The ATV VIN number charts and information to help you search for and decode your ATV’s VIN. Every sport ATV has a 17 digit VIN (vehicle identification number), even if you need to search for the ATV VIN location a little. You’ll find the VIN plate mounted to the frame of the ATV, usually on the bottom left side. This information guide will help you with ATV VIN identification.
Kawasaki for example has the VIN mounted on the left side of the frame below the engine. If you have nerf bars installed it’s possible that part of the VIN will be hard to see. Don’t mistake the engine number, which is mounted on the engine, as a VIN number because they are different.
A VIN or Vehicle Identification Number is standardized. Whether your ride a Honda, Kawasaki, Suzuki, Polaris, Yamaha or other ATV all will contain 17 characters that can include capital letters from A through Z and numbers 1 through 0. The letters I, O and Q are never used within a VIN in order to avoid mistakes made by misreading them.
No signs or spaces are allowed in the Vehicle Identification Number.
The position of each letter and/or number in the VIN code reveals important information about where and when your ATV was made, the type of engine it has, the model or series of ATV, various equipment/attributes and its production sequence.
Contact the vehicles manufacturer with specific VIN related questions. Contact your local DMV, department of motor vehicles, if you need to replace your VIN plate (if it broke off or you installed a new frame etc). Here is a general breakdown of what your ATV VINs number means.
1971 | 1 |
1972 | 2 |
1973 | 3 |
1974 | 4 |
1975 | 5 |
1976 | 6 |
1977 | 7 |
1978 | 8 |
1979 | 9 |
1980 | A |
1981 | B |
1982 | C |
1983 | D |
1984 | E |
1985 | F |
1986 | G |
1987 | H |
1988 | J |
1989 | K |
1990 | L |
1991 | M |
1992 | N |
1993 | P |
1994 | R |
1995 | S |
1996 | T |
1997 | V |
1998 | W |
1999 | X |
2000 | Y |
2001 | 1 |
2002 | 2 |
2003 | 3 |
2004 | 4 |
2005 | 5 |
2006 | 6 |
2007 | 7 |
2008 | 8 |
2009 | 9 |
2010 | A |
2011 | B |
2012 | C |
2013 | D |
2014 | E |
2015 | F |
2016 | G |
2017 | H |
2018 | J |
2019 | K |
2020 | L |
– VIN Number Year Chart and it continues year by year: 2011 = B, 2012 = C, 2013 = D, 2014 = E, 2015 = F, 2016 = G etc. 2018 = J, 2019 = K, 2020 = L, you get the idea. Important: The letters i,q, u and o are never used so skip them accordingly. Also important: To tell the difference between an older and newer ATV the 7th digit is referenced. Example, the letter A in 10th position could mean a 1980 or a 2010 ATV. To know which it is look to the 7th digit, if the 7th digit is a number the earlier year is accurate. If the 7th digit is a letter the later year is accurate.
– 11th digit : Assembly plant
– 12th to 17th digits : These ATV vin numbers increase by one for each unit that rolls off the assembly line, the last four are always numbers.
It’s very helpful to know your ATV VIN when purchasing aftermarket parts. Here is a chart of what your Honda ATV VIN may look like, it’s useful information to have when doing a VIN check.
Honda VIN Chart
To do a free ATV VIN search visit the ATV VIN Check page.
Last updated:
Every vehicle produced since 1981 has a unique vehicle identification number, or VIN for short. A VIN contains data specific to the vehicle it is attached to including the year the vehicle was manufactured. The 10th digit of every VIN represents the year the vehicle was made. Here is a simple VIN year chart to help you decode the year your vehicle was manufactured in.
The letters I (i), O (o), Q (q), U (u) and Z (z), as well as the number zero, are never used on a VIN because they can be confused with other digits. You may have noticed that some digits repeat, this is because the 10th digit of the VIN is re-used every 30 years.
Match the 10th digit of your vehicle’s VIN to the VIN year table below to find out what year it was made. I hope you find this 10th digit VIN decoder chart useful. Learn more about your ATV VIN number.
Code | Year | Code | Year | Code | Year | Code | Year | Code | Year | ||||
A = | 1980 | L = | 1990 | Y = | 2000 | A = | 2010 | L = | 2020 | ||||
B = | 1981 | M = | 1991 | 1 = | 2001 | B = | 2011 | M = | 2021 | ||||
C = | 1982 | N = | 1992 | 2 = | 2002 | C = | 2012 | N = | 2022 | ||||
D = | 1983 | P = | 1993 | 3 = | 2003 | D = | 2013 | P = | 2023 | ||||
E = | 1984 | R = | 1994 | 4 = | 2004 | E = | 2014 | R = | 2024 | ||||
F = | 1985 | S = | 1995 | 5 = | 2005 | F = | 2015 | S = | 2025 | ||||
G = | 1986 | T = | 1996 | 6 = | 2006 | G = | 2016 | T = | 2026 | ||||
H = | 1987 | V = | 1997 | 7 = | 2007 | H = | 2017 | V = | 2027 | ||||
J = | 1988 | W = | 1998 | 8 = | 2008 | J = | 2018 | W = | 2028 | ||||
K = | 1989 | X = | 1999 | 9 = | 2009 | K = | 2019 | X = | 2029 |
Suspension. Shock absorbers must be free of oil, and CV boots must be free of holes through which moisture can enter. To check the condition of the wheel bearings and hub bushings, you need to raise the ATV with a jack and shake the wheels vertically and horizontally - if there is play, one of these parts is worn out. Most often these are bearings. You also need to check all the suspension arms for play - perhaps ball bearings or silent blocks need to be replaced.
ATV with working shock absorbers lowers and rises evenly - when pressing on the rear or front, one of the sides should not sag.
Transmission. Gearboxes must be free of oil leaks and cracks. The oil in them can be checked by lowering a plastic clamp into the filler neck or unscrewing the drain bolts: it’s bad if the liquid is opaque, it contains chips or other foreign particles. To check the modes of operation of the transmission, you need to jack up the front of the ATV. When all-wheel drive is on, when turning the left wheel, the right wheel should rotate in the opposite direction, and vice versa. When the differential lock is engaged, both wheels rotate in the same direction. Transfers should be included without effort and crunch.
Engine. It must be free of oil. A serviceable motor starts in 2-3 seconds and works without a metallic rattle, an arbitrary increase and decrease in idle speed.
Bad sign - black oil or with foreign particles. Normally it is transparent.
A malfunction is also indicated by black, white or blue smoke from the exhaust pipe, as well as a burning smell. At idle, the exhaust gases of a serviceable ATV are almost transparent.
It is advisable to measure the compression in the cylinders - this will require a compression meter with adapters for different threads of the candles and knowledge of the normal compression value in the cylinders of a particular ATV model, taking into account the decompression meter.
Coolant . You need to check with a cold engine. The antifreeze level must be between the minimum mark "LOW" and the maximum "FULL". The liquid should not be cloudy. If there is sediment or dirty “flakes” under the radiator cap, the motor was poorly maintained and may have overheated.
Air filter . If there are oil stains on it, most likely the ATV turned over.
Electrical . It is necessary to check the operation of the parking lights, high and low beams, turn signals, alarms, horns, heating, winches. Error indicators - for example, an electric booster - should go out when the engine is started.
Electric power steering . With the ATV running and jacked up, turn the steering wheel left, right, then center. With a working electric power steering, the steering wheel does not turn on its own.
Frame. Cracks, extensive corrosion, welding spots, stripped or fresh paint in the places where the suspension arms are attached, on the arms themselves and on the bottom of the frame - a reason to refuse to buy. Cracks or welding in the cargo platform area are not critical.
The difference in one or more bolts of the engine, variator or bridge, as well as traces of sealant on the crankcase connectors, indicates that the assembly was disassembled to fix the breakdown.
ATV in good working order does not pull to one side. When moving back and forth with the wheels fully inverted, there is no cod. The start of movement and acceleration without jerks and bumps. When you turn on the four-wheel drive and differential lock, it becomes more difficult to turn the steering wheel.
CTP in Ingosstrakh
Issue Extend
Go to the calculator for legal entities
Enter the registration number and click "Find" ...
Number format
If the car is not registered, select the number format "I don't have a number"
Vehicle characteristics
Key factors affecting
the cost of the OSAGO policy
Settlement with the traffic police Europrotocol
For damage to the vehicle
Up to 400,000 ₽ for each owner of a vehicle damaged in your TAP. Within this amount, we will arrange repairs or make a payment
For damage to other property
We will pay up to 400,000 ₽ to each owner of property damaged in an accident through your fault. For example, if you hit someone else's fence or a city stop
For damage to life and health
We will pay up to 500,000 ₽ to each participant in the accident affected by your fault
For damage to the vehicle
Up to 400,000 ₽ if the participants in the accident agree about the circumstances of the accident and damage, and also took a photo accidents through the mobile application of the RSA "Accident. Europrotocol" or "OSAGO Assistant"
Up to 100,000 rubles, if the participants in the accident do not have disagreements, but did not take a photo or, conversely, if there are disagreements, but photographic fixation was carried out on
For damage to other property
Such accidents are issued only with the traffic police
For damage to life and health
Such accidents are processed only with the traffic police
Contact Ingosstrakh for direct compensation for losses. We recommend that you do this within 5 days from the date of the accident. To receive direct damages, the following conditions must be met:
If at least one of the conditions is not met, the victim has the right to apply to the insurance company of the culprit. If the perpetrator does not have OSAGO, the victim may demand compensation from him for damages. This can be done through a pre-trial claim or in court.
Useful information
Questions and answers
From the insurance rate and coefficients established by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation 6007-U, as well as tariff factors established by the company. All factors that influenced the calculation of the cost of the policy are indicated in the draft policy, which can be reviewed before payment or in the policy itself. This information is in paragraph 7 - Calculation of the amount of insurance premium
Does the price of OSAGO depend on the region in which the car is registered?
The cost of the policy is affected by the region in which the owner of the car is registered. At the same time, the car can be registered in any region of Russia. If the car is registered in a foreign country (that is, it does not have a Russian license plate), the country of registration does not affect the price of the policy. Please note that in the territory of the Donetsk People's Republic, Luhansk People's Republic, Kherson and Zaporozhye regions, as part of the Russian Federation, OSAGO is not valid until January 1, 2024.
How to terminate the OSAGO contract?
Upon termination of the OSAGO policy, in some cases, a part of the insurance premium is returned, depending on the number of remaining days of the period of use and minus 23%, the deduction of which is provided for by law.
The e-OSAGO agreement is terminated according to the standard procedure in one of our offices or in a personal account on our website.
How is an electronic accident notice different from a paper one?
Nothing. But an electronic notice does not need to be taken to the insurance office. It is convenient to issue it using the OSAGO Assistant mobile application or the AUTO Public Services. To use the application, both participants must have a verified account on Public Services. Detailed information on filling out an electronic notice of an accident can be found on the website of the Russian Union of Motor Insurers.
What should I do if the owner of the car has changed?
The policyholder is required by law to notify the insurance company of a change in ownership. It will not be possible to reissue an insurance contract for a new owner. The policyholder needs to terminate the OSAGO contract, and the new owner must conclude a new contract. Exception: if the policyholder has become the new owner. In this case, you still need to notify the insurance company and make changes to the policy.
Does the cooling period work for the OSAGO contract?
No, the “cooling off period” does not work for compulsory insurance contracts.
1. What is the Europrotocol?
Europrotocol (European protocol) is a procedure for fixing an accident without calling the police.
Participants of the accident fill in the accident report on their own on a special paper form or in electronic form through a special application (OSAGO Assistant)
2. When can I file an accident according to the European protocol?
The following conditions must be met simultaneously:
The following conditions must be met at the same time: 1. Only 2 vehicles were involved in the accident, and only they were damaged: there are no victims and other property is not damaged 2. Both cars are insured under OSAGO, and the drivers are allowed to drive 3.