Hey guys,
Just stumbled across the forum. A lot of great stuff here!
Here's what I'm thinking. I just got an old Suzuki 4-wheeler frame. No engine. I've got a 5 HP B&S and I'm thinking about trying to mount it and create a modified quad/kart.
It's for my seven year old son, so I don't need it to be super fast but fast enough to make it worth the effort.
So I guess my questions for you guys are:
1) Do you think a 5HP is big enough for what I want to do? The frame, tires, etc. probably weigh a couple hundred pounds. My son weights 70 pounds.
2) The sprocket on the quad has around 46 teeth. Not sure if that's too big, too small or just right.
3) Should I use a centrifugal clutch or mount a sprocket right to the shaft?
4) Any way of rigging the existing kill switch on the quad to the motor?
Anything else you can thing of I should know or find out?
I'll keep looking around while I'm waiting for your help. Thanks in advance! I'm attaching a picture of the frame if that helps.
Depending upon your budget, a torque converter would be much more favorable in terms of performance if you want to keep its quad capabilities. A centrifugal clutch would be fine for your son but a torque converter will preform much better.
i agree, its more money, but that size quad wont do wheelies or burnout even with a TC.
so are you modding the frame for a seat?
glad its a B&S and not a clone like usual, lol.
oh and one more thing, welcome to the forums.
keep the pics coming!
You'll need a jackshaft for sure to reduce the gearing down. A 49t with those tires will be murder on a clutch. I'd be looking for a final drive of around 6:1 or 7:1 with those rear tires.
Also don't forget that a quad usually uses #428 chain.. usually pretty expensive and they dont make clutches with that pitch.. so your options are to run a #35 to a jackshaft that converts it to #428.
Looks like an old LT185 or 160.. i have a 185.. greatest quad i've ever owned.. very reliable and simple.
428 is only .02 inches off of 40 chain in one way.
It is a negligible difference that can be disregarded without issues. Just use 40 chain and parts for it, not 41 chain because it is much weaker.
Thanks guys!
Slideways - Yes, it is a Suzuki LT. It's a 125 though. I bought them as a matching set. One runs, the other didn't. The one that runs runs great. 25 years old and still starts on the first pull.
I've been doing some research on the jackshaft and torque converter. I kinda get the idea, but not sure I understand it 100%
Do I need both a jackshaft AND a torque converter or just one or the other?
If I use that setup, do I still need a centrifugal clutch?
Is there a thread that someone is familiar with that explains a jackshaft/torque converter or shows pictures?
Thanks again for all your help. I spent about two hours on here last night just checking out all of the info on here. Really cool website!
You would be better of and it would cost you a lot less to use a motorcycle engine. A 5 hp is to small you need a much larger engine, The clutch alone, will cost you the same as a bike engine.
You probably need to go with an engine that has a gearbox. You could find a semi-auto one to make things more simple for your son. You'll save money and see way better performance this way. A jackshaft and torque converter setup needs a whole lot of money and time to set up. (Not to say it isn't great in it's own way.)
Seven year old? Okay, let's not get too crazy and kill the kid! Use your Briggs engine with a torque convertor (if you can cover the cost) and use a throttle stop to limit his speed until he's got some experience. Unlike a centrifugal clutch, a torque convertor can run all day at reduced speed and not be damaged.
If a torque convertor is not within your budget, then get a centrifugal clutch, then set up a jackshaft as a means of compound gear reduction. As an example you could have a 10 tooth clutch connected by chain to a 20 tooth sprocket on the jackshaft. Also on the jackshaft you have a 10 tooth sprocket connected by chain to your axle sprocket, say, 46 teeth. This would give you an overall gear reduction ratio of 9.2:1.
Let's just suppose your rear tires measure (always measure, marked sizes are often quite off) 20" Diameter. Your Briggs tops out at 3600 RPM. Plug those numbers into the speed calc, and your estimated top speed is 23.28MPH. Plenty, for a 7-year-old, I'm sure. You'll likely want to gear a little lower than that, in fact. Use gearing to keep the top speed manageable, because centrifugal clutches will not tolerate being operated at lower speeds for long periods of time. If it's constantly slipping, it will burn out. Let the engine wind out, let the gearing limit top speed.
A jackshaft isn't any great voodoo to set up, and can be done for a reasonable cost if you shop carefully. You can buy kits, or source individual parts. You will need- A steel shaft of 5/8 or 3/4" (3/4" is better) that has been machined for accuracy, and has a keyway cut down it's length. Referred to generally as "keyed shafting". You will need two bearings that match the shaft size, and provide a mounting method, such as pillow block or flange mount bearings. You will also need two sprockets of appropriate tooth count and chain pitch, as mentioned above. You can get sprockets that have a 3/4" bore and a keyway, or you can do what I do. I buy sprockets with a special bore designed to be welded to a seperately purchased hub. All hubs fit all sprockets so you would buy a 20 tooth sprocket, a 3/4" hub, and weld the two together. No special jigging required. Fairly cheap, too. They average (around here) for about $4-5 each hub or sprocket. At any rate, it's not too expensive. Certainly cheaper than a torque convertor, but to be fair, a torque convertor is better. Some torque convertors require the driven half to be mounted to a seperate jackshaft, anyhow...
Toystory, thanks man! I really appreciate you taking the time to explain in such detail how a jackshaft works.
I decided to go with a 6.5 horse instead of a 5, so that's been ordered and I'm waiting for it to come in. I'll keep everyone posted and be sure to post pictures.
I'm sure I'll have a few more questions before it's over.
Thanks again guys.
You're welcome, and good luck!
Here's a picture with the motor sitting on it. I ordered a 6.5 horse from Tractor Supply.
I've got a question regarding gear ratios and jack shafts.
The rear sprocket on this thing is a 49t sprocket. If the purpose of a jack shaft is to reduce the gearing down, would I have the same result if I just eliminated the jack shaft and put on a smaller sprocket?
Does that make sense?
If that's acceptable, how do you know the ideal sprocket size? Is there an idea ratio? The rear tires are 20" if that helps. The front sprocket is 10T.
Let me know what you guys think. Thanks!
So you purchased a centrifugal clutch? Probably like 9-10:1. So motor 20 then other side if JS to rear. What size chain is the rear sprocket?
A common question we’re asked at SM Motorsports is if Go-Karts and ATVs are the same, or which would win in a race. The short answer is that when you compare Go-Karts to ATVs, they are not the same and there’s some pretty significant differences.
While various types of Go-Karts could easily be mistaken for ATVs (off-road go-karts, dune buggies, sand rails, etc.), Go-Karts are their own unique brand of motorsport vehicle. If you’re in the market to buy a Go-Kart, or to buy an ATV, the following guide will help you understand the difference between the two.
Suspension: None
Steering: Wheel
Wheels: 4
Drivetrain: 2WD
Type: Racing
Frame: Wide
Speed: Fast
Suspension: Yes
Steering: Wheel
Wheels: 4
Drivetrain: 2WD
Type: Off-Road
Frame: Wide
Speed: Medium
Suspension: Yes
Steering: Handlebars
Wheels: 4
Drivetrain: 2WD & 4WD
Type: Off-Road
Frame: Narrow
Speed: Medium
After taking a look at the chart above, the most obvious differences between Go-Karts and ATVs is the visual appearance. However, they share quite a few things in common. The main commonality between Go-Karts and ATVs is that they are each used almost exclusively for recreational use.
The similarities are even closer when you compare Off-Road Go-Karts to ATVs. Both of these vehicles are designed for off-road use. They are equipped with two large front wheels and two large rear wheels, which makes traversing just about any terrain possible…and fun! Furthermore, off-road go-karts and ATVs are typically equipped with larger engines, allowing the vehicle to tackle uneven, or difficult, terrain.
First, let’s point out the obvious. It is clear to see that there are almost zero similarities between a Racing Go-Kart and an ATV, outside of them both having four wheels. Racing Go-Karts are meant for use on asphalt, racing-type surfaces, whereas ATVs are intended for off-roading or dirt tracks. Additionally, racing go-karts feature a wide, low, frame to enhance maximum speed. Conversely, ATVs have a narrower body type, with a taller frame, helping them traverse uneven surfaces.
Other differences between racing go-karts and ATVs include their utility purpose. Racing Go-Karts are used for exactly what’s in their name: racing and going fast. The same can be said for ATVs: All Terrain Vehicles, ATVs are meant to be used off-road and can be used in a variety of industries, not just for recreational use.
Now you might asking, “What about Off-Road Go-Karts and ATVs? They’re pretty similar, right?” Well, sort of. The main difference between these two is that an ATV is more similar to a quadricycle. The rider sits above the engine as you sit on top of the vehicle. Where in an off-road Go-Kart, the engine is mounted in the back of the vehicle. As mentioned, while both off-road go-karts and ATVs have suspensions, go-karts typically are only available with a 2WD drivetrain, compared to the available 2WD or 4WD options available on an ATV.
While they are meant to climb mountainous terrains, an off-road go-kart has a wide frame and the steering is done via a steering wheel. The wide frame helps to lower the center of gravity of the go-kart and the steering wheel is comfortable to operate with low seating. ATVs on the other hand have a narrower frame and the steering is done via a handlebar, much like a bike or motorcycle.
As you can see, there are many technical differences between ATVs and Go-Karts. While racing go-karts share hardly any similarities with ATVs, off-road go-karts share a few. However, Off-Road Go-Karts and ATVs may be used for similar activities, but when it comes down to technical aspects, there is a clear difference.
With that in mind, you’re not ready to purchase the recreational vehicle of your dreams. Shop Go-Karts, ATVs for Sale, and ATV parts in our online store to keep your recreational vehicle in tip-top shape!
Light weight and solid power, combined with compact dimensions, allows this "lumberjack's dream" to be aggregated with an ice drill and a bicycle, a sawmill and a winch.
Interesting DIY chainsaw crafts can be made by anyone who confidently works with a welding machine, a grinder, and, if necessary, can also stand up to a lathe.
In this case, knowledge of the basics of design and drawing will be very useful, since the accuracy of all dimensions and the quality of assembly are the main conditions for the normal functioning of a unit powered by a chainsaw.
Without going into technical details, let's consider the options for the most interesting designs with its use.
DIY chainsaw options
The first thing that comes to mind when you think about what you can do with a chainsaw is its use as a sawmill. Many developers had to dissolve logs on a beam with this tool.
In this case, the log lies motionless and is carefully sawn along the entire length without wobbles and oblique seams. If you equip such a mobile carriage with four lifting screws, then you can accurately set the thickness of the sawn timber.
A light homemade snowmobile made from a chainsaw is more complicated than a sawmill, because here you need to take out gas, clutch on the steering wheel, and also take care of the shock-absorbing suspension of the carrier frame.
To increase traction, a “traction” gear is placed on the drive shaft of the caterpillar, the diameter of which is larger than the size of the chainsaw drive sprocket.
The steering mechanism is usually not a problem, since it is taken from a conventional bicycle or scooter and modified so that the central axis moves the links that turn the skis. The engine power of a snowmobile must be at least 5 horsepower, so it is better to use a Ural chainsaw for this purpose.
The winter line of self-made vehicles will be supplemented by snowmobiles
from a chainsaw, which are structurally simpler than a snowmobile. They are driven by a large diameter propeller that directly rotates the gasoline engine.
The same should be known to those home inventors who would like to make a backpack-type helicopter out of a chainsaw. Such a machine will require not one, but at least two engines operating in a coordinated mode.
This vehicle is most often made for the sake of principle, and not for practical use. The main driving force of its creator is the desire to test his strength as a mechanic and prove to others the original use of this cutting tool.
The basis for the design is usually the old grandfather's Druzhba chainsaw and no less ancient bicycle, with which you can carry out any experiments on altering the frame for mounting the drive.
The transmission of power here is carried out through a gear pair by means of a bicycle chain, and the start of such a homemade product is reminiscent of preparing for cutting firewood.
Less common are more advanced models, the basis for which is a mountain bike, equipped with reliable brakes and shock absorbers. Such a moped from a chainsaw is equipped with a gearbox with a gear ratio of 18: 1 and a variable speed transmission, which allows you to comfortably ride it at the speed of a conventional bicycle.
This use of a chainsaw is quite simple, since the task here is to transfer torque from the saw motor to the propeller. A homemade outboard motor does not need to install a transmission. For it, you will need to make a reliable adapter on the lathe from the drive gear of the saw to the propeller shaft. The screw can be used from a standard outboard motor.
It is difficult to make a full-fledged walk-behind tractor from a chainsaw due to a lack of power and traction. But a light motor cultivator based on it was able to build many home craftsmen.
The design of such a machine is very simple: the motor rotates a pair of gears and transmits increased traction to one drive wheel.
The chainsaw motor doesn't care what to turn - the cutting chain or the auger mechanism of the snow blower. Here everything depends only on the design abilities of the creator and his ingenuity.
Using a Stihl chainsaw with a power of about 3 kW, you can easily build a good tool for clearing the area from loose snow. To simplify the design, some craftsmen refuse to install wheels using conventional sled skids.
A chainsaw takes to the skies
The most daring inventors have long been eyeing the possibility of using a chainsaw as an engine for an aircraft. However, the “strength” of this tool for the development of airspace is not enough. Therefore, no one has yet succeeded in making a backpack helicopter out of one chainsaw.
This device is useful not only when building a fence or foundation from screw piles, but also during winter fishing, when you have to drill dozens of holes in thick ice.
A motorized winch is a very useful accessory, because with its help you can not only easily pull out a stuck car, but also lift a heavy load, pull a boat ashore or move a sawn tree.
Every parent wants to give their child as much as possible, especially what was a blue dream for them. The main childhood memory from the post-Soviet past for most current parents is cars from an amusement park. Therefore, parents dream of buying a children's car, motorcycle or ATV almost from the very birth of a child.
It is worth approaching such a purchase responsibly, because its cost is slightly higher than the average price of ordinary toys. In addition, I want the child to like it and serve for a long time. To begin with, we note that all children's cars are divided into battery and gasoline. Parents often prefer the first option due to greater noiselessness and environmental friendliness. However, modern gasoline models are not inferior in these respects to electric counterparts. In addition, they have indisputable advantages - their operating time is not limited and there is no binding to places equipped with an outlet.
Now it's time to decide between a motorcycle, a car and an ATV. Children's gasoline cars are expensive, motorcycles are more difficult to drive. The best option for novice drivers would be a children's gasoline ATV.
Technical characteristics of children's ATVs are very diverse and primarily depend on the age of the potential owner. So, for the category of children from 3 to 8 years old, a low-power ATV of 50 cubic meters is ideal.
The dimensions and weight of the children's ATV are perfectly balanced and depend on the age of the child. The power of an ATV is determined by the engine: there are less powerful two-stroke engines and more powerful four-stroke ones. ATVs with the latest engine type are best left for older kids. The number of functions is closely related to the type of engine. Usually ATVs for young children are limited to the necessary set of actions due to their low speed.
When choosing a good ATV, attention must be paid to the details: the frame must be strong and well painted so that rust will not destroy it. The color of the main parts should be uniform. Small details must also be done with high quality - bolts and nuts are tightly tightened, wires are well attached to the body, hidden and insulated. After all, the safety of your child depends on the quality of the assembly.
It's easy to please your child - buy him a high-quality petrol ATV - a gift that will be relevant for a single year!
Dear visitors of the site “Visiting Samodelkin”, from the material presented by the author you will learn how you can independently make a mini-bike three-wheeled with an engine from a Ural chainsaw with a minimum of funds , so let's go)
This tricycle mini-bike is the brainchild of one very good person and his name is Gaynetdin Bulatov from the city of Pyt-Yakh, you can just Gennady. The author made a tricycle specifically for his beloved grandchildren, Gennady has three of them)
See also: KrAZ-250: specifications, operation manual, load capacity, CCGT, wiring diagram, owner reviews, clutch adjustment, transfer case
in the garage because he uses modern saws. For a mini-moped, such an engine is well suited and there is enough power to roll a child.
Frame welded from a half-inch water pipe, wheels from a garden wheelbarrow, axles from the same place, a small drive sprocket from D-6, a large driven sprocket from a bicycle, the chain is also bicycle. The throttle and brake cables are mounted on a bicycle handlebar. The rear axle is mounted through bearings at three points and is driven by the transfer of torque from the engine through a chain drive from a small to a large sprocket.
The wings are also homemade and made of metal from an iron barrel. There is a small glove compartment under the seat where you can store and transport wrenches and a chainsaw starter.
So, let's look at what exactly the author needed to assemble a tricycle mini-bike?
1. engine from a Ural chainsaw 2. wheels from a garden wheelbarrow 3. bearings 3 pcs 4. sprocket from D-6 5. bicycle chain 6. half-inch pipe 7. cable 2 pcs 8. bicycle handlebar 9. rear axle on 2 wheels 10. paint 11. big bicycle sprocket 12. foam rubber 13. leatherette 14. plywood (for seating) 15. bolts, nuts, washers, engraver
1. welding machine 2. grinder (angle grinder) 3. drill 4. set of wrenches 5. screwdriver 6. tape measure 7. airbrush 8. marker 9. hammer 10. corner
do-it-yourself Ural chainsaws.
As mentioned above, Gainetdin created this mini-bike for his grandchildren to instill in them a love for motorcycles from an early age, a three-wheeled moped is very convenient in terms of stability, like a bicycle in principle, and the child quickly gets used to riding such a bike . It is clear that children love their grandfather very much for his invention and enjoy riding in the courtyard of the house (under the supervision of adults, of course)
To start the assembly, the author purchased 3 wheels from a garden wheelbarrow at a reasonable price.
Gainetdin Bulatov, creator of the tricycle mini-bike from the city of Pyt-Yakh.
As you can see, in order to make your children and grandchildren happy, it is not necessary to buy expensive imported toys with which he will play, break and throw away, but such a bike will give happiness and joy to a little boy and respect among his peers and not only) Well done Gainetdin. Golden Hands
That's it. Thank you all for your attention! Come visit more often and do not miss the news in the world of homemade products!
ATV for a child on a battery will undoubtedly be a great gift, while being environmentally friendly . If you want to please your child with such a present, you have two options. The first is to buy a ready-made ATV. The second option is more complicated, but for those who are “friends” with technology, it will bring a lot of pleasure. As you probably understood, we mean self-assembly of a children's ATV. We will talk about how to make an ATV for a child with our own hands in this material.
If you are a creative person, then you will probably have your own ideas for creating an original model of a children's ATV. If this is “tense”, you can borrow non-standard ideas from the Internet. The main thing is that you will enjoy the process and save on buying an expensive toy, because a do-it-yourself electric ATV will cost you much cheaper than a ready-made one.
Light weight and solid power, combined with compact dimensions, allows this "lumberjack's dream" to be aggregated with an ice drill and a bicycle, a sawmill and a winch.
Interesting DIY chainsaw crafts can be made by anyone who confidently works with a welding machine, grinder, and, if necessary, can get up to a lathe.
In this case, knowledge of the basics of design and drawing will be very useful, since the accuracy of all dimensions and build quality are the main conditions for the normal functioning of the unit, driven by a chainsaw.
Without going into technical details, let's consider the options for the most interesting designs with its use.
DIY chainsaw options
The first thing that comes to mind when you think about what you can do with a chainsaw is its use as a sawmill. Many developers had to dissolve logs on a beam with this tool.
The log in this case lies motionless and is carefully sawn along the entire length without wobbles and oblique seams. If you equip such a mobile carriage with four lifting screws, then you can accurately set the thickness of the sawn timber.
A light home-made snowmobile made from a chainsaw is more complicated than a sawmill, since here you need to take out gas, clutch on the steering wheel, and also take care of the shock-absorbing suspension of the supporting frame.
ATV is a vehicle equipped with four wheels. The main manufacturers of mini cars are: Yamaha, Polaris, BRP, CF Moto. Utility quadrics are used as an all-terrain vehicle, and stunt models are used for fast driving. Categories differ from each other in technical characteristics, which is taken into account when you need to assemble an ATV with your own hands.
At first glance, a moped and a saw are absolutely incompatible things that cannot interact in any way. But this is erroneous and numerous craftsmen have proven that it is quite possible to make a moped from a chainsaw. But it’s not enough to do this, this unit also drives and also transports its owner. The speed, of course, is not very high, but it's still better than walking. You can take a bicycle as the basis for the design or do everything completely on your own. The bike motor impresses with its endurance, but this is what everyone expects from time-tested saws.
The older generation is familiar with self-propelled structures in the form of a bicycle with a motor. This technique is difficult to attribute to mopeds, but they no longer fall into the category of bicycles. Sort of a middle ground. A significant advantage of such a unit is low fuel consumption and the ability to drive without a license. You can’t ride it on public roads, but you can move along rural streets and lanes.
The most optimal gasoline saws for rework are Druzhba, Ural, Calm and similar models with a large power reserve. It is this parameter that you should pay attention to when converting a bicycle into a moped. Some German chainsaws with high power lend themselves very well to alteration. The device should be selected with a power of at least 2 hp. and an engine capacity of not more than 50 cm3. Bicycle motors from such units are the most durable.
In order to make a motorbike, it is not necessary to have a special technical education, but it is desirable to understand diagrams and drawings, as well as have the skills to repair garden equipment. The skills to work with a welding machine will not be superfluous.
In order to assemble the design of a motorbike, you will need the following materials:
But the question here is price. If you want to save money and use unnecessary parts lying around in the barn, you will have to try on your own.
Homemade ATVs are equipped with front or rear suspension. It is easier to mount a ready-made front suspension from an old motorcycle. You can use other options:
To prevent the ATV from rolling over while riding, it is recommended that the front suspension strut be tilted. Shock absorbers fit from Izh. If there is a financial opportunity, it is better to install gas-oil shock absorbers with pumping. They provide suspension adjustment based on the road surface.
An ATV steering system is similar to that of a car. A steering wheel or motorcycle handlebar is installed. Some experts advise combining 2 types:
You can make your own steering shaft. For this, a pipe with a diameter of 20 mm and a wall thickness of 3 mm is used. At the bottom of the part, you will need to install a travel stop.
The first thing to pay attention to is the design of the frame, which is made from a pipe and on which the power unit will subsequently be placed. Then the tank, headlight and wheels are installed. If you are using old parts, then they must first be cleaned of rust. This is especially true for seams. After the initial stage is over, the frame is covered with several layers of paint. Be sure to dry each layer thoroughly to avoid corrosion. As a recommendation, it is best to use spray paint so that there are no smudges. You can paint not only the frame, but also the wheels, having previously sealed the rims with masking tape.
After all the parts are dry, you can start installing the chainsaw engine. Make sure the motor is well installed and secured. Without a cooling system, such a bike motor will overheat after 30 minutes of operation, so it is advisable to make a water cooling system. Homemade fixture looks like this. 2 flexible tubes are connected to the plastic bottle. One is attached at the top for air to enter, the other at the bottom and through it, using a drip system, water enters the engine cylinder head. It turns out uncomplicated home-made drip irrigation and effective cooling.
Fenders can be fitted as additional comfort for the driver, as dirt and water clods can get on the engine. The resulting unit is capable of speeds up to 60 km / h.
Below is an approximate drawing that can be used to convert a bicycle into a moped.
The motor is dismantled from a sports or ordinary motorcycle, scooter, car. Auto mechanics advise using a four-stroke engine with a capacity of more than 15 hp. With. The power units of scooters differ from other analogues in low fuel consumption. A scooter-based ATV weighs little, so it quickly pulls out when it gets stuck in sand or mud.
To carry cargo or drive off-road, a stronger motor is installed:
Three-cylinder engine for heavy loads. To drive in hot weather, a motor with a cooling system is used. On older motorcycles, it is not provided. In such units, it will be necessary to modify the cooling system.
Today's gardeners are increasingly experimenting with the petrol tools they have at their disposal. Mainly, a household chainsaw is used for this. Very often, its engine becomes the basis for making simple, but very useful homemade products for self-assembly. For example, from a suitable motor from a chainsaw, you can make a bicycle, a moped, a go-kart, a scooter and a host of other means of transportation.
Homemade chainsaw mopeds will be useful for moving over rough terrain. They are also often used for movement in urban areas, where a lot of traffic accumulates. The small dimensions of mopeds allow them to easily overcome traffic jams and pass small obstacles.
Before you make a moped out of a bicycle and a chainsaw, you need to carefully prepare for work.
Assembly required:
Assembling a moped from a chainsaw should be done in this order:
To be able to control the motor, a homemade moped can be equipped with a throttle. For this, a part from a mountain bike is suitable. You need to remove the latch from the handle - this will give it the ability to move smoothly in any direction. After that, the standard cable will need to be connected to the factory throttle valve.
At the final stage, a chainsaw moped will need to be equipped with a motor. To do this, you need to free up space in the rear of the frame, immediately behind the driver's seat. To make the installation of the engine faster, you will need to remove the fender of the bike.
The most commonly used scheme is as follows: first, a prepared drive shaft is installed, after which a tire is used instead of the driven shaft. This drive is distinguished by its efficiency and simplicity. For its manufacture, you do not need to use a large number of elements. When moving a homemade moped, the friction shaft used will transmit force from the motor. In order to prevent losses in ICE power, the standard shaft diameter must be at least 2.5 cm.
To mount the motor behind the seat, a metal stand needs to be welded on. The engine itself should be as low as possible so that the moped is more stable when moving. You can securely fix the internal combustion engine on the stand in any way possible - by welding, clamps or bolts.
To assemble a kart from a chainsaw, you will need to prepare a number of elements.
These include:
Making a kart from a household chainsaw is inexpensive.
The assembly procedure for this vehicle is as follows:
To ensure the transfer of torque from the motor to the drive wheels, it is best to use a belt or chain. To do this, pulleys or sprockets should be installed on the drive wheels. In order to reduce noise during operation, the kart must be equipped with a silencer. To do this, you can take a ready-made regular muffler from a chainsaw, or weld a new element.
The main advantage of a homemade ATV is the ease and simplicity of the device. To assemble it, you do not need to buy expensive mechanisms, because it can be made from existing equipment.
The procedure for making an ATV from a chainsaw is as follows:
Homemade ATV will need to be tested. To do this, you first need to ride it over rough terrain with a small number of obstacles. If the car is working properly, then you can go on a trip on a strong off-road.
Scooter is another vehicle that you can make from a chainsaw with your own hands. It stands out for its modest dimensions and low weight, but can only be used for driving on a flat road.
Assemble the scooter in the following order: