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How to Reset the Tire Pressure Light on a 2010 Toyota Corolla You can reset the tire pressure light on a 2010 Toyota Corolla by pressing the Reset button on the instrument panel, inside glove box, or knee bolster. In addition, you can read the recommended tire pressure for the specific size of your car’s tires. The following recommendations are for a variety of 2010 Toyota corolla trim levels. You can read the recommended pressures for each tire size below.
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Resetting the tire pressure light on a 2010 Toyota CorollaIf you have a 2010 Toyota Corolla, you may need to learn how to reset the tire pressure light. You can find the button by going inside the glove box or on the knee bolster. To reset the warning light, press and hold the button for three seconds. The TPMS indicator light will then blink three times in a row. You can also reset the light on your own by following the steps below.
First, get your vehicle’s tire pressure gauge. This way, you can determine if there is a problem with the tire pressure. Once you have the pressure gauge, press the button on the steering wheel that blinks three times. If you are unable to see the button, turn the steering wheel to the left. This will return the light to normal operation. You can then check the tire pressure by using a tire gauge or by using a TPMS.
How to Reset the Tire Pressure Light on a 2010 Toyota Corolla
Checking the tire pressure on a 2010 Toyota CorollaFor safe driving, check your tire pressure often. Low tire pressure can lead to uneven tire wear, less traction, and decreased gas mileage. In addition, low tire pressure can lower your car’s fuel efficiency. For these reasons, it’s important to check your tire pressure regularly. Read your car’s manual to learn more about maintaining proper tire pressure. Your Toyota Corolla’s manual also lists the recommended pressure for each tire size.
If your vehicle was built after 2007, it probably has a Tire Pressure Monitoring System. If your car has TPMS, consult your owners manual to learn more about its features. If you’ve noticed a warning light on the dashboard, your tires are underinflated. To resolve this issue, check the tire pressure in both the front and rear tires. If the warning light comes on only half of the time, your car’s tires may be underinflated.
Resetting the TPMS light on a 2010 Toyota CorollaA low tire pressure warning light on your 2010 Toyota Corolla can be very annoying, but resetting the light is easy. To reset the TPMS light, you can use a tire pressure gauge to check the tires’ pressure. Look for the reset button located on the instrument panel, lower right. Push it until it blinks three times and then press it to confirm the reset.
You can find the TPMS reset button in the instrument panel, to the right of the steering wheel.
Press the button for several seconds and wait until the TPMS indicator light blinks three times. When it stops blinking, press the button again to clear the message. Then, you can reinflate the tires. You can then drive your car without worrying about the low tire pressure.
Tire pressure is very important for your car. When the pressure in your tires is too low, your car will drive unevenly, give you bad gas mileage, and reduce your fuel economy. Tire pressure must be checked regularly, for a safe drive and improved fuel efficiency. Proper tire inflation will also improve your safety and gas mileage. By following these tips, you’ll be able to enjoy lower auto insurance costs and enjoy more comfortable drives.
If you notice a warning light on your car’s dashboard, the tires may be underinflated or overinflated. If you do notice this warning light, make sure to take your car to a Toyota dealer for repair. If you have a TPMS sensor failure, the system will automatically turn off and the warning light will come on. To reset the TPMS system, you should get the recommended tire pressure on the sticker on your car’s driver’s door.
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By John Goreham G+ Nov 3 2020 - 9:50am
If you have a Toyota Corolla with the tire pressure warning light on, here is what to do and why it came on.
Tire pressure monitoring systems are mandated by law in America. This is not a feature that Toyota installs as a feature on just some Corolla trims. For more than a decade, Toyota has been installing systems and they have been driving some Corolla owners crazy. While they certainly do help let you know if a tire is deflated, in many cases, these systems can be an annoyance.
Here are the reasons that your Toyota Corolla has a “Tire Pressure Warning System” alert as Toyota calls it. We will refer to it as “TPWS” from here forward. Before we begin, if your TPWS system warning light is on now, immediately check your tire pressure. Some cars can display the tire pressure in the information display. If yours doesn’t, use a tire pressure gauge to check the pressures. The correct setpoints for your Corolla are listed on the driver’s door. Do not drive your Corolla with the TPWS light on without verifying that the tires have proper air pressure.
Corolla Tire Pressure Warning - Temperatures Have Dropped
If seasonal temperatures are dropping and your TPWS warning light is illuminated, the reason is most likely due to the temperature difference between when the pressure was last set and the current temperatures. The pressure inside a tire drops with temperature. You need to reset the tire pressure in early winter and early summer. The air didn’t leak out of the tire. It simply became lower in pressure as the temperatures declined. This happens to all tires, in all vehicles, regardless of what gas is inside of them (air or nitrogen).
If you find that the pressure inside all of your tires is lower than the setpoint, top them off to the correct pressure. The TPWS light should go out shortly after you set the pressures to the proper level. If just one tire is lower than the rest by more than 25%, have a tire technician investigate.
Corolla Tire Pressure Warning - You Have a Flat Or More Than One Flat
The reason you have a tire pressure monitoring system in your Corolla is to detect a flat tire. Or more than one flat tire. If the light comes on while you are driving, this is the likely cause for it. Pull off the road to a safe area as quickly as you safely can and investigate. A visual inspection is not enough. Use your tire gauge to check the pressure in all four tires. If you have a flat, refer to the Corolla’s owner’s manual (see below) on what to do.
Corolla Tire Pressure Warning - TPWS System Failure
Our initial reaction when a warning light comes on is to hope it is wrong. They are sometimes. The TPWS system in your Corolla may have a problem, but it is unlikely. Yes, every person who has a problem with the tire pressure system in any car quickly goes to every Facebook forum to report it (angrily). However, the Toyota Corolla is not a vehicle that struggles with the TPWS system more so than others.
If you have verified the pressure in your tires is correct using a tire gauge, and the TPWS system is displaying a warning, ask a mechanic for help. You don’t have to go to a Toyota dealer, but if your Corolla is under the initial new vehicle warranty, that would certainly make sense.
Like any system in your Corolla, age and damage can cause a problem with the TPWS system. Individual sensors can be replaced, but the system will still need to be re-initialized. We suggest that this job is best done by a mechanic or tire professional who understands the system and can handle the work, but you can have go at it with the manual.
Corolla Tire Pressure Warning - Tire Sealants
Emergency tire sealants in a can like Fix-A -Flat, or Slime may cause your TPWS sensor to malfunction. This does not mean that the sensor is now destroyed. Here is what the Fix-A-Flat brand says about TPMS systems and its product: “Fix-a-Flat is tire sensor safe. After the qualified tire repair professional has repaired your tire, they should clean the TPMS device with water to remove any sealant that may have come into contact with the device. After the repaired tire is replaced and inflated, the TPMS system can be reset and will resume operating as normal.”
Prius Tire Pressure Warning - New Tire Or New Tires
If you buy new tires for your Corolla and immediately get a tire pressure warning light check the pressure. Mistakes happen. Flats sometimes happen driving out of a tire shop parking lot. If you have checked the pressure and it is properly set, return to the tire shop and let them know that the Corolla’s TPWS system has indicated a problem. If the shop changed the valve stems the system may need to be re-initialized.
Be aware that some TPWS systems are sensitive to tire sizes. You should only use the exact size of tire your Corolla came with. If you have mounted aftermarket wheels or a different size tire, the retailer who did the work should be able to explain to you how they will resolve the TPWS system.
Corolla Tire Pressure Warning - Nitrogen Is Unnecessary
There are some dealers and shops that will suggest nitrogen as a solution to a TPWS problem in a Corolla. The claims that advocates of nitrogen for tires make are unfounded by science (the author’s degree is in mechanical engineering, ask the nitrogen seller what his technical degree is).
Furthermore, your Toyota Corolla was designed to work perfectly fine using compressed air. And it should. Does inflating an underinflated tire with nitrogen cause the TPWS light to go out? Of course, it could. Just as inflating the tire with air will do. If you wish to waste money on nitrogen, that is your call. Just know that the Corolla doesn’t need it.
A TPWS system alert is always an annoyance, but for the most part, it is a feature that is there to help us in case a dangerous situation develops. Add air to your Corolla’s tires when temperatures begin to drop in early winter. Reset it again in early summer. These are the best two habits you can have to avoid TPWS issues.
Find Your Corolla's Owner's Manual Here.
Corolla Tire Pressure Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: Where is the Tire Pressure Warning Switch reset button on a Corolla?
-A: On some generations, it is under the steering wheel (See top of page image). Follow the instructions in the manual to reset it.
Q: How do you reset the TPMS light on a Corolla?
-A: Use the owner's manual link at the bottom of the story to find your Corolla’s year and instructions. Follow them, but be aware that resting the system may not solve the underlying issue.
Q: Can the TPMS be in the Corolla turned off?
-A: The TPWS system cannot be turned off. It can be reset.
Q: Is it dangerous to drive with the tire pressure light on?
-A: Yes, driving without knowing why the light is on is dangerous until you have checked the pressure with a tire pressure gauge to verify that the pressures are correctly set.
John Goreham is a long-time New England Motor Press Association member and recovering engineer. Following his engineering program, John also completed a marketing program at Northeastern University and worked with automotive component manufacturers. In addition to Torque News, John's work has appeared in print in dozens of American newspapers and he provides reviews to many vehicle shopping sites. You can follow John on Twitter, and view his credentials at Linkedin
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You are the proud owner of a recent car, the benefits of tactile devices, integrated technology should bring you the ease and comfort of using your Toyota Corolla, however, this is to say that the technology is talking about electronic, and as we all unfortunately know, that sometimes there are problems to solve. Today we will focus on the tire pressure sensor and specifically the tire pressure sensor. How to reset the Toyota Corolla tire pressure sensor so that this indicator is no longer displayed on the dashboard. To do this, we will divide our article into two parts: first we will discuss the typical case of a tire pressure indicator light and the subsequent process, and then the case where the tire pressure indicator remains on even if the tires are inflated. So, how to reset this tire sensor on a Toyota Corolla.
First, we will look at the general approach to reset the tire sensor on a Toyota Corolla which, if it lights up, here are the basic steps:
For more Toyota Corolla tips, take a look at the Toyota Corolla category.
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When the tires are optimally inflated, the low tire pressure indicator (TPMS) does not light up on the vehicle's dashboard. However, in some cases, it lights up even if the pressure is normal. This can't help but be annoying, especially when the tires are inflated normally. In our article today, we will figure out how to reset a tire pressure error.
American and European scientists conducted a study, during which it was found that most drivers do not check whether the wheels are properly inflated before getting behind the wheel of a car. Only 40% of car owners perform such a check - and even then only once every 12 months. This is the reason for a large number of accidents.
The TPMS (Tyre pressure monitoring system) system is designed to monitor tire pressure, as well as warn of a malfunction. If the tires are under-inflated or over-inflated, an error will be displayed on the remote control or an audible signal will appear.
What is dangerous too high or, conversely, low pressure? The risk of an accident increases, the car begins to consume more fuel, in addition, the rubber wears out faster.
Photo: Shutterstock
The above devices operate on the same principle. Let's figure out how information about what tire pressure gets to the control panel.
Consider how pressure is calculated by measuring instruments. Typically, the sensor performs a comparison of the angular rotation of the wheel. Knowing the value of this parameter, you can calculate the distance that the wheel will travel in one rotation.
Obviously, if the tires are under-inflated or over-inflated, then the outer diameter of the wheel will be different. Visually, a person cannot determine this change. But the sensor notices even such changes. The system fixes non-compliance with the required parameters.
The sensor will still respond, despite the fact that the wheel circumference has changed quite a bit. In this situation, it is necessary to find out what mechanical reason led to this. Only in this way can you eliminate the misinterpretation of the signals transmitted by the system. This can happen because:
Also, the TPMS system gives an error when you install new wheels or rearrange them.
When, after these steps, a tire pressure error appeared, indicating unbalance, you should reset the settings, and then set the basic parameters. In this case, the control signal may remain even if the basic settings have been selected.
Why such problems may occur:
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How to reset tire pressure error? To begin with, imagine that the TPMS system is working properly and the blinking light indicates a problem with the undercarriage of the machine. The first thing you should do is slowly release the gas. You can not brake sharply, turn the steering wheel. After the car has stopped, inspect the tires to make sure the rubber is not punctured or broken. Then you can check if the tire pressure is normal.
Pay attention! The TPMS will not always show a tire pressure error. For example, if the tires are slowly deflating, the system will not inform you about the problem. In the same way, she will not notice the error if the tire pressure starts to drop rapidly. This usually happens when a tire ruptures. This feature of the TPMS system is explained by the specifics of identifying and counting nonconformities.
However, in some cases, it happens that the TPMS system indicator is on, but the tires are in perfect condition. How to reset tire pressure error? We understand.
The complex TPMS system in some cases starts to work incorrectly. Usually, car owners observe the following picture: a tire pressure error is displayed on the display (the tire is underinflated), but in reality everything is fine with the wheel. You have to reset the tire pressure error. Otherwise, the TPMS system starts to work incorrectly.
Photo: Shutterstock
You also have to reset the tire pressure error when there is radio interference from high voltage power lines. Or when sources of radio signals are located in the immediate vicinity. But as soon as you move away from them, the pressure error disappears and the system begins to function properly.
The reason for the malfunction may lie in the sensor, which is "failed". This damage cannot be easily repaired. How to reset a tire pressure error if the sensor flashes, while you hear a beep, lose your vigilance and find it difficult to drive a car? There are 4 ways to fix this problem.
To reset the error, pick up a speed of 80 km / h and continue driving for another 15 kilometers.
This method is the easiest to implement. If your car has this feature, then turn on the cruise control so that the speed does not change. Depending on the model of your car, you will be able to reset the tire pressure error at a speed that exceeds the specified one. After you cover a distance of 15-20 kilometers, maintaining the same speed of 80 km / h, make a stop. Turn off the motor. When you start it again, the tire pressure error will disappear.
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Press the tire pressure monitoring system (TPMS) reset button on your car and you will be able to reset the error.
It does not matter what type of low pressure warning system is used. In any case, there will be a sensor on each wheel of your car. Sometimes it may be necessary to reboot the touch system of the car. Read the owner's manual for the vehicle. It contains information on how to reset a tire pressure error. Most often, the instructions indicate which button to press to reset.
The ignition key must be in the lock. No need to start the car, just turn it to the “on” (“ON”) position. Then press and hold the reset button, which may be under the steering wheel. We are waiting for the low pressure indicator to blink 3 times. After that, you can release the button. We start the car, it should work for 20 minutes. After this time, the computer will calibrate the sensors on the wheels. Now you can turn off the car.
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Lower and then re-inflate the wheels.
Failed to reset tire pressure error using the previous method? Then we inflate all tires to 0.2 bar, this is the pressure that should be according to the recommendations of car manufacturers. Did the error go away? Then we lower the pressure in the tires completely.
Now we pump up the wheels again. The pressure in them must be the same as indicated on the driver's door pillar or in the car's operating instructions. When there are sensors on the wheels, you need to remember about the spare tire. Now you need to drive about 3-5 kilometers, adhering to a speed of 25 km per hour. So you can reset the tire pressure error.
Remove the battery terminals and then connect it to reset the error.
Each car has a computer that receives data from all kinds of vehicle sensors, including TPMS system sensors. However, any electronics can fail. To reset the error, you will have to reboot the system, for which you need to turn off the power.
Photo: Shutterstock
To do this, open the hood. The battery is located under the hood. Disconnect the negative terminal from it. To perform this operation, use a wrench. Then sit in the driver's seat, turn the key to the "ON" position, but do not start the car. Now you need to press the signal for 3 seconds. This will use up the energy that remains in the electrical system of the machine. Then reconnect the battery. This way you can reset the error.
Sensors keep track of tire pressure. However, you need to be sure that they function properly. Of course, you do not need to constantly walk around with a special measuring device and find out the status of the sensors. It just needs to be calibrated from time to time.
It is performed quite simply. The most important thing to remember is that, depending on the make and model of your car, for each wheel there are pressure parameters strictly defined by the manufacturer for winter and summer. These values should be given to the sensors. How the installation and configuration will be performed depends on the controller used.
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To prevent a tire pressure error from appearing, it is important to calibrate (adjust the TPMS system) every time a change is made. For example, when you installed a new set of wheels, repaired tires, did balancing, and the like. Using TPMS controllers is quite simple. The main thing is to read the instructions for use of the device. And make sure that the tire pressure is the one recommended by the car manufacturer.
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Every car owner gets annoyed if the tire pressure error icon lights up on the dashboard.