Look, we know you’re probably not going to try to jump the Grand Canyon, and the odds of you needing to outrun an erupting volcano are pretty slim, but you still have to know how fast an ATV can go.
Being extraordinarily fast is a point of pride, and insane speeds are the ultimate adrenaline rush. So whether you’re getting chased by a bear, chasing down bandits, or just enjoying your weekend trail ride, ATV speed matters most.
But not all four wheelers are created equal. The max speed of ATVs varies depending on engine size, configuration, and a number of other factors. Let’s take a look.
Comparing Top Speed of Various ATV Engine Sizes (Stock)Your engine size is your biggest ATV speed limiter. Smaller engines go slower, bigger engines go faster. Simple right?
Not quite. As you’ll see, every vehicle has a speed limiter installed that artificially limits your ATV’s top speed.
Let’s go through some of the most common engines.
The 110cc ATV’s are designed to be youth models. They’re built for kids 10 and up. As such, their speed is limited to 30 MPH. The engine can theoretically reach higher speeds, but the ECU keeps it from going over 30.
Now we get to the group of engines that don’t hit their speed limiters. Most 450cc engines top out around 55 MPH. That’s plenty fast for a modest engine like this. You won’t hit this speed often either—just on the flat-out straightaways.
A 570cc engine gets another 10 MPH over the 450. If you’re looking for some real nail-biting ATV speed, this will get you there.
Now we’re getting into the blisteringly fast range. These engines do tend to hit their on-board ATV speed limiter of 75 MPH. But when you’re going that fast, it doesn’t really matter. With a max speed this high, you’ll be hitting speeds of 40–50 MPH regularly on trails.
With 700cc of displacement, this ATV can put out a lot of power.For the fastest ATV top speed, you need to go with a quad rocking a 1000cc engine. With a limiter raised to 80 MPH, it stands to reason that if you want to go fast, there’s nothing better than a 1000cc ATV.
They jump off the line and get to high cruising speeds in no time at all. That kind of speed and acceleration makes for some hair raising trail rides and gives you the ultimate adrenaline rush.
Is It Possible to Limit the Speed of an ATV?There are many factors that can limit the speed of an ATV. Some of them can be easily controlled by you, others cannot. Whether you want to slow down for a calmer ride or not, these are the ATV speed limiters that you need to look out for.
Weight is the single biggest factor that can slow you down inadvertently. The weight of everything on your ATV from your bumper to your backpack will slow you down.
Take a look at what you bring with you on your ride. When we’re out on remote trails, we regularly pack on 30 to 50 pounds of supplies too. We pack a back with tools and small spare parts. We strap on a cooler filled with drinks, lunch, and snacks. We even keep a big water bottle in our backpack.
Combine that with bulky jackets, boots, and pants if it’s cold out (not to mention a few pounds of our own winter weight), and all of a sudden our ATV speed is much lower than it was before.
Just wait until you get caked with mud too.
A big bumper like this offers excellent protection but can slow you down. You have to consider the tradeoff when adding any weight to your vehicle. Is the protection worth losing a few MPH of your ATV’s top speed? Usually the answer is yes, but if speed is you’re only goal, you might reconsider.It’s fun and practical to load up your machine with better bumpers, mirrors, and protection, but that can weigh you down, too.
Aftermarket bumpers tend to be heavy-duty and just plain heavy. They’re great for keeping your ATV in one piece but will slow you down.
If you go further and add a big lift kit or a windshield, that will slow you down as well.
Bigger tires have a strange effect on your top speed. If you make no other changes, a larger diameter tire will act as a high gear kit.
What that means is technically, a larger tire will increase your ATV top speed. However, the increase in rotating mass and decrease in torque will outweigh any theoretical speed increase you get.
Big tires will slow you down and have a negative impact on acceleration without a gear reduction.
A gear reduction is a great way to slow down your machine and turn some of your engine’s power into torque.
Typically, gear reductions install in your transmission (or are part of GDP Portal Gear Lifts) and they boost torque and power. They also bring your top speed down by a small amount. Depending on your gear reduction, you might end up lowering your ATV’s top speed by 10–15%.
It’s a win-win if you want to slow your ride a bit.
How to Increase Top ATV SpeedIncreasing your ATV’s top speed is a bit trickier, but there are a few tried and true methods.
The same way that adding weight slows you down, shedding weight can speed you up.
If you’re craving hitting your ATV’s max speed, leave the cooler at home and pack lightly. And when you’re planning upgrades, pay attention to the weight of your bumpers and tires. If you manage to keep your total weight at or below stock, you’ll be flying.
Plus, losing weight is free.
This Sportsman is running stock with no extra weight added. It’ll go just as fast as the manufacturer intended. Installing bigger tires, bumpers, and a cooler can reduce this ATV’s max speed dramatically. If speed is your #1 concern, keep it light!A high gear kit is the opposite of a gear reduction. Instead of giving you more torque, it reduces torque and boosts speed.
It’s a great way to increase your top ATV speed, but it does make your machine more sensitive to weight. You’ve got to keep it light to burn rubber with a high gear kit.
Larger tires are a no-go with a high gear kit, too. You’d basically have two high gear sets working together and reducing torque so much that you’d only hit your top speed in a salt flat somewhere. Not ideal.
A clutch kit is a great way to eek out extra performance from your ATV’s engine. Clutch kits are designed to optimize your RPM curve so that you’re getting your maximum horsepower for as long as possible as you throttle down. A proper clutch kit can increase your acceleration and top speed.
With a carefully tuned acceleration curve, you’ll have the fastest ATV possible.
Whether you need to make big changes or small, your ATV speed is in your control. Get tweaking, get riding, and see how fast your ATV can go.
Today’s most powerful sports and utility ATVs can reach top speeds of 80mph (128km/h). Moderate sized bikes averages at about 65 mph (104km/h). Youth ATVs have speed limiters so that the parent can decide exactly how fast it can go.
Table of Contents
The world record for the fastest speed on an ATV was recorded in 2008 by Terry Wilmeth of Oregon. He reached his top speed of 196.19 miles per hour on a Yamaha 700 Raptor, which was modified using a hybrid rocket thruster.
– Arctic Cat Thundercat 1000.
– Can Am Outlander X XC 1000.
– Suzuki LT500 (quadzilla)
– Yamaha Raptor 700R.
– Honda TRX 700xx.
– Bombardier DS650.
– KTM 525 XC.
– Yamaha YZF 450R.
– Put in a K&N filter. This type of air filter gives good air flow and is designed to increase acceleration on the ATV. …
– Put on four new tires. The size will depend on the size of the ATV. …
– Get a new AA exhaust pipe. …
– Change the gear ratio by adding or decreasing sprocket size on the ATV. …
– Purchase a big bore kit.
cc ATV Side by Side
— —— ————
200 40 MPH –
250 50 MPH –
300 53 MPH –
350 55 MPH –
The quadzilla is faster than the banshee in stock form. The banshee with even just a pipe kit really wakes up and is really fast. There is also many more mods available for the banshee than the LT.
stock for stock- Yfz450 beats a banshee buy about . 3-. 4 10th of a second. piped for piped- yfz450 still beats the banshee by about the same however many mods can be done to the banshee to make it faster than a Yfz at a more reasonable price.
Grizzly 660 H.P. and Speed??? The Griz will hit 60 , reports of 65 mph.
Today’s most powerful sports and utility ATVs can reach top speeds of 80mph (128km/h). Moderate sized bikes averages at about 65 mph (104km/h).
cc ATV Side by Side
— —— ————
150 35 MPH 15 to 30 MPH
200 40 MPH –
250 50 MPH –
300 53 MPH –
Q: How fast can ATVs go? Today’s most powerful sports and utility ATVs can reach top speeds of 80mph (128km/h). Moderate sized bikes averages at about 65 mph (104km/h). Youth ATVs have speed limiters so that the parent can decide exactly how fast it can go.
If you are just planning on using the ATV for general riding around your property or easy trail rides, 550 cc or under is going to be plenty big enough. If you are going to be doing more aggressive trail riding, steeper hill climbing, or some towing and hauling, you will probably want to be in the 500 -700 cc range.
cc ATV Side by Side
— —— ————
200 40 MPH –
250 50 MPH –
300 53 MPH –
350 55 MPH –
about 45 to 53 mph
https://www.globalsources.com/si/AS/Toptom-International/6008825020400/pdtl/ATV/1002829979. htm
https://www. reddit.com/r/ATV/comments/c3iwha/is_150cc_atv_good_enough_for_80kg_how_fast_will/#:~:text=A%20150cc%20will%20get%20you%20close%20to%2040mph.
The popularity of motorcycles is growing every year, and this is because people are discovering new and new ways to use it. So, they usually decide to buy an ATV in order to easily overcome almost impassable roads. And then options are already possible, because modern models are distinguished by endurance, thoughtful comfort, and maneuverability. They are adapted for various needs: transportation of household goods, fishing and hunting trips, long and distant travels and, of course, entertainment and sports competitions.
For all their merits, ATVs do not belong to the high-speed mode of transport. But given their key mission, they don’t need this, because indicators such as power, cross-country ability, and safety level are much more important. And yet, which model to choose if you want to be smarter? And in what cases is this parameter really relevant? Experts of the Sport-Extreme Motorcycle Center will tell about this.
Models of modern "ATVs" differ in design in order to better meet certain operating tasks. The differences between the types of ATVs relate, among other things, to the speed parameters that motor vehicles are capable of developing.
The most versatile and therefore popular type of ATV, which is ideal for driving on country roads and off-road, forests, marshy and rough terrain, mud and sand, primer. The maximum developed speed of utilitarians reaches 75 km/h or more, but in most difficult areas you will not need more than 20-40 km/h. An excellent choice for those who spend the season in the country or prefer to go hunting, fishing, or on a motorcycle trip.
Utility vehicles are equipped with powerful engines, good suspension, and high ground clearance. For better grip on the road, such ATV equipment is equipped with deep-tread rubber, and the wheels themselves have wide tires. This allows you to provide the best possible grip on the ground, which is not stable outside the city.
Such models are designed for operation in a flat highway, and here it is quite possible to travel at a high speed compared to other types of quadrics. The possibilities of urban versions in this regard reach 80 - 95 km / h. And this is comparable to the cruising speed of a passenger car.
These speed capabilities are affected by a number of design and technical characteristics. In particular, highway motorcycles have low ground clearance, narrower tires and not as deep a tread as utility models, respectively, a completely different area of contact with the road surface. So when choosing such a model, it should be borne in mind that even light off-road conditions will be a test for it.
Such models are capable of accelerating up to 120 - 130 km / h (for example, Yamaha YFM 700 R / SE). This is facilitated by the lightweight design of the device and compact dimensions, because this technique is designed to perform jumps and other tricks. The fuel tank is small compared to utility and road ATVs, and the engine is medium in volume, which allows you to give the equipment a short-term load for acceleration and leaving the springboard.
For the safety of young drivers on these models, the speedometer will not show more than 45 km/h. But this will be quite enough to drive through the fields and rural roads, forest parks and spacious courtyards with comfort, pleasure and for the benefit of the peace of mind of parents, naturally, away from the roadway and under the supervision of adults.
In addition, many models are equipped with a remote engine shutdown system. Children's models are designed for the age of 6 - 12 years and are able to withstand a child or teenager weighing, as a rule, up to 55 kg.
In the catalog of the "Sport-Extreme" center you will find motor all-terrain vehicles for any purpose. The website of the online store presents a wide range of ATVs from trusted manufacturers:
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models suitable for your goals and expectations.
For a detailed consultation on availability, prices and features, just call +7 (4822) 65-65-03.
Top 10 fastest production ATVs
Accordingly, which ATV has the most horsepower? The most powerful high horsepower sport quad I have found is the Can Am Renegade X XC 1000R with 91 hp.
How fast is the stock Raptor 700? 100% stock 78-79mph at most.
Also, how fast does the Yamaha Banshee go?
Registered. they will make about 120 mph .
WHICH YAMAHA IS FASTER? In a full scale drag race, the larger Raptor 700 is faster. . The faster YFZ-R will get out of the pit quicker, but the 700's huge torque and higher gearing will slowly drift away from the race-ready 450.
How can I make my utility quad faster? Here are the best ways to make your ATV faster
Who makes the best ATV? Honda all-terrain vehicles the most reliable ATVs. These ATVs have an explosion-proof transmission and use metal gears. They are resistant to difficult terrain, durable, and can keep kicking despite abuse. Other trusted ATV brands include Kawasaki, Polaris, Yamaha, Arctic Cat, Argo, SYM, Can-Am, and CFMoto.
What is the largest engine in a four-wheeled car? 4cc quads
at 400cc Arctic Cat 400 , the Arctic Cat utility model is by far the largest ATV. It is 84.3 inches long and 47.8 inches wide.
2021 Yamaha Raptor 700 • $8,499
Based on the legendary R model, the Raptor 700 offers a large bore for enthusiasts on a budget.
How fast is the 660 Raptor? Top speed of both is electronically limited to 75 mph (variable target).
Will there be a 2022 Yamaha Raptor 700?
Yamaha Raptor 2022R SE 700 • $9,999
With GYTR performance, unique color and graphics, and unrivaled performance, this machine is the king of sport ATVs.
Which is better banshee or raptor? banshee and raptor will be pretty close in real world performance but the punch of a 2 stroke engine is different than the torque of a 4 stroke engine, it really depends on the type of riding you plan on doing.0099 if you are into any kind of cross country riding, a raptor would probably be the best idea. , both equally suck...
Suggested list price | Low retail | |
Base price | $6,199 | $2.![]() |
Options (Add) | ||
Total price | $6,199 | $2,175 |
Why is the Yamaha Banshee so popular?
See also
How much does a Yamaha Raptor 700 cost? 2021 Yamaha Raptor 700 • $8,499
Based on the legendary R model, the Raptor 700 offers a large bore for enthusiasts on a budget.
Is the Raptor 700 a good beginner ATV? Everything will be fine with you . Just take it easy on the gas. The Raptor 700's power delivery is very smooth and consistent, especially in stock.
450, like everything else, is reliable if you solve problems. The biggest problem, as stated earlier, was that the 06 and previous models were lubricating the wrist pin. The issue was fixed in 07.