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Ver la entrada paratiring.
Gerundio detire.
Un adjetivo es una palabra que describe a un sustantivo (p.ej. el perro grande).
1. (extenuante)
a. agotador
I had a tiring day today and need to get some rest.Hoy tuve un día agotador y necesito descansar.
b. cansado
Regionalismo que se usa en Centroamérica: Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica y Panamá
Regionalismo que se usa en España
We finally arrived at the campsite after a tiring journey.Finalmente, llegamos al campamento después de un viaje cansado.
c. cansador
Regionalismo que se usa en Sudamérica: Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Perú, Uruguay y Venezuela
Raking all the leaves in my neighborhood is a very tiring activity.Recoger todas las hojas de mi vecindario es una actividad muy cansadora.
Copyright © Curiosity Media Inc.
Un adjetivo es una palabra que describe a un sustantivo (p.ej. el perro grande).
1. (en general)
a. agotador(ora)
Copyright © 2006 Harrap Publishers Limited
tiring [ˈtaɪərɪŋ]
cansado; cansador; (S. Cone)
it's very tiring es muy cansado
it was a tiring journey she had found the whole thing very tiring
Collins Complete Spanish Electronic Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
it was tiring | fue agotador |
it is tiring | es agotador |
it was very tiring | fue muy agotador |
very tiring | muy agotador |
it is very tiring | es muy agotador |
be tiring | ser agotador |
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Being aware of the importance of regular meals and timetables, Marta looks forward to completing this tiring but overwhelming stage of her career. bcn2010.org bcn2010.org |
Consciente de la importancia de la comida y los horarios, Marta ya est deseando que concluya esta etapa agobiante pero al mismo tiempo triunfal de su carrera deportiva. bcn2010.org bcn2010. |
In Sicily he will compete in a 5km race without any pressure which will help him to get [...] used to the more tiring training sessions. bcn2010.org bcn2010.org |
En Sicilia le espera una prueba sin [...] ninguna de presin sobre 5 kilmetros que le har ir entrando poco a poco en la [...] rutina de los entrenamientos ms duros. bcn2010.org bcn2010.org |
For instance, after a tiring day at work or playing sport, massage your arms and legs with the large massage stone in gentle up and down movements. wellnessproducts.ch wellnessproducts. |
tras hacer deporte, realice un masaje en brazos y piernas con la piedra grande de masajes con ligeros movimientos ascendentes y descendentes. wellnessproducts.ch wellnessproducts.ch |
In connection with special types of strain, such as painful or tiring physical positions, now more workers seem to be affected than was the case five or ten years ago. eur-lex.europa.eu eur-lex.europa.eu |
En relacin con determinados tipos de tensin, como las posiciones fsicas dolorosas o agotadoras, ahora parece haber ms trabajadores afectados que hace cinco o diez aos. eur-lex.europa.eu eur-lex.europa.eu |
I am aware that these days are extremely tiring for all concerned, but duty comes before everything else. europarl.europa.eu europarl.europa.eu |
Me doy cuenta de que estas jornadas son muy pesadas para todos, pero el deber est por encima de todo. europarl.europa.eu europarl.europa.eu |
Collecting biomass is a time-consuming and tiring task which also often results in environmental [...] degradation with both local and global consequences. daccess-ods.un.org daccess-ods.un.org |
La recoleccin de [...] biomasa es una tarea penosa que consume mucho tiempo, y tambin puede provocar la degradacin [...] del medio ambiente a escala local y mundial. daccess-ods.un.org daccess-ods.un.org |
Working long hours
[. can be claustrophobic. masseyferguson.com masseyferguson.com |
Trabajar muchas horas en una [...] cabina pequea resulta agotador, incmodo y puede [...] resultar claustrofbico. masseyferguson.com masseyferguson.com |
Both compass saws display exemplary quiet running that makes for best results and less tiring work. robertbosch.es robertbosch.es |
Ambas sierras tienen una impresionante estabilidad de marcha al serrar para conseguir excelentes resultados y trabajar sin esfuerzo. robertbosch. robertbosch.es |
This massage mat is a source of [...] wellbeing after a tiring day. wellnessproducts.ch wellnessproducts.ch |
El empleo de la estera de masaje favorece el [...] bienestar despus de un da estresante. wellnessproducts.ch wellnessproducts.ch |
The mechanism's mass balance reduces vibrations [...] and makes work less tiring. robertbosch.es robertbosch.es |
La compensacin de masa en el mecanismo reduce la vibracin y hace as [...] que el trabajo canse menos. robertbosch.es robertbosch. |
Helping a person [...] with depression can be tiring and demanding. 1on1health.com 1on1health.com |
Ayudar a una persona [...] deprimida puede ser agotador y abrumador. 1on1health.com 1on1health.com |
It is present throughout the day, [...] making life even more tiring, and it is present at [...] night, disturbing our well-earned rest. europarl.europa.eu europarl.europa.eu |
Est presente durante todo el da, con lo que
vuelve la vida an ms fatigosa, y por la noche, con [. lo que perturba el merecido descanso. europarl.europa.eu europarl.europa.eu |
According to an estimate by the International Labour Organization, there are [...] 218 million children between 5 and 17 years old who are [...] forced to perform tiring jobs and often in [...] dangerous conditions. missionidonbosco.org missionidonbosco.org |
Hay 218 millones de menores entre 5 y 17 aos de edad que - segn una estimacin de la [...] Organizacin Internacional del Trabajo - son forzados a [...] realizar trabajos fatigosos y frecuentemente [...] en condiciones peligrosas. missionidonbosco. missionidonbosco.org |
Avoid catching cold, tiring the eyes, and [...] succumbing to irritation. agniyoga.org agniyoga.org |
Evita los [...] resfros, evita cansar los ojos y no [...] sucumbir a la ira. agniyoga.org agniyoga.org |
A tiring blend but one for which I am thankful. cirquedusoleil.com cirquedusoleil.com |
Es un trabajo cansador pero tambin agradecido. cirquedusoleil.com cirquedusoleil.com |
It is more tiring if there are only [. two of you and psychologically it counts against you," says Fuentes. businesschile.cl businesschile.cl |
Es ms cansador si slo hay dos personas [...] y sicolgicamente juega en tu contra", seala Fuentes. businesschile.cl businesschile.cl |
Weighing just [...] 149 g, it is easy to work with the DT-X7 without tiring. exilim-tours.fr exilim-tours.fr |
Con solo 149 [...] gramos de peso, el DT-X7 permite trabajar sin esfuerzo. exilim-tours.fr exilim-tours.fr |
Pleasant and
secure to grip for precision work that is not tiring for the user. kavocanada.com kavocanada.com |
Manejo agradable y seguro para trabajos sin esfuerzos y precisos. kavocanada.com kavocanada.com |
He has complained about his treatment during transport to hospital, which he describes [...] as uncomfortable and tiring. daccess-ods.un.org daccess-ods.un.org |
Durante el traslado al hospital expres quejas sobre el tratamiento alegando [...] que era incmodo y agotador. daccess-ods.un.org daccess-ods.un.org |
For an English [...] speaker, it is very tiring to listen to and try [...] to understand people who speak the language poorly for a prolonged period of time. 2-2.se 2-2.se |
Para los que dominan el [...] ingls es tambin agotador escuchar durante [...] largo tiempo y tratar de entender a personas que hablan mal el ingls. 2-2.se 2-2.se |
Avoid tiring activities for a [...] few weeks. scasouthjersey.com scasouthjersey.com |
Evite las actividades cansadoras [...] durante unas semanas. scasouthjersey.com scasouthjersey.com |
In the same way, the mother took the
children to long and tiring prayer sessions, depriving [. them of sleep and time to do their homework. miviludes.gouv.fr miviludes.gouv.fr |
Del mismo modo, hacia asistir a los [...] nios a largas y fatigantes sesiones de rezos, [...] en detrimento de su sueo y sus deberes. miviludes.gouv.fr miviludes.gouv.fr |
Although we felt it was a very long and tiring walk for us, the view of the lit-up [...] Ranft valley, by thousands of tiny candles was a rewarding sight. fimcap.org fimcap.org |
A pesar de que para nosotras fue una caminata muy larga y cansada, la vista sobre [...] el valle de Ranft, con miles de pequeas
[. candelas fue un regalo para la vista. fimcap.org fimcap.org |
This is not only good for the human eye, it also leads to improved visibility in the dark, and [...] thus more efficient and less tiring work. hella-press.de hella-press.de |
Esto no es slo bueno para el ojo humano, sino [...] que procura sobre todo una mejor visibilidad incluso en la [...] oscuridad y, por tanto, un trabajo ms eficiente [...] y sin fatiga. hella-press.de hella-press.de |
Hemolytic anemia may be suspected from general findings on a complete medical history and physical examination of your child, such as complaints of tiring easily, pale skin and lips, or a fast heartbeat (tachycardia). brunswickcommunityhospital.org brunswickcommunityhospital.org |
Se puede sospechar que padece anemia a partir de los datos generales obtenidos de los antecedentes mdicos y el examen fsico completos, y de signos como cansancio injustificado, palidez en la piel o los labios o latidos cardacos acelerados (taquicardia). brunswickcommunityhospital.org brunswickcommunityhospital.org |
We must become messengers and carriers of Christ's light and in the name of this message and light we must know how [...] to accept the misfortunes in life, the difficulties along the upward way that is steep [...] and therefore tiring and a burden. missionidonbosco.org missionidonbosco. |
Tenemos que hacernos portadores del mensaje y de la luz de Cristo y en nombre de ese mensaje y de esa luz tenemos que saber [...] aceptar las adversidades de la vida y las dificultades de un camino, muchas veces en [...] cuesta, y por ello duro y muy pesado. missionidonbosco.org missionidonbosco.org |
The design allows sufficient force to be applied [...] in sample collection without tiring the operator. smithsdetection.com smithsdetection.com |
Su diseo permite que se aplique la fuerza [...] necesaria para obtener la muestra sin mayor esfuerzo por [...] parte del operador. smithsdetection.com smithsdetection.com |
Although the Russian literary language today has more than 150 thousand words, it is still rather imperfect. To explain some simple concepts, we need several lexemes, and sometimes a whole phrase, which in English can be replaced by one word.
Such words are called "untranslatable". And today we will talk about some of them, which are really lacking.
Languages have been formed for a long time under the influence of the specific culture and mentality of peoples. Even in Slavic languages there are serious differences in lexemes.
For example, in the Ukrainian language there is an adjective "spragliy", which can be translated as "who wants to drink" - there is no full-fledged analogue. There is a word "thirsty", but its meaning is quite far from thirst. And in English this analogue suddenly exists - “thirsty”.
Or, for example, the now popular Scandinavian word "hygge", which is approximately translated as a whole phrase. Something like "a feeling of comfort, well-being and satisfaction in the house."
And there are a lot of such “untranslatable” words in the Russian language. Try to explain to a foreigner the meanings of the words "longing", "spleen", "truth" or "transfer". With “longing” and “spleen” not every Russian speaker understands - we just know what they mean, but we are unlikely to be able to explain. How "truth" differs from "truth" is another philosophical question. And to translate "perelay" you need a whole sentence at all "when two dogs bark at each other, but not immediately, but in turn, when one falls silent, the other begins to bark."
This leads to the fact that foreign "untranslatable" words begin to penetrate into other languages just as they are, with all the meanings and features. For example, the words “babushka”, “blini”, “taiga”, “kvas” and dozens of other lexemes from the Russian language have long been added to English dictionaries - they simply did not have their own analogues.
Now let's move on to those English words that need to be added to native dictionaries. Some of them are already used in colloquial speech and professional lexicons, but they are still far from official status.
The Russian language has a huge number of words that denote degrees of kinship. Daughter-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, brother-in-law, stern, yatrovka - it seems that the language had a word for designating any relative up to the fourth generation. But they didn’t come up with one word to name their brothers and sisters at once.
In English, the lexeme siblings is responsible for this. From Old English, this translates as "relative", and the word acquired its modern meaning in the 20th century.
Another interesting nuance: the phrases “my brothers and sisters” in modern Russian are associated more with religious communities, rather than family ties. The term "siblings" is now actively used in scientific articles on genetics and anthropology. In colloquial speech, it still sounds too foreign, but sometimes it is not enough.
Another word for relatives. But this is the last one, to be honest.
As in the situation with brothers and sisters, our language does not have one word to designate relatives of grandparents. And it would be very convenient.
The English acted gracefully and used for this the same word as for parents - "parents", adding to it the prefix "grand", which means "big" or "chief". It's simple - there are simple parents, and there are main parents. And then there are "great grandparents" for great-grandparents.
This is not possible in Russian. Some linguists, by analogy with English, suggest using the word "grandparents", but this sounds too alien.
Literally, "toddler" is a child aged 1 to 3 years. From the moment he started walking to full-fledged kindergarten.
With a very big stretch, this can be translated as "toddler". But there is a big nuance here - in the nursery of state kindergartens, children are taken at least 2 years old, and in private kindergartens - at least 1. 5 years old, but such babies are taken for a maximum of half a day.
So it turns out that between "baby" and "kindergartener" in the language there is no adequate designation of age.
Although in some preschool institutions there have already appeared “toddler groups”, which take the smallest ones. But the full use of the word is still far away.
If translated by meaning, this word translates as "to get to work or from work for a long time and with transfers." Usually this describes the long exhausting trips that a person makes every day.
In Russian, “to get” and “to drive” do not convey the negative connotations that commute implies.
In English, the word appeared due to the peculiarities of life in the USA. After all, most Americans live in the suburbs, and they have to get to work by train. After all, if you take your car, then you will have to stand in traffic jams all morning. For many Americans, the morning commute is part of their least favorite routine.
Taking into account that we also have enough million-plus cities with large suburbs, the word becomes extremely relevant. Especially this year, when after strict quarantines, many companies returned to a fully office mode of operation.
Literally translated, errands are “deeds” or “concerns”. And if with the preservation of all meanings, then these are “things outside the home that take a lot of time.” Go to the post office, go to the store, walk the dog - all these are errands. And these are various business trips and work assignments, even to other cities.
You can try to adapt the word. After all, if there are “home affairs”, then there may be “out-of-home affairs”, but it sounds too strange and does not convey all the necessary nuances.
Used by errands in this sense only in the plural. In the only one, it will be "work trip" without additional meanings.
In the IT field, this word is already actively used because of its complex meanings. It means "practical experience and baggage of life and professional knowledge", but even this does not fully reveal the term.
This is all the knowledge, skills and experience that a person has taken out of his life from the earliest years to the present time. “Luggage”, “origin” or just “experience” will not work here, because the background covers work, and cultural development, and education, and connections, and environment. In general, absolutely everything that affects a person.
In our country, the word “background” is usually used in the IT field in order to indicate the employee's experience in a particular area in as much detail as possible. It still does not have the meanings of its English counterpart. It's a pity.
This word is really lacking. It literally translates as "earworm", but in fact it means "a sticky tune that you can't stop singing." But even that doesn't convey all the values. Approximately it should happen like this:
Heard an unfamiliar song somewhere, and then you walk around and sing it under your breath, making everyone around you go crazy. The song is already tired, you almost hate it, but you can't stop singing it.
"Untranslatable" words from English migrate rather quickly to other languages. With their help, lexical systems supplement the meanings and meanings that they lack. This is one of the reasons why there are so many anglicisms in the Russian language now. Do you want to understand this and speak English correctly? Then sign up for a free trial lesson with a teacher.
What words do you still lack in your language? Write in the comments, let's discuss.
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Period rest: 07/04/2018 - 07/18/2018
Rested in the summer, 2018, with children. Natalya Alekseevna and Viktor Petrovich are kind, sympathetic and very clean hosts. The territory is ennobled with flowers, very beautiful. Not far from the sea, for children it was not tiring. The rooms are comfortable, I really liked that the interior decoration is wood. We remember with gratitude. Recommended. Sincerely, Olga.
Period rest: 07/04/2018 - 07/18/2018
Period rest: 01/10/2018 - 01/31/2018
Ideal rooms, the hosts are very good-natured, I recommend it to everyone!
Period rest: 01/10/2018 - 01/31/2018
Period rest: 08/01/2017 - 08/01/2017
Just returned from vacation, rested for 8 days. Everything is fine. Everything is thought out to the smallest detail. cozy spacious rooms. Natalya Alekseevna and Viktor Petrovich are good people, thank you very much for your hospitality. We will definitely be back next year!!! I will recommend to all my friends. !!!
Period rest: 08/01/2017 - 08/01/2017
Period rest: 07/20/2010 - 07/20/2017
First of all, I would like to say a huge thank you to the hosts, such hospitable and friendly people are very rare! We rested with two families with children, to say that the service is on top is to say nothing. From the meeting at the station to the very departure, only positive emotions! The description is completely true, a large cozy courtyard, an area full of flowers, a gorgeous swimming pool, which the owners carefully monitor, a large kitchen with everything you need for cooking, excellent rooms, everything is very clean, tidy and thought out for a good rest! Thank you so much for great vacation! Sincerely, Natalia, Sergey and Egorka
Period rest: 07/20/2010 - 07/20/2017
Period rest: 06/20/2020 - 06/20/2030
We rested in 2017, we liked everything very much, the rooms are just super. Special thanks to Natalya Alekseevna and Viktor Petrovich for their warm hospitality. We will visit you again next year. Thank you for such a holiday, Nastya, Kirill, Julia, Roman and Ksenia.
Period rest: 06/20/2020 - 06/20/2030
Period rest: 06/07/2017 - 06/17/2017
We rested with children in the Spanish courtyard in June 2017. I liked everything very much. The rooms are clean. The room has a TV, air conditioning, refrigerator, shower, toilet. Very nice big yard. The pool is gorgeous with lights. You can swim even at night. Very clean. D. Vitya cleaned it every day. For children, you can't imagine better. The photos on the site correspond completely. Wanted to upload mine. But something doesn't work.
Period rest: 06/07/2017 - 06/17/2017
Margarita, Nikolai, Dianochka
We rested in June 2016 with our family, we were very satisfied. Friendly hosts, very attentive attitude to the guests, well-groomed and beautiful yard, clean rooms, a big plus is the pool in the yard, the kids splashed happily in the pool when the sea was unbearably hot during the day. Walk to the sea for 20-25 minutes, shops within walking distance.
I liked everything very much. Natalya Alekseevna and Viktor Petrovich wait next year. Big hello to you!!!
June arrival hello everyone!!!!! (Sasha, Marina, Sonya, Polina, Adamchik), (Victoria and Lizochka), (Julia, Artem)
Elena Stepanovna Panfilova
Cozy courtyard. Friendly and hospitable hosts. Comfortable rooms. I recommend.
Period holiday: 06/14/2016 - 06/21/2016
Everything turned out to be even better than we expected when we booked the room! Rested from 14 to 21 July. Until now, with a smile and kindness, we recall the excellent vacation organized with the help of the owners of the Spanish Yard guest house. Vacation was a success! We had a great rest, 5+. The road to the sea, with a calm step with a 4-year-old child, took 20-25 minutes, but it didn’t bother at all, since most of the way passes through an amusement park, entertainment and stalls with souvenirs, beach paraphernalia, vegetables and fruits with perfectly acceptable prices. Right along the way there is a pump room with healing mineral water, which we drank every day with the whole family when we went to the sea. The road to the sea and back was a separate entertainment, even the child did not get tired at all. The beach is great! The sea in this place is suitable for families with young children and adults. We went both in the morning and in the evening. Numerous shops are within a 3 minute walk from the guest house. The assortment is extensive, everything you want, a lot of local production, products, bread, milk, were always fresh and, remarkably, literally everything was cheaper than in the local "magnet", which we were pleasantly surprised.
There were several canteens very close by with quite affordable prices, but we did not go into the canteens, since the house has a large, very comfortable, equipped with everything necessary for cooking, kitchen with air conditioning and a TV. We had a quadruple room, large enough for relaxation, we, as they say, did not interfere with each other and there was enough space for everyone. The room has a TV with federal and local channels, a refrigerator, a modern air conditioner, a sufficient number of hangers, shelves and a large mirror. Important: hot water was around the clock! The shower room is spacious, with good, new plumbing. The yard itself is large, with a playground, swings, striking cleanliness, beauty and care. Children's playground, swings, tables, benches, deck chairs and ... Pool!!! It was something!! Both for adults and for children! Clean, big, with massage jets! We swam every day, the child could hardly be sent to the room at all! Dear hosts, you do not have a “guest house”, you have a completely worthy, real boarding house for a great family vacation! We went to Vityazevo for the first time and I think we were very lucky with the choice of a place to stay, but if we knew that everything would be so worthy, good and convenient, I would have planned a vacation for a much longer time.
Natalya Alekseevna, Viktor Petrovich thank you very much! The feeling that you love all your guests and do everything to make them comfortable! Next year we will go only to you, and we will recommend you to all our relatives, friends and acquaintances.
Period rest: 06/14/2016 - 06/21/2016
Yulia and Artem
Period rest: 06/20/2011 - 06/20/2025
Mmmmm as I remember))) returned from vacation literally 5 days ago) everything was just wonderful. Natalya Alekseevna and Viktor Petrovich to you a big HELLO!! We want to come back to you!! The rest was a success, the owners of the Spanish courtyard are wonderful, cheerful and friendly people) the photos are fully consistent with reality. We walked to the sea for about 20 minutes, but this is with children. While you buy one, while the second. Our next vacation will definitely take place only with you, as there are only pluses. The pool is always clean, the children are free) the tables on the street allow you to sit in the evening on the moon with your loved one while the kids are sleeping) romance! Sea! There are only positive impressions! Thanks to Natalya Alekseevna and Viktor Petrovich! Look forward to next year! We will definitely come to you!!
Period holidays: 06/20/2011 - 06/20/2025
Alexander, Marina, Sonya, Polina and Adamchik
Period rest: 06/23/2016 - 06/29/2016
Rested with the whole family in June 2016. The priority conditions when choosing housing were the cleanliness of the rooms and the presence of a swimming pool. After a long choice of a guest house, the choice fell on the Spanish courtyard. From the first minutes of their stay, the care for the guests on the part of the hosts - Natalya Alekseevna and Viktor Petrovich, was felt. The rooms are perfectly clean and with all the amenities for a comfortable stay. The yard is also perfectly clean with a dedicated area for the kids and blooming bright flowers. The pool was daily prevented by Viktor Petrovich, which was seen as taking care of the health of the guests. The kitchen area also has everything you need for an evening out with friends. I got the impression that we went to my grandmother in the village and met old friends. We advise everyone to visit the Spanish courtyard guest house in Vityazevo. Next year, if we go on vacation, then only to you!!!
Period rest: 06/23/2016 - 06/29/2016
Period rest: 06/23/2016 - 06/29/2016
Rested with the whole family in June 2016 with children. When choosing accommodation, such moments as cleanliness in the rooms and a pool for children were a priority. The choice fell on the Spanish courtyard in Vityazevo! From the first minutes of your stay, there was a feeling of comfort and homeliness, which was created by the owners Natalya Alekseevna and Viktor Petrovich. The rooms are perfectly clean without any odors, all the conditions in the room. The kitchen area is also ideal with all the necessary kitchen utensils. The pool every two days, or even every day, was prevented by Viktor Petrovich, who took special care of its cleanliness, and, accordingly, the health of all guests. The yard is perfectly clean with a dedicated play area for children and constantly blooming flowers. All this, as well as a randomly selected cheerful company, made our stay as comfortable as possible, as if we had gone to our grandmother in the village and met old friends. If next year we go on vacation, only to Natalya Alekseevna and Viktor Petrovich. Thanks for a great vacation.
Sasha, Marina, Sonya, Polina and ADAMCHIK!!!
Period holidays: 06/23/2016 - 06/29/2016
Vladimir Moscow
We have been vacationing in Vityazevo for 5 years in a row and always come to these wonderful people. They used to have a hotel on Uyutnaya, but now this one is on Major Vityaz. Just a wonderful mini-hotel, it lives up to its name. The hosts have become our family for a long time, thank you very much for your attention and your hospitality. Very clean cozy courtyard, the rooms are just super, there is everything a person needs for a comfortable stay. A beautiful swimming pool, the purity of the water is always monitored, the kitchen also has everything you need. There are no problems with hot and cold water at all. In general, our dear Natalya Alekseevna and Viktor Petrovich, as always, you are on top and it is a pleasure to relax with you! Thank you very much. And who does not know about Vityazevo, we advise you to definitely relax here and with these owners.