How to flat a tire without making noise

r/UnethicalLifeProTips: How to slash tires without getting caught

If the process of cutting tires causes loud noise, it will attract attention. Focus on learning the process of cutting the tires quietly and without attention.

Cutting a tire or puncturing it is very difficult. Because tires have incredible durability. They withstand the weight of the vehicle and everything in the car, rolling at high speeds on highways or bumpy roads. So many people have tried to use power and choose the right way but nothing is sure you will damage it.

No noise when slashing tires

The best way to reduce tires without making noise is to puncture. It is not entirely reliable because it depends on the type of tire you want to puncture but is currently the best solution. You should go away after doing that.

The tire will look normal as soon as you puncture, the tire will keep getting flat continuously until the owner replaced a new one. Because such a puncture is difficult to find, it cannot be detected immediately.

Puncture tires can be repaired

There are many methods to repair punctured tires such as cold patch, hot patch, self-filling. The methods will have different costs. But when repaired tires are not good if the owner goes at high speed, especially highways will make things worse. Not every punctured tire can be repaired.

How to puncture the tire?

You can use sharp. It must be strong enough not to be bent or broken and very sharp.

The diameter must be large enough. If it is already used, sharpen it more aggressively. You want it to be easier to puncture the tire than you can put it on a fire until it glows, then dip into the engine oil about 10 times. However, this method should not be used too much as objects may be brittle.

Make it easier by lubricating it. To carry this item you should wrap with plastic bags, paper, and tape to ensure your own safety.

How to be undetected?

You should not go by car in this case, you walk and check around you and use the item to press on the tires. Do the same thing on the other side of the car if you want. After doing so, put it in your pocket so others don’t have evidence.

We recommend that you do each one at a time, and this should be methodical and extremely careful. You have to look natural, they won’t notice what you do. For example, one hand holding the phone pretends to text and the other hand performs.

Always be careful and check your camera, check to see if anyone is around or in a car. Doing it at night would be a lot easier, with fewer people going in and out at the time. Wear a hat and mask to prevent others from knowing who you are. The area where you puncture the tires may be on watch, trying not to draw attention to them, which is not safe for you.

Be as careful as you can and don’t let the police catch you. Because nowadays there are many automakers born with very high values. The police will rely on the damage you caused to criminal prosecution and administrative fines, or worse, you could be put in jail for your behavior.

Some other ways

You can also use a knife to cut the tires. But with the condition that the knife is brand new and extremely sharp. You should really sharpen 2 sides of the knife. Take off your jacket and roll it onto the tire then push the knife over it. Your coat will make noise, so this cannot be done while someone is there even at a distance.

This way, when you use a knife to cut a tire, the tire will deflate a lot faster, perhaps immediately. And it is completely irreparable. Owners will have to replace the new.

After puncturing the tire will be like?

For convenience, you should have a good idea of time. The small car will take 30 minutes for the tire to deflate after you puncture, the big truck will take about 8 hours.

During this time the driver will go somewhere and think the tire is cut there. Or the tire has trouble getting into traffic. Even if drivers stop immediately when they feel something is wrong, it is not possible to know when and where their tires were cut.

Go at high speed, the car will turn around when the tires are flat and the driver will recognize immediately. It will be dangerous for the vehicle and the person in the car.

What’s worse is that old truck tires after being punctured a number of times they can explode.


Long-term observation and monitoring will help you determine when and how to act. To make everything perfect, you need to prepare carefully. You need to use the best and most suitable item. Do not hurry or sketchy. It all affects you. The most important thing is not to let the camera save you. It will be great evidence to accuse you. The owner of the car can sue you.

After doing so, do not tell or brag to anyone. There is no explanation for your action. But you should not trust anyone, they may resent and denounce you or tell the victim. It was worse.

Do not leave any evidence, especially the items you use to cut the tires. After done, you must bring it back. Because tires are extremely necessary and expensive, they can endanger the vehicle’s owner and those around them. People will be angry when they find out their tires are cut and of course, will alert the police.


Above we talked about how to slash tires without getting caught. Hope you have found the best solution and it is useful for you. Wish you carefully and success. Thank you for reading our article. See you again.

How To Silently Puncture Car Tires | CarShtuff

‍Popping a tire quietly can be a challenge whether you are trying to slash a tire or just deflate it for a good reason. How can you discretely deflate a tire?

Given that a tire is filled with air, there is a high chance that it'll make a loud sound when being punctured. Avoiding that takes a little bit of skill and the right tools.

Deflating a tire quietly involves using a sharp knife or pliers to cut out the valve stem on the tire. Removal of the valve stems lets the air out without too significant of noise, which is either easier on your ears – or not noticeable to someone else's.

We'll walk you through how to deflate a tire quickly and easily – as well as some technical things about why a tire would be loud. You'll learn that silently puncturing a tire isn't that hard.

We've worked with tires and popped them just to make them smaller. We'll use well-researched articles that get the job done!

Puncturing tires – a preface

You might be asking about how to silently puncture a tire for a couple of reasons. We hope that you are asking in an effort to make tires smaller to bring them to recycling, having purchased new ones – or because you are getting rid of an old car. Puncturing a tire with the intent to harm someone else's property is another story and is illegal. If caught, the penalty is generally a misdemeanor and paying restitution. With that said, we hope you aren't using this column to plot how to get away with slashing someone's tires.

How to quietly puncture a tire – Valve stem

All tires have a valve that reaches out from the inside of the hubcap. This valve stem has a cap that can be removed in an effort to place the nozzle end of an air compressor in place to reinflate the tire. As you might have thought, tampering with the valve stem's original purpose of receiving air is also a good way of deflating a tire.

Take a car valve tool or a simple needle nose plier and grab the valve stem. These can sometimes be easily removed or broken by twisting the needle nose pliers and loosening, then removing the valve stem. This process is relatively quiet because the tire is barely broken and it will take a few minutes for the air to come out completely, potentially only making a slight hissing sound.

You can even remove air without actually removing or cutting the valve stem. Pushing the valve stem in will open the valve and let the air out. Be warned this will take a little while, but it's rather quiet.

Puncture a tire with a knife

A sharp knife isn't the quietest method, but it works. The knife's sharp blade can either be stabbed or slashed along the surface to create a big enough hole in the rubber surface for air to spill out. You'll want to attack the sidewall of the tire, where the rubber is mostly structural and easier for a knife to penetrate. Right above the rim is one of the best ways to go.

An important safety warning here. Stand above the tire and do not face the tire when you are puncturing the tire. The air will come out quite forcefully and can cause eye and face injuries with both flying rubber and pressurized air.

If done correctly, you will make some noise, but the event will be over in a matter of seconds.

A nail

Anyone who has driven through a construction zone on a regular basis knows that nail holes are a real, silent problem. You won't always hear a pop. We are also going to assume you are acting illegally when using a nail because there is no other real motive to slowly deflate a tire like this.

You can either pound a nail in with a hammer or a swing of the hand in a shallow way, or put the nails very close to the tire so they are run over. We'll be honest – this is a brutally effective way of leaving an unsuspecting person not truly aware of whether or not their tires were emptied of air on purpose.

What should I not use to puncture a tire?

Don't use a blunt knife or a conventional kitchen knife. They will require brute force in penetrating the rubber and cause a louder sound than you expect. Whether you are puncturing a tire to make a tire smaller for disposal or slashing someone's tires on purpose, this is not a safe or efficient method of getting air out of the air.

You don't need to completely puncture the tire

Let's assume you are trying to puncture someone else's tires for... reasons. While some of the above methods take a while to remove all the air from the tire, just know that you probably don't need to completely deflate the tire immediately. Most people will notice – and step, when their air pressure sensors warn them or within a few feet of driving that something doesn't feel right. If your goal is to inconvenience someone, this is all you really need to do.

If your intention is to truly wreck someone's tire, nails or a knife is truly the way to go.

If you are recycling the tire

If you plan to recycle the tire anyway, just use the knife to make the air come out as quickly as possible. We still recommend you not play your face too close to the tire when slashing it – while the pressure within the tire isn't as high as a bike, it's still high enough to surprise you.

What we would do for puncturing a tire

If the attempt is to make a tire drain slowly and quietly, we would definitely attack the valve stem. The result is subtle though it'll eventually be clear the tire was tampered with. Ideally, you can use a valve stem tool or pliers to open the valve stem to stream air out.

While we don't feel good about saying this in general: Only drain one tire. Why? It's less work for you, and you are less likely to get caught. If you do damage one tire and they have to replace it, most people replace tires in sets anyway – consider it a sneaky way of spending as little time as possible puncturing the tire and making either a costly repair or a time-consuming fix.

Or you might have someone a favor who was going to get new tires anyway!

Why did a tubeless tire go flat and what to do in this case

Modern cars are equipped with wheels with pneumatic tubeless tires. Such wheels provide stable grip on the road, reduce vibrations and loads on the bearing part and transmission elements. but this is under one condition - filling the tire with air with a certain pressure.
Tubeless tires are relatively resistant to punctures, wheels with such rubber can withstand up to 7 punctures simultaneously without bleeding air.

Causes of a flat tire

Tubeless tire

But no matter how good and reliable a wheel with a tubeless tire is, it can also be flat. Reasons for a flat tire:

  • puncture;
  • cut;
  • delamination of the tire from the disk;
  • bleed through spool or nipple;

Tire puncture

As stated above, a tubeless wheel will not deflate even after multiple punctures, but this is only possible if the element that punctured the tire remains in the tire. The inner surface of the tubeless tube is covered with a special viscous compound that sticks to a nail, self-tapping screw, wire and prevents air from seeping out. But if the pierced object is pulled out, then the viscous composition will not be able to tighten the hole and the air will come out.

Therefore, if a foreign object is found in the tire, do not rush to pull it out. It is better to leave it in place and continue to operate the car, and when you get to the service station, pull out the protruding element and seal the breakdown site.

But it happens that after a puncture, the object does not remain in the wheel and such a tire will flatten. The rate of air bleeding depends on the size of the damage. In some cases, the deflation of the tire is so slow that the loss of half the air pressure takes several days. With such a puncture, it is enough to periodically pump up the wheel and continue to drive the car, and contact the service station as soon as possible.
But slow descent is not always the case. If a large hole is formed (for example, when hitting a rebar), the wheel will be lowered in a matter of minutes.


Tire cuts are less common than punctures. And such damage appears on the sidewalls, since it is difficult to cut through the working surface of the tire. The most common cause of a cut is clinging to the sidewall of sharp objects and protrusions. Cut - serious damage to the wheel. With mild cuts, you can still try to restore the wheel (at the service station), but if the size of the cut is long and through, then the tire must be replaced. Note that some service stations offer to restore a wheel with a severe cut, but it is better to refuse this service. When cut, the cord is damaged and it will not be possible to restore its integrity. Even if the wheel does not deflate, it can “shoot out” at any moment during movement, and this phenomenon is very dangerous.


Peeling of the tire from the rim occurs when the wheel is subjected to severe shock loads that lead to disk deformation. This happens when you hit a hole at speed. A strong impact causes the impact energy to reach the disk, and the metal bends. As a result, the tire no longer fits snugly against the disc and the air escapes through the gap formed. This problem did not exist in tubed tires, and the flexing of the disc did not cause the wheel to deflate (provided that the tube remained intact during the impact).

Disc warp and spool bleeding

Valve assembly for tubeless tires

Disc warp is a problem that cannot be fixed on the road. It is possible to restore the geometry of a part only on special rolling machines available at the service station.
Lowering the wheel through the spool is quite common. The defective element is unable to hold air. Here it is enough to replace the spool, and pump air again.
But if the air is etched at the place where the nipple is installed, then a visit to the tire shop cannot be avoided, since it is necessary to glue the nipple, and for this the wheel is disassembled.

Something else useful for you:

  • Spacers to increase disc offset - which ones are better to use?
  • What is a stowaway and how is it different from a normal spare wheel?
  • How is the running gear in a car?

What to do if a flat tire?

Video: Flattening the wheel on the rim - an old-fashioned way to fix it

Solving the problem with a flat tire on the road depends on the equipment of the car. So, during the movement there were loud "squishing" sounds. These are clear signals that the tire has flattened. If the air has escaped from the front wheel, then the controllability of the car will also worsen significantly - the car will begin to pull strongly to the side. In this case, you should immediately smoothly and gently stop the movement.
The simplest solution is to use a spare tire. But for this, a spare wheel, a balloon wrench and a jack must be present in the car. This is the minimum set, it is also desirable to keep an emergency stop sign, wheel chocks, a pump or an autocompressor in the car.
And then everything is simple:

  1. We tear off the wheel bolts.
  2. We lay the wheel chocks, turn on the gear at the checkpoint and use the handbrake.
  3. We jack up the wheel (at the same time, we make sure that the jack does not warp when lifting, and the car does not go to the side).
  4. We install a spare tire instead of a damaged one.
  5. We screw the wheel bolts up to the stop (but do not tighten).
  6. We remove the car from the jack.
  7. Tighten the wheel bolts.

Be sure to check which spare tire is available before starting work. The fact is that dokatki should not be installed on a controlled axle. Therefore, if there is a dokatka in case of breaking through the front slope, you will have to tinker - remove the full-size wheel from the rear axle and put a dokatka instead, and replace the broken one with a normal one. At the same time, while driving, you should observe the speed limit, no more than 60 km/h.

Another solution to the problem is to use a "first aid kit" to repair tubeless tires. But you need to buy it in advance and carry it in the car.
This first aid kit includes tools and supplies to repair punctures and cuts. But when using the "first aid kit" it is important to follow the technology of sealing the puncture.
If there is no spare tire and "first aid kit", but there is a pump or compressor, then pump up the tire and set the rate of descent. If the air poisons slightly, then on such a wheel you can get to the nearest tire shop, periodically stopping and pumping up the wheel.

Worse if no tools or equipment are available and the chute descends very quickly. In this case, you will have to continue to move on such a wheel. But at the same time, you should move at the lowest possible speed, with the emergency gang on, and preferably on the side of the road.

Video: How to prolong the life of a flat tire

On a flat tire, you can drive to the place of repair, but after such a trip, the tire cannot be restored. In addition, a trip in such conditions will create serious stress on the transmission elements, which will shorten their service life.

Therefore, it is better to carry a tool kit, a first aid kit for tires and a spare wheel in the car. With such equipment, the breakdown will not be taken by surprise.

Understanding what to do if a flat tire

A flat tire for no apparent reason is not uncommon. Let's figure out why this happens and most importantly - how to prevent such situations.

Why a flat tire is top of the main reasons

Interestingly, a tire puncture is not the most common cause of tire pressure loss. There are many reasons, but the most popular is the deformation of the wheel along the rim. A tubeless tire needs to be very tight on the rim to keep the air inside. In the case of a chambered wheel, rim deformation is not critical. It is worth knowing that the rim can be deformed from the inside, and the deformation may not be visualized on the outside: it can only be detected at a tire fitting after disassembling the wheel.

The second most common reason is that it leaks through the nipple, for example, it is clogged or pierced. In this case, the air can be bled gradually or abruptly and immediately, depending on the degree of damage and load.

Well, in third place in terms of frequency - a puncture or cut. Here, it will also not be possible to visualize the damage; for diagnostics, the wheel is removed.

In winter, there are other reasons why a wheel flattens out, for example, low-quality tires. A winter tire is designed to be exposed to negative temperatures, but cheap models can lose elasticity in severe frost, which is why it begins to skip along the rim even if there are very small defects on the disk.

In winter, the tire may flatten due to temperature changes. For example, in the evening or at night in frost, the tire pressure is the same, and when the temperature rises during the day, the pressure rises. Also, tire pressure can increase when driving - the tire and the air in it warms up.

Hidden puncture

Any sufficiently sharp and durable object can puncture a tire. If the object is small, it can puncture the tire and fall out, making it almost impossible to visually determine the place of the puncture. In this case, the leakage can be about 0.1–0.3 atmospheres in 7 days. To determine the puncture site, the wheel is removed and treated with soapy water - bubbles form at the puncture site.

Vents valve

Tubeless tires are equipped with rubber valves, valves. Over time, this part becomes unusable, its rubber tans, cracks, and the tightness is broken. In some cases, the valve is damaged by impact, for example, you can catch it on the curb, damage it with a brush during washing, sometimes the valves become clogged. Another reason is that the cap is overtightened, which damages the core and starts to bleed air through it.

Tire broken

The causes of tire ruptures are most often mechanical, sometimes ruptures occur due to a weakened worn cord, in which case there can be no question of repair, the tire needs to be changed urgently. It is also unsafe to drive on a tire with ruptures, the cord weakens, the air is released, the pressure drops, the tire overheats, all this creates the maximum emergency hazard.

If flat tire on board

This has already been discussed briefly above. Bead - the place where the tire fits on the disk, if the fit is loose, air can be bled. In addition to violating the geometry of the disk itself, the tire bead may be violated. For example, in old rubber, which has already lost its elasticity, the level of sealing with the disk decreases, the bead ring weakens, and air passes through the bead zone.

If the wheel is frequently removed from the rim, it may suffer bead damage. With such leaks, a tube can be installed as a temporary measure, but it is better to immediately change the tire to a new one.

Bad rim

This reason was also briefly discussed at the very beginning. If the disk began to collapse or its geometry was broken, then the tire will also not fit snugly and, if it is without a tube, there will be pressure losses along the rim. And it can be a minor loss or a completely flat tire. And there are many reasons for tire failure:

  • corrosion;

  • the consequences of a strong blow, due to which a dent formed along the edge of the disk;

  • natural wear of the disc, due to which it loses its correct round shape.

In some cases, the disc can be repaired, rolled and air leaks eliminated, but if the disc is old and there is significant corrosion at the place where the bead ring fits, then a completely new tire will not settle down evenly and will deflate.

We do not recommend pouring sealant into the tire - this will not solve the problem, but will only disable the normal tire or the wheel pressure monitoring system sensor.

Why regular tire inflation is dangerous

Inflating a flat tire to reduce the time between pumping is also a bad idea. Because over-inflated tires will cause increased car rigidity, increased noise levels, but worst of all, the tread begins to wear out, wear accelerates. Another big danger is that hard tires impair traction, as the contact patch decreases. The cord of such a tire is more vulnerable to damage, the pressure on its threads increases, and a hernia on the sidewall is more likely.

How to determine the exact location of a flat tire

Most often, drivers do not need to independently look for a leak, as most prefer to put a spare tire on and take the damaged one to a tire shop. But if you need to find the puncture site yourself, then you can do it as follows:

  1. Inflate the tire by 1. 5–2 atmospheres and listen well, you can hear a whistle or hiss of air leaving through the puncture.

  2. Remove the wheel and immerse it in water, air bubbles will unmistakably indicate the place of its loss.

  3. If you do not want to dismantle the wheel, you can simply apply soapy water to it, in which case bubbles will also appear.

  4. Conduct a visual inspection, if it is a puncture, then the culprit of the puncture may stick out of the hole formed, that is, we are looking for sharp metal objects in the tire. The object may be hidden not only on the outer part, so the wheel may also have to be removed. To find a sharp object faster, use a thin cloth, it will catch on it faster than a finger.

In the case of bad rims, you can also listen to the movement of the car, when the ideal circle of the disk is violated, while driving at a speed of 60 km / h, a very noticeable vibration appears in the steering wheel and pedals. Although it must be borne in mind that not only the disk can be the cause of such vibration.

Can I drive with a flat tire

It is better not to do this, but to carry a spare tire, jack, wheel wrench and compressor with you in order to be able to get to the tire shop. If it happens that none of the above is present, then the best option would be to ask someone for help and take the wheel in for repair.

In theory, it is possible to move on a flat tire by car, but not for long. Why? Because long runs on wheels with insufficient pressure “kill” the rubber, the tread is “eaten up”, and unevenly, which subsequently affects driving performance. The tire will have to be changed. So with a pressure loss of up to half, you can slowly and without nervousness drive to the nearest workshop, but no further.

If the wheel is completely flat, then the situation is already more serious. In theory, it is also possible to move further by car in this case, but due to the weight of the car, the tire will become unusable, and the disk may also deteriorate. In this case, you can expect the following consequences:

  • After retreading, bumps will appear on the sidewalls of the tire and it will no longer be safe to use it.

  • The disc can cut the tire, after which it can no longer be restored.

  • The wheel disc can be deformed, in which case the repair is also in question, it is not always possible to roll the disc and return it to its shape, such repairs are especially problematic for alloy wheels.

If it works, then just pump up the tire, even if you don’t have a compressor with you, you can always stop cars passing by and ask for help. And slowly move to the workshop, repeating the swap procedure along the way. It seems like a hassle, but it can save you a lot of money as a result.

How to prevent tire leakage

Unfortunately, there is no general recipe that allows at least 90% prevent air leakage from the tire. Why? Yes, because these processes are too unpredictable. But some measures can be taken so that at least a flat tire does not become such an unpleasant surprise and cause of delays. For example, you should not drive fast on bad roads, if you get into a hole at high speed, the probability of damaging the wheel is much higher. You need to carefully monitor the distance from the tire to the curb while parking, often the cause of side cuts is the contact with the curbs.

It is also worth looking after and monitoring the wheels in order to be aware of their condition and change all the elements in time. At least once a week we check the pressure and perform the following procedures:

  1. We inspect the tires and wheels for damage, corrosion, etc. The same hernia on the sidewall does not always begin to bleed air, but visually it is immediately noticeable and it is better to put a patch if you do not plan to change the wheel.

  2. We remove all dirt and sharp objects from the tread, especially if you often have to move on a primer or dirt.

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