends on how big the cut you have made on the tire.
While this is a fast method that you can do, the disadvantage is that you will not be able to use the tire anymore. Suffice to say you can do this if you plan to dispose of your tire completely.
But if you plan to flatten your tire for storage, removing the pin is the recommended approach. It is also a safer method, even if you plan to dispose of it too.
Again, how to flatten a tire quickly and safely? To slash a tire quickly, use a sharp and serrated knife. A sharp knife can easily slash the tire’s surface as long as you apply enough force.
Slashed Tire vs. Blowout Tire
Using a nail may be another way of flattening your vehicle’s tire. However, this is not a fast way to do so unless your nail is strong enough to make a big deep cut.
Accidentally running on a nail is one of the most common flat-tire causes. Typically, the air escapes slowly from the tire. But your tire can suddenly burst, especially if it is already worn out. Unfortunately, this situation can be risky.
If you want to flatten your tire using a nail, use a nail not shorter than 3 inches. Securely place the tire between your legs and start hammering in the nail. Make sure to lean back as far as you can while doing this. So that just in case the tire suddenly bursts, the air will not explode in your face.
While this is another way of flattening the tire, it may not be as fast as simply removing the pin from the valve stem. Besides, it can be risky, too, as it can cause an injury.
What to Do When You Find a Nail in Your Tire
Here are some frequently asked questions related to a quick way to flatten a tire:
The fastest way to deflate a tire is by screwing the metal pin from the valve stem. Use a pair of thin long needle nose pliers to secure the metal pin. Turn the pin counterclockwise to detach it. As you twist the pin, air will slowly escape from the tire.
Once you completely detach it from the valve stem, the air from the tire will release fast. You can get the job done quicker than if you press the pin down.
It is easy to make a tire flat using a nail if the tire is already old and worn out. In some cases, a nail can only pierce the tire’s surface but not deep enough to reach the rubber fabric.
You can use the back end of the air gauge to push the metal pin of your tire. Alternatively, you can use a key or a belt buckle pin to push the metal pin down to let the air out. In essence, you can use any stiff tool that is small enough to push the pin down effectively.
Use a sharp and serrated knife to flatten your tire. Make small radial cuts on the sides of the tire before making a deep cut through the sidewall.
However, make sure to lean as far back as you can while doing this, or turn your face away as much as you can. This way, the air will not suddenly burst in your face, which can cause an injury.
You can still deflate your tire even if you don’t have a valve core tool or a pair of long needle-nose pliers. You can use any stiff object small enough to press the tire’s metal pin. It can be a belt buckle pin, a key, or a hard shoelace tip.
It is possible to slash a tire with a screwdriver. However, you might have to exert a lot of effort. A screwdriver is not sharp enough to quickly make a deep cut through a tire.
Slashing a tire can be loud, especially if the tire is not depressurized.
The easiest way to flatten your tire is by detaching the metal pin from the tire’s valve stem. You will need a valve core tool or a pair of long needle-nose pliers to hold the pin. Twist until the pin completely detaches from the valve stem’s seal.
This will allow the air to escape from the tire quickly. This is not only a quick and easy way to flatten a tire, but it is also the safest way.
You can flatten your tires by removing the metal pin from the valve stem. This will continuously let the air escape from the tire. It is more convenient than pressing down the pin because it can stress your hand if you plan to flatten your tire completely.
It is also possible to flatten your tire by slashing it with a knife or creating a big hole using a nail. But these methods are quite risky because a big gust of air can suddenly burst in your face.
Also, you can use these methods if you plan to dispose of your tire. Unlike if you flatten the tire by removing the metal pin, you can still recycle the tire for other purposes.
You need a sharp and pointed knife to slash and flatten your tire. Aim for the sidewall, then make a quick and forceful slash. Push the blade into the tire deep as you pull it to the side. Slashing your tire can create a loud burst.
It’s also quite risky as the tire’s air can suddenly burst in your face. While this may be the “easiest” way to slash a tire, it is not that easy.
A slashed tire can deflate in a matter of seconds. If the tire blows up, then it can flatten more quickly.
You can use a retractable box cutter or a utility knife to slice your tire effectively. Begin by thrusting the tip of the blade directly into the surface of the rubber about 2.5 centimeters from where the tread begins.
It may seem like it is alright to miss a valve stem cap. However, this causes the valve stem to be prone to dirt and debris, which can break through the seal. Unfortunately, this will result in a loss of air pressure. The air will escape from the tire through the valve stem.
You can flatten a tire in seconds, but it is possible to take a few minutes. It all depends on the method you will use to flatten a tire. If you deflate it, it can take you a few minutes by pushing down the valve stem’s metal pin.
You might even have to stop from time to time as it can be tiring to keep pushing the pin down manually.
Detaching the metal pin from the valve stem’s seal will allow you to flatten your tire in seconds. This is because a big gust of air will escape from the tire.
You can also quickly flatten your tire using a sharp knife, but this is not safe. This will also wholly damage the tire, and you might not be able to recycle it for other purposes anymore.
To reiterate, here’s how to flatten the tire of your vehicle quickly and safely:
You don’t need too many tools to get this job done. However, you need a valve core tool or a pair of long needle-nose pliers.
You can also flatten your tire quickly using a sharp knife. But it is not as convenient and safe as simply removing the metal pin from the valve stem. Also, using a knife will damage the tire ultimately. You will not be able to reuse it or recycle it even for other purposes.
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Truck Tire Wear Patterns
How to Get the Screw Out of the Tire and Repair the Tire
There can be situations where you want to flatten a tire. Do you hold a grudge against someone?
Do you want somebody to not be able to follow you? You may have certain reasons why you will want to slash a tire.
Well, if that is the case, you may want to know how you can flatten a tire quickly. The best answer to this is by using a sharp knife or a nail.
A sharp knife or a nail will be the best thing that can slash a tire. In a matter of seconds, they can flatten the tire quickly.
So, if you need someone to not be able to follow you anymore, use a sharp knife or a nail to flatten the tire. You can be sure that you will get the right results through them.
If you want to know more about how you can flatten a tire quickly, you can watch the following video:
The most common things that you can use on flattening tires are nails and sharp knives. These are the steps that you can take if you want to flatten a tire quickly using these things:
Do not use a conventional kitchen knife in flattening tires. You may get yourself injured while slashing the tire.
If you want a sure puncture, using a sharp knife will be the best answer. You can make a deep cut that can release the air from the tire.
You can carry out this process quietly. You just need to know the right methods on how to accomplish it.
Making a small cut will be enough if it is enough for the air to flow. Because if you are going to make a large cut, you can create some noise.
Having a small cut can enable you to create a slow tire puncture. If you also cut on the side, the damage will be irreparable.
Using a nail to flatten a tire is a tricky thing. Many people use this method.
If someone is following you and you feel like you are in danger, you can use this method to save yourself. Just align a nail underneath the tire and that person may not be able to follow you anymore.
Before you flatten someone’s tire, you should know that it is illegal. You can do this as a joke but it will not change the fact that it is not legal.
What if the owner of the car gets truly angry with you and wants to do something? What can happen?
Yes, you may think it is funny to flatten someone’s tire but this can get you into trouble. If the owner of the vehicle has a hassle because of you, he or she can go to the police.
You can be charged with vandalism and malice. You can even be charged with property damage.
You can suffer criminal mischief in many jurisdictions. Each state has its rules so you should check the law in your state.
Flattening someone’s tire is highly illegal. If you do not want to get into trouble, you must avoid doing this.
Avoid having this as a joke. You might go to jail because of this.
Unless someone is pursuing you, you should not flatten someone’s tire.
Some factors can be the reasons for having a flat tire. Some of them are the following:
It is recommended for cars with aluminum wheels to regularly check their tire pressure. This is because the tires are more prone to deflation.
Leakage can happen that can flatten the tire. So, you must bring your car to a mechanic for a professional fix.
The separation of tire and rim can happen through collisions. When you stop or park, the tires can hit the curb and the tire may slip from the rim.
When this happens, there will be a moderate loss of air. As time goes by, this can flatten the tire.
Air can be lost from the tire dot. As the edge of the tire lays on the rim, air leakage can happen.
You need to spray the wheel framework to avoid this to happen. Or else small air bubbles will flow that will be the tire bead leak.
Valve stem issues can cause the tire to flatten. If the valve stem is eroded, air can be spilled from the tire.
All the dirt can make the tire lose air. Thus, it can go flat.
Bad braking and unnatural steering can be a source of why your tire can flatten. Follow a good methodology in driving to avoid this.
Unscrew the needle that can be found inside the valve stem.
Cut the Valve StemRemove the stem cover. Press the core. Expect a noise when the air is expelled.
Why will you want to flatten someone else’s tire? What are your reasons?
Do not do this for the sake of having fun. Just get the tire of someone else flat if you have valid reasons.
Maybe you do not want them to follow you. Maybe you are avoiding something to happen that you do not want them to go there.
Be sure that you have viable reasons for flattening someone else’s tire. Remember, you can go to jail by getting someone else’s tire flat.
So, you have to be careful if you truly want to flatten their tire. Be sure that you can justify your deed.
The next thing that you can ask yourself is if you will have the courage to do it. Remember, slashing someone else’s tire is a thing that is only done by criminals.
So, will you have the courage to flatten someone else’s tire? Maybe you should evaluate your reasons first.
Do you have good reasons for flattening the tire of another person? Will you not go to jail after doing it?
If you know that you have good reasons for doing it, then maybe you can find the right courage to do it. But if you know that your reasons are not good, then you should think twice and refrain from doing it.
Flattening someone else’s tire may not be a good thing if your reasons are not valid enough. If this thing is something that you do not want to happen to you, then you should not do it to another person.
After finding the courage to do it, you can get the weapon that can enable you to flatten the tire. The best that you can get are nails.
Get a box of 3-inch nails. These things can flatten the tire without them knowing it.
Align the nails underneath the front tires. These will surely flatten the tire when the driver begins to move the car.
Nails as instruments are a good thing if you want to cause minimal damage to the tire.
After placing the nails, you should wait for the driver to get into the car and move it. For a while, you need to hide somewhere where you can see when the driver finally gets into the car.
When the driver arrives, peep to see and witness the success of your deed. Of course, the driver will carelessly hop into the car, not knowing what you have done.
When the driver starts to move the car, you can hear a loud pop. The sound is from the tire that has been hit by the nails.
This proves that you have succeeded in your plot.
If you want to learn more about how to repair a slashed tire, you can watch the following video:
Any car tire has its own service life, and few car enthusiasts come up with the idea to shorten this life. Yes, and it’s not very easy to do this, if you don’t remember about radical methods using sharp and cutting objects. In preparing this article, we turned to a professional racer for help, who can change several sets of “shoes” on his car in one day. As you already understood, today we, together with the online hypermarket, continue to talk about the most important consumable in a car - tires. This is the only part of the car that constantly touches the road surface, and therefore an extremely important element of active safety. Do not do what this article is about, and your tires will last a long time, retaining their characteristics.
If anyone does not know, burnout is when the car is stationary and the drive axle (usually the rear) is slipping. It seems that this is the easiest way to "kill" the rubber. But try to make the drive axle rotate while the other one holds the car in place with the help of a brake. You need powerful brakes, a revving engine, and driving skills.
On a motorcycle, it's easy to burnout, but on a car, you have to try harder. But the tires will run out very quickly. By the way, for some production cars, for fun, they put the burnout option, which allows you to block the front wheels and burn the rear wheels a little. Pressed the button, turned on D - and push yourself on the right pedal. There is a similar option, for example, in the Ford Mustang.
In general, burnout is not just a useless blowing of smoke to the delight of onlookers. Racing drivers sometimes warm up their tires in this way before starting. For example, this phenomenon is often found in professional drag racing. Before you go on a long straight and set a quarter-mile record, you need to “stretch” (that is, warm up) the tires a little. And now we come to the second way to shorten the life of car tires - drag races. Those who do it professionally know that expensive sports slicks wear out very quickly. But those who like to start with a squeal of rubber from a traffic light in the city should also remember that the life of tires is significantly reduced in this way.
It's time to meet our today's hero. Anton Shenderov is a professional drifter and also owns a Tony Motors service station. The guy has several cars on which he moves not only on public roads. The main "working tool" is the Nissan 200SX - one might say, a classic in the world of drifting. The power of the machine is about 500 liters. with., which allows you to mercilessly destroy the rear tires in a matter of minutes.
- When we talk about the durability of car tires in drifting, everything directly depends on the power of the car. If the engine output is relatively modest, then in races you can kill a couple of tires in two to three hours. We are talking about brand new tires from the store. If the engine output in a racing car exceeds half a thousand horsepower, then it is enough for an athlete to make two passes of 40 seconds, and the rubber goes into the trash, - says a professional racer.
It must be taken into account that it is impossible to participate in drifting on any tires. According to the athlete, the cheapest tires that are suitable for professional competitions cost from $100 apiece. It turns out that the most powerful cars spend from $ 200 in 40 seconds. Well, or $5 per second. It is not surprising that tires are the main consumable in drifting. As you understand, this hobby is not cheap, and without sponsors, only very wealthy riders can participate in side sliding competitions.
Ordinary car enthusiasts may have a reasonable question: if the rear tires are used up so quickly, is it possible to transfer the front tires to the rear axle and drive a couple more laps?
- In fact, the front tires have completely different purposes, and, accordingly, different properties. In order for the front wheels to have good grip and work properly, you need very expensive tires - more expensive than the rear ones. Therefore, it will not work to throw the wheels from the "muzzle" to the rear axle. But I note that the front tires are enough for half the season, or even the season: there the rubber consumption is an order of magnitude lower, - explains Anton.
Top league drift drivers can burn 50-80 tires in a weekend.
With regard to civilian use of vehicles, it is possible to reduce the life of tires without slowing down when cornering. Here the dependence is simple: more rubber squeal during turns or braking - tires will last less seasons.
It is obvious that tire wear in motorsport is affected by the configuration of the track on which the competition takes place. But not everything is so clear-cut here. In normal circuit racing, drivers cannot influence the distribution of the load on the rubber: if there are more left turns on the track, then the tires will wear out more on the outside (right) side. In drifting, drivers themselves change the number of left and right turns, simply by “shifting” the car back and forth, so the configuration of the track plays a smaller role than in other disciplines. But what is really very important is the quality of the road surface.
- On old pavement, stone chips can literally gnaw through rubber in pieces, so if we are talking about tire durability, I would say that for drifting, the quality of the asphalt surface plays a more important role than the track configuration. As for the number of left and right turns, here you can monitor the wear of the rubber and, in which case, change the left and right tires in places, extending their life, , the athlete says.
Due to the quality of the road surface, rubber can be damaged even without any competition: a deep hole or a foreign object on the asphalt can tear even new tires. With a strong impact on a hard corner, a "bun" may form on the tire, which will also require its replacement. Especially in the spring on the road, you need to more closely monitor the quality of the canvas. In addition to tires, the more expensive element of the car, the suspension, also suffers in the battle with bumps. And faulty chassis elements are another way to “kill” rubber.
By the way, if one tire is suddenly damaged, and the second has a high degree of wear, it is better to change a pair. Otherwise, there is a risk that during emergency braking (or a quick start), the new rubber will have a better grip, and the car will turn around. This is especially true for older cars without modern ABS and ESP systems.
- We drift for entertainment, so when the pavement is warm, there is more entertainment, because there is more so-called "hold". In fact, we are constantly fighting to ensure that the rear wheels cling to the asphalt as much as possible. Accordingly, the hotter the asphalt, the better for the pilot. But not better for the tires - they wear out faster if we run on hot surfaces, of course.0022 - a drift pilot shares his experience.
"Civilian" motorists should also remember that on hot summer asphalt, rubber wear increases significantly.
Summer and winter tires have different composition. In particular, for "winter" a mixture with a larger amount of rubber is used - this allows you to make the tire softer. Most effectively, such rubber works out at sub-zero or near-zero temperatures. For the summer season, such a tire is not suitable. Even if you drive carefully and don't notice a difference in operating conditions, remember that heat and summer sun will wear down a winter tire faster.
- In summer, winter tires wear out much faster. I think one summer season for winter tires can be equated to two or even three cold seasons. As for all-season tires, it is clear that this is a compromise. It has its pros and cons. I would not rule out "all season": after all, it allows many people to save money. You just need to approach this issue with your head and understand what such rubber, , is capable of, advises Anton.
Affects the life of tires and how they are stored.
— Car racers are well aware that if slicks or semi-slicks are stored outdoors or in an unheated room in winter, the properties of the rubber deteriorate, it tans and does not demonstrate the properties that a similar tire model that was stored correctly, — says Anton.
According to the expert, it is storage conditions that affect the safety of rubber: tires should winter in a dry and preferably warm room. At the same time, there is not much point in walking and turning the wheels every month (there are such motorists).
Incorrect tire pressure can kill or at least shorten its life. Here everything depends on the conscience of the driver. The minimum program is every time you get into the car, go around it and visually run your eyes over the wheels: a heavily flat tire will be visible to the naked eye. If you drive even a couple of kilometers on a completely flat tire, you can throw it away. Modern cars have pressure sensors that help a lot in this matter - the main thing is not to ignore the warnings of the on-board computer.
- I also advise you not to neglect the recommendations of specialists in tire fitting. When you are told to clean the rust from the wheels, use sealant or replace the tire inflation nipples, this is not just. Even a small nuance can lead to the fact that the tire will constantly deflate. In addition, I advise you to do a basic check of the car at least once a week. By basic check, I mean checking the level of technical fluids, pressure in the wheels, inspecting the brushes, , the expert advises.
According to Anton, any professional racing driver has a pressure gauge. It is one of the most important measuring instruments in motorsport. Another non-obvious advice from our interlocutor is, if possible, check the spare tire (if you have one) at a tire fitting. It’s good if the wheel stored in the trunk is never useful to you, but it’s better that it is always “ready”.
Year of manufacture of a tire is one of the most important parameters when it comes to tire life.
— From my sporting experience, I can say that the difference between a tire that has been in storage for three years and the same tire that has just left the factory is very big. This applies to both driving characteristics and service life. In my opinion, if the tire has been in the store for more than three years, it should be sold at a discount and the buyer should be warned about this. I have already concluded for myself that tires that are more than five years old are no longer good for anything. And it doesn't matter if they drove this rubber or not,0022 - says the race car driver.
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Let's start from the basics. Why release pressure in tires before leaving off-road do you still need it? Because our native off-road is thick or liquid mud, swamps, deep snow, sands in some places, that is, soils with a weak bearing ability. Simply put, it came - and fell almost to the very tomatoes. The best way to avoid such a fiasco is to reduce the pressure on the ground, for which it should be distributed over the maximum area. How to do it? Bleed your tires early!
The inflated wheel is in contact with a smaller surface area, which means it falls deeper. Downgrading pressure, the tire starts to work like a caterpillar. where you had to fight for every meter, you will easily go, surprised by the increased almost half patency. After all at low pressure, tires not only sink and slide less, but are also lighter crawl over obstacles, whether it be a rut or a fallen tree. Think about this, when some log crosses your path. With inflated wheels you are most likely you will simply push it in front of you, and the lowered tires will easily crawl over through the barrier.
But, they say not all tires can be poisoned? No, everyone. Winter and summer, off-road and not Very. On our planet, the laws of physics are unchanged and always work - the more area the tire touches the ground, the puts less pressure on him. However, the effect of pressure reduction is different.
For example, fairly low profile universal tires Toyo Open Country A/T Plus 275/50R21 , with All/Terrain type tread, for status Lexus LX can be lowered to 1.5, up to 1 atmosphere, and confidently overcome the slippery slope. But poisoning even more is useless and dangerous: patency will not improve, but the wheels, most likely disassembled. So that having coped with the ambush, it is better to re-inflate the tires to the recommended pressure manufacturer.
Another high profile off-road tires. They provide excellent patency even at normal pressure, but if they play off - reveal for real. Let's say tires Toyo Open Country M/T can be lowered to 1.5 atm, in order to gently lay on bumpy primers, and their "full width" tread works at 0.5 - 0.3 atm.
At low pressure, the tires not only sink and slide less, but also more easily crawl over obstacles, whether it be a rut or a fallen tree Suppose we convinced you that to lower the wheels off-road useful, but how to do it? The question seems idle only at first glance. Imagine how much air is in big tires like Toyo Open Country M/T 35X12.50 R17? Don't even think about just pressing the nipple valve with the key apartments - your comrades will come back and you'll still be lower your "thirty" fifth." The cheapest and fastest way is just unscrew the spool. But so that he does not fly into the grass or snow, skill is required. and well-developed fine motor skills. A Also a pressure gauge. One from old jeep legends says that you can poison "on sound", they say, on one tire atmosphere start whistling. There is some truth in this but not everyone whistles, not always and not exactly, and if the pressure in the wheels turns out to be different, then the behavior of the SUV will not will be stable.
So it's better to use a deflator, but also not any. Better choose deflator with a pressure gauge and a device for unscrewing the spool. Everything will be fine with him. fast and under your full control. The thing is simple - and dear glamorous ARB, and a cheap Chinese craft work equally. But taking a deflator that simply presses the spool is not worth it. It's like poisoning yourself with a key - it's long, tedious and you can lose the key. The same goes for deflators tuned to a specific pressure. They just press on valve, are expensive, yes also require calibration.
Congratulations! If you've read this far places you've already learned drop wheels. Now it's up to the small, learn to understand how much you need bleed and how to ride. For driving on bumpy primers on high profile tires one and a half atmospheres is enough. Will be much more comfortable. But it must be remembered that when such a sufficiently high pressure, the car will begin to behave differently: it will become more rolled, sluggish in control, and the load on the power steering will increase. But the weaker the soil, the stronger it is necessary get poisoned.
To make it easier to drive on not too heavy mud or sand, 1 atmosphere may be enough, but if there is liquid porridge under the wheels, you will have to lower them to 0. 5 atm. Or maybe even stronger. Here is important visual control, because those the same off-road toyo Open Country M / T at a pressure of 0.5 atmospheres don't even look deflated, but This means they can be hit harder. And the softer winter Toyo Observe GSi-5, or their latest generation GSi-6, with the same pressure, literally spreads over ground.
By the way, a thin layer of freshly fallen snow, at a temperature of about zero, so slippery that the car could slide on the slightest deviation. In this case, winter the tread will work much better than sparse and wide off-road checkers. The same goes for deep snow, so always choose tires for the season! Anyway, the lower the pressure, the more carefully you need to drive. After all, the sidewall of the wheel becomes softer, it is easier to break it on branches or stones, sticking out in a rut. From hitting the walls of the track, stump, or during sharp maneuvers, the wheel can be disassembled. By the way, it is precisely because of the fear of "sorting out" that Jeepers often do not want to be poisoned.
Although it seems what afraid here? There is a spare! But what if two wheels disassembled at once? There are many options, and a special call to the forest tow truck - the latest of them. Usually Enough own forces and compressor. Most often, the tire moves away from the disk with only one outside. In that case, you need to hang the wheel with a jack, rinse (if there is nothing, then wipe the rim and tire well), be sure to unscrew the spool, screw the pump hose onto the nipple, turn it on and firmly press the tire to the rim with your hands. The tire itself, within a few seconds, will stand up with a pop in place. If it didn't work the first time times, clean the rim more thoroughly and press the tire more firmly, changing the application of force. Everything will work out!
Worse if the tire has moved away from the rim on both sides. Here, apparently, you have to remove the wheel. Clean it up put the disc on the stump and jump on the tire to put it on the disc on one side, and then inflate, pushing the other side of the tire against the rim like we already said.
B field tire fitting, the main thing is to thoroughly clean the tire bead and the rim of the disk from mud or snow. Take a more powerful compressor with you and do not forget to unscrew spool before pumping . R tire to rim be careful not to get your fingers between the tire and disc
It is even worse when the tire partially or completely off the disk. This is already quite serious, but also fixable. True, it will take much more effort and several mounts. If succeeded putting a tire on a rim is the hardest part. What do next you know. What you should not do is to bead the wheel with an "explosion" - no less trouble than with a compressor, and the result is unpredictable.