We at Tire Hungry, are committed to answering every tire-related question and providing helpful guides to keep your tires last longer. For all intents and purposes, we even covered how to fix slashed tires here for those who have been victimized. So it’s quite ironic to talk about ruining vehicle tires, but we want to have it all for you.
To slash someone’s tires, first, you need a sharp and pointed tool, (a serrated pocket knife works best) then aim for the sidewall and make a quick and forceful strike. Push the blade deeper into the tire while pulling it to the side.
The process of slashing someone’s tires is really simple, what you have to know though, is that you should need to re-examine your intentions, plan your way, and anticipate the consequences.
What's In This Guide?
Tire slashing is making any gash, slit, or lacerations deflate the tires in a damaging manner. Commonly done at the tire’s sidewall, most of the cases of tire slashing are intentional, and the most probable motive is brought by someone who wants to have swift justice by themselves. It may be someone involved in road rage, a co-worker that has a hidden grudge that wants to get even, or in some recent reports, a bold statement of a cheating spouse.
There are also cases where slashing someone’s tire is a necessary and more sensible option. One example is running away from someone chasing you and slashing their tires is the only reasonable way to escape.
Things to consider before slashing tiresBefore you point your chosen weapon to that helpless sidewall, make sure to apply a lot of force, as tires are built to be sturdy and durable.
Slashing tires can also cause a loud, attention-catching noise, so you need do it with precision, and you should guard yourself against being injured while doing so. Since tire slashing is considered a misdemeanor in many states, you also have to consider the consequences of getting caught.
The materials that make up the tires are built to last long. With normal use, a tire can last for up to 10 years! That’s why it will take a lot of force for you to slash them swiftly and quietly. A sharp and pointed tool can greatly help, but it will primarily be based on how you will strike the tire.
Slashing tires can cause attention-catching noiseA normally inflated tire has enough pressure build-up that will produce significant noise when released. Small incisions are the loudest. This is due to the need for pressure equalization as air escapes. In this case, a wide and deep slash works best to keep noise at a tolerable level.
The consequences can range from fines to jail timeAnything that was done to deface, alter, or destroy property intentionally with no right to do so is considered criminal mischief. That includes slashing someone’s tire. Be careful not to get caught as the consequence will not be limited to payment to damages, a fine, court costs plus a surcharge, and jail time depending on the degree of damage.
You don’t want to end up in an emergency room because a tire has blown out right in your face when you try to slash it. That said, don’t slash with your face near the tire. A highly pressurized air coming out of the incision can potentially damage your face, eyes, and ears, not to mention the debris that may fly out is not done swiftly.
Tools You Can Use to Slash TiresThe goal here is to be swift and discreet, inflicting more damage as possible and not to be too suspicious. A serrated pocket knife and a regular kitchen knife can be reliable, handy tools. You can also consider using pointed tools such as a screwdriver, awl, pricker, and bodkin though these are designed to pierce through.
Pocket knifeA strong pocket knife could be your best weapon. It draws the least attention and is portable as most designs can be securely folded. Check out for a pocket knife with a serrated blade because it is designed for harder materials that require a good bite to slice through.
The most common and reliable tool you can find is your trusty kitchen knife. However, since you’re using it for everyday slicing duties, make sure the knife should be sharp enough so it can seamlessly slice through the sidewall. Also, it should be big and solid enough not to bend when you do the slashing. The only drawback of using this tool is potentially carrying more suspicion to onlookers if you decide to go with a larger knife.
Screwdriver, awl, pricker, and bodkinThough these are not directly considered as ‘slashing tools’ (except for the bodkin), these can also be an effective tool to inflict enough damage by poking through the sidewalls, inflicting damage at a slower pace yet have the same result as you would when slashing tires.
How to Slash Tires Part 1: Swift and DiscreetYou should aim for the sidewall while standing away with the tire between your legs and strike with one quick slash, pushing the blade deeper as you pull it to the side.
Near the rim, this is considered the weakest part of the tire. Plus, you have a clear and open vantage point rather than targeting the tread.
Stand facing away with the tire between your legsThe high pressure forcing out of the slashed area may be harmful to your face and eyes, having a safe distance between you and the tire is recommended.
Strike with one quick slashYou should get the slashing done in a quick and forceful motion. Pushing the blade deeper, pull it to the side.
How to Avoid Getting Your Tires SlashedIf you’re on the other side of the picture, worrying you’ll get a slashed tire anytime soon, you can avoid your tires from being severely slashed if you do preventive measures such as relying on CCTVs, parking in a secure location, trusting with your four-legged companions and lastly, to drive responsibly as the root of some cases of tire slashing is brought by road rage incidents.
It would not hurt so much if we will practice being a defensive driver. Most of the cases of road rage that end up with a vandalized vehicle are rooted in unpleasant behavior and responses when caught up in tension with other motorists when driving.
Count on CCTVsThe mere presence of these cameras already poses a signal to perpetrators that you can identify them if they do such an act. If you will park in a public place, park with the nearest CCTV camera that has a clear vantage point to your vehicle as much as possible.
Your dashcam can be a good device too. Just make sure that you have set to keep on recording even if you leave the vehicle.
If in public space, park in a secure locationPotential vandals will stay away if you are parked in spaces with ample lighting, adequately guarded, and with enough CCTV like mentioned above. It is also highly suggested to park near the entrance or the exit as these areas have a higher volume of people going around.
They are not regarded as man’s best friend for nothing. Their constant bark to any stranger that will go near your house is enough to cause noise that keeps them at bay.
How to Make Use of Slashed TiresBefore you disposed of slashed tires, and if you don’t feel the additional effort of bringing them to a recycling facility, you can still reuse them for more useful purposes. You can make simple DIY projects out of these damaged tires such as a dog bed, garden chair, an indoor ottoman, and you live on a farm, you can make feeder pots out of these tires.
The point is, even if you ended up in an unfateful scenario, you can still make the good out of it and remember how to avoid getting your tires slashed again in the future.
ConclusionIf you are determined to slash someone’s tires, the process itself is just as easy as slicing through.
Slashing tires is something that many people do because they believe it’s a quick and easy way to get revenge on someone (which is not a recommended practice).
However, drivers need to be aware of several things such as technique, legality and more in order to identify when their tires have been slashed and how to handle the situation. If you’d like to learn more, keep reading!
Slashing tires involves using a sharp object (i.e a knife screwdriver or nail) to make a cut in the rubber so it deflates. Factors such as technique, making sure there’s as little noise as possible and how fast you want the tire to deflate are all elements to consider. However, note that slashing tires is illegal in many places and is not encouraged.
Read on to learn more about slashing tires, including how its done, the techniques used, the penalties involved for slashing tires and other interesting facts!
How Do I Slash Tires Quickly?When deciding which tool you’re going to use to slash tires, ensure that it’s sharp enough to cut into the rubber in one motion without having to struggle with it.
Next, aim for the tire’s sidewall or shoulder (where tread meets sidewall) because these are the weakest parts of the tire – the tread usually has a belt made of steel cords running right underneath it so slashing that area of the tire likely wouldn’t work.
Next, push the pointed side of your tool with enough force to penetrate the rubber and either pull it out immediately or drag it to create a slit.
When using a tool with a handle, such as a knife or screwdriver, as soon as the pointed end hits the sidewall, give it a push by bumping the handle so you have a better chance of creating a cut on the first try.
How Do I Slash Tires Silently?Slashing tires usually creates a loud sound, because a lot of air escapes the tire at once (the sound could even occur in the form of a boom if the tire pressure is high enough).
Therefore, you should slash in a direction that’s not facing your direction, as the rush of air could be powerful enough to cause serious injuries.
In order to slash a tire silently, then, you can remove air from the tire to bring its pressure down by loosening the valve.
Can You Slash Tires With A Knife?You can slash a tire with a knife, but you would need to acquire one that’s sharp enough to slash the tires thoroughly.
As stated above, all you need to slash a tire effectively is a sharp tool like a knife, but you can’t just grab one from your kitchen drawer and use it to cut up a tire.
Instead, you’ll need a knife that’s really sharp and strong, as the rubber used in tires has been vulcanized (hardened) so it can more easily penetrate the surface.
As well, using the pointed end instead of the blade to penetrate tire rubber is more effective because it focuses all your force onto a smaller surface area.
How Long Does A Slashed Tire Take To Deflate?The size of the tire, the amount of pressure inside the tire and the size of the puncture you make will account for how long it takes a slashed tire to deflate.
For example, if you make a small hole using something like a nail, the tire could take hours to deflate, while a gash created by a strong blade could deflate within minutes.
Further, a gash that’s 1 inch wide could deflate a standard tire in less than a minute.
A slashed tire can be repaired with a plug or a patch depending on the size of the puncture, though this isn’t an advisable move.
As stated above, the sidewall is the preferable area to create a slash because it’s easier to access than the tread and, more importantly, it’s weak enough to puncture.
This weakness is because the sidewall doesn’t have the steel belt found in the tread, and this affects their integrity after becoming breached.
Therefore, the likelihood of the sidewall remaining plugged is slim and may result in a roadside accident.
In fact, repairing the sidewall and tire shoulder after either becomes punctured is actually illegal in some places due to the risks involved.
Is It Illegal To Slash Tires?It’s illegal to slash tires in most lands, but the seriousness of the charge varies in every area.
Usually, tire slashing is regarded as a misdemeanor carrying a charge of vandalism or destruction of property. However, depending on the extent of the damage, like in the case of expensive tires, slashing could be treated as a direct felony.
As well, your motives are also considered in the charge and you could be taken to court for trying to intimidate the victim. Overall, slashing tires is highly punishable by law and isn’t recommended.
Why Do People Slash Tires?People will generally slash tires as an act of revenge. However, if the intention is for the tire to lose air and not make someone go through the trouble of replacing it entirely, loosening the valve is an alternative and less violent action that some may choose.
What Should I Do If My Tires Get Slashed?As stated above, you shouldn’t (and in some places, probably couldn’t) repair the sidewall or shoulder – the most targeted areas for slashing – and should instead look into replacing the tire.
Does Insurance Cover Slashed Tires?Some auto insurance packages cover slashed tires if you go for the more comprehensive coverage options.
Many think that insurance only covers four slashed tires and will not help you if only three tires are slashed, but this is largely a misconception.
Rather, if your package allows it, your insurance provider will cover the number of tires that get slashed, whether it’s one or all of them.
Can Someone Prove I Slashed Their Tires?Slashing tires isn’t considered a high-priority crime, meaning fewer resources will be used to uncover the person responsible for the damage. However, it’s still possible for someone to prove that you slashed their tires.
For example, you may have been caught on CCTV cameras, which are commonly found in areas where people leave their cars (i.e garages and parking lots).
To learn more about tires, you can also read our posts on why do dogs peen on tires, sidewall tire damage, why only slash 3 tires, how to prove someone slashed your tires, and what are tire kickers.
You can slash tires by puncturing the tire sidewall or shoulder using something sharp like a knife, screwdriver or nail. However, slashing tires is illegal and could be treated as anything from a misdemeanor to a felony depending on the damage you cause.
Nevertheless, slashing the tires is easier when you target the shoulder or sidewall because, unlike the tread, they’re easily accessible and don’t have an underlying steel belt.
How to puncture tires
The wheels of a car can be damaged in many ways. The failure of the wheels causes inconvenience or even a threat to the driver, not to mention the cost. There are three ways to "neutralize" the wheels: cutting, wire hedgehogs and "studding" roads (which has already been described).
Imagine that your "sponsored" area is flooded with these scum on all-terrain vehicles, or you accidentally stumble upon a powerful truck where it is not supposed to be. Quickly cut them all tires. Especially annoying when all four tires are cut. The cuts on the side of the tire are almost impossible to repair, whereas if you puncture the rim of the wheel, patches can be applied. The choice is yours.
An excellent tool for this job is a knife with a thick handle and a symmetrically sharpened double-edged blade (like a stiletto). The shape of the blade prevents the knife from getting stuck in the tire, and the point makes it easy to pierce the side of the tire. This weapon is easy to carry in your pocket if you find a piece of leather and cover the blade with it. And, of course, one such tool should always be kept in the glove compartment of your car in case you need it. Another way to puncture your chosen tires is to place small pieces of wood nailed under the wheels of a parked car, or to place a wire hedgehog under them. However, these methods are more time consuming, less reliable, and more suitable for a moving vehicle or for situations where the whistle of air coming out of a punctured tire can give you away.
Of course, it is best to use hedgehogs to ensure your own safety in case you are being followed. They are also good for stopping vehicles on asphalt roads. Wire hedgehogs are very tiring to cook and are unlikely to puncture a tire on a soft dirt road. However, on "minor" paved roads.
If they are scattered in large numbers close to each other, from one shoulder to the other, they will cause great confusion. Would you like to drive to the place where these dirty races start?
To cook hedgehogs, you will have to spend a little money on gas welding equipment or a gas welding transformer of at least 70 amperes. You won't get a 20-70 amp adjustable transformer for less than $59. High-voltage transformers are correspondingly more expensive, but work is faster with them, and the quality of welding is more reliable. Read the instructions for working with the welding machine carefully and always use a protective shield (intense light can cause retinal burns).
Hedgehogs are made as follows: get nails at least 10 centimeters long, the thicker the better (ATV tires are very hard), cut off the hats with a hacksaw or wire cutters. Sharpen both ends on an emery wheel. Extremely sharp ends are not needed as the car's weight will still press the nail into the tire, even if it is rather blunt Weld at least 3 nails together in different planes so that no matter how the hedgehog hits the ground, the sharp end is all would still be on top.
To weld them in this way, place one nail in a vise, hold the other with pliers, and operate the electrode with your free hand. This whole process is hampered by poor visibility through the glass of the protective shield. To make hedgehogs in large quantities, it is required to make a fixture that would firmly hold the second nail in relation to the first during welding.
Before. how to use the hedgehog for its intended purpose, sprinkle black paint on it so that it stands out less on the pavement.
The pinnacle of chewing technology would be an automatic hedgehog spreader mounted on the bottom of your car and controlled from the driver's cab. Such a device can be made, for example, from a tin box attached to the bottom of the car. Several hedgehogs could be scattered at the same time by pulling a lever with a cable (as for a hood lock), thus opening the box lid. Try different designs.
Field Notes
Road tires and hedgehogs are not effective against filthy motocross bikes because their narrow tires are too small a target. One possible method to puncture motorcycle tires is to drive many nails into a thin piece of plywood. Place plywood in each motorcycle track and cover it with sand or earth so that only the nails protrude from the surface.
We are waiting for your suggestions, what other methods can be used to puncture motorcycle tires, or in any other way to stop these very destructive machines. Remember that most motorcyclists are children or teenagers. Be careful! Many of them drive at very high speeds. When placing hedgehogs, nails, etc., keep the rider's safety in mind.
Many motorcyclists are of the most uncouth, rude, and potentially dangerous breed of "americanus chump. " BE CAREFUL! I think you don't want to be caught by these retards, or be suspected of acting against them.
It's very easy to make a hedgehog if you poke half a dozen long nails into a golf ball so that they stick out in all directions. Spray the whole structure with paint that matches the color of your chosen place on the road. Remember that carrying a box of all these gadgets with you is not safe, and they may arouse the suspicion of some policeman if he stops you and randomly decides to search the car for an open bottle of alcohol, drugs or stolen goods.
Weld the nails crosswise, bend them and sharpen from below.
Weld the nails parallel, bend them and sharpen.
Maybe you didn't share a parking space. Or just a goat caught. There is a way to harm the car owner.
No, I will not tell you how to scratch a car or pierce a wheel, although I will write down how to pierce a wheel better later.
Heard the story at the garages. If into the exhaust pipe, throw a small metal ball far, then create a lot of problems for the car owner. When the engine is running, vibration is distributed throughout the exhaust pipe. From which the metal ball inside jumps, which is bad. This creates a characteristic clatter. Having heard such a clatter, auto mechanics will immediately say about a malfunction in the engine, they say, valves knock or something else. They say they need urgent repairs. People say that the whole engine was sorted out, but the ringing did not stop coming. It is necessary to throw the ball far away so that it gets into the muffler chamber. A ball with a diameter of 4-6 mm from any bearing. This is of course cruel, but there are also goats.
Properly punch the wheel.
If you poke a wheel with an awl or a knife, it will be clear to the owner that the wheel has been pierced. And if you are at odds with him, then he can guess that it is you. And the wheel just sticks and that's it.
But if you pierce the wheel with a needle from a syringe in several places, then the story is completely different. The holes are very small and they are unlikely to be determined at the tire fitting. So it will be tormented, pump up the wheel every morning. And the number of holes, you can adjust the speed of lowering the wheel. For example, five punctures and the wheel descends completely in two days.
They say the car will not start, if potatoes are stuffed into the muffler pipe . But it is easy to get it, and if you spray the rest of the mounting foam there in the evening. Then by morning it will completely harden and will make a lot of difficulties for the owner of the car.
How to puncture tires
The wheels of a car can be damaged in many ways. The failure of the wheels causes inconvenience or even a threat to the driver, not to mention the cost. There are three ways to "neutralize" the wheels: cutting, wire hedgehogs and "studding" roads (which has already been described).
Imagine that your "sponsored" area is flooded with these scum on all-terrain vehicles, or you accidentally stumble upon a powerful truck where it is not supposed to be. Quickly cut them all tires. Especially annoying when all four tires are cut. The cuts on the side of the tire are almost impossible to repair, whereas if you puncture the rim of the wheel, patches can be applied. The choice is yours.
An excellent tool for this job is a knife with a thick handle and a symmetrically sharpened double-edged blade (stylet type). The shape of the blade prevents the knife from getting stuck in the tire, and the point makes it easy to pierce the side of the tire. This weapon is easy to carry in your pocket if you find a piece of leather and cover the blade with it. And, of course, one such tool should always be kept in the glove compartment of your car in case you need it. Another way to puncture your chosen tires is to place small pieces of wood nailed under the wheels of a parked car, or to place a wire hedgehog under them. However, these methods are more time consuming, less reliable, and more suitable for a moving vehicle or for situations where the whistle of air coming out of a punctured tire can give you away.
Of course, it's best to use hedgehogs to ensure your own safety in case you are being followed. They are also good for stopping vehicles on asphalt roads. Wire hedgehogs are very tiring to cook and are unlikely to puncture a tire on a soft dirt road. However, on "minor" paved roads.
If they are scattered in large numbers close to each other, from one shoulder to the other, they will cause great confusion. Would you like to drive to the place where these dirty races start?
To cook hedgehogs, you will have to spend a little money on gas welding equipment or a gas welding transformer of at least 70 amperes. You won't get a 20-70 amp adjustable transformer for less than $59. High-voltage transformers are correspondingly more expensive, but work is faster with them, and the quality of welding is more reliable. Read the instructions for working with the welding machine carefully and always use a protective shield (intense light can cause retinal burns).
Hedgehogs are made as follows: get nails at least 10 centimeters long, the thicker the better (ATV tires are very hard), cut off the hats with a hacksaw or wire cutters. Sharpen both ends on an emery wheel. Extremely sharp ends are not needed as the car's weight will still press the nail into the tire, even if it is rather blunt Weld at least 3 nails together in different planes so that no matter how the hedgehog hits the ground, the sharp end is all would still be on top.
To weld them in this way, place one nail in a vise, hold the other with pliers, and operate the electrode with your free hand. This whole process is hampered by poor visibility through the glass of the protective shield. To make hedgehogs in large quantities, it is required to make a fixture that would firmly hold the second nail in relation to the first during welding.
Before. how to use the hedgehog for its intended purpose, sprinkle black paint on it so that it stands out less on the pavement.
The pinnacle of chewing technology would be an automatic hedgehog spreader mounted on the bottom of your car and controlled from the driver's cab. Such a device can be made, for example, from a tin box attached to the bottom of the car. Several hedgehogs could be scattered at the same time by pulling a lever with a cable (as for a hood lock), thus opening the box lid. Try different designs.
Field Notes
Road tires and hedgehogs are not effective against filthy motocross bikes because their narrow tires are too small a target. One possible method to puncture motorcycle tires is to drive many nails into a thin piece of plywood. Place plywood in each motorcycle track and cover it with sand or earth so that only the nails protrude from the surface.
We are waiting for your suggestions, what other methods can be used to puncture motorcycle tires, or in any other way to stop these very destructive machines. Remember that most motorcyclists are children or teenagers. Be careful! Many of them drive at very high speeds. When placing hedgehogs, nails, etc., keep the rider's safety in mind.
Many motorcyclists are of the most uncouth, rude, and potentially dangerous breed of "americanus chump." BE CAREFUL! I think you don't want to be caught by these retards, or be suspected of acting against them.
It's very easy to make a hedgehog if you poke half a dozen long nails into a golf ball so that they stick out in all directions. Spray the whole structure with paint that matches the color of your chosen place on the road. Remember that carrying a box of all these gadgets with you is not safe, and they may arouse the suspicion of some policeman if he stops you and randomly decides to search the car for an open bottle of alcohol, drugs or stolen goods.
Weld the nails crosswise, bend them and sharpen from below.
An article about what a driver can do if a wheel is punctured on the road: an algorithm of actions, necessary tools, a money issue. At the end of the article there is a video on what to do if a wheel is punctured.
Article content:
When driving on the road, there are often unforeseen situations for which you may not be prepared. It could be:
It is not possible to prepare for all force majeure, but some basic skills can still come in handy. What to do when a car has a broken tire?
First of all, you need to understand that nothing can be changed - the wheel is broken and now it depends on the coordination of your actions how long you will stay with an immovable car. You can try to fix a punctured wheel yourself or have someone help you.
To begin with, let's look at the situation when the driver tries to do everything himself.
You will immediately feel that the wheel has been punctured. If this happened to the front axle, the car will pull to the right or left. If the problem is in the rear axle, unpleasant extraneous sounds will be heard. So, a puncture has been detected and now it is necessary to smoothly stop, slowly reducing speed. It is best to hold the steering wheel tighter, because if it is punctured, it will begin to pull out, and this is fraught with negative consequences in the form of an accident or driving into a ditch.
It is best to stop on the side of the road or at the exit from the road - so your car will not interfere with anyone, and you can inspect and repair the wheel without any problems. If it is not possible to get off the road, you will have to turn on the alarms in the car and set the emergency stop icon (if available).
You may be able to get off with a small loss of time and money if the puncture is insignificant. Most wheels are equipped with tubeless tires that do not immediately deflate with minor punctures. You can drive to the nearest gas station, pump up the tire and move towards the nearest tire shop. However, at some gas stations there is a tire fitting service, and you don’t have to go far.
Small punctures can also be repaired with a sealant designed for short wheel repairs. It will seal the puncture and also create the necessary pressure in the tire.
When you find that the tire is completely flat, the methods described do not make much sense. Here we will have to act in other ways.
Of course, if the car has an inflated spare tire, a rescue jack and a set of tools, the process of replacing a dysfunctional wheel will not take much time. Your algorithm of actions is as follows:
If you have a small compressor or mechanical pump, inflate the supplied wheel and move on. It is advisable to take the removed punctured wheel immediately to the tire shop in order to repair the tire as soon as possible, if possible.
If the tire is deeply punctured or cut on the side of the wheel, you will most likely have to get rid of it and get a new spare tire.
There are situations when a spare tire is available, but they forgot to buy a jack or simply laid it out as unnecessary. In this situation, you will need outside help.
Well, if the puncture occurred in the area where you have many friends, you can call them and they will come to the rescue. If acquaintances are busy or a puncture occurred on a country road, you will have to take the position of a voter in anticipation that one of the drivers will stop to help you.
Another option is to call a taxi, having previously told the dispatcher about your problem . Surely, any taxi driver in the trunk will have the necessary list of tools and a jack, which are so necessary for a puncture.
Of course, when you stop your car to borrow a jack or repair kit, be prepared to pay a certain amount. It will be enough to 5-10 dollars, depending on the degree of assistance provided. You may come across a noble driver who will not demand a fee, but, as practice shows, there are fewer and fewer of them.
By the way, you can try to buy a spare tire from a stopped driver if you don't have one.
How much will it cost to repair a flat tire? Tire fitters will inspect the puncture free of charge, after which they will issue a verdict. Repair of a tire damaged from the side will cost 10-20 dollars. A patch is installed there, and the tire will be able to serve for some time as a spare. A puncture in the center of the tire will cost a little less - up to $ 15. A special tourniquet is installed at the puncture site, which creates a vacuum and does not allow air to escape from the tire.
Most often, punctures occur due to poor quality road surfaces. Yes, if the puncture occurred as a result of falling into a pit, you have every right to monetary compensation from the road service. But this will require a lot of time from you, and, most likely, you will have to go to court, since it is unlikely that it will be possible to collect payment on a voluntary basis.
Most of the holes appear in the spring when the snow melts. Therefore, if you see deep puddles on the road that cannot be avoided, reduce your speed to a minimum. The impact will not be too strong and is unlikely to result in a puncture or damage to the wheel.