How much psi for impact wrench

General Air Impact Wrench Compressor Requirements

There are lots of uncertainties out there about selecting the ideal size air compressor for running your air tools. Basically, there are few air impact wrench compressor requirements to look at when choosing the right air compressor for your garage or shop.

These air impact wrench compressor requirements let you decide which one is best suited for your needs. There are few considerations:

  • Power rating (Horse power)
  • Pounds per Square Inch (PSI)
  • Cubic Feet per Minute (CFM)
  • Tank Size (Litres)

The first criteria is the air compressor’s horse power (Hp) rating. Many assume that the higher HP, the better the air compressor is. Thus, all HP ratings are not created equal and can easily be misrepresented. If your plan on using your air compressor for smaller jobs like air brushing or pumping up tyres then an 1. 5 hp compressor should get the job done.

Another thing to consider is the PSI which stands out for pounds per square inch. Most air impact wrench compressors require 90 PSI in order to work correctly.

Hence, you will still need an air compressor with a higher shut-off pressure. Generally, such compressors shut off at 100 PSI but don’t forget about pressure loss in the line. You will find that most air tools will operate best between the sweet spot of 80 – 100 PSI. Most small workshop compressors between 1.5 hp and 3 hp generally will produce between 120 and 150 PSI. So in this case air pressure should not be a problem. If the PSI drops as the tank empties it could indicate that the compressor is under-powered for the work you are doing.

Other air impact wrench compressor requirements that you need to consider before buying is CFM which stands for cubic feet per minute. Different air tools require different volumes of free air to work correctly. If you don’t know about free air it is measured using CFM or Cubic Feet per minute. This is the amount of compressed air that will need to pass through the tool per minute for it to work. So its clear that the air compressors output must at least match a air tools required CFM.

Lastly, the tank size is the final factor to consider. Tank size is normally stated in US gallons. For an instance, 30 gallon is a regular tank size. First, don’t be confused about having a large tank which do you think has more time for your air tools. If you will use impact wrench compressor intermittently, a large tank is fine. Thus, if you need a continuous use, you will need a small tank with big enough motor and pump.

What happens when an air compressor is not suitable? Well as you operate the tool you will find the the performance of the tool gets worse with the drop off in air pressure.

Another consideration is ensuring that the power source is suitable for the compressor your interested in, will it run of a socket in the house or will it need a larger supply.

Different types of Air Compressors

There are various air compressor types. Here are the three most common:

  • Direct Drive Portable Compressors
  • Super Silent Portable Compressor
  • Belt Drive Portable Compressor

Direct Drive Portable Compressors

You will find that one of the more popular types of entry level compressors are the Direct Drive Portable models. Key features:

  • Generally the least expensive type of compressor
  • Used for smaller jobs such as air brushing, inflating tyres (checkout our article on inflating tyres) and spray painting with a gravity gun
  • Available in power ratings between 1.5 hp to 3 hp
  • Between 20 to 50 litre tanks
  • maximum of 10 CFM

Super Silent Portable Compressor

  • If you want a quieter compressor because you don’t want to annoy your neighbours or the compressor is going to be used in places such a dental practice then you may opt for a Super Silencer machine.
  • Quieter then direct drive compressor
  • Perfect for short jobs with small tools
  • limited power due to there size with between 1 hp to 1.5 hp
  • maximum of 4 CFM

Belt Drive Portable Compressor

  • Belt driven compressors are used in the main by tradesmen such as auto mechanics due to them being more suitable for heavier use such as air impact wrenches, spray guns and other workshop tools.
  • They will generally be more robust then direct drive compressors and tend to have a longer live due to operating at slower speeds.
  • Available power ratings between 2 and 4 hp.
  • large air tanks fro 50 upto 200 litres
  • Typical air delivery of between 8 and 14 CFM

If the motor and pump are powerful enough, you should not run out of air. You can save bucks by likely buying an air impact wrench compressor with a large tank and smaller motor for intermittent use. You will need a more heavy duty air compressor if you are running your air tool constantly.

Best Air Compressor for Impact Wrench (Size & CFM)

A pneumatic impact wrench requires a certain minimum size air compressor to work. But, how does one go about finding the right air compressor for his specific impact wrench? In this article, I’m going to try my best to help you get through this surprisingly complicated process by telling you what you need to know about air compressors for impact wrenches.

What size air compressor do you need for an impact gun?
Typically you need an air compressor with 4 to 5 CFM @90 PSI to run a 1/2 inch impact wrench. I would also recommend you to get a 20-gallon capacity compressor to avoid delay between tasks. You can refer the CFM chart at the end of this guide for other sizes.

Now let me explain why you need this minimum CFM and tank size.

How Much Air Pressure Does An Impact Wrench Need?

Air compressors are measured, at least in part, by how much air pressure (PSI) they produce and the flow of air (CFM). Even if you aren’t particularly familiar with air compressors, you can probably guess why air pressure is important. The more air pressure, the more powerful the tool. Likewise, the amount of air that flows is also important.

Recommended Compressor 🥇

DeWalt DXCMPA1982054

  • Air Flow: 5.7 CFM @ 90 psi
  • Air Pressure: 157psi max
  • Tank Capacity: 20-Gallon
  • See the Price

Before we go any further you need to understand the difference between air pressure and airflow units.

  • CFM (Cubic Feet per Minute): This is the mass of air flowing per minute.
  • PSI (Pounds per Square Inch): It is the unit that denotes the air pressure.

90 PSI is adequate pressure. For best results, increase it to 120 PSI or more.

So, this raises the question of exactly how much air pressure and CFM you need for your specific impact wrench. The answer to this question will depend largely on what size impact wrench you are using. The larger the impact wrench, the more air that you need. There isn’t any sort of guide that you can apply for all the air tools. So instead, I will go through the most common impact wrench sizes. and tell you roughly which air pressure is needed to operate each size.

1/4-inch Impact Wrench

For a 1/4-inch impact wrench, you don’t need a lot of air pressure. An air compressor that delivers around 1 to 1.5 CFM (which stands for cubic feet per minute, the standard measure for air pressure) will be more than sufficient for an impact wrench of this size. You could go for more air pressure of course, but it isn’t necessary.


For a 3/8-inch impact wrench, you need a bit more power. More specifically, you need roughly double the power. So, be on the lookout for an air compressor with a power rating of around 3 to 3.5 CFM. Could you go lower? Maybe. For example, I could see an air compressor of around 2. 5 CFM working out, but it would be cutting it close. If you are buying an air compressor specifically for your 3/8-inch impact wrench, I would definitely recommend shelling out the extra money to go for the 3 or 3.5 CFM air compressor.

Compressor for 1/2-inch Impact Wrench

If you are familiar with impact wrenches, then you know that 1/2-inch impact wrenches are probably the most common type of wrench. In terms of size, they are also directly in the middle of the size chart. So, it is important to find the right air compressor for this size wrench. Thankfully, you have a lot of options when it comes to air pressure. Anywhere from a 3.5 to a 5 CFM air compressor will be good for a 1/2-inch impact wrench. If I had to recommend a specific air pressure, I would say to play it safe and go for at least a 4 CFM air compressor.

On that note, I should also say that a 5 CFM air compressor would be my personal recommendation. It has a good balance of everything that you want in an air compressor.


Finally, I want to address the 1-inch impact wrenches. These are very uncommon and are typically only found on construction sites. Because of the size of these tools, you are going to need a very powerful air compressor to run them. I would say to look for an air compressor in the 9 to 10 CFM range. Obviously, that will be pricey, but if you are using a 1-inch impact wrench, then you are probably working in a setting where that kind of air compressor is needed often, so it is a good investment.

Tip If you are working with frozen and rusted fasteners that require high torque, consider a 2 stage air compressor. A regular single-stage compressor can get you up to 125psi pressure whereas a two-stage system can deliver up to 175psi which can remove even the most stubborn nuts.

What size air compressor do I need for impact wrench?

While air pressure is important, it isn’t the only way to evaluate an air compressor. You also have to consider the tank size of the air compressor as well.

Impact wrenches are intermittent tools. That means unlike sandblasters or die grinders, you won’t be using an impact gun continuously for a long period of time. This means you can operate an impact wrench with a good portable electric compressor although a small pancake type would only work for nail guns.

Air compressors come in various sizes that are measured in gallons. The larger an air compressor is, the more air it can hold, which translates to more time spent working, and less time spent filling up your air tank. In short, when it comes to air compressor tank size, the larger, the better.

27 gallons DeWalt Compressor: Click to See details.

In my opinion, the minimum air compressor for impact wrench is 6-gallon one with 4 CFM. Any lower than that, you will really struggle to use the tool. Remember that this is the minimum size. I strongly recommend you buy one with a tank capacity of 20-gallon or more.

In general, you are going to want to balance cost against capacity. Air compressor with larger tanks may let you work for longer without any interruptions, but they are also going to cost a lot more.

I generally don’t use my impact wrench for long periods of time, so I’m perfectly content with a middle-of-the-road 10-gallon tank. That gives me enough air to do what I need to, without costing too much or taking too long to refill. However, I could easily see someone who works in a commercial setting needing a larger tank. If you do something like professional construction work, I would definitely recommend investing in a larger 20-gallon tank, maybe even a 30-gallon tank.

Will A 3 Gallon Air Compressor Run An Impact Wrench?

The short answer is No.
One of the more common types of home air compressor out there is the 3-gallon air compressor. These are very inexpensive and are often marketed as “beginner” or “starter” air compressors. So, a lot of people have them, and you may be curious if it can run an impact wrench. The answer is likely not.

Most 3-gallon air compressors are extremely weak when it comes to air pressure. Air pressure varies greatly, but in my experience, a 3-gallon air compressor will have an air pressure of around 0.5 CFM. As I said earlier, even the smallest impact wrench takes around 1 to 1.5 CFM to run reliably, so it likely wouldn’t be a good investment on your part. But more importantly, a 3-gallon air compressor will not provide a sufficient amount of air for the impact wrench to work reliably. You will be tired of constantly waiting for the compressor to refill the air.

Can a 6-gallon air compressor run an impact wrench?

The answer is yes, but I wouldn’t recommend it. In my experience, the smallest size air compressor that you need to run an impact wrench is 6 gallon. With a 6 gallon compressor, you should be able to work for a couple of minutes before you run out of stored air.

For instance, if you are removing the lug nut using an impact wrench with 6-gallon compressor, you should be able to pull out one wheel and then wait for 2 to 3 minutes. For the home users who occasionally use the air impact wrench, this may not be a big deal. If that is you then go for it.

CFM Chart: Impact Wrench Air Consumption

Tool Size Air Consumption Pressure
1/4-inch Impact Wrench 2 CFM 90 PSI
3/8-inch Impact Wrench 3 CFM 90 PSI
1/2-Inch Impact Wrench 5 CFM 90-100 PSI
3/4-inch Impact Wrench 7 CFM 90-100
1-inch Impact Wrench 10 -16 CFM 90-125


  • Minimum Requirement: You will need a 3-4 CFM air compressor with 6-8 gallon tank.
  • Recommended: Get one with 5-8CFM and a tank capacity of 20-30 gallons.
  • Best: For professionals, you will get frustrated by the waiting time. If you are using multiple air tools I recommend you to get a 60 or 80-gallon vertical air compressor like this one from Powermate.


  • How Much Air Pressure Does An Impact Wrench Need?
    • 1/4-inch Impact Wrench
    • 3/8-inch
    • Compressor for 1/2-inch Impact Wrench
    • 1-inch
  • What size air compressor do I need for impact wrench?
    • Will A 3 Gallon Air Compressor Run An Impact Wrench?
    • Can a 6-gallon air compressor run an impact wrench?
  • CFM Chart: Impact Wrench Air Consumption
    • Conclusion:

Home » Air Tools

What pressure should be in bicycle tires, how many atmospheres a pressure gauge should show

  1. Why do you need to know information about tire pressure
  2. How is tire pressure measured
  3. Marking on bicycle tires
  • from the rubber surface and type of tire 900
  • based on rider weight
  • based on air temperature
  • based on type of bike
  • How to find the ideal pressure for your bike
  • When buying a bicycle for themselves, many do not even think about the fact that the convenience and comfort when riding it is achieved by properly selected tire pressure. The service life of the bicycle, the speed of riding, the degree of tire wear, safety, control of the two-wheeled friend depends on how the wheels are inflated.

    Why you need to know tire pressure information

    Many cyclists believe that inflating the tires is only necessary for a good bike ride. However, flat tires have a wider area of ​​contact with the road, which means that grip will be better, but it will be very difficult to accelerate to a speed of 30-35 km / h on such tires. nine0023

    When inflating your tires, you should always consider the type of terrain or surface you will be driving on. If the walk is supposed to be on an asphalt road, the tire pressure of the bicycle should be close to the maximum allowable value. Elastic wheels on a flat surface will provide a smooth rolling and high speed of movement.

    For cross-country riding with unpaved paths, it is better to set the tire pressure to medium tolerable, so that you can ride long distances in comfort and convenience. At high pressure, the grip of the wheel with the road will be minimal, respectively, all holes, pebbles, and bumps on the road will be sensitive. And with flat tires, the likelihood of damage to the wheel or puncture of the chamber increases. nine0023

    In order to protect yourself on the road, as well as to keep the bike or its individual parts intact, you need to know exactly the lower and upper limits of permissible values, to what pressure the bicycle wheels can be pumped.

    Information about tire pressure gives you an advantage when cycling:

    • an over-inflated wheel is prone to breaks or punctures against the rim, especially at high speed;
    • too little pressure can cause the tire to break through in the form of a "snake bite" when hitting even a small obstacle; nine0004
    • reduced pressure softens bumps in the road, improves damping properties;
    • pressure is normal at the lower limit, increases traction in off-road or rough terrain;
    • normal pressure at the upper limit, in conditions of an asphalt track, gives high speed, while saving the strength of the cyclist.

    What is tire pressure measured in

    Forget the old "grandfather" way to check the wheel with finger pressure. No need to rely on tactile sensations, trying to feel with your hand the degree of rubber penetration on the tire. The air leaves the wheel gradually, through the pores in the rubber. Within 2-3 weeks, the pressure decreases by 0.1-0.2 atmospheres, but you cannot determine this with your fingers. The exact value at any time will help determine the pressure gauge that every cyclist should have in his arsenal. With its help, it is simple, with a minimum error, the level of pressure in bicycle tires is measured. A pump with a pressure gauge (floor or manual) will become an indispensable tool for cyclists. nine0023

    There are three standard values ​​in which bicycle tire pressure is measured.

      • Bar (or atmosphere) / BAR
      • Kilopascals / kPa
      • Pound per square inch / PSI

    kPa = 14.504 PSI

    All these units are used to some extent - in different countries, by different manufacturers. For residents of Russia and the post-Soviet space, the change in bars is more familiar, since this unit is clearly associated with the pressure of the 1st Earth's atmosphere at ocean level. In America and Western Europe, a popular unit is PSI, as they actively use pounds and inches in measurements. Pascals are the least used unit of measurement, but the most modern. Some bicycle manufacturers write data on the wheels about the allowable pressures in all three systems. nine0023

    Marking on bicycle tires

    Manufacturers indicate on the sidewall of the tire how many atmospheres to pump the bicycle wheels. Specifies the range within which the owner of the "iron horse" determines the desired values, depending on the specific factors of riding his bike. Values ​​in the range are labeled from min to max, in two or all three dimensions. Numbers up to 10 are atmospheres (or BAR), tens-hundreds are PSI, and six-digit values ​​\u200b\u200band with the prefix “k” / kilo are Pascals. nine0023

    When inflating a tire, you must strictly follow the manufacturer's recommendations and try not to go beyond both the minimum and maximum pressure levels indicated on the tire. Moreover, it is better to leave a small margin of 0.2-0.5 BAR, both in one direction and in the other, so that the tire does not burst.

    Dependence of pressure indicators

    The pressure in the wheel is kept by the tire, not the tube, so there is no single standard for its value. There are several significant factors that determine how much you need to pump the wheels on a bicycle. nine0023

    Tire type and rubber surface

    Tire type is determined by the surface of the track that the cyclist will predominantly ride on. Accordingly, the level of inflation of the bicycle wheel will be different. There is a direct dependence on the roughness of the tread and the width of the wheel - the more lugs and the wider the wheel, the lower the pressure should be. Empirically, cyclists quickly determine how many atmospheres should be in the tires of their bicycle

    Air temperature

    Many cyclists do not think about the fact that air temperature affects the pressure level in bicycle tires. From the course of school physics, we recall that when heated, bodies expand. This means that in hot sunny weather, the pressure inside the air chamber will increase without additional pumping. Conversely, on cold winter days, a decrease in tire pressure is quickly felt due to low temperatures. So, when going for a bike ride in the cold season, the pressure indicators need to be adjusted a little higher than usual, and in the summer heat, let the air out a little. It is worth noting that when going on a bike ride, you should always take into account the weather conditions. nine0023

    Weight of the rider

    It is important to consider the load on the bike created by the weight of the rider, especially the fact that most of it is on the rear wheel. Therefore, the degree of its pumping should be slightly higher than the front, the optimal difference is 10%.

    To calculate the optimal tire pressure for a bicycle, given the weight of its rider, you can use the table:

    Rider weight (kg) Pressure (atmosphere) Pressure (PSI)

    Bicycle type

    The nature, riding style and type of bicycle also affect tire pressure. Buyers who prefer an active pastime often opt for mountain bikes with 26-inch wheels, which ride well both on city streets and in rough terrain.

    To understand to what pressure to inflate the wheels of a bicycle, it is necessary to take into account the features of both the bike itself and other, at first glance, weightless factors. For example, weaving threads on a tire, rim thickness, driving style. The likelihood of a tire coming off a wide rim is much less than a narrow rim, because a wider rim will hold the tire better than a thin one. Mountain biking already by its name suggests the presence of a difficult surface on the track, with possible obstacles and bumps. The driving style is more aggressive than on a smooth, calm trajectory, it obliges you to increase the tire pressure to a level slightly less than the upper limit. nine0023

    The diameter of the wheel will also affect the selection of the optimal pressure value, since the larger it is, the higher the volume of air pumped will be. However, for mountain bikes it is not so important whether the wheel diameter is 26 or 29 inches, it is much more necessary to pay attention to the parameters of the rider's weight and the type of track.

    How to find the ideal pressure for your bike

    There are no hard and fast rules about how much you need to inflate the wheels on your bike. There is common sense, experience, practice. Manufacturers can recommend certain values, but only the owner himself will determine exactly which road he will ride, in what weather conditions he will drive, take into account his weight parameters or not. The decision, what pressure in the wheels will be ideal, is sure to be found. nine0023

    The Best Cordless Impact Wrench of 2021

    With this useful tool, you don't have to use hand tools. You can completely replace them, mechanize the process and save time and effort. It will also help if the bolt is rusted or scrolls. The cordless impact wrench does not need to be plugged into an outlet, making it convenient and indispensable away from electricity.

    How to choose a cordless wrench

    Among the mass of models offered by manufacturers, there are both wrenches with decent technical characteristics, and frankly "disposable" products. Given that the tool must effectively perform its functions, while being reliable and fault-tolerant, its choice should be approached, focusing on the parameters below. nine0023

    Rotation speed

    The higher it is, the faster the work will be done. The shaft rotation speed for household models is 400-500 rpm, and for a professional tool this figure often exceeds 1500 rpm.

    Range of application

    This characteristic determines the size of the bits that the nut driver can work with. If we are talking about a household tool, a range of 10-12 nozzles with dimensions M12-M24 is optimal for it. To work with large fasteners, it is more efficient to use other types of tools, such as pneumatic ones. nine0023


    Another important characteristic of a wrench. Torque is the force with which the tool acts on the fastener. The higher it is, the more complex nuts and bolts a particular model can handle. For household options, the indicator, as a rule, does not exceed 600 Nm.

    Impact mechanism

    A distinction is made between impact and non-impact tools. The cost of the first is higher, but such a wrench tightens the fastener more easily and at the same time more reliably. The operation of the percussion mechanism is as follows: while the nut is being screwed without effort, it is affected by long impacts, and at the moment of tightening, the jerks increase in strength. Unstressed options when working with fasteners load the hands more heavily. nine0023


    This is a reverse shaft rotation function. Not every model is equipped with a reverse. If this function is not provided, the tool is used either only for tightening fasteners or for unscrewing, depending on the direction of rotation. This is worth considering.

    Body and ergonomics

    The body of the best models is made of metal, which gives the tool extra strength and durability. In addition, metal products better remove heat from work items. Often, a special reinforced plastic is used. In terms of strength, it is slightly inferior to metal, but with careful operation it is relevant because of its low weight. Working with heavy tools leads to hand fatigue. nine0023

    Before buying an impact wrench, consider how comfortable it is in your hand. You need to pay attention to the location of the controls, how easy it is to work with them. It is optimal if the handle of the tool is located in the center, from which the weight is distributed evenly, which means that the hand will get tired when working much less.


    Battery capacity is a parameter that, together with the power of the electric motor, determines the duration of continuous operation of the tool. For wrenches, removable nickel-cadmium or lithium-ion batteries are produced, the number of charge cycles of which reaches 1000. When choosing, it is also important to pay attention to whether there is a second battery in the kit. It will ensure continuous operation of the wrench: while the first is on the tool, the second is charging. Some manufacturers equip the removable battery pack with charge indicator lights. nine0023

    As for the charger, it must also be included, otherwise it will have to be purchased separately. The charging cord is made of a cable with a flexible and durable insulation, as there is a risk of damaging it inadvertently.

    Key features of the tool

    The modern construction industry produces many tools designed to ease the burden on a person engaged in a certain activity. It is known that a constant load on the same segments of the body not only develops them, but also gradually deforms them. In order to prevent the development of occupational diseases, the principles of ergonomics (more functional than the form with which it is most convenient to work with) and the maximum load, upon reaching which there will be the least harm to the hand, shoulder or fingers, are taken into account in the creation of tools. nine0023

    Before buying the right thing, a person analyzes his needs. The impact wrench is more powerful, it has an impact function, sometimes it is possible to set variable speeds and different types of connection. At the same time, if you purchase a screwdriver, it can be used to install drills, it weighs less and has additional functions. But he doesn’t have a shock moment, and you can’t work with large nuts with him. An amateur will buy a screwdriver-wrench, but a professional understands that with such combinations the work is not facilitated, but complicated, because none of the direct assignments is performed sufficiently. nine0023

    At home, it is easier to work with an electric tool, but a professional often has to deal with installation or construction where there is no electricity connection, so he prefers to buy a tool that is independent of the source of writing, which can be used where there is no electrical outlet. Threaded connections of hardware products, in the mode of twisting or unscrewing, are much easier to produce with a powerful and compact tool, the mobility of which is not limited by an electric wire. But this is not the only selection criterion. When purchasing a tool, they are not limited only to the sign that the wrench is cordless: which one is better decided by other characteristics, and a professional who constantly works with such tools usually has several requirements for them. nine0023

    The main selection factors are as follows:

    Torque (newton per meter) is the force that is in the tool to rotate the crankshaft. In a professional wrench, there are different variations of KM - from 100 to 2500. When choosing the right one, they are usually guided by the nature of the work, but anyone is in demand, so you need to focus only on your own needs. If you choose correctly, then with the help of electronic adjustment you can adjust to the desired operating mode, not limited to individual processes. nine0023

    1. Cartridge type is a purely individual indicator, but models with a special lock are preferred. At home, you can also use a cartridge without a fixing part (usually a ring or a ball with a spring), but for those who work in extreme conditions - at a height, when tilted, the latch plays an important role. It participates little in pricing, so when choosing a tool, it is better to take a model with a head mount, which allows you to vary the place and method of application. nine0004
    2. Revolutions - a moment that also requires individual accounting. There are nutrunners in the industrial range with flare from 800 to 9000 per minute. But if the wrench will be used for non-industrial purposes, it is better to choose something in between. Performance depends on this, and it may not be taken into account if the tool is used for personal needs.
    3. Speed ​​- Models available with step shifting and a set of four speeds. This is also worth paying attention to, but the pros and cons in this matter depend on how often and for what the tool will be used. Sometimes this complicates the work, especially if an amateur uses a wrench. nine0004
    4. The impact function is important for those who are permanently involved in demolition work. Its presence allows you to disassemble tightly stuck, old or rusty fasteners. It is not present in all models, and its presence affects the pricing of the manufacturer and retailer. For branded firms, this has recently been a mandatory attribute, but they are not cheap, and if cost matters, then you can simply look for a more affordable wrench that has this function

    The selection criteria invariably include the type of food. Nutrunners can be compressed air, and then a compressor is needed to work with them. In most cases, for home use, they prefer to buy an electric tool, tied to an outlet, but here you need to look carefully - it is designed for 220 V or 12 V. If it is finally decided that you need a battery-powered wrench, then its capacity is of great importance. On sale there are models with a battery from 2 to 5 A / h. The maximum duration of work depends on the capacity of the device. The more powerful the battery, the longer it provides autonomous power

    The standard rating of wrenches is divided into pneumatic and electric, but each of them has common components, its pros and cons. The same is true of the competition between screwdrivers and wrenches. Each tool has positive and negative properties, but preference is given to the one that best meets the existing needs and the exemplary nature of the intended work. Tips to buy a screwdriver-wrench are quite rare, although they sell well. They have their own circle of consumers who prefer two or even three categories in one, because they rarely use tools. nine0023

    Best Cordless Impact Wrench

    Impact Model AEG BSS 18 C 12 Z-0 with standard 1/2″ square type spindle ideal for furniture assembly, various metal car wheel parts. Work with replaceable bits is provided by an adapter of the HEX type. Clamping force is controlled by an integrated electronic speed control system. The power source is an 18 V battery with increased power. Due to this, the torque of the wrench reaches 360 Nm, which makes it easy to break stuck nuts and bolts. nine0023

    The operation is guaranteed by an impact mechanism delivering 3200 beats per minute. To illuminate the workspace, a bright LED is provided that consumes a minimum of battery power. Due to this, work can be carried out for a long time without light sources. Additional features include pulse mode and reverse.


    • Type - battery reversible impact wrench.
    • Number of add. speeds are not. nine0004
    • Revolutions - 2900 rpm.
    • Torque - 360 Nm.
    • Cartridge: size - 1/2″, type - square.
    • Length - 203 mm.
    • Weight - 2.3 kg.


    • Metal housing.
    • Start button retainer.
    • LED light.
    • Power, ease of use, build quality.


    • Insufficient quality of adapters.


    Necessary and useful tool. Of course, you can do without it when changing wheels, but those who do it on their own and regularly, I think, will agree that in the autumn or spring slush and dankness you want to finish the process of “changing shoes” as quickly as possible, and such a tool will just help to do this by reducing the process time by several times, and I’m not even talking about saving the forces spent when unscrewing the nuts manually. The build quality is excellent, the battery is large, the tool is powerful, if taken with additional accessories, versatility is added. Videos:

    On the product page, you can take a seller's coupon to reduce the price. That's all.
    All the best!

    Best Powerful Cordless Wrench

    Cordless impact tool Metabo SSW 18 LTX 600 with a brush type motor capable of delivering 600 Nm of torque, designed to work with hardware sizes up to M22 in difficult conditions. The gearbox housing is made of die-cast aluminum, which ensures not only the reliability of the mechanism itself, but also effective cooling. There is a function of reverse and electronic adjustment of the spindle speed. Illumination of the workspace allows you to operate the model in low light conditions. nine0023

    Power source - 18 V lithium-ion battery. For ease of use, the battery packs are equipped with charge level indicators. The manufacturer provides a three-year warranty on them. Batteries along with the charger will have to be purchased separately, as they are not included in the package.


    • Type - battery reversible impact wrench.
    • Number of add. speeds are not.
    • RPM - 1600 rpm. nine0004
    • Torque - 600 Nm.
    • Cartridge: size - 1/2″, type - square.
    • Weight - 3.1 kg.


    • Power.
    • Nice design.
    • Speed ​​controller, start button lock.
    • Ergonomic reverse switch.
    • Advanced protection.
    • Attached to the belt with a hook.


    • No charger or extra battery included. nine0023

      The high quality of the battery coupled with the functionality of the tool make the Ingersoll RAND W5350-K2 a virtually universal model. The tool comes in a handy carrying case along with a charger and a pair of batteries, making it easy to transport and work continuously.


      • Type - angle wrench reversible impact battery.
      • Number of add. speeds are not.
      • Turns - 1900 rpm
      • Torque - 180 Nm.
      • Cartridge: size - 1/2″, type - square.


      • Presence of electronic speed and reverse control.
      • Spare replacement battery included.
      • High power for this type of nutrunner.
      • Impact mechanism.


      • Cost.

      Features to Consider When Purchasing an Air Impact Wrench


      All of our models feature a pistol grip for control and comfort. For more comfort, choose an ergonomically shaped handle or a handle with soft shock-absorbing pads.


      Don't go after the most powerful wrench to avoid overpaying for power you don't really need. Buy a tool based on your needs.

      Noise level

      Since this type of tool is usually very noisy, ear protection is recommended when working with it. There are quieter models of pneumatic impact wrenches on the market, which can be useful if your garage is located in a residential area. nine0303

      Best Brushless Cordless Impact Wrench

      Compact Cordless Impact Wrench Hitachi WR14 DSL with a high performance and powerful brushless electric motor, delivers impressive power for its weight and size. The spindle speed at idle reaches 2600 rpm, and the speed is adjusted by pressing the Start button. The developers provide 2 working speeds. The main advantage of this wrench is complete autonomy. It is achieved through the use of a battery with a capacity of 1.5 to 4 Ah. nine0023

      Impact wrench Hitachi WR14 DSL is characterized not only by high power in a compact size, but also by the presence of an impact mechanism, which allows you to work with complex fasteners. The package includes a charger, an additional rechargeable battery and a handy case.


      • Type - battery reversible impact wrench.
      • Number of add. speeds - 1.
      • Revolutions - 2600 rpm.
      • Torque - 165 Nm.
      • Cartridge: size - 1/2″, type - square.
      • Length - 152 mm.
      • Weight - 1.5 kg.


      • Performance and power.
      • Includes case and optional replacement battery.


      • Not found.

      Reasons not to use an air impact wrench

      With more power comes more responsibility. The whole point of using an air impact wrench is to put a tremendous amount of power (in other words, torque) into your hand. nine0023

      While you can control the power level of this tool, and the best air impact wrenches boast relatively precise torque control, there is simply no way to guarantee that the output will be what you want.

      If you are tightening bolts that are part of fragile equipment or that cannot handle either high torque or a sudden increase in torque, then your best bet is to use a more sensitive tool such as a hand torque wrench. nine0023

      In addition to an impact mechanism capable of 3100 strokes per minute, the impact wrench is equipped with a reverse function with a convenient switch location. Power is supplied by a 10.8 V battery with a capacity of 2 Ah. The idle speed of the spindle reaches 2600 rpm. In the kit, in addition to the tool itself, there is a case with two inserts, a charger and 2 batteries to ensure trouble-free operation.


      • Type - battery reversible impact wrench.
      • Number of add. speeds are not.
      • RPM - 2600 rpm.
      • Torque - 105 Nm.
      • Chuck - for bits, type HEX.
      • Length - 137 mm.
      • Weight - 1 kg.


      • Compact size and light weight.
      • Power.
      • Illumination and reverse switch location.
      • Strength.
      • Charging the battery takes less than 1 hour. nine0004
      • Continuous operation on one charge.
      • Developed network of service centers.


      • The case has protruding parts and gets dirty easily.

      Complete accessories

      The following items are included in the kit:

      - jaw chuck, - socket with thread for screwing the chuck, - socket for standard bits and drills with hex shank:

      Thus, in principle, a wrench With the help of these attachments, you can turn it into a universal tool: a screwdriver or a drill. Naturally, realizing that this is, after all, first of all, an impulse wrench and the shurik made from it will have only two speeds, and the cam chuck, which allows you to use the tool as a drill, will then be quite difficult to unwind (again due to impulses that are transmitted to the cartridge, tighten it even more). BUT, such an extension of functionality may well help when there is no Shurik or drill at hand. Bits and drill bits with hex shank:

      Consisting of the drill bit itself, pin and rubber ring:

      It is for this pin that a hole is made in the socket of the wrench. We remove the rubber ring and the pin from the nozzle, put the nozzle on the wrench fitting, put the pin and return the ring:

      This allows the nozzle to be securely fixed:

      The system is similar with a cam chuck. Chuck holder:

      Chuck parameters:

      Key included:

      The best inexpensive cordless wrench

      Convenient and lightweight tool ZUBR ZGUA-12-Li KNU is great for solving everyday tasks, for example, minor repairs in the garage, furniture assembly. Despite a small moment of only 90 Nm, the presence of an impact mechanism allows you to work with stuck fasteners of varying complexity. Wrench spindle speeds up to 2,000 rpm with 3,000 strokes per minute

      The power source is a 12 V Li-ion battery with a capacity of 1.5 Ah, which is enough for continuous operation for 4 hours. The use of a new generation technology developed by ZUBR specialists eliminates the memory effect of the battery, increases the performance of the tool by 35%, and provides reliable protection against deep discharge, overheating and overloads.

      An electronic motor brake has been installed by the manufacturer to speed up series operation. The torque is transmitted to the spindle almost without loss due to the metal gearbox housing. The wrench comes with 2 batteries, a pulse charger and a case. nine0023


      • Type - battery reversible impact wrench.
      • Number of add. speeds are not.
      • Turns - 2000 rpm.
      • Torque - 90 Nm.
      • Chuck - for bits.
      • Weight - 1 kg.


      • Fast battery charging.
      • Ergonomic handle.
      • Includes case and optional replacement battery.
      • Electronic brake.
      • Illuminated. nine0004
      • Price.


      Q: What is an air impact wrench?

      Answer: The Pneumatic Impact Wrench is a compressed air powered mechanical end tool for screwing and unscrewing any type of fastener. What "shock" means will become clear from the answer to the next question.

      Q: How does an air impact wrench work? nine0249

      Answer: The pneumatic impact wrench doesn't just provide more power in terms of rotary motion (like an electric drill). Most of the torque is transmitted through the rotating masses inside the wrench.

      These masses release their energy in the form of impacts that pass through the bat into the bolt. This gives you more power to loosen or tighten bolts and nuts without hurting your hands.

      Q: What type of air compressor is required? nine0249

      Answer: To determine this, you need to know the recommended PSI and CFM values ​​for your air impact wrench. You will need a compressor that exceeds these values ​​by about 1.5 times.

      For example, if a wrench needs 5 CFM at 90 PSI, your compressor should deliver 7.5 CFM at 135 PSI.

      Question: What is PSI and CFM?

      Answer: PSI is the unit of measure for air pressure, pounds per square inch.

      Learn more