How much air pressure should i put in my tires

Recommended Tire Pressure - What Should My Tire Pressure be?

Maintaining correct tire inflation pressure is very important since it helps optimize tire performance and fuel economy while over-inflated tires are just as problematic as under-inflated ones.

In fact, driving with under-inflated tires is one of the biggest causes of tire failure, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

Besides, under-inflated tires can cause many other problems such as wearing out more rapidly, handling poorly and reducing fuel efficiency.

In addition, over-inflated tires are more susceptible to damage from road irregularities, and this also creates a bumpier ride.

Overfilling your tires is just as dangerous as under-filling them, so it’s important you know what is recommended for your vehicle.

This article will give you everything that you need know about your recommended tire pressure. These include:

  • where to find recommended tire pressure
  • reasons that maximum tire pressure is not the best one
  • how to check your tire pressure
  • signs that your tires might be under-inflated

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Recommended tire pressure, where to find it?

Since tire pressure is so important to your safety and your car’s overall performance, it is important to know which level of tire pressure is right for your vehicle.

In fact, how much air pressure your tires need depends on several factors, including the type of vehicle, the type of tire and the intended use of the vehicle etc.

Air pressure in tires is measured in pounds per square inch or PSI. You can find your tire pressure both inside your car and on the sidewall of the tire.

How to find recommended tire pressure inside your car

You could find the manufacturer’s optimum or recommended tire pressure for your car on a sticker in the door jam, or in your owner’s manual. Some car models even place the stickers on the trunk lid, in the console or on the fuel door. For best results, look for a placard on the inside of the driver’s door, like the example in the photo below.

How to find maximum tire pressure on the sidewall of your tires

Somewhere on the sidewall of your tire, just below the big, bold letters of the manufacturer, for example, you might have noticed the words ‘Max. Press. 35 PSI.’ (pounds per square inch).

That number tells you the maximum cold pressure needed for your tire to carry its maximum load.

Most typical tires require about 32 to 35 pounds per square inch (PSI) of air, says Rod Tate, owner of highly rated Colony One Auto Center in Stafford, Texas.

Large trucks require much larger tires with PSIs of 50 to 60. Heavy-duty vehicles can go even higher. For example, tire in the picture below requires 41 pounds per square inch of air.

However, the tire’s maximum pressure is NOT necessarily the most suitable pressure for every vehicle upon which the tire can be used (almost all vehicle manufacturers’ recommended tire inflation pressures are less than the tires’ maximum pressure).

You really should follow the recommended pressure printed somewhere inside your car or in the manual rather than the maximum pressure. In the next section, I will explain why.

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Why is maximum tire pressure not the best?

If you insist on inflating your tires to the max PSI, there will be more likely that two things below will happen

  • The handling characteristics change

Since tires inflated to the max cannot give as much on the sidewall, you might see superior cornering, but it could be at the risk of your braking threshold. One quick corner and your back end could slide out.

  •  The life of your tire decreases

When your tires are inflated too much, the rubber rounds out at the top of the tire when you are driving, and the center will quickly wear out. You will also reduce your traction and you could even cause a blowout.

Therefore, maximum pressure is not the best, rather, recommended pressure is. I need to repeat here that the pressure listed on the sidewall is a maximum pressure only, but not a recommended pressure. Instead, you should use the air pressure recommended in the vehicle’s owner’s manual or tire information placard label.

How to check your tires pressure?

Therefore, maximum pressure is not the best, rather, recommended pressure is. I need to repeat here that the pressure listed on the sidewall is a maximum pressure only, but not a recommended pressure. Instead, you should use the air pressure recommended in the vehicle’s owner’s manual or tire information placard label.

After knowing the most appropriate pressure for your car tires, you should check whether your tires have such pressure. In addition, checking the pressure of your tires regularly is one of the most important – and most often overlooked – regular maintenance that you should do to ensure your safety and quality of your driving. Monitoring the amount of air in your tires will let you know if you have a small leak and can help you avoid an unexpected flat tire.

Frequently checking your PSI becomes even more important in the fall and winter, when outside temperatures drop and weather conditions fluctuate causing your tires to lose air more quickly. Generally speaking, your tire will gain or lose one PSI for every 10-degree change in temperature, which means if you have a sudden drop of 30 degrees, you could lose three PSI overnight. If your tires were already low, this could cause tire damage, steering problems or even a flat tire.

Some experts recommend that you should check the air pressure every time you refuel; others say once a month is sufficient.

How to check tire pressure properly? Checking tire pressure is easy. You can do it right at home or at the gas station. Just be sure you check the pressure when your tires are cold, or have not been driven in several hours. This will give you the most accurate reading.

The most important piece of equipment you need is an accurate tire pressure gauge. You can find battery-operated digital gauges, or more traditional stick-type gauge found at most gas stations. A good gauge should not set you back more than $15 – a worthwhile investment for a longer life for your tires.

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Make sure you have your manufacturer’s PSI handy when you are checking your tire pressure, and then follow these steps:

  • Remove the end caps on your tires’ air valves (do not lose them!).
  • Place the tire pressure gauge into the valve stem and press down quickly to get a reading.
  • Check the PSI reading. Compare that to your vehicle’s recommended PSI. (It can often be tricky to get the gauge to press fully onto the valve, resulting in an off reading – so take a few readings to eliminate any anomalies.)
  • If the reading is above the recommendation, push in the valve to let out some air (you might have to do this a few times to get it right).
  • If the PSI reading is below the recommendation, fill your tire with air until you reach the ideal level (this may also take a few tries).

By checking tire pressure once a month, you will get a good idea how they are performing. If your tires are fairly new and continue to leak air, you should consult your dealer or mechanic. You may have a faulty valve or other damage that is difficult to detect which could unfortunately result in the need to replace the tires completely. But with proactive maintenance, you could catch an issue before it becomes a problem, and just end up needing a small repair.

Signs that your tires might be underinflated

Often, it is hard to spot an under-inflated tire until it is too late – in other words, it is completely flat. Of course, you could carry a gauge around at all times to measure the pressure, but that is not exactly convenient. Instead, watch for these signs and symptoms of tires that are under-inflated.

  • Your car is not handling as well as it usually does

When your tires are under-inflated, your ride can be less smooth than usual. You may even find that it takes longer to brake.

  • There are cracks in the tire

When a tire is not inflated properly, it wears down more quickly. If you notice that one or all of your tires are wearing out faster than usual, it may be because they are under-inflated.

  • Your steering wheel is shaking or vibrating

Tires that are under-inflated can make your vehicle quiver and shake, which is not a pleasant driving experience. Under-inflation can even cause tires to become misaligned, with comes with it is own variety of problems.


These are all things that you need to know about recommended pressures of your car tires. After reading this article, you will never confuse about the right pressure of your tires and will know how to check it.

Please share your ideas with me if you have other tips for this.

Recommended Tire Pressure for your tires

The recommended tire pressure is the pressure established by the manufacturer of your car as the optimal air pressure for your tires. Running your tires at the correct pressure is important because it keeps you safe, cuts down your gas bill, and makes your tires last longer. Each vehicle has its own specifications for tire pressure, but most fall between 28 and 36 PSI (pounds per square inch).

Maximum pressure

Be careful not to confuse the recommended pressure with the maximum pressure. The recommended pressure is the one you should use when filling your tires, and, as explained above, you can find on your doorjamb or in your owner’s manual. The maximum pressure, on the other hand, is usually stated on the sidewall of the tire itself in small print near the tire’s bead (where the rubber abuts the rim). This measurement is provided by the tire manufacturer rather than the car manufacturer and is the maximum amount of pressure the tire can safely withstand.

What happens if you inflate your tires to the max PSI?

Your tires’ max PSI almost always exceeds the recommended pressure. It isn’t advisable to fill your tire to this pressure for everyday driving. At max PSI, your car does not handle as well, braking is impaired, and you could risk dangerous blowouts. Over-inflation can also cause the center of your tire’s tread to wear out prematurely and reduce the lifespan of your tires. You may want to use the max pressure on a temporary basis if you are hauling especially heavy load or towing something.

Minimum pressure

Most manufacturers do not state a minimum tire pressure, per se. The recommended value is the amount of air that a tire needs for a car to handle properly and safely, and anything under that value is not recommended, so functionally the optimal value is also the minimum. Under U.S. law, vehicles are required to be equipped with tire pressure monitoring systems (TPMS) that warn the driver when tire pressure falls below 25 percent of the recommended PSI. This is considered severe under-inflation, but less drastic pressure drops are still considered moderate or mild under-inflation, and they and can still have negative consequences.

What happens if you inflate your tires to the minimum PSI?

If your tires are inflated to a pressure that is below the recommended PSI (as shown in the manual or on the driver’s side doorjamb), your car will not operate safely. Under-inflation can cause the tire to heat up excessively, which can make the tread pull away from the body of the tire. If this happens on the highway, it could lead to a blowout and a serious accident. There are also financial reasons for making sure your tires aren’t under-inflated. A low tire has more rolling resistance, which means the car has to work harder to move down the highway and consumes more fuel. Well-inflated tires are going to save you money at the pumps. Low tires also wear more quickly and unevenly, so you will have to replace them more often.

TPMS and tire pressure

A tire pressure monitoring system (TPMS) uses either a direct sensor inside your valve stem or a combination of both software and other existing sensors in your vehicle to let you know when your tire pressure is outside of a safe range of pressures. If the pressure falls below the legally specified limit (25% of recommended pressure) an indicator light shaped like the letter U with an exclamation point inside it (representing the cross-section of a tire) will light up on the dashboard. When you see this TPMS light on you should immediately check your tire pressure and make any necessary adjustments.

Nearest dealer

If you have further questions about tire pressure or any other aspects of your tires, find your nearest tire dealer to get some advice.

how it should be, table :: Autonews

Photo: Shutterstock

See also

Tires are the only vehicle element that is in constant contact with the road. One of the main indicators of their serviceability is pressure. It affects not only fuel efficiency, but also safety.

As a rule, car manufacturers recommend maintaining tire pressures between 2.0 and 2.8 bar. But in practice there are situations when it is necessary to deviate from this norm.

Tire pressure should be checked at least once a month, there are several ways to do this. We understand why it is so important to observe the optimal pressure indicator and what it affects.

In this story:

  1. The dangers of incorrect tire pressure
  2. Signs of incorrect pressure
  3. What should be
  4. When to correct
  5. How to check
  6. How often to check
  7. Table for popular car brands in Russia

Why incorrect tire pressure is dangerous

Tire pressure is the resistance with which air "presses" on the inner area of ​​the rubber. Properly inflated tires will last longer, give you better ride quality and improve your driving safety. If the pressure in the tires is too low or they are pumped over, then the car owner runs the risk of facing a number of problems: from buying new tires to the threat of an accident.

Properly inflated tires will last longer (Photo: Global Look Press)

Tire pressure too low

Under-inflated tires are tires that are below the recommended pressure. In this case, the contact patch of rubber with the road increases, which leads to increased friction or rolling resistance. A worn out outer edge of the tread can visually give out such a problem.

Increased friction with the road can cause the tire to overheat, slip and even burst. In addition, low tire pressure leads to:

  • excessive wear;
  • to poor handling and less accurate vehicle reactions to driver actions;
  • to lower fuel economy due to increased drag;
  • to an increased risk of hydroplaning.

Tire pressure too high

When tires are over-inflated, that is, above the manufacturer's recommended rate, the contact patch decreases. As a result, the main friction with the road is taken over by the central part of the tire.

Excessive tire pressure leads to excessive sensitivity to road irregularities and the risk of tire damage, even destruction. Overinflated tires also cause the following:

  • the car becomes difficult to handle at high speeds and corners;
  • suspension is stronger and harder to work out the load from bumps and bumps;
  • due to less grip, the braking distance increases (this is especially dangerous in rain or ice):
  • increases the chance of puncture or other damage.

Signs of incorrect tire pressure

Tatyana Eliseeva, an auto expert, master of sports of international class in motorsport, comments

For flat tires:

  • whistle in tight turns and at low speeds;
  • if one wheel is flat, the car starts to drive (pull in one direction) along the road;
  • in fast corners, a flat tire “breaks down” - a sound may appear or be disassembled.

For overinflated tires:

  • the car gets more nervous in a straight line;
  • shakes her on bumps;
  • the side edge of the wheel is felt more in turns;
  • there is a pleasant sensation (this should alert) that the car suddenly began to roll well.

Excessive tire pressure leads to excessive sensitivity to road irregularities and the risk of tire damage (Photo: Shutterstock)

What tire pressure should be in the tires

For each car model, the manufacturer sets its own optimal tire pressure. This indicator depends on the mass of the car, the speed of operation, the number of passengers (partial or full boarding), as well as the load on the trunk [1].

The recommended tire pressure can be found in the vehicle owner's manual or on one of the plates/stickers in the passenger compartment. They can be:

  • on the driver's door pillar or sill;
  • on the glove box door;
  • on the back of the gas tank hatch;
  • on the tailgate.

Tire pressure chart

Tire pressure is measured in several units. In Russia, they usually indicate in kg / cm 2 (or atmospheres) and bars (bar). These two indicators are almost equal, which is why they are often used as synonyms:

  • 1 bar = 0.986923 atm.

Foreign models often use pounds per square inch (pound per square inch), or psi:

  • 1 psi = 0.068948 bar;
  • 1 bar = 14.5 psi.

For convenience, car manufacturers can indicate pressure in two units at once - bar and psi. Thus, the need to independently calculate according to the formulas disappears. Otherwise, you can do this in one of the online calculators or check the table of popular values.

Most common tire pressures in bar and psi

2.0 bar 2.1 bar 2.2 bar 2.3 bar 2.4 bar 2.5 bar 2.6 bar 2.7 bar 2.8 bar
29psi 30psi 32 psi 33 psi 35 psi 36 psi 38 psi 39 psi 41 psi

Tire pressure in summer and winter

Temperature has a significant effect on tire pressure: when it drops, the pressure in the wheels decreases with it. When the temperature drops by 10 °C, the tire deflates by an average of 0. 07–0.14 bar or 1 to 2 psi [2].

Temperature has a significant effect on tire pressure (Photo: Shutterstock)

Summer tires typically use manufacturer's recommended readings. But in winter, it is advised to add about 0.2 bar to these figures [3].

Experts also recommend checking and correcting tire pressure at outside temperature. In the cold season, swapping is best done not in a warm garage, but on the street. In summer, before such a manipulation, you should make sure that some of the wheels of the car were not under the scorching sun, while others were in the shade.

When to adjust the pressure: 5 examples

Sometimes the tire pressure needs to be adjusted according to the situation. For example, when the machine is fully loaded or a trailer is towed. For such cases, automakers, as a rule, separately indicate the optimal pressure.

But there are moments that fall into the category of extreme and non-standard (especially if before that the car most often drove around the city). Automotive expert Tatyana Eliseeva analyzed the most common of them.

Long trips on the highway

Leads to heating of the wheels, especially in summer, and therefore it is necessary to follow the manufacturer's recommendations before such a trip. We do not know what we will meet: patched road repairs or heavy rain. After all, for each of these situations, the recommendations will be opposite. Athletes can play with pressure when track conditions are known and engineers can always change the settings. For a long journey, the layman just needs to choose the average.


Tires must be bled off, especially on sand. The question is for how much? You can bleed up to 0.7 atm, but a not very experienced motorist can slip the wheels with an inaccurate movement, and if the driver turns the steering wheel sharply (for example, trying to catch on the edge of the track), then the tire can come off the disk. And such cases occur regularly.

On packed snow and ice

At near-zero temperatures on packed snow, ice or sludge for new wheels (velcro or studded) it is better to pump the wheels a little so that water and sludge are squeezed out of the central zone of the contact patch and the tread is better worked. The wheel must be cleared for the tread to work. When it is clogged with snow, the braking distance and traction deteriorate greatly.

If the car has worn wheels, but with an acceptable tread depth for winter tires (4 mm), then you should not hope for the correct operation of the tread. Such a low checker no longer pushes the snow. In this case, it is necessary to reduce the pressure in the wheel, thereby increasing the same contact patch.

Photo: Global Look Press

With a loaded machine

On a country road, the weight of the machine will be an important factor. In this case, we select the pressure according to the load - specific indicators must be viewed on the central pillar of the body. There you will see something like the following recommendation: the more the car is loaded, the higher the pressure in the rear wheels should be.

But a badly broken road can lead to herniations, ruptures and tire damage. Therefore, if we increase the pressure, then we drive on a bad road as calmly and measuredly as possible. Or we slightly deviate from the manufacturer's recommendations and raise the pressure not as much as the manufacturer recommends.

In mountainous terrain

The main factor in changing the behavior of the wheel is not the pressure drop at altitude, but the presence of a large number of sharp turns and long braking. The tire will heat up not only from the loads, but also from the operation of the brake mechanisms. Therefore, the idea that due to low pressure it is necessary to increase the pressure in the tires is wrong, because the temperature of the wheel has a much greater influence in this case.

How to check the tire pressure

The recommended pressure is always given when the tires are cold. This means that the vehicle has not been driven for three hours or has traveled less than 1 mile (or one mile).

There are two ways to check tire pressure: on your own or at a workshop. In the first case, it is enough to use a public pump at a gas station or purchase a pressure gauge. This tire pressure measuring device comes in three types:

  • Switch . A simple working mechanism, as a rule, issuing a small error.
  • Electronic . Compact, handy digital screen, battery operated.
  • Rack or slide-out . Inexpensive, easy to use, but more fragile than other types.

Another option is to install special pressure control caps on each nipple. Such a gadget works as follows: the upper part of the cap is transparent and, depending on the level of pressure, an indicator of three colors appears in it. Green - the pressure is normal, yellow - the tire is flat, red - the pressure has exceeded the norm.

Photo: Shutterstock

The easiest way to monitor tire pressure is with the automatic TPMS (Tire Pressure Monitor System). Today it is installed on almost all models, and in some countries its presence is a prerequisite for releasing a car from the assembly line.

In these systems, the electronics automatically detect changes in the tire, and if the pressure drops below the recommended value, a warning signal lights up on the on-board computer screen.

There are two types of TPMS:

  • Direct. It uses pressure sensors in each wheel, and the on-board computer displays the actual air pressure.
  • Indirect. Calculates the size of the wheel and the distance it travels in one revolution. If this indicator changes, the system notifies the driver about the presence of a problem, but without accurate readings of air pressure.

How often to check tire pressure

Car manufacturers recommend checking tire pressure every two weeks, but at least once a month. Indeed, even under ideal conditions (for example, the car is idle for a long time), the wheels lose approximately 0.069bar, or 1 psi, per month [4].

The pressure should be monitored before and after a long trip, during a sudden change in temperature (for example, during the first frost or warming), and also after changing tires or driving with a load.

Also, don't forget the spare wheel. Automakers advise servicing it at least as often as the main wheels. As a rule, it has its own optimum pressure values, which can be found in the operating brochure or information table.

Recommended tire pressure for popular models in Russia [5]

Make and model Standard load front pressure Rear pressure at standard load
Lada Granta (standard version) 2.0 bar 2.0 bar
Lada Vesta 2.2 bar 2.2. bar
Kia Rio 2.3 bar 2.3 bar
Hyundai Creta 2.3 bar 2.3 bar
Renault Duster 2.0 bar 2.0 bar

Tire pressure in winter and summer: table

Car drivers > Useful information > Wheels > What should be the pressure in the car tires in winter and summer

Probably every motorist knows how important is the "correct" pressure in the tires of the car. However, not everyone knows about the factors that affect tire pressure, as well as the features that must be taken into account when operating a vehicle.

According to the popular opinion of motorists, tire pressure is affected only by the presence or absence of external damage to the tire or rim. However, in practice, there are a whole host of factors that, taken together, can lead to significant differences in indicators. In this article, we will try to cover all the nuances.

What is tire pressure

At first glance, this question is the simplest. Typically, tire pressure refers to the density of the air that is pumped into them using a compressor or pump. It, of course, has a pressure higher than in the surrounding atmosphere, and it is this difference that is the key to the performance of the wheel.

The advent of pneumatic wheels was perhaps the most important invention made in the early days of the automobile industry. A tire inflated with compressed air made it possible to effectively smooth out road irregularities, ensure a high ride smoothness of the vehicle and dampen shock loads transmitted from the roadway to the structural elements of the car.

Video about the importance of maintaining the correct pressure in the tires of a car:

Solid wheels could not provide this, and to this day there is no technology that can, with the corresponding simplicity and low cost, provide similar performance characteristics as pneumatic wheels.

As a matter of fact, right from the very beginning, when such wheels were used on vehicles, the engineers had a reasonable question about what tire pressure should be considered optimal for a particular car. And in the end it became clear that for each category of vehicles, such indicators will be very different.

So, what influences the choice of the optimal pressure in the tires of a car?

Vehicle mass

Perhaps this criterion is the main one, because the tire is designed to provide, first of all, the effective absorption of loads of various types - shock, vibration, etc.

Temperature mode of operation

Everyone knows from the school course of physics that gases tend to expand when heated, and at low temperatures - to reduce their pressure. Accordingly, the tire pressure must compensate for temperature fluctuations that occur during vehicle operation.

This statement does not only refer to the range of external operating temperatures, but also to the fact that the tire heats up when rolling. By the way, the difference in wheel temperature between a stationary and a moving vehicle is very significant, and it is very easy to check this - just touch the car wheel after a long trip. It turns out to be quite hot. In fact, this means that if the wheel is "pumped", in motion due to heating it can simply explode, which is very dangerous.

Location of the wheel on the front or rear axle

As you know, axle loads for any car are different, and quite significantly. The load distribution parameter is called weight distribution and, despite the fact that, from the point of view of optimal parameters, the best result is a weight distribution of 50x50, engineers cannot achieve this parameter even on sports cars with a central engine position within the wheelbase.

In practice, weight distribution can be influenced by many factors, including the number of passengers, load, etc. Accordingly, the load on the tires also varies over a very wide range.

Video - why measure tire pressure:

Considering all the mentioned characteristics, car engineers calculate the average tire pressure, which is designed to "balance" these criteria and ensure uniform performance across the entire range of operating loads.

How to measure it correctly

Tire pressure is measured using a special device called a pressure gauge. It can be either mechanical or electronic, be a separate device or be included in the compressor package, but its function remains the same - an accurate measurement of the pressure created in the car wheel.

It goes without saying that a manometer, like any mechanism for precise measurements, has its own error. Its value is indicated on the body of the device, and the smaller it is, the more accurate the measurement made by the driver will be. At the same time, the car manufacturer also indicates the recommended tire pressure for a particular vehicle in the accompanying documentation. Many tire manufacturers also provide their own recommendations.

At first glance, everything is simple - the driver just needs to bring the tire pressure in line with the factory recommendations and maintain it at a given level. However, here we return to the fact that pressure is influenced by a number of factors, and the main one is temperature.

Video - what the wrong pressure in the tires of a car can lead to:

up to 2.5 atmospheres), with a decrease in temperature, we will get a pressure that is significantly lower. It is especially problematic to "catch" the correct pressure if the car is stored in a warm garage. As a result, the wheels, initially pumped up to the correct value, will change their physical properties during the trip, and when entering the heated box, the pressure will return to normal.

The solution to this problem can be the option when the tires are inflated after a long parking of the car in the open air, or compensating inflation of the tire in the box. However, the question arises of how much the tire should be inflated in order for the tire pressure to be within the recommended range in winter. Let's try to analyze this situation using the examples of VAZ cars, which, as you know, have a wheel diameter of R13 or R14.

Tire pressure in winter and summer (table)

Despite the fact that we gave this example for popular VAZ models, a similar approach can be easily used for cars from other manufacturers.

You can also download the tire pressure table for cars of different brands - HERE (word file).

What threatens the wrong tire pressure when driving a car

Very often, motorists underestimate the decrease in pressure in the tires of the car or their deviation from the standard recommendations of the manufacturer.

In practice, the difference in tire pressure can lead to a deterioration in vehicle handling, increased tire wear, as well as a change in the balance of the vehicle when cornering.

The fact is that tire pressure uniformity is an important aspect of proper vehicle weighting. The change in pressure is especially acute when driving on slippery surfaces and in winter can even lead to an increased “tendency” of the car to skid when cornering.

As already mentioned, not only reduced pressure can be dangerous, but also its increase. An over-inflated tire is often even more dangerous than an under-inflated one. This is due to the fact that the wheel loses its elasticity and the ability to effectively deal with shock loads from the coating.

As a result, driving a large bump at high speed can lead to an abrupt increase in pressure, which the tire will not be able to withstand. Thus, the wheel can explode in a relatively harmless traffic situation.

As you can see, it is imperative to monitor tire pressure.

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