Packing mufflers has to rank right up there with checking valve clearances and lubricating swingarm bearings as one of the most neglected motorcycle maintenance tasks.
It’s only a slightly inconvenient task. But the slow, steady slide from a properly packed muffler into a blown-out tin can is incremental, so it’s hard to notice when your silencer sounds like an echo chamber. Someone may tell you your bike sounds loud, or you may notice it yourself. You also may see some of the packing blowing out, if it’s severe. And you might notice the body of the muffler or silencer is getting way hotter than it used to — maybe you even found a melted body panel or number plate on your bike.
You should take time to repack your muffler. It’s a recommended maintenance item on both factory and aftermarket exhausts. In addition to the racket they make, blown-out exhaust packing robs you of low-end horsepower. And this isn’t just a dirtbike thing; many street bike exhausts need to be repacked, too.
My anecdotal research has shown that older dirt riders are usually good about repacking. I think it’s because many of them raced back when two-stroke bikes ruled in the dirt, and those have a habit of blowing excess oil into the exhaust. (You may have heard the term “spooge” tossed around which refers almost exclusively to the dribbling slobber of oil that makes its way down the pipe and out of the silencer.) The packing, which is almost exclusively woven fiberglass, gets matted down in that junk, and often compresses to the point where exhaust gases slip right by it, rather than traveling through the packing material.
Four-stroke motorcycles need a repack, too, though for different reasons. 4T exhaust temps are lots hotter than their 2T brethren, and the packing in those mufflers burns and vibrates. Strands get broken until they’re small enough that they eventually work their way past the core of the muffler and are blown out of the pipe with your exhaust gas.
Off-road racers generally are aware of this and repack often. Less performance-oriented street riders, though, are often unaware that their exhaust packing is a consumable item.
The process for packing either a silencer (2T) or a muffler (4T) is exactly the same.
Here's all the items I'll be using. RevZilla photo.
You need to perform muffler surgery, but before you remove anything, take a look at your muffler. Many are held together with rivets. Logically, if you are removing rivets, (a one-time use fastener) you’re gonna need some rivets and a rivet tool, so if you don’t own a good selection of rivets and a blind rivet tool, obtain 'em.
Not everything uses rivets, though. The silencer I am repacking in the photos belongs to one of our dirt riders here at RevZilla. I think it’s from a two-smoker Yamaha 125 of some form or flavor. Note that the silencer is actually held together with a pair of bolts to make repacking easy. FMF does this on many of their mufflers, as well.
Disassemble the muffler/silencer. Some have an end cap that removes from the outlet, and some are from the inlet or stinger end. Most units will require one cap to be removed, but not both. RevZilla photo.
Bolts make this job a little easier. Cobra does something similar on some of its fiberglass-packed cruiser exhausts: the baffles are held in with a set screw.
First, you want to put on gloves. Trust me on this. RevZilla photo.
Next, put on gloves. Latex, work gloves, whatever. Fiberglass literally contains microscopic pieces of glass. Anyone who has done this job before (or insulated a room) can back me up on this: you will get a nasty rash from fiberglass that’s irritating and itchy. Gloves are your friend. Change them early and often.
After that, disassemble this baby. Yank your spark arrestor or dB killer if you have either. Unbolt the baffle or end cap if you have bolts, or remove the rivet heads if the muffler is riveted.
(The best way to do this, in my opinion, is to drill the center of the rivet, and then carefully shear the exposed head with a hammer and cold chisel. If your exhaust is a beat-up woods pipe, just place the chisel on there and peel ‘em off. If, however, your pipe is pretty and you want to keep your exhaust looking brand-spankin’ new, you are going to have to work pretty carefully. Stepping up the drill size progressively can help get the rivets loose enough to work them free without damaging the exterior of the muffler.
Work smart, not hard: You probably won’t need to remove all the rivets to unpack the muffler; you can pack most from just one end. The next step is separating the core from the body. They fit together like two concentric tubes. Regardless of what end of your can you’re removing, odds are excellent that the cap and can have been sealed with silicone.
Break the seal of silicone around the end cap. RevZilla photo.
Gentle probing with an appropriate tool to break the seal (picks and razor blades come in handy here) is a great starting point. Once that’s complete, persuasively — but gently — use a rubber mallet to separate body from core. If yours is super-stuck, you can skip to the next step, remove the packing, and then slide a piece of PVC pipe that fits over the core but inside the body, and beat on it (gently).
I placed the body in the vice (using soft jaws) and got out a plastic mallet. RevZilla photo.
Tapping the whole kit ‘n’ kaboodle against the ground, a curb or your workbench may well also assist in loosening up that which carbon or silicone has locked into place.
Wrestle the core out of the body. RevZilla photo.
If you’re working on a 2T silencer, you’ll probably pull out a gooey, oily mess. If you’re working on a 4T muffler, you’ll probably be looking at little or no packing left, perhaps with some scorch marks on the little bit still in there to remind you how that packing met its demise.
Greasy trash. Also, you can see well used muffler packing. RevZilla photo.
Start cleaning up. Get rid of the remaining packing.
This shot of the end of the packing material shows how saturated it had become. Had this been a four-stroke muffler, the packing would likely be far more blown out and burnt. Interestingly, when I handed this back to the owner, he said, "It's pounds lighter!" There was so much oil in that packing that the weight difference was noticeable! RevZilla photo.
Degrease and wipe down your 2T silencer, or use a wire brush to knock off the dry carbon and any other accumulation on a 4T muffler.
A couple quick swipes with a wire brush helps remove the residual silicone used to seal the inlet cap used in the last repack. RevZilla photo.
Once the core is good and clean, give it a good inspection to make sure any welds are still in good shape.
As long as it's out, cleaning oil residue from the core is a good idea. There's no point saturating new fiberglass prematurely. I cleaned up the body, too. Heck, if you want to get really crazy and polish it or something, this is probably the most convenient time to do it. RevZilla photo.
Once that’s done, it’s time to repack. Packing comes in a few varieties: sheet, loose/bulk, pillow, and probably some other formats I haven’t yet come across. They all work fine. Installation is the difference, really. I’ve never used the pillows; my experience has been limited to bulk and sheet. When I was a kid, my first repack job was using the bulk stuff. I bought it because it was cheap, and found that packing a muffler took approximately forever. I didn’t even know how long it took until the next time I had to pack a pipe and bought the fancy expensive sheet-stuff, which saved me eleventy-four hours of labor.
Measure the packing length relative to the core. RevZilla photo.
So my first tip is this: Use sheet packing instead of loose packing if you can get it. My second tip: If you have to use the bulk stuff, a broomstick or other dowel is helpful for ramming that fiberglass into the can. If you pack this way, pack tighter at the inlet and looser at the outlet, because the exhaust is hottest and moving fastest there.
Trim it. RevZilla photo.
I usually roll the core up in the sheet, trimming it if it overhangs egregiously. I roll it pretty damn tight, then hold it in place using a few turns of masking tape.
Roll it up. You're looking for the sweet spot between "don't split the burrito tortilla" and "gotta fit this sleeping bag into the stuff sack." RevZilla photo.
It’s possible to be too tight or too loose, but there’s a pretty wide envelope before you get into either arena.
Tape it all down to ease the reinstallation. Masking tape is usually what I use because it burns off quickly. RevZilla photo.
The tape will burn off quickly, and the packing will expand to fill voids.
Stuff it in there! RevZilla photo.
At this point, it’s time to reinstall. This is usually a little tricky, but not miserable. You'll want to tuck in the packing with your fingers as you are inserting the core (or use that dowel to compress bulk packing as you are shoving more in. This process is a bit different depending on the exhaust, but if you are packing a can, there are two things you’ll likely want to do.
Run a bead of high-temp silicone around the end cap right before you're ready to send the core back home. I like to use my (gloved) finger to smush it out a little so all the excess doesn't wind up on the joint, muffler body, and me! RevZilla photo.
The first occurs right before you get the end cap slipped in place. Give the mating surfaces a little shot of high-temperature RTV silicone. The second is to install the end cap carefully so the holes, be they threaded or drilled, line up just right so you aren’t fighting the cap as you refasten it.
This is the tricky part. At this point, you need to tuck the packing in, not get silicone everywhere, and at the other end, make sure the core fits into its receptacle. Have fun, and I hope you have three hands. In all seriousness, it's not too hard. RevZilla photo.
One tricky part here is getting the end of the core slipped over the corresponding nipple on the muffler outlet. Shoving your finger up there and helping guide the core home is greatly beneficial here. Don't be tempted to hammer the thing in place; if it doesn't slip right into place, it's not lined up. Beating on it will just deform the core, which you'll have to repair or replace once you give up and remove it again.
Reinstall the fasteners, be they bolts or rivets, wipe it down with soapy water and a rag, and go pop it back onto your bike! RevZilla photo.
That’s the end of the job! Reinstall your exhaust (use fresh gaskets if necessary), wipe everything down, then take it for a spin and enjoy the purr (or ring-a-ding-ding) your bike makes once more.
Making your ATV run quieter is actually not all that hard to do. It all starts with the exhaust noise. There’s a few ways you can lower the exhaust noise of your quad that are pretty easy to do yourself.
Suppressing the sound your ATV makes is pretty popular among hunters, bird watchers, or anyone that wants to disturb the wildlife where they ride as little as possible. Others want a quieter machine to avoid bothering the neighbors or to comply with sound pollution regulations in their area. Whatever the case may be you have a few options available to quiet down the noise your ATV makes.
The most effective way to reduce the sound an ATV makes is to install an aftermarket ATV exhaust silencer on your machine. Other options include packing the muffler with sound dampening materials, installing a spark arrestor, or repairing any leaks in the exhaust or muffler system.
This is the preferred method, and you’ll see why later on when I talk about the other options out there. Getting and installing an aftermarket ATV exhaust silencer is so simple and straight forward, and suppresses the exhaust noise better than anything else you could do.
There are plenty of ATV exhaust silencer kits out there to look through. I suggest you start with this Silent Rider ATV Silencer on Amazon. It’s a bit more pricey than some of the other options out there, but well worth it. The Silent Rider makes many versions of this ATV silencer so you should be able to find one that fits your quad. They make it a custom fit for your machine and even offer a one year warranty.
If you’re a bit strapped for cash you could try this Universal Fit Kolpin Stealth Exhaust 2.0 with Heat Shield. Sure it’s about half the price of the Silent Rider, but it’s also about half the star ratings too.
Don’t be put off by that though, most of the complaints are about fitting issues. If you’ll be able to weld this on, you shouldn’t have a problem. The makers of this ATV exhaust silencer, Kolpin, claim there will be no loss in performance with this silencer. That’s a plus in my book.
If you’re trying to spend as little money as possible, you’re looking at the do it yourself approach. You could silence the existing exhaust by packing the muffler with sound dampening materials.
I don’t recommend doing this because you will be restricting airflow out of your engine and could cause overheating or other issues. Still, It’s a viable option if you need to quite the engine quickly and cheaply.
I would advise against using steel wool or anything of that sort because it will heat up pretty quickly in your muffler. Eventually blowing red hot pieces of steel all over the trail. Instead try using heat resistant insulation of some kind.
Sure, you could go into your attic and grab some fiberglass insulation to stuff in your muffler. That should work fine, but the best thing to use would be this Standard Muffler Packing Material, or something similar.
This is low down on the list because it’s not made to reduce the sound of your ATV exhaust. It’s intended to prevent hot debris from being blown out of your exhaust and catching the woods on fire. But, it does reduce the sound your engine makes a little bit.
If you’re going to use the ‘pack the muffler’ method, I highly recommend you make sure your ATV has a spark arrestor because the chances of high heat material getting shot out your exhaust is a lot higher.
It’s pretty easy to install a spark arrestor, and you can find them for around 20 bucks online. Here’s an HMF Spark Arrestor For Exhaust from Amazon to get your search started. As for the install, you simply take the end piece off your exhaust tip, put this on the end of the exhaust and reinstall the end piece.
This may seem like a no brainer but a lot of people don’t realize their exhaust system may have a crack or rusted out areas. If you’re trying to quiet your ATV because you feel the exhaust is overly loud, it may be as simple as fixing the existing exhaust system on the machine.
Check over the exhaust and muffler systems for any small cracks or rusted out areas. Get a flashlight and take care to get a good look, even a small hairline fracture could be causing extra noise.
This is another simple maintenance tip I’ve noticed not many people know about. If you already have an exhaust silencer installed on your quad, you may just need to repack the insulation.
Some ATVs come stock with a silencer on the exhaust from the factory that you will need to repack. You can use the same silencer packing material I recommended up above in the ‘pack the muffler’ section.
You should only need to do this every few years depending on how much you ride. It’s a simple process. Start by taking the exhaust silencer off the exhaust and disassemble until you have access to the material in the silencer.
Pull out all the old silencer packing material and clean the core. It doesn’t hurt to blow out the silencer with compressed air if you can. Install new packing material and reassembly the silencer. Easy as that, you’re done.
There you have it, there’s a few different ways to make your ATV exhaust quieter. I would start with inspecting your exhaust and muffler for damage, rust, and cracks to make sure you don’t have a problem before going through the process of suppressing your ATV exhaust.
If everything looks good, I would repack the stock silencer if you have one, or go ahead and buy an aftermarket silencer for best results. Install a spark arrestor for a little help with the noise if you don’t already have one.
In a pinch you could always pack the muffler, but remember, that could lower your airflow which will reduce your engine power or cause problems.
Sharing is caring!
We will not describe the understandable nature of deposits in the muffler, fumes, soot, rust, as a result, exfoliating from the walls of the muffler, block or create difficulty in the exhaust.
To correct the current situation with the muffler, it is proposed to clean it. To do this, you can use several practical methods. It should be noted that the proposed methods differ in the level of complexity, as well as the level of efficiency achieved in cleaning. Heavily clogged mufflers require serious intervention, up to cutting the body, but first things first. nine0016
We clean the muffler with a cable.
The use of a wire rope is one of the most common methods that is easy to clean mufflers with light to medium carbon deposits. One of the ends of the metal cable should be clamped into the drill chuck. The second end of the cable should be dissolved, making something like a ruff. It is necessary to consistently move into the muffler pipe with a cable. In this case, the pipe should not be removed from the ATV. The rope must be turned slowly. Cleaning should be done until the rope stop is reached. nine0016
Chemical muffler cleaning.
The second method requires the use of such a tool as "Mr. Muscle". You can buy such a powder at any store; it is intended for cleaning clogged sewer pipes. The muffler must be removed for cleaning in this way. Then everything is simple: pour the powder diluted in hot water into the muffler, after closing one of the holes with a wooden gag and shake it well. We repeat the procedure several times. There are also special chemicals for muffler cleaning, for example: LIQUI MOLY DPF Cleaner. The expediency of choosing this method is noted when there is a small amount of deposits in the muffler. nine0016
Cleaning the muffler with a gas burner.
You can also use a gas torch or a blowtorch, the method is suitable for fairly heavy muffler clogging. We warm up the muffler well from all sides over an open fire (some use a fire), then tap the pipe stacks with a wooden mallet or stick so that the soot exfoliates. Then we thoroughly blow the muffler with a compressor. After this cleaning method, the muffler will have to be painted with refractory paint (commercially available). nine0016
Cutting muffler for cleaning.
Cutting is the method to be selected if none of the above methods solved the problem. Part of the muffler can is cut off with a grinder, and you get full access to all the internal parts of the muffler. And then it’s a matter of technology, after mechanical cleaning, we shake out the soot, weld the cut off part of the can back, clean the muffler to a shine, degrease and paint it with refractory paint. nine0016
"How to op...
Wilderness tuning..."
Are you tired of the loud exhaust sound on your ATV? Are the neighbors complaining? Do you use an ATV for hunting? animals scatter from you Try our silencer!!! .Now you will enjoy a quiet ride without any power loss or performance degradation. Easy to install. Easily dismantled.
All hardware included, no need to weld parts or make modifications to the ATV. nine0016
And something else? If the price turns out to be acceptable, of course
no more compact did the effect not the same. price 8500 weight 4.5 kg fastening under the ball for someone removable, then the bracket is attached to the frame.
Send a link on YouTube
no they didn't. But if you have a desire, you can send it to the "jar", but how to fix it and the adapter you will have to think for yourself
forester +
, bank , in terms of its performance characteristics, how does it differ from , Okovskaya ,?
Yes, it differs in its throughput by the number of labyrinths, the diameter of the mesh, the thickness of the metal "Okovskaya" can, according to its technical characteristics, will rather not suppress, but increase the exhaust roar. who does not believe can check.
Do you make for stealth 600?
no friends standing in the garage x8 chinese so I do it. just the presence of equipment is necessary t as fitting with a grasp of welding fasteners everything is done right on the equipment!
Forest wolf 63
How much will it cost at Can Am?
Only on x8. Other quadras require the presence of vehicles. But if you have a desire, you can send it to the "bank", but how to fix it and the adapter will have to be thought for yourself, this will be considered not a finished product, the price of a ruble is two cheaper, the price was announced above! nine0016
Amigo 28
Does the tow bar continue to function after the muffler is installed or is it removed every time?
the tow bar remains in place, unless of course it is removable and performs its functions in any case. on the other hand, the muffler can be removed quickly and easily and can be removed!
I will mark
Hatsan OPTIMA 12
Contact T. S.
I wrote you SMS, although I ate to chat.
No answer, if the phone number is different please write.
Yours faithfully.
call me ?f=14&t=1049
did you do it on X6?
Interested in CF Х5НО
How stupid people are. Written only in X 8
Smart guy, watch your language!
friends don't swear the technique is all different and we are working on the creation of a universal additional muffler there are a lot of thoughts but they all crumble from the variety of ATV models. was a lot of the main condition is the presence of technology. nine0012 RESPECT TO YOU .
how much does your muffler "strangle" the engine?
the diameter of all holes is in no case less than the standard exhaust muffler. Prima, the gas flow is divided into many small ones, its passage through the muffler is lengthened due to the many labyrinths at the end, it unites and freely exits closer to the ground, which also underestimates the noise level.
does not affect the dynamic performance of the engine. in any case, whoever puts it is not in a hurry unnecessarily, but quietly, without noisy, drives up to the right place and also quietly leaves in that sense of this device.
Vitalya imashev
Cool thing I met a hunter in the forest on an ATV with your additional muffler I really liked the result of the exhaust in general it’s not audible like the wind in the forest I at first thought the scooter was driving through the forest. now it caught fire the desire to also ride and enjoy the singing of birds in the forest and not scare all the animals for five kilometers, and the neighbors will grumble less, tell me what you can offer me for my BRP 1000, I know that it’s not according to your model, I will be very grateful for any advice and help. nine0016
Children in PM
Friends with the popularity and high demand of this offer, as well as with the complexity of manufacturing, a slight increase in the price of an additional muffler is expected from the new year. nine0012 HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL.
Vitalya imashev
Thank you very much. this is exactly what I wanted. I recommend it to all hunters and not only. I will post a photo later.
Guys don't raise prices, and so the price is normal.
Friends demand exceeds supply! the waiting list is two or three weeks and the price for seven years is raised a second time. With respect to everyone, but the closest analogue costs twice as much! nine0012
This miracle is done by the Americans if anyone liked write we have one in stock soon we will shoot a comparative video!
Are you tired of the loud exhaust sound on your ATV? Are the neighbors complaining? Do you use an ATV for hunting? animals scatter from you Try our silencer!!! .Now you will enjoy a quiet ride without any power loss or performance degradation. Easy to install. Easily dismantled. nine0012 All hardware included, no need to weld parts or make modifications to the ATV.
- Sophisticated sound suppression system reduces noise by up to 60% without power loss
- Uses steel construction for durable use
Seems to be half the price of stock.location Samara region. It is made mainly for x8, but there were options for other models of ATVs and bugs, everything is negotiated individually. 89093715861
Please tell me, if you send a muffler from the taiga snowmobile, can you reduce the sound?
Are you tired of the loud exhaust sound on your ATV? Are the neighbors complaining? Do you use an ATV for hunting? animals scatter from you Try our silencer!!! .Now you will enjoy a quiet ride without any power loss or performance degradation. Easy to install. Easily dismantled. nine0012 All hardware included, no need to weld parts or make modifications to the ATV.
- Sophisticated sound suppression system reduces noise by up to 60% without power loss
- Uses steel construction for durable use
Seems to be half the price of stock. location Samara region. It is made mainly for x8, but there were options for other models of ATVs and bugs, everything is negotiated individually.89093715861
Please tell me, if you send a muffler from a taiga snowmobile, 2 stroke, can you reduce the sound?
difficult situation with the muffler from the taiga snowmobile. I have never come across looked pictures thought how to help and came to the conclusion that the engine compartment does not give vent to fantasy. can't be added! and the native is competently made to modify it is not worth it. either the engine will choke or everything will light up. Yuriysergievposad try to wrap the entire exhaust system with non-combustible material like tape as in the picture. % 15 will be quieter. nine0334Understood, thank you.
Good afternoon, are you doing Haysan 500? And another question, is there any power loss after installing your muffler?
You can make it for any ATV and bugs, including Haysan 500 stealth, but if you have it in the garage !!! currently stands sf moto x8 and sf moto 500 On the issue of power loss after installing an additional muffler, I will answer - it’s a bad case! The basic rule in the manufacture of a muffler is that the labyrinth and all holes with their number should not be narrower than the outlet of the standard exhaust system! nine0016
Friends, I'm sorry, I rarely visit !!! I bring to your attention a new product, an additional muffler on the SF moto 500-A, it became possible to make several copies.
Monsson 904 Monsson
Successful test! There is a video on my channel! nine0016
Will the 800 bomb be silenced?
I will make a silencer based on the throughput and cubic capacity of your ATV! The difficulty is to install and hermetically connect!
I will make a muffler based on the throughput and cubic capacity of your ATV! The difficulty is to install and hermetically connect!
Contact me at least by SMS, I will give you a WhatsApp number.
In the tablet I have similar developments!
This is a newer, more advanced muffler! Increased the severity of the can, the most compact setting without interfering with the functions of the towbar! And a more advanced exhaust sound suppression system. nine0016zemba
And for Chinese Lifans 76730] catalo...818059223276730
did you try to make mufflers?
On such motors, cheap all-terrain vehicles of karakat-breaks on UAZ fists "a la Vologda" are usually assembled on such motors.
They rumble mercilessly, but their hands don't know how to attach something from the Oka.monssson
Chinese Lifans did yes but only the silencer itself!!! you have to connect and install in place on your own, the models are different, the layout and location of the power unit are also different for everyone. I always advise such Kulibins to take the exhaust gases further from the seat so that the combustion products are not inhaled !!! There were no complaints. nine0016
Price, what, size, weight?
zemba the price does not fundamentally change, all the work is in the lineup of the barrel itself! material iron of different thicknesses internal labyrinths many holes of different diameters, size 25-30 cm diameter 12-15 everything depends on the cubic capacity and throughput of the power unit, respectively, the weight also changes 5-8 kg.
Vosnavnom difficulty in installation in place. Everything needs to be discussed!!! nine0012 whatsapp and viber +79179528938 .
BAD NEWS due to increased demand, the order waiting time has increased from one week to two!
BAD NEWS due to increased demand, the order waiting time has increased from one week to two!
GOOD NEWS despite the critical fall of the ruble, the price remains the same! nine0012
There is good news, how to try it on remotely?
Kalina is waiting for a visit, otherwise it is impossible to try on remotely, but if you have not changed the design and everything is stock, how can I take a photo and even a video of the fitting!!!
Watch the video on YouTube channel. nine0016
I myself installed an additional one from Oka on the CF 600. Everything worked out, the main sound remained from the variator. Corrugated stainless steel plumbing, from Leroy (~500 rubles).
BMP193 Well done, I just forgot to mention that it is three times larger than the regular one and you can’t put it without welding! drum! watch the comparison video.
ATV friends!!! Work on the creation of a universal muffler has ended. The barrel itself has remained unchanged, since for eight years it has proven itself from the best side and does not need to be improved. Innovations are a strong bracket with double fastening to the barrel and the possibility of bending in the right direction! and the introduction of AISI 304 stainless steel flexible bellows for exhaust systems. The only thing I ask when ordering is the outer diameter of the standard muffler outlet and discuss the installation location, since not everyone has a tow ball mount !!! nine0012
Despite the fact that the labor intensity and the cost of manufacturing a universal additional muffler is an order of magnitude higher than usual, we will not raise the price this year.
Individual approach to each order, unlimited opportunities to make your trips quieter and more comfortable. nine0016
Can I have a link to YouTube with comparative tests?
Didn't they make Haysan500 stealth?
In this video, we compared our version of the silencer with foreign ones!
The introduction of a special corrugation for exhaust systems into production has made it possible to improve any ATV model! nine0012monssson
my tablet is always at hand and viber and whatsapp
+8938.952 SergeyMonssson
https://wwww.Samamara/saza/samara/ito/samara/saza/samara/ito my tablet is always at hand and viber and vatsab
+79179528938 Sergey. nineIs the topic dead or alive?
I'm interested in the muffler for Suzuki Kingquad 750.
How much does it cost, how fast is the installation / dismantling, is it possible to drive with it all the time?
Faculty isMonssson